![]() Reference Site Map |
001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc.), Contests,
002 Books See also 028 Books and reading, (One Book Projects), (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists), (eBooks), (e-Books)
004 Computers, Computer literacy, Computer systems
004.03 Computer science - Dictionaries, (Computer terms), (Computer jargon), (Computers - Jargon), (Computers - Dictionaries)
004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW)
Internet - General information
Affiliate Programs
Anti-Virus, Antivirus
Colors, Color charts
Domain name
Free E-mail or Free email
Free Internet Access
Free/Low Cost Web hosting or Free/Low Cost Web sites
Free Web storage space
Internet Safety
Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Internet Statistics
Popup stoppers, Ad blockers, Kill ads
Search engines
Tools for Webmasters
Win awards
005.13 Programming languages (Computers), Web designs, Java, Javascript, Perl, (Regular expressions)
005.7 HTML
025.4 Dewey Decimal Classification, Classification - Books, Library of Congress Classification
025.5 Reference services (Virtual libraries), Information services (Include general reference resources on the Web), (Useful URLs), (Best Web sites).
(See Quick Click to Search Engines for Search Engines and Directories).
027 Libraries, (Online catalogs)
027.071 Libraries - Canada
027.073 Libraries - United States
027.0973 Archives - United States, (Public records - Preservation)
027.8 School libraries, Elementary school libraries, High school libraries, (Secondary school libraries), (Junior high school libraries), (Children's libraries), (Libraries and students)
028 Books and reading, (One Book Projects), (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists), (eBooks), (e-Books)
030 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, (Glossaries), Almanacs, World records, (Records of achievement), Curiosities and wonders, (Wonders of the World)
031.2 Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc., (How to), (Learn to), (Tutorials)
050 Periodicals, (Magazines), (Journals)
060.4 Parliamentary practice, (Rules of order)
069 Museums
070 Newspapers, World news and newspapers, Canada - Newspapers, Canadian newspapers, (Canada - News)
United States - Newspapers, American newspapers, (U.S. - News)
070.1 Television broadcasting of news, (TV news)
070.4 News agencies, Journalism, Broadcast journalism, (Commercial Journalism), (News broadcasting), (Wire agencies), (News services), (Radio journalism), (Radio news), (Television journalism), (Television news)
070.5 Publishers and publishing, Publishers' standard book numbers, International Standard Book Numbers, (I.S.B.N.), (ISBN), International Standard Serial Numbers, (I.S.S.N.), (ISSN)
090 Rare books, (Antiquarian books), (Book rarities), (Early printed books)
133.5 Astrology, Horoscopes, Zodiac
142 Existentialism, (Philosophers, Modern)
150 Psychology
152.14 Optical illusions, (Psychophysiology)
152.4 Attitude (Psychology), Emotions, Prejudices, (Prejudice), (Discrimination)
153.1 Memory, Psychology of Learning, (Thought and thinking), (Intellect), (Mind), (Understanding)
153.93 Intelligence tests, (IQ tests)
155.2 Personality, Body image, Self-esteem, Self-acceptance, Self-perception, Self-confidence, Self-consciousness, Self-realization
158 Happiness
174 Bioethics, Medical ethics, (Biological ethics), (Biology - Ethics), (Biomedical ethics), (Life sciences ethics), (Moral issues)
179.7 Euthanasia, Right to die, Suicide
181 Chinese philosophy, Hindu philosophy
200 Religions
200.92 Saints, Religious biography, (Martyrs), (Patron saints), (Christian saints), (Bible - Biography), (Biblical characters)
220 Bible
221.44 Dead Sea scrolls
230 Christianity
231.7 Creationism, (Christianity and evolution)
232 Jesus Christ
282 Catholic Church
285.834 United Church of Christ
289.3 Mormons, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
289.7 Mennonites
291.1 Mythology
291.3 Religious art and symbolism
292.1 Classical mythology, (Greek mythology), (Roman mythology)
294.3 Buddhism, Zen Buddhism
294.5 Hinduism, Hare Krishnas
296 Judaism, (Jews - Religion), (Jewish religion), Jewish literature
