A Research Guide for 
Students by I Lee

A Virtual Library of Useful URLs
Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

000-005 Computers, Information & General Reference

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001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc.), Contests, Competitions
002 Books See also 028 Books and reading, (One Book Projects), (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists), (eBooks), (e-Books)
004 Computers, Computer literacy, Computer systems
004.03 Computer science - Dictionaries, (Computer terms), (Computer jargon), (Computers - Jargon), (Computers - Dictionaries)
004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW)
  Add URL
  Affiliate Programs
  Anti-Virus, AntiVirus
  Colors, Color charts
  Domain name
  Free E-mail or Free email
  Free Internet Access
  Free/Low Cost Web hosting or Free/Low Cost Web sites
  Free Web storage space
  Internet Safety
  Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  Internet Statistics
  Popup stoppers, Ad blockers
  Search engines
  Security and Spyware
  Tools for Webmasters
  Win awards
005.13 Programming languages (Computers), Web designs, Java, JavaScript, Perl, (Regular expressions)
005.7 HTML (Document Markup Language)
025.4 Dewey Decimal Classification, Classification - Books, Library of Congress Classification
025.5 Reference services, (Virtual libraries), Information services, (Useful URLs), (Best Web sites)
027 Libraries
027.071 Libraries - Canada
027.073 Libraries - United States
027.0973 Archives - United States, (Public records - Preservation)
027.8 School libraries, Elementary school libraries, High school libraries, (Secondary school libraries), (Junior high school libraries), (Children's libraries), (Libraries and students)
028 Books and reading, (Reading interests), (Best books), (Best-book lists), (eBooks), (e-Books)
030 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, (Glossaries), Almanacs, World records, (Records of achievement), Curiosities and wonders, (Wonders of the World)
031.2 Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc., (How to), (Learn to), (Tutorials)
050 Periodicals, (Magazines), (Journals)
060.4 Parliamentary practice, (Rules of order)
069 Museums
070 Newspapers, World news and newspapers, Canada - Newspapers, Canadian newspapers, (Canada - News) United States - Newspapers, American newspapers, (U.S. - News)
070.1 Television broadcasting of news, (TV broadcasting of news)
070.4 News agencies, Journalism, Broadcast journalism, (Commercial Journalism), (News broadcasting), (Wire agencies), (News services), (Radio journalism), (Radio news), (Television journalism), (Television news)
070.5 Publishers and publishing, Publishers' standard book numbers, International Standard Book Numbers, (I.S.B.N.), (ISBN), International Standard Serial Numbers, (I.S.S.N.), (ISSN)
090 Rare books, (Antiquarian books), (Book rarities), (Early printed books)

001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc.), Contests, Competitions

Air Miles from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Nobel Prizes. Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prizes have been given for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. Site includes: All Prize Winners, Prize Winner Facts, Award Ceremonies, Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) - Biography, Educational Games, and more.

The Nobel Prize Internet Archive. Choose a category to view past and present Nobel Prize Winners: Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Economics, Physiology & Medicine. Nobel Prize Winners in Science and Economics.

Pulitzer Prize from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Annual awards by Columbia University in New York City, for print journalism, literary achievements, and musical composition.

The Pulitzer Prizes. Resources, Archives, History, Guidelines & Entry Forms.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Since 1923, 12 million students have participated, 2 million young artists and writers have been recognized, and $20 million in awards and scholarships have been made available.

Think Together from ThinkQuest. Contest sponsored by the Oracle Education Foundation. Students work in teams to create the best educational websites and compete for prizes.

leaf Canada's Top 40 Under 40TM is a national program founded and managed by The Caldwell Partners to celebrate our leaders of today and tomorrow, and to honour Canadians who have reached a significant level of success but have not yet reached the age of 40. Award Recipients - Archive of winners from 1995 to most recent.

002 Books

See also 028 Books and reading, (eBooks), (e-Books)

Gallery of Book Trade Labels. A labor of love by Greg Kindall, Seven Roads. A virtual collection of book trade labels, mainly from the 19th and 20th centuries, used by publishers, printers, and binders around the world (including Japan & Mexico) to advertise their contributions. Each entry is digitally scanned from books found in research libraries such as the University of Utah Marriott Library - some labels date back to early 1800s.

The Paperback Revolution: An online exploration of the history of paperback books. A Revolution in Reading: 1935–1960 from University of Alberta, Canada. Visit the Virtual Paperback Rack in the Gallery section.

004 Computers, Computer literacy, Computer systems

CNET: The Computer Network. Source for computers and technology. Provides latest information on Products, Services. Example: CNET Editors' Desktop Buying Guide.

CompInfo: Find the Best Sources of Computer Information. Reference resource for computer information. Computer directories, computer software and computers.

Computers Decision Guide - Step-by-step: Buying a computer from ConsumerReports.org.

A Brief History of Programming Languages from BYTE.com. Beginning: ca. 1946 to 1996.

PC Magazine: The Independent Guide to Technology. Computer, Software, Hardware and Electronics Reviews, Downloads, Solutions, News, Columns, and more.

Practically Networked Troubleshooting Guides. Networking, Internet Sharing, Wireless Network Security, Backgrounders, Tutorials, and more.

Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Tips on how to adjust your workstation to fit you and how to maintain proper posture while computing. Illustrated. See also: Injury and Overuse Prevention. Carpal Tunnel Prevention Wrist Exercises (Exercises to Injure-Proof Your Wrists), Computer Work Stretches, Repetitive Motions Inuries, Overuse Page.

Universal Serial Bus - USB.org - FAQ. Basic Information, So what does USB really do? Installing USB Support and Setting up USB Peripheral (Device) under Windows, USB Cables, Connectors, and Networking with USB, and USB On-The-Go (USB OTG).

004.03 Computer science - Dictionaries, (Computer terms), (Computer jargon), (Computers - Jargon), (Computers - Dictionaries)

DefineThat. Technical definitions and computer encyclopedia. All Technical Definitions, Guide to Emoticons (Smileys - Smilies).

ITsecurity.com. Internet and Computer Security Information. Includes a Dictionary, FAQs - Email Security for Dummies, Data Back Ups.

