A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

A Virtual Library of Useful URLs
Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

800 Literature

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800 Literature, (English literature), (American literature), (Literature - Study guides)
807.9 Literary prizes, Nobel Prizes, Pulitzer Prize, (Book awards), (Book prizes), (Literary awards)
808 Authorship, (Writing), Creative Writing, Books - Reviews, (Book reviews), (Literature - Evaluation)
808.1 Rhyme, Rhythm, Poetics, Versification, English language - Rhyme, (Rhyming words)
808.2 Drama
808.5 Speeches, Public speaking, Toasts, After dinner speeches, Lectures and lecturing, (Presentations)
808.8 Children's literature, (Children's books)
808.88 Quotations, (Sayings), (Proverbs) (Maxims), (Quotable quotes), (Wise sayings), (Adages)
809 Literature - History and criticism, (Literary criticism), (Evaluation of literature), (Books - Appraisal), (Criticism and interpretation)
809.1 Poetry, American poetry, Canadian poetry, English poetry, Love poetry, Children's poetry, Humorous poetry, Religious poetry, War poetry, Poets, (Verse), (Poems)
810 American literature
813 Fiction, (Novels), American fiction, Short stories, Animals - Fiction, Mystery fiction, Adventure fiction, Fantasy fiction, Ghost stories, Historical fiction, Science fiction, War stories, (Crime stories), (Detective and mystery stories), (Murder mysteries), (Suspense novels), (Whodunits)
815 Speeches, American speeches, (American orations), (Speeches, addresses, etc.)
820 English literature
822.3 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
823 English fiction

800 Literature, (English literature), (American literature), (Literature - Study guides)

All Available Authors on ClassicReader.com. Available Titles on ClassicReader.com. Complete etext or ebook. All of the books in the Classic Reader collection are the full unabridged versions and are in the public domain (expired copyright), so they may be used in any way you wish. See Frequent Asked Questions.

BookRags. Free booknotes online. Over 150 literature study guides covering chapter summaries, character and objects, topic tracking, author biography, plot summary, and important quotes. E-Books provide complete e-texts for over 1,500 novels online for free.

Books from BBC. All about Books: The Big Read, Book News, By Genre, By Author, Book Club, Dickens, Poetry, and more. Includes brief author biographies.

Center for the Liberal Arts. English Language and Literatures. Aims to assist K-12 teachers. Covers British and American literature and world classics. Links to Literature resources organized by Genre (Poetry, Fiction, Drama), by Period (Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Renaissance, and 17th Century; Restoration and 18th Century; Romantics, Victorians, and 19th Century), and by Nationality (18th and 19th Century American, 20th Century British and American).

Course Materials, Including Study Guides to Various Works. H. G. Wells (War of the Worlds), Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid's Tale), Salman Rushdie (The Satanic Verses), Goethe (Faust), and many more.

CyberGuides - supplementary, standards-based, web-delivered units of instruction centered on core works of literature. CyberGuides: Grades K-3, CyberGuides: Grades 4-5, CyberGuides: Grades 6-8, and CyberGuides: Grades 9-12.

DailyLit: Read books by email and RSS. Browse by Title, Author, Category. Find the book you want to read and DailyLit will send you the book in installments via e-mail. Currently over 400 classic public domain titles are available to be read in their entirety for free. Popular titles include "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. Readers can choose how often and at what time they want the e-mails sent to them. Books can be read any place that a reader receives e-mail.

English Guide from High School Ace. Contents: Spelling Words, Vocabulary Words, Grammar & Writing, Research, Poetry, Literature, Literature Guides, and Famous Authors: Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe and William Shakespeare.

FreeBooknotes.com. Free summaries and analysis for over 250 literary classics from a number of study guide sites, e.g. Barron's Book Notes, MonkeyNotes, CampusNut.com Book Summaries, BookRags.com Book Notes, SparkNotes, and Novel Guide. (Pop-up ads).

Literature Network. Author Index (Biographies of Authors with portraits, plus works in full text online), Shakespeare, The Bible, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, and Forums.