297 Islam
299 Shinto, (Shintoism)
299.21 Wicca, Paganism, Neopaganism, Freedom of religion, (Witchcraft)
299.5128 I Ching, (Yi jing)
299.936 Scientology
301 Anthropology, (Cultural anthropology), (Social anthropology), (Archaeology), (Linguistics), (Ethnology), (Ethnography), (Indigenous peoples)
301.45 Afro-Americans - Segregation - Southern States - History, (Jim Crow Laws), Southern States - History - 1865-1951, Southern States - Race relations, (Race discrimination - United States)
302.2 Signs and symbols, Communication
302.23 Mass media, (Mass communication), (Media), (TV), (Magazines), (Radio), (Newspapers)
302.3 Bullying, Bullying - Prevention, Bullies
303.3 Public opinion polls, Quality of life, Social values, Values, (Best employers)
303.6 Terrorism, Terrorists - Biography
304.6 Population, Birthrate, Mortality, Vital statistics, Human fertility, (Marriage statistics)
305.23 Children, Children and adults, Child development, (Child rearing), (Child abuse), (Child welfare), (Teenagers), (Teenage pregnancy)
305.26 Aging, Retirement, (Senior citizens), (Seniors), (Aged), Elderly, Gerontology, Old age, (Older adults)
305.4 Women, Women - Identity, (Women - History), (Women - Social Conditions), (Women's movement)
305.5 Poverty
305.892 Arabs
305.896 Blacks, African Americans, (Afro-Americans), (Blacks - United States), (Black History Month), Blacks - Canada, Blacks - Great Britain
306.81 Marriage
306.85 Family
307.76 City life, Cities and towns, Urban sociology, (City and town life), (Town life), (Urban life)
310 Statistics
314.1 Great Britain - Census, United Kingdom - Census, Great Britain - Statistics, United Kindgom - Statistics, (Scotland - Census), (Northern Ireland - Census)
317.1 Canada - Census, Canada - Statistics
317.3 United States - Census, United States - Statistics
320.1 Political science, Political ethics
322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)
323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)
323.3 Women's rights
323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)
323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)
324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)
324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)
325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration
326 Underground railroad, Slavery, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)
327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament)
330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)
331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)
331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor), (Child labour)
331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)
331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance
332.024 Personal finance, Estate planning, Saving and thrift, (Financial planning, Personal), (Finance, Personal), (Budgets, Personal)
332.1 Banks and banking, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
332.10971 Banks and banking - Canada
332.10973 Banks and banking - United States
332.4 Money, Coinage, Mints, Paper money, Gold, Inflation (Finance), (Currency), (Standard of value), (Legal tender), Exchange, Foreign exchange, (Exchange rates)
332.63 Stocks, (Stock market), (Stock quotes), Bonds, Mutual funds, Securities, (Investments), (Foreign investments)
332.64 Stock exchange, (Securities exchange)
332.7 Credit cards, Debt, Loans, Mortgages, Consumer credit
332.8 Interest (Economics), Interest rates, (Prime rates)
333.33 Real estate business, Houses - Buying and selling, (Home buying), (Home purchase), (Real property), (Realty), (Apartments), (Rentals)
336.2 Taxation, (Income tax), (IRS), (CRA), (CCRA), (Tax returns) (Taxes)
336.3 Public debts, (Government debts), (National debts)
338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Venture capital), (Technological innovations), (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)
338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)
338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)
338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)
338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)
