![]() Reference Site Map |
001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc.), Contests,
002 Books See also 028 Books and reading, (One Book Projects), (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists), (eBooks), (e-Books)
004 Computers, Computer literacy, Computer systems
004.03 Computer science - Dictionaries, (Computer terms), (Computer
jargon), (Computers - Jargon), (Computers - Dictionaries)
004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) - General information
Affiliate Programs
Colors, Color charts
Domain name
Free E-mail or Free email
Free Internet Access
Free/Low Cost Web hosting or Free/Low Cost Web sites
Free Web storage space
Internet Safety
Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Internet Statistics
Popup stoppers, Ad blockers, Kill ads
Search engines
Tools for Webmasters
Win awards
005.13 Programming languages (Computers), Web designs, Java, JavaScript,
Perl, (Regular expressions)
005.7 HTML (Document Markup Language)
025.4 Dewey Decimal Classification, Classification - Books, Library of
Congress Classification
025.5 Reference services, (Virtual libraries), Information services, (Useful
URLs), (Best Web sites), (Best Websites)
027 Libraries
027.071 Libraries - Canada
027.073 Libraries - United States
027.0973 Archives - United States, (Public records -
027.8 School libraries, Elementary school libraries, High school libraries,
(Secondary school libraries), (Junior high school libraries), (Children's libraries), (Libraries and
028 Books and reading, (One Book Projects), (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists),
(eBooks), (e-Books)
030 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, (Glossaries), Almanacs, World records, (Records of achievement), Curiosities and wonders, (Wonders of the World)
031.2 Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc., (How to), (Learn to), (Tutorials)
050 Periodicals, (Magazines), (Journals)
060.4 Parliamentary practice, (Rules of order)
069 Museums
070 Newspapers, World news and
newspapers, Canada - Newspapers, Canadian newspapers, (Canada -
United States - Newspapers, American newspapers, (U.S. - News)
070.1 Television broadcasting of news, (TV broadcasting of news)
070.4 News agencies, Journalism, Broadcast journalism, (Commercial
Journalism), (News broadcasting), (Wire agencies), (News services), (Radio journalism), (Radio news),
(Television journalism), (Television news)
070.5 Publishers and publishing, Publishers' standard book numbers,
International Standard Book Numbers, (I.S.B.N.), (ISBN), International Standard Serial Numbers, (I.S.S.N.),
090 Rare books, (Antiquarian books), (Book rarities), (Early printed books)
Can You Do the Dewey? from Middletown Thrall Library. Here you can Test Your Knowledge of the Dewey Decimal Classification, Meet Melvil Dewey, and Learn More about the DDC.
CyberDewey: A Catalogue for the World Wide Web by David A. Mundie. This is by far the best and most organized Internet directory at a glance. Includes a Subject Index containing an alphabetical list of division headings used in the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Summaries - in PDF, 20 pages, from Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), Dublin, OH.
Dewey Decimal in the UIUC Bookstacks. A tutorial created by Kevin Unrath, Jim DiDonato, Rena Rosenthal, and Yuxiang Wang at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Contents include: Anatomy of a Call Number, Dewey Decimal Number, Cutter Number, Work Mark, Putting It Together (Rules and Guidelines for Call Number Ordering in the Stacks), and Quiz (not an easy quiz but answer and explanation provided). Upon completion of the tutorial, users should have an understanding of the Dewey Decimal Classification system used at UIUC Library.
Dewey Decimal System from Dallas Public Library.
"Do We" Really Know Dewey? A website about the Dewey Decimal System for elementary school students.
Homework Helpers from Waterford Township Public Library, Waterford, MI. This online Homework Helper is arranged by Dewey Decimal System, edited by Andrea Appel, Children's Librarian. Each number listed represents a general topic. Click on one of these Dewey numbers will take you to a list of websites that fall into the given topic.
Let's Do Dewey. A fun and simple tutorial to learn the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system.
Library of Congress Classification System from About.com. The LC System organizes Library material according to 21 branches of knowledge (labeled A-Z, except for letters I,O,W,X and Y which are not used). The 21 categories are further divided by adding one or two additional letters and a set of numbers. See also Understanding Call Numbers.
Virtual Library of Useful URLs Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification. Annotated links to some of the best and most useful educational Websites.
Tagging Play from Pew Research Center. Forget Dewey and His Decimals, Internet Users Are Revolutionizing the Way We Classify Information - and Make Sense of It, by Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet and American Life Project.
50 Best Websites from Time Magazine & CNN. 25 Sites We Can't Live Without. 5 Worst Websites.
5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online. Categories include: Blogging & Podcasting, Communication Tools, Photo & Video Tools, Tools for Work, Tools for Life, Web Browsing Tools, Web Development Tools, Web Search & Bookmarking, and more.
About.com. Select a topic from Site Index # and A - Z, from Subject Index, or go directly to About International to find information about Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, UK, and Japan, default is United States.
AllRefer.com - Reference - EncyclopediaAsk a Librarian. An online reference service from the Library of Congress especially for researchers.
Awesome Library. Organizes the Web with 24,000 carefully reviewed resources. Enter a door for Teachers, Kids, Teens, Parents, Librarians or Community. Includes a section on HOT TOPICS: Gun Control, Environment, Pollution, Genetics, etc.
Bartleby.com Index to Subjects. Excellent collection of reference sources: Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Quotations, English Usage, Religion and Mythology, Literary History and Literature, Anatomy, Cooking, Etiquette, Parliamentary Procedure and Government, plus lengthy list of Verse, Fiction, and Nonfiction Anthologies and Volumes.
Best Free Reference Web Sites - Combined Index, 1999-2006, RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS). Page lists outstanding reference sites on the World Wide Web, from American Library Association (ALA).
British Library Images Online. Images Online gives you instant access to thousands of the greatest images from the British Library's collections which include manuscripts, rare books, musical texts and maps spanning almost 3000 years. The range of images available include illustrations, drawings, paintings and photographs.