Literature Study Guides. Novels and plays include: Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Beloved by Toni Morrison, A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Novelguide.com. Free source for literary analysis. Contents for each novel study guide include: Novel Summary, Character Profiles, Metaphor Analysis, Theme Analysis, Top Ten Quotes, plus Biography of Author. Search from long list of novels by title or by author. Authors include: Alcott, Austen, Brontë, Carroll, Chaucer, Conrad, Dickens, Dostoyevsky, Dumas, Eliot, Fitzgerald, Golding, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Huxley, Knowles, Machiavelli, Marlowe, Miller, Orwell, Plato, Salinger, Shakespeare, Sophocles, Steinbeck, Stevenson, Stowe, Tolstoy, Volatire, and others. (Pop-up ads).

PinkMonkey.com Digital Library. Online access to 1,800 literary classics, full text in PDF format or read online. Select a Title from A-Z. Classic titles include: Agamemnon, Ben-Hur: A Tale of Christ, Beowulf, plus special sections of Digital Library: Titles by William Shakespeare, and Most Popular Titles. (Pop-up ads).

Read Print - Online Books. Select an author from the A-Z list to read biography and literature of each author. See also Literature Articles.

Schmoop.com. Literature: Summary, notes, guides, and analysis of themes and characters for English Literature homework.

SparkNotes.com. Literature study guides. Index of long list of classics including novels, plays, etc. by Title and by Author. Study guides written by over 100 students and recent graduates from Harvard.

Today in Literature. A calendar of engaging stories about the great books, writers, and events in literary history. Biographical information on selected writers from three categories: Classic, International and Poets. See also Alphabetical Index of Authors.

University of Toronto English Library (UTEL). Contents include: Author Index of many well known American and British Literary Authors, Major Works of Literature: Non-fiction Prose, Poetry, Prose Fiction. Not all works are available to the public, some are restricted to current U of T students, staff and faculty.

807.9 Literary prizes, Nobel Prizes, Pulitzer Prize, (Book awards), (Book prizes), (Literary awards)

The Booklist Center. The Web's Largest Collection of Book Lists, covering 346 Book Lists in 82 Categories. Search titles from A-Z, or by category. Includes Book awards, Recommended books, and more.

CBC Literary Awards Competition is the only literary competition that celebrates original, unpublished works, in Canada?s two official languages. Three categories: short story, poetry, and creative nonfiction. $60,000 of prize money courtesy of the Canada Council for the Arts. See also Governor General's Literary Awards.

The Pulitzer Prizes. History, archive, plus photos, editorial cartoons, music clips and full text of all winning articles from 1917 on.

808 Authorship, (Writing), Creative Writing, Books - Reviews, (Book reviews), (Literature - Evaluation)

100 Useful Web Tools for Writers. Annotated links selected by Laura Milligan.

Aging Mother - A touching article written in Chinese by a student returning home after many years of absence studying abroad. English translation appears after the original Chinese version.

AuthorsOnTheWeb.com. Site is filled with author-related events and Web links. Features include: Author Roundtables, Author of the Month (Bio, Fast Facts, Trivia, etc.), Author Bibliographies, Coming Attractions, News, Contests, Message Boards, Newsletter, and more.

Blogging for a Good Book. Read a new review every day, Monday through Friday. The staff of the Williamsburg Regional Library in Virginia bring you short reviews of books, movies, and more!

Book Page: America's Book Review. Book reviews and author interviews. Read current reviews of popular titles from BookPage online.

Bookreporter.com. Recent reviews plus Past Reviews in A-Z order by title of book.

Children's Literature - Electronic Journals and Book Reviews. Links to Internet resources related to Books for Children and Young Adults, from University of Calgary.

Danny Yee's Book Reviews. Over 700 book reviews of fiction and non-fiction books. Search books by title, reviews by a particular author, or books in particular genres and subject areas.

Education Book Reviews. From Michigan State University Libraries. New reviews (monthly), Reviews by title, Reviews by author, Reviews by subject, and Reviews by publisher.

GlobeandMail.com - Books. Read book reviews, author interviews and news from The Globe and Mail, a Toronto Newspaper. Site also includes Awards, Forums, and Events. List of Hardcover Bestsellers. Paperback Bestsellers.

H-Net Reviews. From Michigan State University. An online scholarly book review source in the Humanities and Social Sciences covering Book Reviews (from 1993 to present) and Multimedia Reviews.

Meet the Writers from Barnes & Noble. Browse Writers A-Z. Some interviews include sound clips.

The New York Review of Books. Online archives of The New York Review of Books. A searchable index of the magazine's contents from 1963 to the present. Site provides free access to several hundred articles from the Review in full text, including the current issue as well as articles from years past.