338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)
340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms)
Governments: (See countries, e.g.: 971 Canada, 973 USA)
341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations
345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)
345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation
346.0434 Landlord and Tenant
346.4 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberlaw), Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)
347.053 Class actions
349.71 Law - Canada
349.73 Law - United States
349.94 Law - Australia
352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada
352.230973 Presidents - United States
353.8 School boards, (Boards of education) - See 371.2 Schools - Administration
355 Military readiness
358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare), (Anthrax)
361.3 Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)
361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)
361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)
361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions)
362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States
362.2 Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)
362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction)
362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped
362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)
362.8297 Missing children
363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety)
363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)
363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)
363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)
363.2 Police, Law enforcement
363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences
363.28 Secret Service
363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)
363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)
363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)
363.738 Acid rain
363.739 Pollution, Air pollution - Measurement, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)
364 Crime
364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Cyber crime), (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)
364.16 Fraud, False personation, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Identity theft), (Con artists), (Con game)
364.6 Capital punishment, (Death penalty), (Executions), (Hanging)
368 Insurance
Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)
370 Education
370.19 Foreign study, Foreign students, (College students), (Overseas study), (Study abroad)
371 Schools (K-12), (K12), (Education), (Homework)
371.04 Home schooling, (Home-based education), (Home education), (Home instruction), (Home teaching by parents), (Homeschooling)
371.102 Teaching, (Art of teaching), (Methods of teaching)
371.12 (Teacher qualifications), (Professional qualifications of teachers), (Certification of teachers)
371.2 Schools - Administration, (School management and organization), (Acceptable use policy - AUP)
371.26 Educational tests and measurements, Examinations, Intelligence tests, Psychological tests, Ability - Testing, (Tests), (Achievement tests), (Objective tests), (Educational measurements), (Intelligence testing), (Mental tests), (IQ tests), (I.Q. tests)
371.3 Teaching - Aids and devices, Teaching machines, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instruction, (Instructional materials), (Teaching materials), (Lesson plans)
See also WebQuests - Web-based lesson plans (Internet activities for educational purposes)
371.3028 Homework, Study skills, (Art of learning), (Method of study), (Study strategies)
371.39 Tutors and tutoring, Independent study, (Tutorial), (Tutorials), (Learning), (Education at home), (Home instruction), (Courses of study)
371.42 Vocational guidance, (Vocational education), (Career education)
371.7 Safety education, School violence, (Student violence), (School vandalism), (Violence in schools), (Accidents - Prevention)
372 Elementary schools
372.1 Babysitting
373 High schools
374 Discussion groups, Voice chat
377.2 Character, Moral education, (Character education)
378 Colleges and universities