Look up: Computer & Internet Terminology from Babylon.com. A large collection of online dictionaries related to Computer & Internet, including searchable versions of popular works such as the Jargon File, the FOLDOC, and many other glossaries explaining Computer Abbreviations and Acronyms.

TechEncyclopedia from TechWeb with more than 20,000 Information Technology (IT) terms.

Webopedia. Online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology.

Whatis.com. IT encyclopedia and learning center. Browse A-Z listings of terms, or browse for definitions in categories: Software, Internet, Computing Fundamentals, Hardware, PCs, Networking, Telecom.

004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW)

  Internet - General information
  Add URL
  Affiliate Programs
  Anti-Virus, AntiVirus
  Colors, Color charts
  Domain name
  Free E-mail or email
  Free Internet Access
  Free/Low Cost Web hosting or Free/Low Cost Web sites
  Free Web storage space
  Internet Safety
  Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  Internet Statistics
  Popup stoppers, Ad blockers
  Safe surf
  Search engines
  Security and Spyware
  Tools for Webmasters
  Win awards

004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) - General information

30 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do on the Internet by Dan Tynan. From the July 2005 issue of PC World magazine.

Bare Bones 101. A Basic Tutorial on Searching the Web from the University of South Carolina, Beaufort Library. Includes BCK2SKOL Lessons - Back to School: The Electronic Library Classroom 101. A Class on the Net for Librarians with Little or No Net Experience.

Berners-Lee, Tim - First U.S. Web Site: Documentation of the Early Web (1991-1994) at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). From Archives and History Office Special Collection. See also About W3C: History, Where the web was born. What are CERN's greatest achievements? The World Wide Web. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, invented the World Wide Web in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, derived from the French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire or European Council for Nuclear Research.

Tim Berners-Lee, from Google image, orig. 800 x 539 pixels - 58k, www.ethlife.ethz.ch/images/cern_1990-l.jpg
Tim Berners-Lee, a young British scientist,
working as a consultant for CERN, 1990
  Tim Berners-Lee, from http://www.w3.org/Consortium/
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director
and inventor of the World Wide Web

Berners-Lee - Sir Timothy "Tim" John Berners-Lee - Biography from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Born June 8, 1955 in London, Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). He is sometimes called "TimBL" or "TBL". See also Tim Berners-Lee, Director - at Who's Who at the W3C, Tim's Homepage includes Answers for Young People - FAQ for Kids, his bio, email address, snail mail address, latitude, longitude, direction on how to get there, phone, FAX, PGP fingerprint, essays and articles, e.g. A one-page personal history of the web (1998/5/7).

Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web (Paperback) by Tim Berners-Lee

  Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web
  (Paperback) by Tim Berners-Lee

Computer and Internet Use by Students in 2003. This report examines the use of computers and the Internet by American children enrolled in nursery school and students in kindergarten through grade 12.

Facebook. A social utility that connects you with the people around you. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Facebook from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents. Free download of weblog advice handbook from Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières). Contents include: Bloggers, the new heralds of free expression, What’s a blog? The language of blogging, How to set up and run a blog, What ethics should bloggers have? What really makes a blog shine? How to blog anonymously, Technical ways to get 'round censorship, Ensuring your e-mail is truly private, and more.

Internet 101 from Stimulus.com. Lessons include: History of Internet, basic HTML commands, introduction to CGI, basic Internet terminology, frames, do's and don'ts of Web page design, learn about loading time, images, GIFs, JPEGs, and best methods to market your Web site.

It's a Wonderful Internet. Sit back, click the arrow to turn the pages, and watch this animated movie to see what the world might be like without the Internet. From Nurun / Ant Farm Interactive.

MySpace from Wikipedia, the free enclopedia. MySpace.com. Meet people from your area in the country and keep in touch. Includes MySpace.com Blogs, forums, email, groups, games and events.

Ning - Create Your Own Social Networks! Online service where you can create, customize, and share your own Social Network for free.

Texas Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT). Register for a free tutorial on information literacy from University of Texas System Digital Library. Topics of tutorials on Current Internet Issues include: Censorship & Freedom of Speech, Global Communities, Internet Business, Laws & Regulations, New Trends, and Security & Privacy.


Add Me!. Search Engine Sumission & Optimization. Submit your web sites to Search Engines for free.

Best Free Directories - Free Web Site Submission Directory Rankings from WebSubmissionKing.com.

Dream Submit.net. Free submit to over 50 universal search engines.

Dream Submit Free
to over 50 Search Engines

FREE Search Engine Submission. Free URL submission to top Search Engines from Web Launch.

FREE URL Submission - Submit your site to dozens of top search engines for FREE.

Google. Submit your site to Google.

Google Tips on Submission & Ranking. Google's Page Rank Technology. Submit your web site to google, learn about link popularity, google SEO & getting ranked.

ineedhits.com. Use Submit Free to add your website to 20 popular Search Engines with one easy form.

Internetjoin.com. Submit for free several URLs at the same time. Internetjoin has a list of over 170 search engines and directories.

Submission Tips. Tips to improve and optimize your web page for better search engine submission results.

Submit Express. Submit your URLs to be listed in Search Engines, manually or automatically with one entry. Free.

Submit Plus. Free submission to top 10 search engines for free.

Web Launch - URL Submission. Free Submission to 34 Search Engines.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs. Guide to affiliate programs on the Web.

Anti-Virus, AntiVirus

Anti-Virus Software Reviews - 6StarReviews.

Anti-Virus Utilities from Free Downloads Center. Freeware, Shareware, and Demo: AntiVirus Utilities.

AVG Anti-Virus. AVG Free Edition is an anti-virus protection tool available free-of-charge to home users.

avast! 4 Home Edition Free Antivirus Download. Free registration.

Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus. Free download.

CNET Downloads. Free software downloads and software reviews. Include Webroot Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus.

Comparing Freeware Antivirus Titans: Avira, Avast & AVG from YouTube, 9:44 min.

HouseCall. Trend Micro's free online virus scanner.

McAfee FreeScan detects thousands of viruses on your computer, searches for viruses and displays a detailed list of any infected files. Create an account to login.