New York Times - Books. Over 15,000 book reviews since 1996.

Reader's Robot: Reviews that reveal the appeal. Some 5,578 books in 21 genres.

Thoroughbred Times Fiction Contest. The Fiction Contest was created in 1993 to encourage and recognize outstanding fiction written about the Thoroughbred industry. The next THOROUGHBRED TIMES Fiction Contest will be in 2008, with the deadline for submission on December 31, 2007. First prize: $800, Second prize: $400, Third prize: $250. Read winning stories for 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1993. Check out also the Castleton Lyons / Thoroughbred Times Book Award - Castleton Lyons, a leading Thoroughbred breeding farm, and Thoroughbred Times, a leading Thoroughbred industry publishing company, have joined forces to establish an annual award of $10,000 for the year?s best book on Thoroughbreds.

Writers Manual. Tips, techniques, resources, articles, job postings, and more to help induce, improve, and promote your writing career. Site includes full article listing.

Writers Write Book Reviews. Categorized under subjects: Children's Books, Computers, Fantasy / Science Fiction, Mystery, Nonfiction, and Writing.

Writing.Com. Online community for writers and readers of all ages and interests.

Writing-World.com: A World of Writing Tips - for Writers Around the World. Site offers over 250 articles on various aspects of writing (fiction, nonfiction, freelancing, greeting cards, international, etc.), 500 links to other resources, market information, contest listings, plus a free biweekly newsletter. Check out essay contests, writing competitions at Writing Contests.

Yahoo! Reviews. Two listings of online book review sites: one by popularity, the other in alphabetical order.

808.1 Rhyme, Rhythm, Poetics, Versification, English language - Rhyme, (Rhyming words)

Craft of Poetry by Dr. Vince Gotera, University of Northern Iowa. Site provides descriptions and examples of different Types of Poetry: Blank Verse, Couplet, Tercet, Quatrain, Sonnet, Villanelle, and Sestina, as well as Elements: Line and Meter, Rhyme and Music, Imagery, Form, Tradition, Repetition, and Style.

FREE Online Rhyming Dictionary from WriteExpress.

Rebus Rhymes. Mother Goose Rebus Rhymes from Enchanted Learning. Rebus Rhymes is designed for children who are learning how to read. Site includes Paint A Rhyme Online and Mother Goose Rhymes Printouts to Color and Read.

RhymeZone Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus. Type in a word to find its rhymes, synonyms, antonyms, definitions, homophones, Search for pictures, Search in Shakespeare, Search for quotations, and more.

Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus from Poetry.com. Type in a word to find its rhymes, synonyms, and more.

Rhyming Words. Student Activity Center. Play a simple rhyming word game (K-Gr2).

WriteExpress Online Rhyming Dictionary for poetry and song writing. Type a word and find words that rhyme with it. You can search rhyming words by end rhymes, by last syllable rhymes, by double rhymes, by beginning rhymes, or by first syllable rhymes. Includes links to other poetry and song writing sites.

808.2 Drama

Drama Study Guides from SparkNotes. Include Antigone, Oedipus Rex, and Oedipus at Colonus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Cherry Orchard, Doctor Faustus, Dumb Waiter, Glass Menagerie, Hedda Gabler, Iceman Cometh, Prometheus Bound, Pygmalion, A Raisin in the Sun, A Streetcar Named Desire, Uncle Vanya, Volpone, and others.

Look up: Theater Terminology from Babylon.com. Dictionaries from the world of Theater.

808.5 Speeches, Public speaking, Toasts, After dinner speeches, Lectures and lecturing, (Presentations)

Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. Short summary of major points to remember when speaking in public.

Presenters University. Resources for speakers.

Toastmasters International. A fun and non-threatening way to improve listening, thinking, and speaking skills. Over 8500 non-profit clubs meeting in more than 60 countries. Look for a club near you.

808.8 Children's literature, (Children's books)

See also Books and reading, (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists).

100 Favorite Children's Books. Recommended Reading from New York Public Library. (Slow loading).

Aesop's Fables: Online Collection. Includes 127 Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, 245 Fantastic Fables by Ambrose Bierce, Stories by L. Frank Baum and Charles Dickens. A few include images and RealAudio (listen to story narrated by a child - "Heather").

Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories. Electronic text with original illustrations.