378.13 Alumni and alumnae - Directories
378.3 Scholarships, Student aid, Student loan funds, (Bursaries), (Fellowships), (Scholarship funds), (Student financial assistance), (Grants)
379.158 School standards and accreditation, (Educational standards), (Academic standards)
For 380.1 Markets or 381 Telemarketing See:
658.8 Marketing, Market research, Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores
380.106 Chambers of commerce, (Boards of trade)
381.13 Franchises (Retail trade)
382 International economic relations, International trade, (International organization), (International cooperation), (World economics), (Economic planning), (Social policy), (Globalization)
383 Postal service, Postal code, Zip code, Postage stamps, (Mail service), (Post office), Postcards
384 Electronic mail systems (E-mail or email addresses), Telephone (Telephone directories), Video telephone, Chat dictionaries, Data transmission systems, Telecommunication
384.54 Radio stations, Radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Amateur radio stations, (Ham radio stations), (High-frequency radio), (Citizens band radio), (MP3 radio)
384.55 Television, (TV), (T.V.), Television broadcasting, Television stations, (TV stations), Public television, Television and youth, Television and children, (Educational television)
387.155 Lighthouses
387.5 Merchant marine, (Sailors), (Seamen)
387.7 Airlines
388.4 City traffic, Traffic engineering, Local transit, (Street traffic), (Urban traffic), (Highway transportation)
391 Costume, Fashion, Clothing and dress
391.413 Shoes, (Footwear), (Boots)
391.6 Perfumes, Tattooing
392.1 Female circumcision
392.5 Weddings, Marriage customs and rites, (Bridal customs), (Honeymoon)
393 Funeral rites and ceremonies, Death - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
394.2 Birthdays
394.25 Carnival
394.26 Holidays, Festivals, (Christian holidays), (Religious holidays), (Chinese New Year), (Valentine's Day), (Easter), (Halloween), (Veterans' Day), (Thanksgiving Day)
394.268 Christmas, Christmas customs, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, (Santa Claus), (St. Nicholas), (St. Nick), (Xmas)
395 Etiquette
398 Folklore, (Folk lore), (Folk tales), (Traditions)
398.2 Fables, Fairy tales, Legends, Urban legends (Hoaxes)
398.22 Arthurian romances, Grail, (King Arthur), (Holy Grail), (Arthur, King - Romances), (Knights of the Round Table)
398.24 Mythical animals, Animals - Folklore, Dragons, (Monsters)
398.8 Nursery rhymes
403 Encyclopedias and dictionaries
411 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Alphabet, Hieroglyphics, Picture writing, Writing, (Emoticons), (Smileys), (Online shorthand), (Computer jargon), (Chat acronyms), (E-mail shorthand), (Writing systems)
418 Modern languages - Conversations and phrases, Translating and interpreting, (Translation), (Translations), (Machine translating), (Mechanical translating)
419 Sign language, Deaf - Means of communication, Signs and symbols, (Nonverbal communication), (Language and languages)
420.7 English as a second language, (ESL), (English as a foreign language), (EFL), (English for foreigners)
421 English language - Spelling
422 English language - Etymology, (English language - History)
423 English language - Dictionaries, (Dictionary), English language - Synonyms and antonyms, (Synonym), (Antonym), (Thesaurus), (Thesauri), English language - Homonyms, (Homonym), English language - Terms and phrases
425 English language - Grammar, (English grammar)
427 English language - Slang
428 English language - Errors
430 German language
439.7 Swedish language
439.8 Danish language, Norwegian language
460 Spanish language
469 Portuguese language
491.55 Persian language
495.1 Chinese language
495.6 Japanese language
500 General science, Science museums
500.2 Physical sciences
502.8 Microscopes
503 Science - Encyclopedias, Science - Dictionaries
507 Science - Experiments, (Scientific experiments)
507.8 Science projects, (Science fair projects), (School science projects), (Science exhibition projects)
508 Natural history
509.2 Scientists, (Astronomers), (Biologists), (Chemists), (Geologists), (Mathematicians), (Naturalists), (Physicists)