BUBL Information Service. Selected Internet resources covering all academic subject areas catalogued according to DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification). "The aim is to guarantee at least 5 relevant resources for every subject included, and a maximum of 15 resources for most subjects, hence (formerly) the name 5:15."
Competitive Intelligence - A Selective Resource Guide by Sabrina I. Pacifici and Donna Cavallini, from LLRX.com (Law Library Resource Xchange). Resources include: Selected Search Engines, Meta Search Sites, Selected Business Info Websites and Databases, Selected Online People Trackers, Television and Radio News Transcripts, Legislative Monitoring and Tracking, E-Newsletters, Online Newspapers, Journals and News Sources, Monitoring Trends, Companies and Products, Online Tools for Competitor Monitoring, Benchmarking, Web Directories and Portals, Website Trackers.
Cyber Times Navigator from The New York Times. Selected reference links covering: Net Search, Journalism, Reference, Telephone & E-mail Directories, Breaking News & Daily Publications, Politics, New York Region, Commerce, Travel, Entertainment, Sports, and more. Free registration to use this site.
Digital Librarian: A Librarian's Choice of the Best of the Web . Numerous links to great Websites. Categories arranged in alphabetical order.
The Digital Universe is a commercial-free portals featuring the highest-quality Internet destinations, information and educational programs, as recommended by experts recognized in their fields.
Essortment.com seeks to provide concise, clear, and accurate answers to questions real people ask online. Site includes thousands of free articles on various subjects.
Everything International. Developed & maintained by Dr. Lloyd C. Russow, Philadelphia University, School of Business Administration. Site provides links to a wide variety of international business, education, and research internet sites. Categories: Country & Regional Data, Product Classification Systems, Company & Industry Data, Education: Faculty & Students, International Organizations, Market Entry (Export) Assistance, Mega Sites & General Data, News, Professional Associations, Travel.
Fast Facts. Links to major reference sources. Searchable. Categories A-W: Almanacs and Maps, Calendars and Time, Dictionaries and Thesauri, Directories - People and Places, Electronic Texts, Encyclopedias, Entertainment, Grammar and Style, Internet, Languages, Magazines, News, Politics/Gossip, Quotations, Sports, Statistics, Travel, Weather, Weights and Measures.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature and allows you to stand on the shoulders of giants. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.
Infomine. Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. A virtual library of over 135,000 expert-selected scholarly and educational resources.
Information Please. All the knowledge you need. World, Sports, Entertainment, U.S., People (Biographies), Business and Economy, Living (Travel, Health), Society, Science and Technology.
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Go way back in the Wayback Machine to surf the Web as it was. Find 30 billion old web pages stored in the Internet Archive's Web archive dating back to 1996.
Internet Public Library (IPL). Lists evaluated resource Websites: Subject Collections, Ready References (Almanacs, Biographies, Calendars, Dictionaries ...), Reading Room (Books - online texts, Magazines, Newspapers), Special Collections (Literary Criticism, POTUS ...), Ask a Question, plus KidSpace and TeenSpace.
Intute originates from a consortium of seven universities in the UK. Site provides free online access to the very best web resources for education and research. All material is evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists to create the Intute database.
KidsClick! Web search for kids by librarians. Subjects arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification.
The Librarians' Index to the Internet. A searchable, annotated subject directory of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to users of public libraries.
Library and Archives Canada. Digital Library of
information on Canadian Music, History, and Literature. Search Archival or Published Materials.
The Library in the Sky. Contains links to some of the best educational resources on the Internet. Student, Teacher, Parent, Librarian, and Community Resources.
Library Spot. Libraries Online, Law, Medical and Music Libraries. Reference Desk (Acronyms, Biographies, Business Info, Calculators, Calendars, Current Events, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Genealogy, Maps, Phone Books, Quotations, Statistics, Style Guides). Reading Room (Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, Speeches).
Libweb. Library Servers via WWW. Lists over 6600 Library Webpages from over 115 countries. Direct links to academic, public, national, state, special and school libraries, many with online catalog searches. Libweb is updated daily at midnight, Pacific Time.
MacroReference Index. Browse major subject areas from A-Z, or browse the Free Internet Encylopedia arranged from A-Z by subjects in greater detail.
NYPL Digital Gallery - Subjects A-Z. Free and open online access to hundreds of thousands of digital images from New York Public Library - Alphabetical list of over 23,000 subject terms includes people, institutions, places and topics. Names A-Z - Alphabetical list of 5,174 names includes artists, authors, publishers, collectors and others.
Refdesk. A massive resource site with links to practically every topic under the sun: Area Code, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Calculator, Currency Converter, World Fact Book, Zip Code, Lottery Results, Magazines, Newspapers, Sports, Atlas and Maps, U.S. Government, Grammar and Style, Law, Phone Book, Weights and Measures, World Religions, Ask the Experts, Classified, Entertainment, Food and Recipes, Movies, Travel, Weather, and more.
Repositories of Primary Sources. Links to over 5300 Web sites that provide primary sources including color images of original manuscripts, posters, letters, official documents, maps, rare books, historical photographs, and archives. Note: Some sites have limited English versions and many have dead links.
Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources. Google currently has around eight billion web pages indexed. Google can only index the visible web, or searchable web. But the invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web. Topics Covered in this Article: Deep Web Search Engines, Art, Books Online, Business, Consumer, Economic and Job Data, Finance and Investing, General Research, Government Data, International, Law and Politics, Library of Congress, Medical and Health, Science, Transportation.
Page with links to helpful information. Page created by students at St. Francis Xavier Secondary
Sci-Math World: An Interactive Web Workshop for Teachers and Librarians by Robert J. Lackie, Associate Professor-Librarian, Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ. Selection of Science and Math links: Directories and Portals, Invisible Web Searchable Sites (hidden gems search engines can't see), Some Science and Math Search Engines, and lots of great Webquest sites listed in Interactive Science on the Web and Interactive Math on the Web.
Search Systems - Largest Free Public Records Directory.