Malware Map / Spam Map from Trend Micro. Search or view virus by location or virus name, track (infected computers or files), select world map or map of continent, choose time period: last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. Summary Report displays a comprehensive list of viruses worldwide. Regional Breakdown provides 3 colorful pie charts showing the regional distribution of viruses worldwide during the past 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days. You may also check out the Phishing & Pharming, alphabetical list of Scams and Hoaxes, learn more about viruses in the Virus Primer: What is Malware? What is a Trojan? What is a Virus? Life Cycle of a Virus, Threat Resource Center, Risk Ratings, Glossary of Virus Terms. Tools for Webmasters include Virus Info Feed where you can download free virus updates, and House Call a free online virus scanner which you can add to your Web site.

McA fee Virus Information Library. Includes Virus Alerts, Anti-Virus Updates, Find Virus Alphabeticaly, Newly Discovered Viruses, Free Downloads of Beta AntiVirus Software, and more.

Proland Software. Download Protector Plus range of Antivirus Software Packages. Free evaluation copy.

Real Viruses and Worms and what to do if you've been infected, advice from ScamBusters.org. See also Stop Computer Viruses in Their Tracks, Stop Spam! Internet ScamBustersTM: 809 Area Code Scam, 90# Telephone Scam, or "nine-zero-pound" phone scam, and other helpful advice.

Symantec Security Response. Search for Viruses Alphabetically in this Virus Encyclopedia from Symantec. Expanded Threat List provides a synopsis of the latest virus-related threats discovered by Symantec Security Response.

Threat Fire AntiVirus. Formerly Cyberhawk, now PC Tools ThreatFire. Behavioral Virus and Spyware Protection.

Vmyths.coMisconceptions about genuine threatsm: Truth About Computer Security Hysteria. Hoaxes, myths, urban legends: Hoax virus alerts, and more.

Colors, Color charts

17 Named Colors with numerical RGB specification from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). List of color keywords: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

The 216-Color Webmaster's Palette or Webmaster's Color Lab. Click on the color of your choice, see display of color and details of hexadecimal codes. Quick selection of color for your Webpage.

4096 Color Wheel. Version 2.1 by Jemima Pereira.

500+ Named Colours. Page lists over 500 colours by color name, Hex value, RGB value and Microsoft Access code number, from cloford.com.

The Browser Safe Palette (BSP). Victor Engel's No Dither Netscape Colors.

Color Chart - Color Slider (RGB to Hexidecimal Converter) from CalculatorCat.com.

Colour Index: Hue Indication Chart. View colours by Number, Swatch, and Hue Name. See also SDC Colour Museum.

Color Name Samples. 140 web color names displayed alphabetically in a table along with their respective RGB values, from O'Reilly Media.

Color Slider Applet by Mike Bach. Find the Hex Code for the colors you want. Choose a color by sliding the red, green, and blue scales, and the RGB code appears. A handy applet to determine RGB color codes. Mike provides directions on how to add this applet to your page.

Color Slider: RGB to Hexidecimal Converter from CalculatorCat.com.

efg's Computer Lab - Reference Library - Color. Links to General Color Information, Color Science/Theory, Color and Computers, Color Quantization, and Palettes.

GotoMy.com Color Chart. Large color chart with hexadecimal numbers for the RGB codes as well as for Named Colors in alphabetical order.

Hex Color Wheel from ClassBrain.com. Mouse over the chart to find the color that you like, hex color code provided. Excellent color selector. Easy to use.

HTML Named Colors Reference. HTML Named Colors & Hex Values, and Gray Shades. Color Names & Hex Values, from Big Baer.

HYPE's Color Specifier for Netscape v.3 . Click on hyperlink to see effect of full page background color. Includes color names along with RGB decimal color codes, and their corresponding hexadecimal codes. Codes work with both Netscape and Explorer. See also standard 16 colors by name.

Online Color Chart - Hex HTML Color Codes, Decimal RGB Color Codes, Web Designer's Color Hexagon from VisiBone.com.

RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart: The 216 browser safe non-dithering colors by Doug Jacobson. A handy one-page RGB Hexadecimal Triplet Color Table, may be used to find correct colors for BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, VLINK, and ALINK HTML tags.

Web Color Reference helps you pick colors for Web pages. Three tables:

Domain name

leaf .CA Registration. You can register a (.ca) domain name for 1 to 10 years, and choose from 2 to 50 characters for your domain name. Site also provides answers to such General Questions as: What is a Domain Name? What is the Domain Name System (DNS)? Who can register .CA Domain Name? What is a Top-Level Domain Name?

leaf Canadian Domain Name Services. Answers to questions about Domain Name System, Nameservers, Domain Name Registration, Modifying Domain Name Record, Official CIRA Registration Documents, CIRA Canadian Presence Requirements, CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority) Registrant Agreement, and Registration Rules.

Cheap Domain Registration and Cheap Web Hosting. FAQ section answers many questions on domain name, General Information on What is a Domain Name? Domain Name Extensions, Registering and Transferring a Domain Name, Parking and Unparking a Domain Name, Fowarding and Hosting a Domain Name, Managing a Domain Name Account, and the Whois Function.

leaf CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority): Registrars List. CIRA certifies many Registrars. Random list is updated on a daily basis. To register a domain name, you must contact a CIRA certified registrar.

Domain Name Guide. Information covered: Buying and selling domain names, Domain FAQ, Glossary, Domain name search, Registration of domain names, Registrar system, Register and protect a domain name, Administrative tasks, and Registration FAQ.

Easy Whois - easyWhois. Quickly lookup a domain name's Whois Record for any domain. See also IP Lookup and What Is My IP? Provides Address Block Information.

Go Daddy. Domain name search. Enter a domain name to instantly check its availability. Provides option to private registration through Domains By Proxy to keep personal information private, i.e. no personal information is made public but still able to retain benefits of domain ownership.

iPower is a popular, affordable and reliable Web hosting and eBusiness provider, currently serving over 700,000 member websites from over 150 countries. iPower will register your domain name (.com, .net and .org). Provides FREE WHOIS Domain Name Privacy on ALL Domain and Hosting Accounts.

Register.com. Register your domain name. Check out Pricing, Rules, and FAQ regarding Domain Name Registration. Check to see who has registered any Web address: WHOIS Lookup.