510 Mathematics
510.28 Calculators
510.7808 Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file)
513 Roman numerals, Writing of numerals
513.028 Abacus
520 Astronomy
523 Solar system, Asteroids, Planets, Stars, Sun, Meteorites, (Moon)
525 Earth
527 Latitude, Longitude, Nautical astronomy
529 Time, Days, Night, Week, Months, Calendars, Chronology
530 Physics
530.8 Measurement, Weights and measures, Metric system, Volume (Cubic content), (Cubic measurement), (Conversions)
535 Optics, Light
538.768 Auroras, (Aurora borealis), (Northern lights)
539.7 Radioactivity, Atomic theory, (Radioactive substances), (Radiation)
540 Chemistry, Chemicals
540.1 Alchemy, (Hermetic art and philosophy), (Transmutation of metals), (Philosophers' stone)
546 Chemical elements
551.21 Volcanoes, (Eruptions)
551.22 Earthquakes, (Seismography), (Seismology)
551.46 Ocean, Oceanography, (Oceans), (Sea)
551.47 Tsunamis, Ocean waves, (Earthquake sea waves), (Seismic sea waves), (Tidal waves, Seismic)
551.5 Meteorology
551.55 Hurricanes, Cyclones, Storms, Tornadoes, Typhoons, (Winds), (Twisters)
551.56 Lightning
551.6 Weather, Weather forecasting
553.8 Diamonds, Precious stones, (Gemstones), (Jewels)
560 Fossils, Prehistoric animals, Extinct animals, (Paleontology)
567.9 Dinosaurs, Fossil reptiles
570 Biology, Life sciences
572.8 Genetic code, Gene mapping, Recombinant DNA, (Genome mapping), (Genetics), (Genetic disorders)
574.5 Endangered species, (Rare animals), (Wildlife conservation)
574.87 Cells, DNA, Protoplasm, (D.N.A.), (Deoxyribonucleic acid), (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
576.8 Evolution, (Darwinism), (Origin of species), Mutation (Biology), Natural selection
579 Microbiology
580 Plants, Botany
581.1 Photosynthesis
582.13 Flowers, (Roses)
582.16 Trees
590 Animals
590.73 Zoos
595.7 Insects
595.78 Butterflies, Moths
597 Fishes, Sharks, Rays (Fish)
597.8 Amphibians, Frogs, (Toads)
597.9 Reptiles, (Turtles), (Lizards), (Alligators), (Crocodiles), (Snakes)
598.9 Birds of prey, Eagles
599.9 Anthropology, Human origins, (Hominids), (Origin of man), (Human paleontology), Physical anthropology, (Biological anthropology)
600 Technology
608 Inventions, Inventors, Patents
610 Medicine, Alternative medicine, (Herbal Medicine)
610.3 Medicine - Dictionaries, (Medical dictionaries)
610.6 Doctors without Borders (Association), Médecins sans frontières (Association), (MSF)
610.69 Physicians, (Doctors), (Medical profession), Surgeons, Women physicians
610.73 Nursing, (Nurses), (Registered Nurses), Nurse practitioners
611 Human anatomy
611.36 Liver
612 Human body
612.1 Blood, Blood groups, Blood pressure, Blood - Circulation, (Blood Transfusion)
612.8 Pain
612.82 Brain
613 Health, Hygiene, Preventive medicine, Children - Health and hygiene, Health counseling, (Children - Diseases)
613.2 Nutrition, Diet, Weight loss, Vitamins, Vegetarianism, Food - Cholesterol content, (Calories), (Carbohydrates), (Proteins), (Dietary fiber)
613.7 Exercise, Aerobics, Physical education, Physical fitness, Weight lifting
613.85 Smoking, Smoking cessation programs, Tobacco habit, (Addiction to nicotine), (Quit smoking), (How to stop smoking), (Smoke ending programs)
615 Drugs, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical chemistry, (Pharmaceuticals), (Drugs - Chemistry), (Prescription drugs)
615.8 Acupuncture
615.85154 Music therapy
616 Diseases, (Illness), (Sickness), (Skin - Diseases)
616.02 First aid
616.2 Cold (Disease), (Common cold), Influenza, (Flu)
616.6 Infertility, Human fertility, (Fertilization in vitro), (Childlessness), (Infertile couples)
616.8 Brain - Diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Cerebral palsy, Stroke, Mad Cow Disease
616.83 Tourette syndrome
616.85 Phobias, Neuroses, (Anxiety), (Fear)
616.9 Communicable diseases, (Black death), (Bubonic plague), Ebola, Plague, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), West Nile virus
616.97 AIDS (Disease)
616.99 Cancer
617 Surgery
617.7 Vision, Vision disorders, Color blindness, Eyeglasses, Contact lenses
618.2 Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Childbirth
618.92 Children - Diseases, (Childhood diseases), (Medicine, Pediatric), (Pediatrics)