U.S. Nationwide Public Records Directory, United States by State, U.S. Territories. Canada Nationwide
Public Records Directory, Canada by
Province. Worldwide Public Records
Directory. Outer Space Public Records
Serious Links. Valuable sites on the Web selected by Dr. Paul Brians, Professor of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Simply Explained. Emphasis of this Q&A site is to give clear and simple explanations to your questions so that not only do you get an answer but you get one you can understand from experts in their fields.
Smithsonian: Websites A-Z. Index of Smithsonian Institution websites. Also searchable by keyword.
StudySphere Educational Resource - Reference. Learning resources for Students, Families, and Teachers. Dictionaries & Glossaries, Directories and Lookups, Encyclopedia, General Resources, It's About Time, Libraries Online, Maps and Geography Index, Museums, Newsgroups - Resources & Useful Information, Quotations, Search Engines, Thesauri, Trivia and Quizzes.
Study Web - The Learning Portal. Search a large collection of research quality URLs, categorized and reviewed.
ThinkQuest: Library. Over 5500 websites created by students from around the world as part of the annual ThinkQuest competition. Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Books & Literature, Business & Industry, Computers & the Internet, Geography & Travel, Health & Safety, History & Government, Math, Philosophy, Religion & Mythology, Science & Technology, Social Sciences & Culture, Sports & Recreation.
Three Sites Archive. Three sites to see, listings of 3 sites you should see (per week) from 2004 to current, from Wall Street Executive Library.
Togglebot.com. Web Directory.
Top 100 Classic Web Sites & Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites. Special Feature of Top Web Sites from PC Magazine.
Top10Links. Home to 800+ Top 10 Web Site Lists.
The Virtual Acquisition Shelf & News Desk compiled & edited by Gary Price. Excellent collection of resources & news for information professionals & researchers.
A Virtual Library of Useful URLs Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification. An annotated and clickable list of the best educational websites arranged by Dewey for easy search. All major subject areas included.
Virtual Reference Library or Ontario Virtual Reference
Library, first launched by Toronto Public Library in 1999. Provides access to librarian-selected websites, online
magazine, journal and newspaper articles with special focus on Canadian and Ontario information.
Wall Street Executive Library. A massive site containing links to Newspapers, TV & Radio, Magazines, Web Search & Computer, Web Directory Search, Business Toolkit, All Reference - All Libraries, Government Research, Financial Markets, Company & Industry, Business & Legal, Marketing & Advertising, Statistics & Economics, Careers & Education, Health & Medicine, Leisure, Sports, and Ross Bradford's Top Movie Picks.
WWW Virtual Library: Subject Catalog, A-Z Listing. World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Hierarchical Listing. High quality online guides to a wide variety of topics.
The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources. Carefully selected, annotated links in 37 International Affairs categories including Media Sources, International Organizations, Regions and Countries. Topics covered: Global Environment, Human Rights, World Religions, Peace, Conflict Resolution and International Security, Study and Work Abroad, Health, International and National Law, Foreign Languages such as French, Spanish, and German.
Yellowpages.ca: The Find Engine. Find a Business in Canada, Find a Person.
Yellowpages.com Online Directory. Find a Business, Find a Person, Specify Location (City and State or ZIP Code), Maps & Directions.
Yellowpages.com Online Directory - White Pages. Find Person, Reverse Phone, Reverse Address, Area & ZIP Codes. When you Find the Person you want, you can also find his or her neighbors who live on the same street, along with their names, addresses and phone numbers, and Search for Businesses Nearby. Search in Reverse Phone, Reverse Address, Area & ZIP Codes will provide you with the name of the individual.
Australia: National Library of Australia Catalogue. Dewey.
British Library - Integrated Catalogue. Dewey.
District of Columbia Public Library Online Catalog - CityCat. Dewey.
Edmonton Public Library
Catalogue. Dewey.
LIBCAT: A Guide to Library Resources on the Internet - Libraries (Online Catalogs) in the United States. Libraries Outside the United States - Choose a country from A-Z.
LIBDEX - The Library Index. Worldwide index of library catalogues, web sites and Friends of Libraries pages. Libdex is a directory of library home pages, online catalogs, friend's pages, and affiliate links. Countries A-Z. Canada - Find Canadian libraries by province or territory.
The Library History Buff - Librariana (Collecting Library Artifacts and Memorabilia), Postal Librariana (postal artifacts related to libraries, primarily postage stamps and covers), Library History (links to other Library History sites, including Biographies of American Library People, Biographies of Library People of the World). Site created and maintained by Larry T. Nix.
Library of Congress Online Catalog. Search by Keyword, Subject Browse, Name Browse, Title, Serial Title, or Call Number (LC) Browse.
Library Online Public Access Catalogs. General Resources, Individual Catalogs, International OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs), Magazine and Newspaper Catalogs, and Web-interfaced Catalogs.
Los Angeles Public Library Catalog. Online catalog. Search books, audiobooks, videos, CDs, audio cassettes, etc. by author, title, subject, series, call number (Dewey), or keyword.
Mississauga Library System
Catalogue. Dewey.
Library Catalogues. Links from Virtual Reference Library: Canadian Library Websites and Catalogues
– Ontario, Libdex – The Library Index [Ontario], Ontario Library Service – North,
Southern Ontario Public Libraries, and AMICUS Web.
New York Public Library Online Catalog. Dewey.
Online DDC Catalogs. Libraries listed on this site use DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) to organize online catalogs.
Spokane Public Libraries (Washington) Online Catalog. Dewey.
Toronto Public Library Catalogue. Dewey.
Vancouver Public Library Catalogue. Dewey.
Library and Archives Canada (LAC). Formerly National Library of Canada. Library and Archives Canada provides services to members of the public who wish to access its collection or order photocopies and reproductions. LAC Collection: Over 71 000 hours of films, Over 2.5 million drawings, Over 21.3 million photographic images, Over 270 000 hours of video and sound recordings, Over 343 000 works of art, Largest collection of Canadian sheet music in the world, Impressive collection of medals, seals, posters and coats of arms; Portraits of over one million Canadians, and much more.