Root-Zone Whois Information. A-Z Index by TLD Code. Complete list of Top Level Domains by Country Code, e.g. from .ac - Ascension Island to .zw – Zimbabwe.

Search WHOIS from Network Solutions. Look up a domain name in WHOIS for .com, .net, and .org, find information on domain owner's address, nameserver, IP address, domain expiration date, creation date, registration changed date, person (full name of registrant), address, phone, and e-mail of domain registrant. Some info may not be available if the domain's privacy is protected.

Top 50 Domain Registrars and Resources from Website Magazine.

WHOIS Database Search from American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). Search Internet Protocol (IP) numbers for North America, South America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa.

WHOIS Lookup Utility from TUCOWS/OpenSRS. The registry WHOIS contains information on which Registrar is authoritative for a given domain. See also Nominet from United Kingdom for .uk domain name registry, and leaf CIRA from Canada for .ca names.


Note: All downloads at your own risk. Read disclaimer carefully.

101 Fabulous Freebies. 101 outrageously useful downloads, sites, and services - from PC World magazine.

The 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities from Tech Support Alert.

Adobe Flash Player Download Center Windows.

Adobe Reader Download.

Apple QuickTime Download.

BestShareware.net. Shareware and free software download, including Registry Cleaner, Spyware-Adware Remover, AntiVirus, Firewall, Video DVD, Audio, MP3, games, and more.

CCleaner - Freeware Windows Optimization

CCleaner - Crap Cleaner free software download - Spyware Free. Excellent utility. Highly recommended.

CNET Download.com. Free downloads: Business, Education, Games, Internet, Multimedia and Design, Development Tools, Utilities, Drivers, etc.

Drivers Headquarters: Software Drivers and Hardware Drivers. Free driver detective scan. Let Driver Detective determine which of your drivers are out of date.

Free Downloads listed by DiscoveryVIP.com. Include thousands of downloads: Free, Shareware, Freeware , Beta versions, and Trial Versions that do not expire.

Free Downloads Center. Over 30,000 software titles available for free download. Free software downloads, free game downloads, free anti-virus downloads, free popup blocker or popup stopper downloads, free spyware removal programs.

FreeMusicReviews.com. Free Music Downloads Sites Ranked.

FreeWare. Here you will find (Gibson Research Corporation) GRC.com's most popular collection of freely downloadable programs & resources.

Gizmo's Best-ever Freeware. Download 46 best freeware utilities.

Google Desktop. Free download. Quickly search your computer for emails, web history, and files. View news, photos and more anywhere on your desktop. Add Google Gadgets to customize your desktop and Sidebar.

Jumble.com. Big-time downloads for PC, Linux, and Mac.

MajorGeeks.com - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities. Major Geeks has always tested files before making them available for quality and to make sure no parasites are bundled (spyware, trojans, viruses, etc). At the root of MajorGeeks are files for your computer that tweak, repair, back-up, enhance, protect and more. Must Have Free Downloads. Choose from list of top freeware and shareware computer utilities.

Microsoft.com Download Center. Check out Top 10 Downloads and the next 40 most popular downloads. Internet Explorer Downloads and downloads for all critical updates.

Mike Lin's Windows Utilities from 2002. Free download. Startup Control Panel - an applet that allows you to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts, StartupMonitor - a small utility that runs transparently and notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup, TraySaver - an advanced system tray management utility for Windows 95/98/NT, StartupSelector - will save or load the Windows configuration data that causes programs to run at system startup, plus other utilities.

Mozilla - Home of the Firefox Web Browser and Thunderbird E-mail Client. Free Download.

NONAGS. Free software. Downloads that will not nag you to buy upgraded versions and will not limit the number of days you can use the software. Everything in the Freeware section is really free.

OpenOffice.org - Download Free Office Suite. Product is free to download, use, and distribute.

Opera Web Browser Download.

PCMag.com - PC Downloads. PC Magazine Shareware Library: Freeware and Shareware Downloads. Utilities Downloads - Software Download, Program Downloads, Software Utility, System Utilities, Computer and PC Utilities.

RealPlayer Free Download.

SnapFiles. Download freeware and shareware software programs, fully reviewed and rated.

Windows Media Player Downloads.

WinZip. Download WinZip Evaluation Version.

ZDNet Downloads. Downloads for Business, Security, Utilities, IS/IT Manager, White Papers, Developer Tools, Drivers, Featured Download, Downloads for Windows PC, Most Popular Downloads, New Releases, Downloads for Mac, Downloads for Handhelds / Mobiles.

Free E-mail or Free email

See Spam below for E-mail filtering techniques and more anti-spam information.

AXIGEN Mail Server Office Edition 1.2.6. AXIGEN StartUp Edition is a free, reliable and secure mail server for 9 users and 1 domain intended for home users and small companies.

emailStripper is a free program for cleaning the ">" and other formatting characters out of your emails. It will restore "forwarded" or "replied" emails back to their original state so they are easier to read.

Free Email Address. FastMail.fm, EmailAccount, InBox.com, Yahoo! Mail, GMX (German) and HotMail.

Free Email Address Directory. Listings for hundreds of free mail services, articles about free email, and resources to help you find email addresses. Includes leaf Canada.com, CanoeMail, HushMail, ICQMail, Mail.com, S-Mail, and many more.

Free Email Tools Downloads. Anti-SPAM Tools, Command Line Mail Tools, Mail Clients, Mail Encoders Decoders, Mail Notification Tools, Mail Redirecting Tools, Mail Signature Tools, Microsoft Email Add-ins, Misc Mail Tools.

Types of Free Email Service and how to choose one. Free email listings: Web-Based Email, POP Mail, Mail Forwarding, plus large selection of email providers offering services in languages other than English.

Free Internet access

Note of caution: Long distance or other connection charges may apply if you live outside of the free local dialing area, or if you live in an area where there is no free dialing.

Free Internet Access Providers. There are very few free Internet Service Providers (ISPs) left in the world. Many are offering low rates, but not totally free Internet access. Select a country from North America: Canada, USA; from the following European countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, UK; and from Argentina, Brazil, Israel, and Singapore.

Juno Free Internet. Free Internet access for 10 hours per month. U.S. residents only, no new Canadian customers accepted as of January 2003.