620 Nanotechnology
620.8 Human engineering, (Ergonomics), (Biomechanics)
621.48 Nuclear energy, Nuclear engineering, Nuclear power plants
621.8 Cranes, derricks, etc., Hoisting machinery, Elevators, Escalators, (Lifts)
622 Coal mines and mining, Gold mines and mining, Mining engineering, (Mines and mineral resources)
623.8 Ships, Shipbuilding, Steamboats, (Cruise ships), (Ocean Travel)
623.88 Signals and signaling, (Maritime signal flags), (Semaphore flags)
624 Bridges, Civil engineering, (Suspension bridges), (Viaducts)
629.133 Airplanes, Airships, Balloons, (Aeroplanes), (Aircraft)
629.222 Automobiles, (Motor cars), (Passenger vehicles)
629.227 Bicycles See also 796.6 Bicycle racing, Bicycle touring
629.28 Automobile driver education, Automobile drivers, (Driver education), (Car driver education), Automobile parts, Automobiles - Fuel consumption, (Gas prices, Gasoline prices), Automobiles - Maintenance and repair, (Car maintenance), (Car repair)
629.454 Moon - Exploration, Space flight to the moon, (Luna expeditions), (Astronauts)
630 Agriculture, Agricultural engineering, Farms, (Farmers), (Farming), Farm life, Farm management, Farm produce, Family farms
633.1 Grain, (Rice), (Wheat), (Corn), (Barley)
634.9 Forest fires
635 Gardens, Gardening, Vegetable gardening, Organic gardening, Horticulture
635.9 Lawns, Turf management, Turfgrasses, Golf courses - Maintenance
636.088 Pets, Snakes as Pets, Pets - Names
636.7 Dogs, Dogs - Breeding, Dogs - Care, Dogs - Psychology, Dogs - Training, Guide dogs, (Puppies)
638 Bees, Beekeeping, Beehives, (Apiculture), (Bee hives), (Bee culture), (Bee housing)
640 Home economics, (Household management), (Household efficiency), (Home organization), (Home management)
640.73 Consumers, Consumer
education, Shopping, (Buyers' guides), (Consumers' guides), (Shoppers' guides), (Purchasing)
641 Food
641.3 Herbs, Spices, Cookery (Herbs)
641.5 Cooking, Outdoor cooking, (Recipes), Microwave cooking, (Food preparation), (Cook books), (Cookbooks), (Cookery), (Barbecue cooking)
641.8 Tea, Coffee, Beverages
643 Electric household appliances, Electric apparatus and appliances
646.7 Cosmetics, (Makeup)
648 Cleaning, Bleaching, (House cleaning), (Stain removal)
648.7 Molds (Fungi) - Control
649 Parenting, Child care, Child rearing, Children and adults, Children's allowances
650 Business
658.3 Wages, (Salaries), (Compensation), (Income)
658.5 Shopping centers and malls
658.8 Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores
659.1 Advertising, Advertising - Newspapers, (Advertising layout and typography), (Advertisement copy), (Advertising, Pictorial), (Radio advertising), (Magazine advertising), (Television advertising), (Newspaper advertising)
660.6 Biotechnology, Cloning, Genetic Engineering
662.1 Fireworks, (Pyrotechnics)
686.2 Typography, (Type design), (Typefaces), Type and type founding, Printing, Printing - Specimens, Typesetting, Linotype, Lithography, Offset printing
700 Art, Art encyclopedias and dictionaries
707 Art - Study and teaching, (Art - Analysis, interpretation, appreciation), (Art education), (Art schools)
708 Art collections, Art museums, (Art galleries)
709 Art - History, American art, Canadian art
709.02 Renaissance art
709.2 Artists, American artists, Canadian artists
720 Architecture
728.8 Palaces - Great Britain
730.92 Sculptors
736 Origami, (Japanese paper folding)
736.2 Gems, (Gemstones), (Jewels), (Birthstones), (Precious stones), (Jewelry)
741.5 Cartoons and caricatures, Comic books, strips, etc., Superhero comic books, strips, etc., (Comic strips), (Funnies), (Humorous pictures), (Comics)
741.6 Clip art, (Clipart), (Cliparts), (Graphics), Illustration of books, (Images), (Pictures), (Photos), (Photographs), Greeting cards, Christmas cards, (Birthday cards), Postcards, (Post cards), Posters, (Movie Posters), Commercial Art, (Advertising art), (Animation), (Banners), (Buttons), (Drawing), (Icons)
745.6 Alphabets, Calligraphy, Initials, Lettering, Monograms, (Ornamental alphabets), (Decorative arts)
746.434 Crocheting
746.46 Quilts - Design, Quilting, (Patchwork quilts), (Quilt designing)
750 Painting, (Oil painting), (Paintings)