ALA - American Library Association. LARC (Library and Research Center) section includes Fact Sheets, List of Libraries, Video and Copyright, ALA Periodicals, and ALA Archives. Links to Library of Congress, Copyright Office, Schools and Libraries Division, E-mail mailing lists, National Center for Education Statistics, Public Libraries in United States survey, and State Library Websites.
Government and Public Libraries from USA.gov. A-Z listings of United States national, federal agency, and local libraries; online library databases; grants and benefits for libraries.
Free Public Records Directory. Find Public Records by Zip Code or City and State. Site provides links to real and personal property records, recorded documents, jail and inmate records, sex offender records, wanted persons records, and many more free public records.
Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute Library. A very practical
site with numerous online resources for students and teachers. Includes links to Directories, Search Engines,
Information Literacy, Book and Film Databases, Subject Resources, Library Research Assignments, Help
with Research and Writing, and more.
School Library Journal. School Library Journal, the print magazine, and School Library Journal Online, the web site, serve librarians who work with young people in school and public libraries.
Electronic Text Center or Etext Center at University of Virginia Library. Over 2,100 publicly-available ebooks, including classic British and American fiction, major authors, children's literature, American history, Shakespeare, African-American documents, the Bible. 70,000 texts, mostly online, including history, literature, philosophy, religion, history of science. Languages include Latin, Apache, Japanese, and Chinese. 350,000 related images: 164,000 of them publicly available, including rare books, manuscripts, and book illustrations, and much more.
Free Books. Free eBooks. Links to Best free Digital Libraries - Australia, Best free Digital Libraries - World, Other Free Australian Books, Other Free Book Sites/Pages in English, World - Other Languages, Regional and National, Individual Topics/Miscellaneous, Sacred Texts & Religion.
Google Book Search. Search the full text of books using Google's book-only search service. Formerly Google Print (now Google Book Search) was introduced in the U.S. in early 2005, and is now available in 14 English-language speaking countries, including the U.K., Australia, Canada, India, and others. The books in Google Book Search come primarily from two sources: publishers and libraries.
Great Books Index. Links to online editions where available. Reading List 1: Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle, The Bible - Old Testament, St. Augustine, Montaigne, Shakespeare, John Locke, Jonathan Swift, Edward Gibbon, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and others.
Juvenile Series and Sequels from Mid-Continent Public Library, Missouri. Database currently contains over 20,000 books in series titles that are classified into three audiences: Young Adult (high school), Juvenile (to Grade 8), Juvenile Easy (beginner readers). View by Series Title, Series Subject, Book Title, or Book Author.
LibriVox - Free audiobooks from the public domain. LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain. Audio files are then released back onto the net (podcast and catalog). Objective of LibriVox is to make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet.
Monthly Reading Activities. A year of reading with National Education Association (NEA). Click on any month to find resources and activities appropriate for home and school.
One Book Projects from The Center for The Book, Library of Congress. "One Book" projects (community-wide reading programs), initiated by the Washington Center for the Book in 1998, are being introduced across the U.S.A. and around the world. Site provides a state-by-state listing of past and current "one book" projects, as well as "One Book Projects" listed by author and community. In U.S.A.: Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming. Also in Canada, Australia and United Kingdom.
One Book - Arizona. OneBookAZ from Arizona State Library
2007: Going Back to Bisbee by Richard Shelton
2006: An Unfinished Life by Mark Spragg
2005: Sunk Without a Sound : The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde by Brad Dimock and Grand Ambition by Lisa Michaels
2004: Life of Pi by Yann Martel
2003: Plainsong by Kent Haruf
2002: Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver
One Book - Bakersfield, CA. One Book One Bakersfield
2007: All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
2006: Epitaph for a Peach: Four Seasons on My Family Farm by David M. Masumoto
2005: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
2004: It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life by Lance
2003: Tortilla Curtain by T. C. Boyle
2002: The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
One Book - Bloomington, IN. One Book One Bloomington and Beyond
2007: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
2006: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
One Book. One Book Many Brisbanes from Australia
2006: The Sleeping Stranger by Venero Armanno
2005: The Kingdom Where Nobody Dies by Kimberley Starr
2004 (#1): Johnno by David Malouf
2004 (#2): The Girl Most Likely by Rebecca Sparrow
2002: True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey
One Book. The Great Reading Adventure - Bristol, United
2005: The Siege by Helen Dunmore
2004: The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham
2003: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
One Book - Boston/Brookline, MA Brookline Reads
2007: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
2006: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
2005: North Star Conspiracy by Miriam Grace Monfredo
2004: Snow in August by Pete Hamill
One Book. Buffalo - The Big Read: Featured Books at Just Buffalo Literary Center. Including:
Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya
Feb. 2008: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2007: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
2005: The Invention of Solitude by Paul Auster
2004: The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
2003: The Price of a Child by Lorene Cary
2002: A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League by Rod
2001: Queen of the Mist by Joan Murray
2000: A Lesson Before Dying (Oprah's Book Club) by Ernest Gaines
One Book. Canada Reads - Sponsor: CBC Radio
2007: Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neill
2006: A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews
2005: Rockbound by Frank Parker Day
2004: The Last Crossing: An Interactive Journey by Guy
2003: Next Episode by Hubert Aquin
2002: In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje
One Book - Chicago: One Book, One
Fall 2006: Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
Spring 2006: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Fall 2005: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Spring 2005: The Ox-Bow Incident by Walter Van Tilburg
Fall 2004: In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
Spring 2004: The Coast of Chicago by Stuart Dybek
Fall 2003: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
Spring 2003: A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
Fall 2002: My Antonia by Willa Cather
Spring 2002: Night by Elie Wiesel
Fall 2001: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
One Book - District of Columbia: DC We Read
2004: Interpreter of the Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
2003: Fathering Words: The Making of An African American Writer by E. Ethelbert Miller
2002: Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years
One Book, One Community - East Lansing and Michigan State University
2007: Lay that Trumpet in Our Hands by Susan Carol Mccarthy
One Book - Hartford, CT One Book for Greater
2006: Drinking Coffee Elsewhere by ZZ Packer
2005: Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi
2004: When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago
2003: The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother by James McBride
2002: Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat
One Book - Long Beach: "Long Beach Reads One Book" - Long Beach Public Library Foundation:
2006: My California: Journeys by Great Writers by Michael Chabon, et al, ed. by Donna Wares & Mark Arax
2005: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
2004: The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them
2003: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2002: Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
One Book - Long Island One Island One Book - Long
Island Reads:
2007: The Color of Water by James McBride
2006: Amagansett by Mark Mills
2005: Travels With Charley: In Search of America by John
2004: Snow in August by Pete Hamill
2003: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez
2002: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
One Book - Los Angeles
2005: Little Scarlet by Walter Mosley
2004: Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand
2003: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
2002: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
One Book - Michigan - Michigan Reads! One State, One Children's Book Program
2007: Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski , Henry Cole (Illustrator)
2006: Bed Hogs by Kelly S. DiPucchio, Howard Fine (Illustrator)
2004: Barnyard Song by Rhonda Gowler Greene, Robert Bender (Illustrator)
One Book - Nebraska. One Book One
2007: Crazy Horse by Mari Sandoz
2006: One False Move by Alex Kava
2005: My Antonia by Willa Cather
One Book - New Jersey. One Book New Jersey
2007: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
2006: The Ditchdigger's Daughters: A Black Family's Astonishing Success Story by Yvonne S. Thornton, M.D.