NetZero.net. U.S. and Canada only. 10 hours of free Internet access per month. You can purchase unlimited and ad-free Internet access for a small fee.

Free/Low Cost Web hosting, Free/Low Cost Web sites (free websites)

100 Best Web Hosting. Reviews and ratings by Web professional and actual users. Site provides reviews of some free Web hosting sites.

1stHostWeb.com - Free Web Hosting. So What Do I Get with my Free Web Hosting Plan?







iPower Web Hosting. A popular, affordable and reliable Web hosting and eBusiness provider, currently serving over 700,000 member websites from over 150 countries. Provides FREE WHOIS Domain Name Privacy on ALL Domain and Hosting Accounts.



Yahoo! GeoCities.

Free Web storage space

FreeWebSpace.net. Free file storage space. A guide to where you can store files on the internet for free.

Loads of free storage space... on the Web by Bill Scales. Article explains How Web-based storage works. How secure is it? Is it worth using? Note: This article dates back to August 9, 2000.

Top 10 Independent Web Hosting Reviews of business and personal web hosts. Rate hosting companies based on past user feedbacks, lab benchmark testing, and usage with each website hosting.

Internet Safety

Be Safe Online. "The aim of this website is to provide information and advice to adults, especially parents and teachers, about potential problems of life on the Internet and how to behave."

Child Safety on the Information Highway. Includes My Rules for Online Safety.

Childnet International - How to keep safe while chatting online. Smart Rules. Young People, Music & the Internet - A guide for parents about Peer2Peer (P2P), file-sharing and downloading on the Internet.

Cyber Security Tips from US-CERT (United States - Computer Emergency Readiness Team), part of the Department of Homeland Security. Site describes and offers advice about common security issues for non-technical computer users. Includes Links to: OnGuard Online - practical tips to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. Stay Safe Online - top 8 cyber security practices.

Cybersmart Kids Online. How to be cybersmart and use the Internet safely for Kids, Young People, and Grown Ups.

GetNetWise: Online Safety Guide. Safety tips for kids, teens, families, Safety by Age: 2-17, Kinds of Risks, Risk by Technology, and Privacy Information.

InHope - Association of Internet Hotline Providers - Mission mission is to eliminate child pornography from the Internet and protect young people from harmful and illegal uses of the Internet. Choose a country to report child pornography and/or illegal content on the Internet: Austria, Canada, Denmark, United Kingdom, United States, and other countries.

Internet Safety from KidsHealth, updated and reviewed by Steven Dowshen, MD. Contents: Internet Safety Laws, Online Tools to Protect Your Child, Getting Involved in Your Child's Online Activities, Chat Room Caution, Warning Signs That Your Child May Be a Victim.

Keeping Kids and Teens Safer on the Internet from NetSmartz.org. The NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational safety resource to teach kids and teens how to stay safer on the Internet.

NetSmartz.org. NetSmartzKids - Teaching children what to watch out for online. NSTeens. NetSmartz Safety Presentations - Teach Internet Safety. Resources.

A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety from the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Parents Guide to the Internet. Archived information from the U.S. Department of Education.

leaf A Safety Net for Children from ICRA - Internet Content Rating Association, Useful Information for Kids with safety tips for children. Remember: You have a right to feel safe and to be safe on the Internet! Media and Internet Education Resources for Parents: Online Safety - Managing the Internet at Home, Are You Web Aware? A Checklist for Parents.

SurfSafely.com. Family friendly search engine and web directory open only to PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection) rated sites. Internet child safety online.

Internet Service Providers

leaf 295.ca. Unlimited dial up Internet access for Canadian $2.95 per month.

All Free ISP. Find a cheap or free internet access service provider in your local area, in U.S. or Canada.

TheFreeSite.com. Free Internet Access, free Net access providers.

The ISP Directory.com for United States. Search and review ISPs by Area Code, by City & State, Free ISPs, Best ISPs, and Compare ISPs by price.

The List - The Definitive ISP Buyer's Guide. Claims to be the most comprehensive and accurate directory of ISPs (Internet Service Providers). Find an ISP by area code, by country code (all countries in the world), in the United States or in Canada. You can also Find Web Hosts, Find ASPs, or Find Web Designers from this site.

Internet Statistics

Internet Statistics. Growth and Usage of the Web and the Internet researched by Matthew Gray of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Internet Statistics Links from WebReference. Excellent selection of links providing statistics in Internet facts, trends, demographics, detailed browser statistics, markets, advertisements, topology, estimates of number of hosts and domains, audiences, usage, and Internet growth. Internet statistics are presented textually, graphically, and in geographic maps.

Internet World Stats. Internet Usage Statistics - The Big Picture. World Internet Users and Population Stats. Internet Users by World Region.

Reports: Internet Evolution: Riding the Waves of "Web 2.0" from Pew Internet & American Life Project. Other resources include: The Future of the Internet II, Internet Usage and Impact, Tech Term Awareness, How the internet has woven itself into American life, The Future of the Internet.

World Wide Web User Statistics. Results of surveys on how many people are using the Internet, when, what for, and how.

Safe surf

Consumer Watch: Should Parents Become Big Brother? by Anne Kandra, from January 2004 issue of PC World magazine. New software allows parents to control virtually everything children do online.

Internet Safety: How to Protect Your Kids from Internet Dangers. Kids Top 10 Rules for Staying Safe. Warning Signs to Watch For. Internet Dangers. Tools to Help You Protect Your Kids.

Internet Tips: Easy Ways to Keep the Internet Safe for All Ages by Scott Spanbauer, from October 2005 issue of PC World magazine. Plan ahead to protect your kids online - use parental controls, browser security tweaks, and other tools. Keeping Kids Safe, Online and Off.

Safe Surf from 4Kids.org. Includes COPPA & CIPA Laws - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) and Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA or the CHIP Act).

Safe Surfing Guide by Kaboose.

Web Surfing Safety by Gregory Lauzon. 5 FamilyFun strategies for keeping kids safe online.

X-BLOCK from i-SAFE America for Kids & Teens. i-SAFE is a non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting the online experiences of youth everywhere. Provides Internet Safety training for kids and teens in a fun way. Includes sections for Parents and Educators.