International Children's Digital Library. A project of the University of Maryland and the Internet Archive. Read 531 free children's books online.

Literature for Children from Departments of Special Collections, State University System of Florida libraries. A growing collection of digitized titles published mainly in United States and Great Britain from before 1850 to beyond 1950. Covering some 557 titles and 284 authors, all searchable. Available in PDF.

808.88 Quotations, (Sayings), (Proverbs) (Maxims), (Quotable quotes), (Wise sayings), (Adages)

All the Best Quotations. Quote of the Day. Collection of motivational, inspirational, political, literary, humorous and general quotations.

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. 1919 version, 10th ed. Contains over 11,000 quotations. Search by keyword, Chronological Index of Primary Authors, or Alphabetic Index of All Authors.

BrainyQuote. Over 35,000 famous quotes and quotations by 8,000 authors from Aristotle to Zappa. Browse by Topic, by Author, or by Type of Author (e.g. Actor, Musician, Philosopher). Includes Trivia: Who Said That?

Famous Authors Quotes from Famous-Quotations.com. Famous Quotes by Categories and Subjects, Alphabetical Famous Quotes, and Proverbs by Countries of Origin.

Famous Quotes Site Index. Famous Quotes and Quotations: Quotes by Author, Famous Last Words, Famous Speeches, Epitaphs (R.I.P.), Nursery Rhymes, Fun Links (Quizzes), plus Famous People & Movie Game! (Pop-up ads).

Proverbs, Precepts, Adages, Maxims & Quotations selected by James Miller, a serious Christian.

The Quotations Home Page. Some 24,637 Entries in 30 Collections.

The Quotations Page. Quotes of the Day and Week, Motivational Quotes of the Day, Random Quotes, Quote Search, Quotation Links, Contribute a Quotation, Quote Book Reviews. Many humorous and slightly off beat modern quotes.

Quotesland.com includes some 21424 quotes. Listings by Category and by Author. Random Quotes available.

Simpson's Contemporary Quotations. Most Notable Quotations: 1950-1988. Over 9,000 quotations from 4,000 sources organized into 25 categories and 60 sections. Search by Keyword, Author, or Subject.

809 Literature - History and criticism, (Literary criticism), (Evaluation of literature), (Books - Appraisal), (Criticism and interpretation)

Literary Criticism from Library Spot. Web page consists of a brief introduction to Literary Criticism plus recommended links: Internet Public Library - Online Literary Criticism Collection, Literary Resources on the Net, A Celebration of Women Writers, Voices from the Gaps (Women Writers of Color), Guide to Philosophy on the Internet, The Libyrinth, LitLinks - With biographies and annotated links for over 700 authors, and Project CROW (Course Resources On the Web) - website for American Literature surveys, and Glossary of Literary Criticism.

Literary Resources on the Internet. Categories covered: Classical & Biblical, Medieval, Renaissance, 18th Century, Romantic, Victorian British, 20th Century British & Irish, American, Theatre and Drama, Theory, Women's Literature & Feminism, Ethnicities & Nationalities, Other National Literatures, Bibliography & History of the Book, and more.

Online Literary Criticism Collection from Internet Public Library. Links to some 4745 critical Websites. You can browse for criticism by author's last name, browse by title, browse by literary period and by nationality, e.g. American Literature, as well as British, Canadian, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Latin American, Japanese, Chinese and Other Literature. Check out also IPL's Online Literary Criticism Guide where you will be guided to the Best Starting Places on the Web, Other Useful Starting Places, and Starting Places for Particular Time Periods.

809.1 Poetry, American poetry, Canadian poetry, English poetry, Love poetry, Children's poetry, Humorous poetry, Religious poetry, War poetry, Poets, (Verse), (Poems)

Academy of American Poets - Poets & Poetry. Find a poet from biographies of 540 poets. Browse over 1800 poems by keyword, title, or first line. Listen to 150 audio clips of poems read by authors.

Canadian Poetry. Topics include: Canadian Poets, Poetry Journals and Magazines, Links to Other Canadian Poetry Sites, Featured Poem, International Sites, Literary Events, Literary Awards and Grants, Literary Contests, and more.

Contemporary American Poetry Archive: An Internet Archive for Out-of-Print Books. Site contains out-of-print books of poems by individual poets. Books are stored as individual text-only files accessible on the Internet. You may read poems online, search electronically, and download freely. Please note: Author retains copyright and must be compensated if multiple copies are made.