One Book - St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, MO One
Book One College
2006-2007: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
2005-2006: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich
2004-2005: The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother by James McBride
One Book - San Diego. One Book - One San Diego
2007: Enrique's Journey by Sonia Nazario
One Book - San Francisco. One City One Book:
San Francisco Reads
2006: The Hummingbird's Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea
2005: China Boy by Gus Lee
One Book - Seattle: Seattle
2007: The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
2006: Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi
2005: When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka
2003: A Gesture Life by Chang-rae Lee
2002: Wild Life by Molly Gloss
1999: A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines
1998: The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks
One Book - South Dakota. One Book South Dakota.
2006: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
One Book - Springfield, MA: One Book One
2007: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
2006: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
One Book - Valparaiso University, IN VALPO Reads a
2007: Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
2006: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
2005: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
2004: Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
2003: The Giver by Lois Lowry
2002: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
One Book - Vancouver, BC Canada: "One Book One Vancouver" - Sponsor: Vancouver Public Library
2006: There Is A Season: A Memoir by Patrick Lane
2005: Obasan by Joy Kogawa
2004: The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan
2003: Stanley Park by Timothy Taylor
2002: The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy
One Book - Villanova University, Villanova, PA. One Book Villanova
2007: Blood Done Sign My Name: A True Story by Timothy B. Tyson
2006: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
One Book - Waterloo Region, ON Canada: One Book, One Community
2007: Smoke by Elizabeth Ruth
2006: Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden
2005: Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer
2003: The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart
2002: No Great Mischief by Alistair McLeod
Ontario Library Association Reading Programs: a forest of reading®
Series and Sequels from Los Angeles Public Library. Listing of fiction books for adults which are part of a series, or are sequels to earlier novels. Search by author, title and series name or characters.
World eBook Library. Public Access Section of Book Listings. Full text search of 27,000 html eBooks in English that can be freely accessed for personal, noncommercial use. Search by Author and Title, and Browse New Listings, Author, Title, Subject, or Serial Archives.
For encyclopedias and dictionaries on specific subjects, look under the subject. Example: for Catholic Encyclopedia go to 200 Religion then to 282 Catholic Church - Encyclopedias.
AllRefer.com. Reference and Encyclopedia">Encyclopedia.
AllWords.com. English Dictionary with Multi-Lingual Search. Translates English word into Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Includes Crossword Solver, and The Word of the Week. Click to hear English pronunciation of word. Gives definitions, idioms, and brief biographical notes if applicable.
Almanacs. Links to almanacs: AfroAmerican Almanac, Almanac of Political History, Celebrity Almanac, Living Almanac of Disasters, Moron's Almanac, MyTravelGuide.com, Planet Earth Almanac, Price's List of Lists, StarDate, Top Ten of Everything, Uncle Woody's Almanac (what happened on the day you were born), Whatweather, and World Population.
aneki.com. World Almanac with easy to find information on 190 countries around the globe.
Bartleby.com. Great Books Online - Reference: Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Quotations, and English Usage.
The Britannica Concise. Dictionary with concise definitions from Britannica. Over 25,000 alphabetical entries.
Britannica.com. Free, full text online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
The Canadian Encyclopedia. Full text of an encyclopedia about Canada and its people. Multimedia version. Includes interactive maps, graphs, games, and Real Audio interview.
Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Largest one-volume general encyclopedia available. Year 2000 publication. Full-text searchable with direct links to related subjects.
Credo Reference formerly xrefer. A giant online reference library with access to reference books including encyclopedias and dictionaries. Full-text, aggregated content covers every major subject from the world's best publishers of reference. 3,041,608 entries, from 293 titles and 58 publishers, with more being added.
Daily Almanac. Categories include: This Day in History, Today's Birthdays, Today's Word Quiz, Link of the Day, Today's Weather, Facts Behind the News, Breaking News, and Ask the Editors.
Encarta. Encyclopedia, dictionary, and atlas online. Encyclopedia articles in full text for viewing only. Articles can be printed one small section at a time.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian: The Smithsonian from A to Z with links to resources on subjects from Art to Zoology.
The Glossarist. A searchable directory of glossaries and topical dictionaries. Web links to numerous glossaries and definitions for your search terms.