Safe Kids by Gregg Keizer, from May 2001 issue of PC World magazine. Try these 23 parent-approved tips to defend children and teens against Internet dangers--from overzealous marketers to online criminals.

Search engines

See also Quick Click to Search Engines.

Google Press Center: Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google. View Top 10 Gaining Queries, and Top 10 Declining Queries. Google Zeitgeist page is regularly updated to reflect lists, graphs, and other tidbits of information related to Google user search behavior. Zeitgeist Archive includes Weekly and Monthly Updates of past years.

Search Engine Showdown. The Users' Guide to Web Searching. Detailed analyses and statistics.

Smarter Surfing: Better Googling: Things You Didn't Know Google Does by Sree Sreenivasan, WABC-TV "Tech Guru". Tips on using Google Toolbar, Deskbar, Languages, News, Google Newsalerts, Froogle, Viewer, Voice Search, and more. See Smarter Surfing: Better Use of Your Web Time for more web surfing tips and links.

The Spider's Apprentice: A Helpful Guide To Web Search Engines. Tips on using Internet search sites e.g. Google, Yahoo! Alltheweb, Open Directory Project (dmoz), Search Engine FAQ, Search Engine Ranking Algorithms: Meaning of Page Rank, Search Strategy, How Search Engines Work, History of Search Engines, and more.

Web Search & Computer from Wall Street Executive Library. Direct links to all Search Engines & Directories, All Meta Search Engines, SpyBots, Search the Invisible Web, Free Public Records, Article Search, All News Search, Website / Domain Search, All Specialized Search Engines, Privacy Resources, PC Industry, Technical Support & Tools, Virus Check, Top Downloads, and Download Sites.

leaf Web Search Guide. Topics: Web searching, online learning, and the Internet in Canada. Includes Web Search Tutorials and Archive of Newsletters.

Security and Spyware

Ad-Aware SE Personal. Free download of anti-spyware software from Lavasoft. Note: Not to be confused with Adware.

A Chronology of Data Breaches. Network security. Data breaches have been reported because personal information has been compromised. Info includes data elements useful to identity thieves: Social Security numbers, account numbers, and driver's license numbers. Breaches posted on this site include only those reported in the United States since January 2005.

leaf Fraud and Security from Canadian Bankers Association (CBA). Contents include: Credit Card Fraud, Debit Card Fraud, Identity Theft, E-mail Fraud / Phishing, Real Estate Fraud, Protecting Your Personal Information, Bank Robbery Study. Try a Credit Card Fraud: Security and Privacy Quiz. You can print a copy of Safeguarding Your Money online (28 pages in PDF), or you can order this free publication from CBA (available only in Canada). For more information on the series of free publications, visit CBA or call toll free 1-800-263-0231.

Internet Safety Tips: Combat Spam, Spyware & Phishing from Stop Spam Here. Statistics on Spyware, Why is Spyware Harmful to You and Your Computer? Key Indicators of Spyware, Tips to Lower Your Risk of Spyware Infections.

Is it Freeware or Is it Spyware? Say NO to Spyware! by Mickey (possibly from Quebec). Site also available in French. Mickey's page on spyware and tools includes this energetic Spyware Warrior, with music:

Spyware Warrior from http://pages.infinit.net/carbo1/spyware.html

Online Security Guide from tom-cat.com. See also: Links & Resources.

Safety Tips for Fighting Spyware from Anti-Spyware Coalition. Glossary of Anti-Spyware terms.

Shields UP! by Steve Gibson. This excellent program quickly checks the SECURITY of your computer's connection to the Internet for free. Read disclaimer before proceeding to give your permission to Test My Shields! and Probe My Ports! Results will be displayed instantly with explanations letting you know just how secured or insecured your Internet connection is.

SpyBot Search & Destroy. Free download. Patrick Kolla of Germany created this excellent spyware software for the world to use.

SpywareBlaster 3.5.1. Free download. Freeware, donation welcomed. SpywareGuard 2.2. Free download.

Spyware Removal Programs - Google Search.

Spyware Removal Programs - Yahoo! Search.

Spyware Software. Freeware and Shareware Spyware removal programs at Free Downloads Center.

The Unofficial Cookie FAQ. Contributed to Cookie Central by David Whalen, a Senior Internet Engineer who holds a Masters Degree in Astrophysics. FAQs include: What is a cookie? Why do sites use cookies? Are cookies a threat to my privacy? How does a cookie really work? How do cookies end up on my hard drive? and others.

Windows Defender (Beta 2). Free download. Spyware protection for free.


Fight Spam on the Internet! by Scott Hazen Mueller.

How do spammers harvest email addresses? Uri Raz points out the many ways in which spammers can get your email address.

How to Get Rid of Junk Mail, Spam, and Telemarketers and E-mail filtering techniques from EcoFuture.org.

Internet Safety Tips: Combat Spam, Spyware & Phishing from Stop Spam Here. Statistics on Spyware, Why is Spyware Harmful to You and Your Computer? Key Indicators of Spyware, Tips to Lower Your Risk of Spyware Infections.

Junk Mail: How Did They All Get My Address? from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit, consumer information and advocacy organization. Contents include: How did I get on these lists in the first place? How can I get off? Mailing lists of major national marketers.

Mailwasher Anti Spam Software - The Reliable Free Spam Blocker.

Polesoft.com. Download and try Lockspam Free 3.0, a free email anti spam filter for all POP3 mail clients.

Spam from Federal Trade Commision for Consumers. Limiting Spam and Spam Scams in PDF. Includes a Consumer Complaint Form.

Spam and Scams FAQs from BreakTheChain.org: Stop junk e-mail and misinformation by John R. Ratliff. See also Chain Letters, Petitions and Boycotts, Virus Warnings.

SPAMfighter: Spam Filter for Outlook - Outlook Express and Servers. Free download of standard version.

Spam: For Consumers. Limiting Spam, Spam Scams, and Protecting Your Personal Information, from Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Washington DC.

leaf SPAM IQ Test from Government of Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs. Multiple choice quiz to measure your spam knowledge. Try all four tests or quizzes. Scores, answers and explanations provided.