Internet Poetry Archive. Displays work of living poets from around the world. Poets featured include Philip Levine, Nobel Prize winners Seamus Heaney and Czeslaw Milosz. Includes sound, graphics, texts of the poems, biography of the poet, plus the poet's own audio clips, photograph of the poet, and others graphics where applicable. Poems presented in their original languages.

NewsHour Extra: Poetry from PBS, special for students. Contents include: NewsHour Poetry Series (poet profiles, poetry resources), Teacher Favorite, Poetry Lesson Plans, Your Poems, Submit a Poem, Rules (most poems follow a strict set of rules), Tools (poetry techniques), Form (purpose, mood, and form of the poem), Do you like poetry? Poetry Links, Favorite Poem Project, Find a Poem.

Poem of the Week from PotW.org. Search past poems in alphabetical order by Poet, by Title and First Line, or by Occasion.

Poetry from the Library of Congress. Contents include: Poet Laureate, Poetry News, Events, Poetry Webcasts, Prizes, Fellowships, and About the Poetry and Literature Center. The Learning Page: Literature and Poetry - Resources for Teachers. Poetry 180: A Poem a Day for American High Schools and How to Read a Poem Out Loud.

Poetry Archive. Online collection of recordings of poets reading their work. Listen to voices of contemporary English-language poets and of poets from the past. Browse all poets by last name. Browse all poems by title, by theme or by form.

Poetry Foundation. Search thousands of poems by theme, occasion, and subject in the poetry archive. Read poet biographies, poetry news, comics, and articles about poets and poetry.

The Poetry Portal from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Poetry Study Guides from SparkNotes. Include such classics as The Canterbury Tales, Dante's Inferno, The Odyssey, The Iliad, Odes by Keats, Poetry by Emily Dickinson, John Donne, T. S. Eliot, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Frost, and others. Study guides written by students and graduates from Harvard.

Poet's Corner Resources from Gale. Poetry Timeline, Biographies of Poets, Poems (Include Poem Explanations), Poet's Corner Quiz, Learning Activities.

leaf Representative Poetry Online from University of Toronto. Contents include:

Verse. Search by keyword, by indexes to poems (Chronologic, Author, Title, First Line), or go directly to collections. Anthologies include Oxford Book of English Verse, Yale Book of American Verse, Modern American Poetry, Modern British Poetry, Lyrics and Poems of the 17th Century, and Golden Treasury. Other volumes include: The Odysseys of Homer, Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Poems by T.S. Eliot, The Oxford Shakespeare (includes the complete works of William Shakespeare), and more.

The Writer's Almanac hosted by Garrison Keillor, American Public Media. Listen to RealAudio. Daily selection of Poem with Literary and Historical Notes.

810 American literature

Project CROW (Course Resources On the Web). American Literature Web Resources Contents: Basics (Glossary of Literary Terms, Basic Elements of Fiction and Poetry), Major Site Reviews, Global Resources (American Writing Gateway, American Literature OnLine, Norton WebSource to American Literature, etc.), American Literature Syllabi, Author Chronologies, Biography Information A-Z, and Internet Links.

813 Fiction, (Novels), American fiction, Short stories, Animals - Fiction, Mystery fiction, Adventure fiction, Fantasy fiction, Ghost stories, Historical fiction, Science fiction, War stories, (Crime stories), (Detective and mystery stories), (Murder mysteries), (Suspense novels), (Whodunits)

Fiction from Bartleby.com. Keyword Search box. List of fiction titles include John Buchan's Thirty-nine Steps, F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, J.M. Synge's Playboy of the Western World, H.G. Wells's Invisible Man, Island of Doctor Moreau, Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and many more.

Fiction. See also Governor General's Award for English language fiction - List of Governor General's Award winners since 1936, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Fiction Sites. Links to Fiction Web sites: infinity plus (science fiction, fantasy, horror, new fiction, features, reviews), Webring of Imaginary Countries, S. Fowler Wright Archive (over 6,000,000 words of this poet computerised), Fright Library (short fiction and novels), Alexandria Digital Literature (Marketplace & Library), Fictionwise.com (e-books with descriptions and samples), and E-Book Publishers.