Guinness World Records. First edition of The Guinness Book of Records appeared in 1955. A fact may only become a Guinness World Record™ when it’s tested, verified and elevated above all suspicion. With sales of more than 100 million copies in 100 different countries and 24 languages, Guinness World Records™ is the world’s best ever selling copyright book.
The Internet Language Dictionary from NetLingo.com. Contains hundreds of words and definitions that describe the technology and the WWW. Site includes long list of chat acronyms, e-mail shorthand, as well as smileys and emoticons.
OneLook Dictionary Search. Search dictionary web sites for words and phrases. 7,974,632 words in 975 dictionaries indexed.
On-line Medical Dictionary - OMD. 65,000 definitons in science and medicine. Cross-referenced.
University of Virginia Library - Internet Reference Resources. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Thesauri, Almanacs, Fact Books, and more.
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Type a word, click GO to search the encyclopedia, or click SEARCH to see Article title matches and Article text matches. Articles provide numerous additional hyperlinks.
Youth Encyclopedia of Canada. Entries of the Youth Encyclopedia are written in language more suitable for younger readers seeking quick information or introductions to a multitude of Canadian topics.
Ireland's Lake Monster from About.com. See also: Eerieland: A Tour of Paranormal Ireland by Davy Russell. Banshees, Fairies, Religious Phenomenon, Ghosts, Lake Monsters of Ireland.
List of Monsters from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mythical, legendary, and fictional monsters from around the world. List is organized by Region and mythologies, legends, and literature that came from that region.
Loch Ness Monster from Simple English Wikipedia.
Monsters, Myths and Mystery: Great Canadian Legends from CBC.ca. Sasquatch or ogled Ogopogo, Nokomis, Winona, shape-shifting spirit Nanabozho, legendary loup-garou (the lone werewolf).
Monsters of Mystery from National Geographic. Bigfoot, Abominable Snowman, Loch Ness Monster, Storsie, Yeti, Mokele-Mbembe.
Top Ten Media Myths About UFOs, Extra-Terrestrial Aliens, Bigfoot, Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster, Piltdown Man, Roswell, Area 51, Antigravity Aircraft, Crop Circles, Bermuda Triangle, and Life on Mars.
World Mysteries - Mystic Places. Strange Artifacts. Ancient Writings. Science Mysteries. What's New
Complete Listing of World Wonders:
The Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World 1
The Seven Wonders of the
World 2
The Ancient Wonders of the World
3 - Interactive Google map
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 4 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World 5 CNN Destinations - Scroll down to click on name of wonder.
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World 6 from ThinkQuest
The Seven Wonders of the
Medieval Mind
The Seven Natural Wonders of
the World 1
Seven Natural Wonders of
the World 2 CNN Destinations
Seven Wonders of the Natural World
3 from ThinkQuest
The Seven Underwater
Wonders of the World
The Seven Wonders of the
Modern World 1
Seven Wonders of the Modern
World 2 - Civil Engineering Measurements;
Seven Wonders of the Modern World 3
The Seven Forgotten
Natural Wonders of the World
The Seven Forgotten
Modern Wonders of the World
The Seven Forgotten
Medieval Wonders of the World
The Forgotten Wonders of the
BBC Learning. Online learning, support and advice. Quick links to: Adult Learning, Art and Design, Basic Skills, Building Skills, Business Studies, Cars, Children's Learning, Crafts, English, Environmental Studies, Food and Catering, Gardening, Health and Nursing, History, Homes, Information Technology, Languages, Legal and Consumer, Maths, Media Studies, Music, Performing Arts, Personal Development, Religious Studies, Schools, Science, Sports and Fitness.
eHow. More than 15,000 How-to Solutions. Find out how things get done by following Step-by-Step How-To's. Free registration to use site.
How Stuff Works. Search in HowStuffWorks.com to find information on how things work. Include numerous related Web links.
How to do anything. Mountains of information on how to do anything, e.g. How to catch a mouse, How to fix chimney problems, How to improve Internet speed, etc.
How to use chopsticks. Step-by-step visual and animated guide on how to use chopsticks.
SoYouWanna.com. Illustrated articles to teach you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school.
WannaLearn.com: Education beyond schooling. Over 350 categories of free, first-rate, family-safe online tutorials, guides, and instruction Websites. Numerous topics to choose from: Academic Subjects, Spiritual & Paranormal, Personal Enrichment, Business & Careers, Computers & the Internet, Fitness & Health, Sports & Leisure, Fine Arts, Crafts & Hobbies, Home & Garden, Financial Management, and Just for Fun.
Weeno. A website for free exchange of useful knowledge. Some examples: How to Remove Oil and Tar from Carpet, How to Defrost Food Faster, How to Repair Drywall, How to Install a Second Phone Line Yourself, How to Lose 15 Pounds in 5 Weeks. Categories: Animals & Pets, Business & Career, Computers & Technology, Cooking & Food, Health & Fitness, Hobbies & Recreation, Home and Apartments, Humor & Fun, Legal, Life Issues, Misc., School and Travel. You can submit your Tips, Tutorials, and How To's on almost any topic; however, only original material is accepted.
AlterNet.org. AlterNet's online magazine provides a mix of news, opinion and investigative journalism on subjects ranging from the environment, the drug war, technology and cultural trends to policy debate, sexual politics and health issues. The AlterNet article database includes more than 7,000 stories from over 200 sources.
The Business Publications Search Engine. Directory of over 200 free subscriptions to Business & Trade Publications.
FindArticles.com. Find articles online, free service. Search by Subject or by Name of magazine or journal. Over 10 million full-text articles, News, Magazine back issues and Reference on all topics dating back to 1998.
Free Website Trade Publication >> Website Magazine.
TheMagazineBoy.com. Read over 1500 magazines online. Search for magazine websites.
Magazines, Journals, etc. from Wall Street Executive Library covering both U.S. and Canadian magazines, journals, periodicals. Direct links to a long list of News Stand magazines, Business, as well as Computer & Technology magazines online.