CAUCE - Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email.

Tools for Webmasters

Website Magazine

Note: When submitting your website to be indexed by search engines, read Google guidelines first: Quality Guidelines for Webmasters provided by Google: "Make pages for users, not for search engines. Don't deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users." In other words, "Don't be tricky and don't be evil." See Google Information for Webmasters.

AddFreeStats. Free Web site statistics in real time. Add the HTML code for a free counter to your web page. Each time a visitor accesses your page a small AddFreeStats button appears on the page. View your site statistics any time by clicking on the button.

Advanced WindowsCare Personal from IObit.com. 100% freebie for personal home use. Free Computer Repair, Free Computer Scan Cleaner, Free PC Repair Software. Free utility that protects, repairs and optimizes your computer.

Baku. Free download. Baku allows you to search for system registry errors and unneeded files that can be safelly removed.

Bravenet Site Search - Search webpages on your own site.
FreeFind search engine - Add a search engine to your Website. 32MB initial limit, about 3000 pages free.
Mamma.com - Add search results to your website.
PicoSearch - Add a search engine to search your own Web site. Free for sites with up to 1500 Web pages.
WebSideStory - Add a search engine to your Website. Free for sites with less than 500 pages. Formerly Atomz.com.
whatUseek Site Search Tool - Free Search Engine for Your Web Site. Free version of siteLevel Basic service, ad-supported with 1000 page limit.

Best Web Directories. Review of Best Free, Paid, and Reciprocal Directories, Best Webmaster Directories, Top Canadian and UK Directories, Automatic Submission Sites, Link Popularity, Automated Linking Tools, Link Exchange Sites, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips, Web Page Content, Improving Link Popularity, Title & Meta Tags, Doman Name, Free Meta Tag Generator, SEO Search Tips for Google, Yahoo & MSN, Best Web Hosts Listings, Directory Ranking Criteria, and more.

BigNoseBird.com. Everything you need to build great web sites. Over 300 pages of tutorials, reference materials, and other free resources.

Blender.org. Free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems. Includes Features & Gallery, Tutorials, free Blender Download.

Bookmarklets. Free tools for power surfing. Choose from over 150 free bookmarklets which are small reusable JavaScript routines of 255 characters or less. Just drag your favorite bookmarklet and drop it into your Favorites or Bookmark section.

Bravenet.com. Spice up your Website with great tools! Message Forums, Hit Counters / Site Stats, Guestbooks, Mailing Lists, Email Forms, Mini Polls, Live Chats, Classified Ads, Guestmaps, Password Gates, Affiliate Program, Tell-A-Friend, FAQs, Free Links, Photo Centers, Site Rings, Vote Casters, Site Search, Daily Cartoons, E-Cards, Live Person, Fast-URL Redirects, Free Audio Clips, Free Fonts, HTML Tutorials, Java Scripts, Free Clip Art, Tips and Tricks, Webmaster Resources, and Specialty Newsletters.

Browser Information. Browser statistics. Description and history of browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera, from W3 Schools. See also The Netscape Archive - Official support by AOL ended on March 1, 2008.

CCleaner - Crap Cleaner free software download - Spyware Free. CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast and contains NO Spyware or Adware! :)

cgi2you. CGI tools for your site's features for free. Fancy counter, Guestbook, Message board, and Polls.

Comet Cursor Removal Instructions and Help from PC Hell. Includes Removal Instructions for Other Programs: Spyware Removal and Other Resources, How to Delete Undeleteable Files, How to Remove SurferBar, How to Remove Starware, Bargain Buddy Removal Instructions, Bonzi Buddy Removal, Kazaa Removal Instructions, Gator Software Removal, HotBar Toolbar Removal, Smartsearch.ws Homepage Hijacker Removal Instructions and Help, and many others.

Cool Site of the Day: Webmaster Resources. Top 40 Tools & Tips for Web Sites.

Cult3D. An interactive 3D solution. Create and show your objects 3-dimensionally on the Internet, within a PowerPoint presentation, or in an Acrobat PDF file. To view Cult3D objects, a plug-in is required. Download Cycore Cult3D Viewer for free.

Developers dex ASP, C#, SQL, VB, and XML. Applications, examples and tutorials, articles, FAQs, sample codes, etc. plus Gurus of the Month.

Disable Right Mouse Click Script from DynamicDrive.com. A cross browser DHTML No Right Clicks Script. Use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site.

Dr. Dobb's Software Tools for the Professional Programmer. Includes Articles of a highly technical nature, Columns, Op-Eds, Source Code, Newsletters, DevSearcher, TechNetCast, Book Reviews, Embedded Systems, Microprocessor Resources, Software Careers, Dr. Dobb's Store, Subscriber Services, and more.

DupKiller.net by Oleksandr 'TR' Roslov. Freeware. A fast and powerful tool for searching and removing duplicate or similar files on your computer.

Dynamic Drive. DHTML (Dynamic HTML) code library. Provides free, original DHTML scripts and components. DHTML Script categories include: Menus and Navigation Systems, Special document effects, Scrollers, Images (General, Slideshows, onMouseover), Mouse Trail effects, Links and buttons, Dynamic Content New! Dynamic Clocks and dates, Form effects, Text animations, Browser Window, DHTML Games, and more.

Easy Cleaner from ToniArts. EasyCleaner searches Windows registry for entries that are pointing nowhere. EasyCleaner lets you delete unnecessary files such as temps and backups, search for duplicate files, manage startup programs, invalid shortcuts and add/remove software list.

Eyetrack III. Eyetracking is research that tracks where a person's eyes look while reading, then analyzes the data to reveal patterns. Findings could provide some direction for improving news websites. Example of placement of advertisements on a webpage: Eyetrack III found that ads in the top and left portions of a homepage received the most eye fixations. Right side ads didn't do as well, and ads at the bottom of the page were seen, typically, by only a small percentage of people.

Firefox 2. Free download for Windows, English. Firefox is a stripped down, streamlined rebuild of Mozilla, a browser.

FreebieList.com. Free hit counter services, free counters, website trackers for web pages.

Free Counters from UK. Free hit counters, Free web counter, Free page counters.