751.42 Watercolor painting, (Water colors)
757 Portraits
759 Artists, Painters, Group of Seven (Group of artists)
760 Pictures, Graphic Arts
769 Prints, (Japanese prints)
769.56 Stamp collecting, (Philately), (Postage stamps - Collectors and collecting)
770 Photography, Artistic photography
774 Holography, (Laser photography), (Holograms)
778.5 Cinematography, (Digital video), (Video recording)
779 Photojournalism, (Photo journalism), (Journalistic photography), (News photography)
780 Music, (Classical music), Musicians, Composers, (New consonant music), (Postmodern classical music), Grammy Awards
780.9 Music - History and criticism
781 Music - Theory
781.64 Popular music
781.65 Jazz music
782.1 Musicals, (Musical plays), (Musical films)
782.27 Hymns, Hymnals, (Gospel music), (Church music), Spirituals (Songs)
782.42 Songs, (Lyrics), (Karaoke), (Popular songs), Children's songs, Folk songs, (Folksongs), National songs, (National anthems), Lullabies, (Cradle songs), War songs, (Battle songs), (Soldiers' songs)
784.19 Musical instruments
786.7 MIDI, MP3, WAV, Music clips, Sound clips, Computer music, Electronic music
787.87 Guitars, Guitar music
790 Games, Games - Rules, Recreation, Amusements, (Hobbies), (Collectors and collecting)
791.43 Motion pictures, (Movies), Films, Academy Awards, (Cinema), (Cinemas), (Movie theaters), (Drive-in theaters)
791.45 Television movies, TV talk shows, (TV movies), (TV shows), Television programs, (TV programs), Interviewing on television, Television serials, Soap operas, Emmy Awards
792 Theater, (Musicals), (Opera), (Operetta)
792.8 Dance, Ballet, Modern dance
793.2 Parties, Children's parties, Showers (Parties), (Bridal showers), (Baby
showers), (Invitations)
793.3 Square dancing, Folk dancing, Ballroom dancing, Belly dancing, Break dancing, Tap dancing, (Country western dancing), (Line dancing), (Round dancing)
793.7 Jokes
793.73 Crossword puzzles, Puzzles, (Trivia), Picture puzzles, (Jigsaw puzzles), Mathematical recreations, Questions and answers, Word games
793.8 Magic tricks, Ventriloquism
794.1 Chess
796 Sports (Baseball, Basketball, Football, Golf, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis), Sports - Rules, Outdoor recreation
796.2 Roller skating, In-line skating, (Inline skating), (Rollerblading)
796.352 Golf
796.357 Baseball
796.48 Olympic games, (Olympics)
796.5 Outdoor life, Wilderness survival, (Hiking), (Walking), (Backpacking), (Mountaineering)
796.54 Camping, Camps, Campgrounds, (Camp grounds), (Summer camps), Tents
796.6 Bicycle racing, Bicycle touring See also 629.227 Bicycles
796.7 Automobile racing, (Automobiles - Racing), (Car racing)
796.962 Hockey
797.1 Sailing, Boats and boating, Yachts and yachting, Boat racing
797.2 Swimming, Diving, Marathon swimming, Synchronized swimming
797.56 Skydiving
798.4 Horse racing, (Horseracing), (Thoroughbred), (Horsemanship)
799.1 Fishing
800 Literature, (English literature), (American literature), (Literature - Study guides)
807.9 Literary prizes, Nobel Prizes, Pulitzer Prize, (Book awards), (Book prizes), (Literary awards)
808 Authorship, (Writing), Creative Writing, Books - Reviews, (Book reviews), (Literature - Evaluation)
808.1 Rhyme, Rhythm, Poetics, Versification, English language - Rhyme, (Rhyming words)
808.2 Drama
808.5 Speeches, Public speaking, Toasts, After dinner speeches, Lectures and lecturing, (Presentations)
808.8 Children's literature, (Children's books)
808.88 Quotations, (Sayings), (Proverbs) (Maxims), (Quotable quotes), (Wise sayings), (Adages)
809 Literature - History and criticism, (Literary criticism), (Evaluation of literature), (Books - Appraisal), (Criticism and interpretation)
809.1 Poetry, American poetry, Canadian poetry, English poetry, Love poetry, Children's poetry, Humorous poetry, Religious poetry, War poetry, Poets, (Verse), (Poems)
810 American literature
813 Fiction, (Novels), American fiction, Short stories, Animals - Fiction, Mystery fiction, Adventure fiction, Fantasy fiction, Ghost stories, Historical fiction, Science fiction, War stories, (Crime stories), (Detective and mystery stories), (Murder mysteries), (Suspense novels), (Whodunits)