MagPortal.com. Find free magazine articles online. Magazines indexed under 12 categories. Each category is subdivided, e.g. under Sports and Recreation, you will find a list of subcategories: Auto Racing, Baseball and Softball, Basketball, Boating and Sailing, etc.
Robert's Rules of Order by General Henry M. Robert, U.S. Army.
For Art Museums see 708 Art collections, Art museums, (Art galleries)
24 Hour Museum - Official Guide to UK Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions and Heritage. Museum Index to 3478 museums and galleries.
Australian Museum Online. Contains unique and extensive collections of natural science and cultural artefacts. Information includes fact sheets, FAQs, resources. Features include:
Canadian Museums by Province from MuseumLink's Museum of Museums.
International Museum Links from MuseumLink's Museum of Museums.
MUSÉE. Links to 37,000 museums around the world. Site uses pop-up screens. Search Museum Directory by category: Art & Design, Food, Fashion, Film and Music, History, Kids, Science and Nature, Sports, Special Interest.
Museum Computer Network - Museum Sites Online. Links to over 1,700 international museum and museum-related WWW sites. A-Z index.
The Museum of Online Museums - MoOM. Museum Campus, Permanent Collection, plus Galleries, Exhibitions and Shows.
Museums in the USA - Alphabetical Index
Museums in the USA - States Index
Museums in the USA - Categories Index:
National Museums of Scotland: Royal Museum, Museum of Scotland, Museum of Flights, Museum of Scottish Country Life, Shambellie House Museum of Costume, National War Museum of Scotland.
Smithsonian: Museums. See also: Smithsonian Institution - Explore & Learn Online Resources: Art and Design, History and Culture, Science and Technology.
U.S. Museums by State from MuseumLink's Museum of Museums.
Vatican Museums Online. Including History of the Vatican Museums, Virtual Tours, Sistine Chapel, and more.
Virtual Library Museum Pages (VLmp). Links to museums around the world: Africa, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Hungary, Latin America, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, and Rest of the world.
Virtual Museums from MuseumLink's Museum of Museums.
10x10 / 100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time. Currently, 10x10 gathers its data from the following news sources: Reuters World News, BBC World Edition, and New York Times International News. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image. Each hour is presented as a picture postcard window, composed of 100 different frames. Click on a frame to view news articles in full.
1stHeadlines: Top News Headlines. News from U.S. and Around the World. Other news categories include: Business, Health, Lifestyles, Sports, Technology, and Weather. Enter a word, press 'Search' to find all headlines containing that word.
ABYZ News Links. Gateway to Newspapers, News Media, and News Sources from around the World. Primarily composed of newspapers but also includes many broadcast stations, internet services, magazines, and press agencies. A well-maintained site with over 20,000 links to quality news sources worldwide.
AltaVista News Search with many options: Search by Topic, Region (Worldwide), Source, and/or Day Range. Also available are current news within the past 1 to 23 hours: Top Headlines, Business Headlines, Tech Headlines, Lifestyle Headlines, and United States Headlines.
Arab News. The Middle East's English language daily newspaper. Includes Islam Prayer Times, Weather in Saudi Arabia, Exchange Rates, Cr ude Oil Rates, Top 100 Saudi Companies, Search Arab News Archives from April 1, 2001 on.
ChannelOne.com - Channel One News for teens in middle and high schools.
Christian Science Monitor. World news coverage with at least one religious article per day. Past issues accessible.
CNN.com Daily Almanac Archive - On This
Archive of CNN's Daily News Almanac - 1998, 1997, 1996
CNN World
CNN Europe
CNN Asia
CNN Africa
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and much more.
Google News. Search and browse 4,500 news sources updated continuously. Choose Top Stories from: World, U.S., Business, Sci/Tech, Sports, Entertainment, Health, Most Popular. Google News Archive Search - Search and explore historical archives.
News and Newspapers Online from Walter Clinton Jackson Library, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Links to online news and newspapers around the globe: USA and Canada, Latin America, Caribbean, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica, and Africa. Includes Links to Other News Reference Sites.
News Resources for Kids from Ask for Kids.
News Summaries from New York Times for Middle and High School Students.
NewspaperIndex.com. A journalist owned project. Database of the best newspapers in every country in the world is evaluated and updated daily.
Newspapers of the World from The Internationalist. List of newspapers arranged alphabetically by country.
NewsVoyager: A Gateway to Your Local Newspaper. Links to International Newspapers. Choose a Region (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, South America, UK, US / Canada), select a newspaper, and go directly to the section of your choice.
OnlineNewspapers.com. Links to all newspapers of the world.
The Paperboy. Over 6000 Online Newspapers from more than 191 countries. UK and Canadian editions of Paperboy available online. Search by newspapers or by countries. Site based in Western Australia, started by Ian, now maintained with help of his brother Andrew.
Topix.net. News Front Page. News on 360,000 topics, from Autos to your ZIP code.
Wall Street Executive Library. Links to major newspapers in U.S. and Canada as well as international newspapers around the world. Includes links to major resources in all subject areas. Well maintained site.
The WorldNews Network. Colorful and attractive links to the world's news. Easy access to the world's Headlines by continents, Photos, World News, Sports, Entertainment, Science, and Business.
World Press Review Online. Founded in 1997, Worldpress.org provides first-hand look at issues and debates that occupy the world's newspapers and magazines. Contents include: World Headlines, Front Page, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, E-Mail Updates, News Feeds, World Newspapers, Country Profiles, Documents in the News, Archives dating from August 2001 of World Press Review Back Issues, and more.
Yahoo! News. Top news headlines on current events from Yahoo! News.
Yahoo! Kids - News. News Slideshows.
24 Hour News - Canada. Canadian news. CBC.ca World
News, Business News, Health & Science News. Articles.