From Verne to Vonnegut: A Century of Science Fiction. An Exhibition in Special Collections curated by Iris Snyder, University of Delaware Library. Holdings include books, manuscripts, maps, prints, photographs, periodicals, pamphlets, ephemera, and realia from the 15th century to the present.

Google Web Directory: Stories. Society > Paranormal > Ghosts > Stories. Links to ghost stories from around the world.

The Monster Librarian. This site is dedicated to all the books that are creepy, scary, and give us the willies. It is meant to be a resource for readers and librarians. Contents include: What's New, Index to Horror Reviews, Coming Horror Fiction Releases, Adult Horror Fiction, Teen Horror Fiction, Scary Book List for Kids (12 and under), Collection Development Resources, Book Ends: Contests and Miscellaneous Items.

Rave Reviews: Best Selling Fiction in America from the University of Virginia Library. Exhibition of Lillian Gary Taylor's collection of 1800 first edition popular American fiction (from 1752 through 1950), including photos of original covers and pages from various bestsellers, e.g. Life on the Mississippi, Pollyanna, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, Peyton Place, Jaws, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Grapes of Wrath, The Good Earth, Gone with the Wind, and others.

The Short Story Classics: The Best from the Masters of the Genre. Full-text short stories (each with author's portrait) arranged chronologically by author's year of birth. Authors include: Washington Irving (1783-1859), Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Mark Twain (1835-1910), Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), O. Henry [William Sydney Porter] (1862-1910), Jack London (1876-1916), James Joyce (1882-1941), and many more.

815 Speeches, American speeches, (American orations), (Speeches, addresses, etc.)

Barack Obama, President Elect, Victory Speech, Chicago, 4 November 2008. Full text of speech plus videos.

President Barack Obama - President-Elect Barack Obama in Chicago - Obama Wombat. A perspective analysis of Obama's Victory Speech, YouTube video, 9:01 min.

Bound to the Word. Barack Obama spoke at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago, June 23–29, 2005. Article is an adaptation of that speech, which drew record crowds and garnered a standing ovation.

Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World. Browse alphabetically By Last Name, or browse chronologically By Year (1948-1979) to view Featured Speakers and their speeches.

Great American Speeches from the Federal Observer.

Great Speeches Collection from The History Place. Include speeches by Tony Blair, Napoleon Bonaparte, George W. Bush, Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, St. Francis of Assisi, Lou Gehrig, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Washinton, Elie Wiesel, Woodrow Wilson.

History and Politics Out Loud (HPOL). Collection of audio materials on political and historical events and personalities of the 20th century, mainly in the United States. Includes Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. - "I have a dream ...", John F. Kennedy - "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." and others.

Great Speeches from History.com. Famous speeches, video gallery.

820 English Literature

LitWorks.com. Provides English literature study guides to high school students and teachers. Material is not free.

Voice of the Shuttle - Literature (in English). General English Literature Resources. See window on right of screen. Covers a wide variety of topics: Medieval, Renaissance and 17th century, Restoration and 18th century, Romantics, Victorian, Modern and Contemporary (British and American), American (19th century), Literatures written in English from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Caribbean, Ireland, Scotland, Subcontinental, and Wales. Also includes: Literature by Genre (Drama, Fiction, Poetry), Theory, and Cultural Studies.

822.3 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616

The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603) encompasses the years that William Shakepeare lived. Topics: World Events, Fashion, Crime and Punishment, Everyday Living, The Plague, Sports and Recreation, Education, Beliefs and Customs.

The English Renaissance in Context: ERIC Multimedia Tutorials. Romeo & Juliet, Merchant of Venice, Richard III, and King Lear.

Folger Shakespeare Library - Shakespeare Links. Shakespeare's Life, Shakespeare's Theater, Shakespeare in Theater History, Shakespeaean Quotes and Online Full Texts, Shakespeare's Sonnets, Shakespeare's Longer Poems, Shakespeare on Film, Shakespeare in Performance, and Shakespeare's English Monarchs.

Hamlet (1996) Starring: Kenneth Branagh; Kate Winslet; Director: Kenneth Branagh. Rated: PG-13. Run Time: 243 minutes.</a>
<a href=Hamlet (1996) - Starring: Kenneth Branagh; Kate Winslet; Director: Kenneth Branagh. Rated: PG-13. Run Time: 243 minutes.

Click on image to view movie trailer. Note on Unbox movies: Price includes both a DVD-quality video to watch on your PC or TV, and a video file optimized for compatible portable video players. Usage: US customers only. You can keep purchased videos on 2 PCs and 2 portable video players at the same time.