815 Speeches, American speeches, (American orations), (Speeches, addresses, etc.)
820 English literature
822.3 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
900 History
902 Historical chronology, (History - Chronology), (Dates, Historical), (Timeline), (Timelines)
909 World history, World politics
909.07 Crusades, (Church history - 600-1500, Middle Ages)
909.08 Modern history
909.09 Medieval civilization, (Medieval history), Middle Ages - History
910 Geography, Travel
910.3 Gazetteers
911 Historical atlases, (Historical maps), (Historical geography - Maps)
912 Maps, Atlases
912.73 United States - Maps (includes topographical maps)
917.1 Canada - Description, National parks and reserves - Canada, (Canada - Travel)
917.3 United States - Description, National parks and reserves - United States, (United States - Travel)
920 Biography, Athletes, Celebrities, (Famous people), Millionaires, (Billionaires)
920.071 Canada - Biography
920.073 United States - Biography
929 Genealogy, (Ancestry), (Descent), (Family histories), (Family trees)
929.4 Names, Personal names, Pseudonyms, Nicknames, (Baby names), (Proper names), (Christian names), (Family names), (Forenames), (Surnames), (Fictitious names), (Pen names), (Anonyms)
929.6 Heraldry, (Coats of Arms), (Coat of Arms), Tartans, (Scottish tartans)
929.9 Flags, National emblems, State emblems - For National songs, see National Anthems
930 Ancient history, Ancient civilization
930.1 Archeology, Archaeology
932 Egypt - Antiquities, (Ancient Egypt), (Egyptology)
937 Rome, (Roman Empire)
940.2 Renaissance, (Early modern period)
940.3 World War I, 1914-1918
940.53 World War II, 1939-1945, Jewish holocaust (1933-1945)
941 Great Britain, Great Britain - History, (British history), (British empire), (England - Social life and customs), (United Kingdom)
941.081 Great Britain - History - Victoria, 1837-1901, Great Britain - History - 1800-1899 (19th century)
941.084 Great Britain - History - 1936-1945
941.092 Great Britain - Kings and rulers, (Queens), (Princes and princesses), (Royalty), (Monarchs), (Sovereigns), (Diana, Princess of Wales)
943 Germany
950 Asia
951 China
951.93 North Korea
952 Japan
954 India
955 Iran
956.94 Israel
956 Arab countries
958.1 Afghanistan
960 Africa
965.04 Israel-Arab conflicts, Jewish-Arab relations, (Arab-Israeli conflicts), (Palestinian-Israeli conflicts)
966 West Africa - Social life and customs
970.004 Indians of North America, (North American Indians), Inuit - Canada
971 Canada, Canada - Civilization, Canada - History, (War memorials - Canada)
971.004 Indians of North America - Canada, Native peoples - Canada, Métis, (Metis)
971.3 Ontario
973 United States, United States - History - Chronology, United States - Politics and government, Americana, United States - Civilization, (American history), (American government), (American politics), (United States - Government), (United States - Time Capsule)
990 Pacific rim, Islands of the Pacific, (Pacific Ocean Islands)
994 Australia