Canada - Newspapers. From
NewsDirectory.com. Links to all newspapers across Canada are arranged by Area Codes within Provinces and
Territories, e.g. a local newspaper such as Toronto Star is listed under
Area Code 416; Mississauga News under Area Code
Canada.com. News Search powered by National Post
& Canadian Press. Current news top stories. Categories include: National news, World news, Business news,
Sports, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Oddities, Agriculture, and All The News
Canadian Newspapers. Read Canadian
newspapers the minute they are published. Links to newspapers from British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario,
Quebec and elsewhere in Canada.
Local Newspapers. Links to
local newspapers in areas of Burlington, Calgary, Edmonton, Fredericton, Hamilton, Kamloops, Kelowna,
Kingston, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Nanaimo, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Penticton, Red Deer, Saint John, St.
Johns, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, and Windsor, as well as Local Online News in cities across Canada.
NewsVoyager: A Gateway to Your Local
Newspaper. Links to Canadian Daily Newspapers. Choose a Province or Territory, select a newspaper,
and go directly to the section of your choice.
50states.com - United States Newspapers. Links to over 3,300 United States Newspapers.
AP News + Google Maps + Satellite + Hybrid. This site displays the Associated Press U.S. National, Sports, Business, Technology and "Strange" news stories on top of Google Maps. The city/state from each news story is translated to a latitude/longitude point.
AP - Associated Press. Click on the state to get the latest news. See also FAQ and Facts & Figures about AP.
NewsVoyager: A Gateway to Your Local Newspaper. Links to U.S. Daily Newspapers. Choose a State, a newspaper, and go directly to the section of your choice.
United States Newspapers. Direct links to 2,400 newspapers organized by state.
U.S. News Archives on the Web. Click for newspapers from Alabama - DC, Florida - Kentucky, Louisiana - North Carolina, Ohio - Wisconsin, plus Non Daily Newspapers.
Canadian TV Stations - Television Stations of Canada from High-Tech Productions / Blank Video Tape.com.
United States Television Stations - Listed by City from High-Tech Productions / Blank Video Tape.com.
Airwaves Canada! - Canadian Radio Stations. Toronto Television Channels and Links.
Canadian Radio Stations. Radio
stations across Canada arranged by Provinces. Within each Province, stations are arranged alphabetically by
names of cities or towns.
CBC.ca. Canada's NewsNetwork provides news and information from Canada and the world 24 hours a day. Watch latest
newscast online.
CFRB·AM·1010 Toronto. Listen Live to News Talk Radio. Traffic, Weather,
Sports, Business, Show Information, Comedy, Promotions, Links, Archives, Canadian and World News.
CNN.com. CNN on TV, CNN NewsStand, CNN Radio, CNN International, Headline News, News Brief, News of the World, Multimedia Showcase, Free E-mail and more.
Committee to Protect Journalists from CPJ Press Freedom Online. Journalist news by country in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe & Central Asia, Middle East & North Africa. Articles include: IRAQ: Journalists in Danger - Deaths, Abductions, Reports and Commentary. Viewpoints include: 10 Most Censored Countries, China's Jailed e-Journalists. See also Editorial Cartoons.
FRONTLINE - Thought provoking journalism on air and online. Besides detailed reports, free online viewing of FRONTLINE TV programs is available at this site. Watch FRONTLINE Online.
Getting it Right: A Passion for Accuracy by Chip Scanlan, from Poynter Online. "Accuracy is the goal; fact-checking is the process. ... The way to achieve accuracy is to develop a system and adhere to it religiously. ... pay attention to three faultlines: During the reporting, During the Writing, After the Writing. ..."
Internet Resources for Business Journalists compiled by Ira Chinoy, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland. Links include: Collections of useful links, Reference: definitions, math, etc., Web tools, Investigative reporting on business, Business news publications, Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Industry, business, and occupation profiles and issues, E-commerce, U.S. Census, demographics, and general statistics, and much more.
newswise: Search Tools for Reporters. SciNews, MedNews, BizNews, and LifeNews. Covers news releases from institutions conducting research in science, medicine, business and others. You can search, browse, or download articles.
Online Journalism Review from University of Southern California. Covers full range of journalistic issues in all media, with emphasis on Internet. Gat resource for journalists and researchers.
Poynter Online. Everything you need to be a better journalist. The Poynter Institute is a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists. Topics include: Design / Graphics, Diversity, Ethics, Leadership, Online, Photojournalism, Writing / Editing, TV / Radio, Resource Center with Tip Sheets, Journalism Links, Resource Files, and Bibliographies.
Radio Locator. A comprehensive radio station search engine with links to over 10,000 radio station Web pages and over 2500 audio streams from radio stations in the United States Radio Stations, Canada, and Around the World.
Book Editors: Debut Novels, Book Publishers: First Novels. Free list of 400 book publishers and book editors for first fiction and first-time novelists. How to find a book publisher for your novel. By John Kremer, a book marketing expert.
Book Publishers. Listings of Websites of book publishers. Find postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as email addresses of listed publishers. Some sites include Contact for Authors, Featured book, Author's profile, Book review, etc. Categories: Business & Law, Comics & Graphic Novels, Computers & Technology, Cookbooks, Fiction, Fine Arts, Hobbies & Crafts, Inspirational & Self-Improvement, Poetry, Rare & Antiquarian Books, Religion & Spirituality, Travel & Regional, University Presses.
International Standard Numbers (ISNs) from Library and Archives Canada (formerly National Library of Canada).
isbn.org. Frequently Asked Questions about the ISBN, including: What is an ISBN? The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 10-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. Purpose and format of an ISBN, and more.
Publishers Weekly. The International Voice for Book Publishing and Book Selling.
Self Publishing. Book publisher offering a joint venture self publishing program for multicultural and cutting edge works, especially nonfiction and memoirs.
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. From Duke University. Links to Digitized collections, e.g. Emergence of Advertising in America with a database of over 9,000 advertisinyg items and publications, 1850-1920, Ad*Access with an image database of over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines, 1911-1955, Historic American Sheet Music with digital images of over 16,000 pages of sheet music from 3042 pieces published in the United States, 1850-1920, and many more. Also includes Exhibits, Student Projects, and Guides to the Collections.