A Hyper-Concordance to the Works of William Shakespeare from The Victorian Literary Studies Archive. Program identifies the concordance lines as well as the words occurring to the left and the right of the word or phrase searched. Also reports the total number of text lines, the total word count and the number of occurrences of the word or phrase searched. Full text of the book is displayed in a box at the bottom of the screen. Each line of the text is numbered, and the line number and the term(s) searched provide a link to the full text. Right click on the hypertext, open in new window to view full text.

Illustrated Shakespeare Collection. Digital Collections from University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

In Search of Shakespeare from PBS. Contents include: The Investigation (Shakespeare Dossier, Players - biographies of people who influenced Shakespeare, Locations - Shakespeare's England, Evidence - original documents, Glossary, Works - Plays in chronological order 1590-1613), Playwright Game, The PBS Show - Episodes 1-4, Resources for Educators - Shakespeare in the Classroom.

Life in Elizabethan England: A Compendium of Common Knowledge 1558-1603. Contents: Games, Food, Money, Religion, Language, Weddings, Masters & Servants, Occupations, The Peers, London, Fashion, Children, Household Management, Pastimes, Names, The Queen's Suitors, Education, Christmas, Heraldry, Maps.

Look up: Theater Terminology from Babylon.com. Dictionaries from the world of Theater. Glossary of Technical Theatre Terms is a comprehensive listing of technical jargon used by theatre technicians. Glossary of Comedy Nomenclature is a collection of comedy terms relative to the stand-up comedy. Shakespeare Words translates words and phrases from Shakespearean into modern English.

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet. Excellent Web site on the works of Shakespeare, his life and times, theater, criticism, Renaissance, and sources (including information on contemporaries of Shakespeare). The educational section covers courses, lessons plans and suggested materials including audio-visual materials such as CD-ROMs and videos on Shakespeare. Links to best Shakespearean Web sites, as well as a section on Shakespeare and Internet search tools and resources are included.

The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914 Oxford edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare include 37 plays, 154 sonnets and verse. Search by keyword or go directly to any of Shakespeare's plays or to Poetry Contents and Index of First Lines.

Resources for the Study of Shakespeare by Michael Best, University of Victoria: Victoria, BC. Contents:

Shakespeare Illustrated by Harry Rusche, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. If you are looking for beautiful illustrations of Shakespearean characters, actors, actresses, and scenes, you have hit the jackpot at this site. Here, Rusche explores 19th century paintings, criticism and productions of Shakespeare's plays. Shakespearean plays and artists are listed alphabetically and under each play or artist is a list of paintings relating to the specific play(s) by Shakespeare.

Shakespeare Links and General Study Sites: The Best, The Rest by Prof. Kristen McDermott, Central Michigan University (CMU). Other links include: Shakespeare Texts Online, Play-Specific Study Guides, Shakespeare / Renaissance Critical Journals Online, Elizabethan Theater Resources, Shakespeare Fun! Shopping with the Bard, and Renaissance Studies Websites.

Shakespeare Resource Center. Collected links to Internet resources on Shakeapeare: The Man, The Works, Play Synopses (lists characters plus synopsis of each play), Shakespeare's Last Will & Testament, Authorship Debate, The Globe, Elizabethan England (with British History links), Language (includes links to Elizabethan English sites), Reading List, and Other Links.

Shakespeare Resources. Links selected by Jerry S. Cheek, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.

Shakespeare Resources from the Electronic Text Center. Include a variety of Shakespeare resources that range from early Quartos, the complete 1623 First Folio, to more modern editions and to many bibliographical articles that discuss Shakespeare's works.

Shakespeare Searched from Clusty Labs. A search engine designed to provide quick access to passages from Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. This website is not a replacement for a copy of the text. It provides no analysis or footnotes. Tips for use are included in Shakespeare Searched for Teachers and Shakespeare Searched for Students.

Shakespeare Study Guides from SparkNotes.

Shakespearean Bookshelf from the Internet Public Library. Works of Shakespeare on the bookshelf grouped by categories: Comedies, Histories, Poetry and Tragedies. Includes links to criticism and other information on Shakespeare and his works, as well as links to study guides and discussion groups.

Shakespearean Links from Shakespearean Homework Helper.

Shakespeare's Life and Times. Extensive coverage of Shakespeare's life, The stage, Renaissance society, History and politics, The background of ideas, The drama and Shakespeare, Literature, art, and music in English Renaissance, Some plays explored, plus Reference and indexes.

Shakespeare and Renaissance Sites. Links to articles on Shakespeare's plays, sites useful for schoolwork (Gateways, Courses and study materials, Criticism, Performance, Research resources), Shakespeare sites, Renaissance sites, and other sites of interest.

Stratford-upon-Avon: The Birthplace of Shakespeare. William Shakespeare Biography. Shakespeare's Birthplace.

Stratford-upon-Avon - Shakespeare's Country. View animated watercolor of Stratford-upon-Avon, accompanied by music. Site includes articles with illustrations: William Shakespeare (History, Times & School), Shakespeare's Bedroom, William Shakespeare - His Life in Context, and Shakespeare's Historic Stratford.

Stratford-Upon-Avon and William Shakespeare. Photos and descriptions of Stratford-Upon-Avon in England. Include pictures of the house in which Shakespeare was born, the old Grammar School where Shakespeare went to school, and the inside of the schoolroom in which Shakespeare studied.

William Shakespeare from Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (commercial site). Contents include:

William Shakespeare - Biography and Works from the Literature Network. Following works available online: Shakespeare's Tragedies (Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus); Shakespeare's Histories (King Henry IV Parts 1& 2, King Henry V, King Henry VI Parts 1, 2, & 3, King Henry VIII, King John, Richard II, Richard III); Shakespeare's Comedies (All's Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, Comedy of Errors, Cymbeline, Love's Labour's Lost, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Taming of the Shrew, Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Winter's Tale); Shakespeare's Poetry (A Lover's Complaint, Sonnets 1-154, The Passionate Pilgrim, The Phoenix and the Turtle, The Rape of Lucrece, Venus and Adonis).

William Shakespeare - Books and Biography from Read Print. Read full etext literature by Shakespeare, select from his list of works: Tragedies, Histories, Comedies, Poetry.

The Works of William Shakespeare. Web version from Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library.

823 English fiction

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) (Hardcover) by J. K. Rowling (Author), Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) (Hardcover)
by J. K. Rowling (Author), Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)

Austen, Jane (1775-1817) from UTEL - University of Toronto English Library. Jane Austen's World - Links to information about Jane Austen, her family and friends, her novels, and the era she lived in, plus links to videos, films, photographs, and images. Jane Austen Information Page. The Works of Jane Austen. Jane Austen Pages - Jane Austen biography, reviews and synopses of Austen novels, Jane Austen trivia and word searches, Jane Austen novel quotations, free Jane Austen themed e-cards, and more!

The Dickens Page, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) from Books and Writers.

Eliot, George: Biography of George Eliot from ClassicNotes, George Eliot: Biography, "George Eliot" by Virginia Woolf, George Eliot by Leslie Stephen (UTEL - University of Toronto English Library).

The English Server Fiction Collection: Novels. English novels in full e-text, not all links accessible. See A Tale of Two Cities.

Fiction: The EServer's Fiction Collection. Categories: Biographies, Criticism, Journals, Novels, Short Fiction (includes Aesop's Fables), and Web Links.

Hardy, Thomas - Biography from Britain Express. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) from Books and Writers, Thomas Hardy from Bibliomania - Novels in full text: Far from the Madding Crowd, Jude the Obscure, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Squire Petrick's Lady, Tess of the d'Urbervilles (plus Study Guide). Thomas Hardy Resource Library.

The Literary Gothic - The premier webguide to Gothic and supernaturalist literature. Contents include Author List, Title Index, plus Resources with links to Victorian Web, Cyclopaedia of Ghost Story Writers, Literature of the Fantastic, HorrorFind, Ghostly Links (True Ghost Stories, Ghostly Pictures, Ghost Hunters), and much more.

The Nineteenth Century English Novel. Includes Sample Student Essays, Info on 19th century English Authors, and Links.

Thackeray, William Makepeace, (1811-1863) - Life and Background of the Author of Vanity Fair from Cliff Notes, William Makepeace Thackeray - Biography, Works and Message Board from Knowledgerush, William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - Pseudonyms Charles James Yellowplush, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, George Savage FitzBoodle. William Makepeace Thackeray from Spartacus Educational.

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