Free Guestbook from theGuestbook.com. Read terms of service.
Get Your Free Guestbook from Free Guestbook.net.
Pathfinder Guestbooks.

Free Meta Tag Analyzer from Scrub The Web. Also includes: Free Meta Tag Optimizer, Free Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Density Analyzer, Meta Tag Help, and Web Page Analyzer.

Free Monthly Tune-Up! From NetMechanic. Free Monthly Tune-Up service will test up to 10 pages of your Web site without charge.

Free Online Utilities and Tools from DiscoveryVIP.com. Include Javascript Code Generator, HTML generators, HTML Validation Online, CSS Validation Online, Color coder, Mouse-Over image rotator, Animated Background, Banner and button creation Online, Gif, Text maker, Free E-cards, Free Hit Counters, Free Online-Polls, and more.

Google Apps. Smart apps for email, documents, sites and more.

Google PR. Do you know what Google PR is and what your site PR is? PR stands for Page Ranking and is a way to figure out how your site ranks overall on Google. The ranking ranges from 0 (worst) to 10 (perfect ranking) and is a gauge of how you are doing on this search engine.Want to know your current and future ranking? Type your full url in search box and see the results. Service provided by ExecFocus.Net - Internet Marketing Services - One Client Success at a time.

How Much Is A Web Site Worth? From Slashdot: News for Nerds. Stuff that matters. Opinions and suggestions on how to determine the dollar value of a web site for sale or purchase.

How Much Is Your Web Site Worth? By Darcel Jackson. In Charles Bennet's opinion, the following 7 items are key considerations in assessing the worth of a dot com business: URL, Value vs. Worth, Domain Name, Traffic, Income, Assets, Confidentiality.

How Much is Your Website Worth? FREE Domainz Website Evaluation. Includes: Useful tips to improve your existing Website.

How to Determine the Value of a Web Site. "The easiest method is to use the Net Income the website has produced over the last 12 to 24 months to arrive at a value range." Website Appraisals. Example Appraisal in PDF includes details of Valuation Formulas. How to Sell a Web Site. Tips on How to Transfer Your Website Once It's Sold - Sample Contract.

How to Never Spend Money on PC Software Ever Again by Chuck Gray, Central Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) Staff, Fredericksburg, VA.

How To Sell A Website - How Much Is Your Website Worth? From Entrepreneur's Journey, by Yaro Starak.

Internet Supervision.com. Sign up for a free website monitoring account. InternetSupervision.com monitors the availability, performance, and content of your website.

IP Address Locator Tool. Free IP address lookup for all Internet connections. Enter an IP address to find its location. Results include Country info: Country Code, Distance to Nearby Cities, Latitude, Longitude, Capital City, TimeZone, Nationality, Population, CIA Map Reference, Currency, Flag of Country.

LinkPartners.com. The Easy Way to Find Link Swap Partners.

Link Popularity Check Tool. How popular is your web site? Take a link popularity analysis and check your link popularity for free.

Link Popularity Tool © SEO Chat™

Valid URL to check

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To prevent spamming, please enter in the numbers and letters in the box below

Link-Popularity.com. Free service provides an easy one-click method of checking link popularity on three major search engines: Altavista, Google and Hotbot, plus a free monthly customized Link Popularity Report via e-mail.

See who links to your web site.

Links Exchange Services and Resources . Listing of several of the top link exchange providers from DiscoveryVIP.com.

Macecraft Software - System Maintenance Made Easy. Developer of award-winning maintenance tools including the jv16 PowerTools 2008 utility package and the lightning-fast standalone registry cleaners RegSupreme and RegSupreme Pro. Download jv16 for 30-day free trial.

MyTechSupport.ca is Your Computer Technical Resource Headquarters. Free Tech Support can be obtained by posting your problems and/or questions in their Forums. Includes: Computer Web Directory, Computer Related News, and Technology Related News, Hot Utilities.

Meta Tag Generator Tool © SEO Chat™

List of relevant keywords

Short description of page

NetMechanic. Power Tools for Your Web Site. Improve your site: Identify Web site errors, Find browser display problems, Use GIFBot to optimize slow loading graphics. Promote your site: Search Engine optimization and submission, Get HTML help from Webmaster Resource Center, Check out the Webmaster Tips Newsletter by subject or by date.

OldVersion.com has been supplying the online community with old versions of various programs since 2001.

PageRank from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also How can I improve my site's ranking? Froom Google Webmaster Help Center.

Future PageRank Tool © SEO Chat™

Valid URL

PC Pitstop. Diagnoses your harddrive and Internet connection. Checks system for viruses and other problems, and fixes your computer. Offers you tips to improve performance on your PC. The process is automated, simply click to start your free tune-up.

Ranking.com. Formerly TrafficRanking.com. Calculates the ranking for the top 900,000 most visited websites on the Internet. All services are free. Check out your favorite sites to see their ranking.

reallybig.com. Offers 5000 resources for Web builders, including free clipart, CGI, counters, fonts, HTML, Java, animation, backgrounds, icons, wysiwyg editors, buttons, photographs, site promotion, and more.

Search Engine Optimization Tutorial by Christine Churchill, from NetMechanic. Why Search Engines Are Important to You - Learn how much traffic you could be getting. The Basics - What's the difference between Yahoo and Alta Vista, and more? How to get listed - What to do and what you can expect to happen. How to improve your ranking - Just being listed isn't enough - Learn tricks to get a top ranking.

Smart Computing Daily Tip Archive. Tips are listed in date order, newest to oldest. Topics include: Increase the Font Size on a Web Page, Clearing Internet Explorer's Cache & History, Test Your Hard Drive, Change Your Mouse Pointer Back to Normal, Keep Your Digital Camera Dry, How to Remove Startup Items, and much more.

Special Characters:

SourceForge.net. World's largest Open Source software development web site.

SurveyPopups.com. Add surveys or visitor polls to your website for free. Receive instant results. A Web-based survey tool, survey popups are user-initiated and customizable. Some users might find popup surveys annoying. Use with caution.

The Ten Commandments of Good Web Design by KrystalRose Designs.

There Is an Attitude on the Web that everything is free for the taking. Article on virtual pirating by Joe Gillespie.

TinyURL.com. Enter a long URL to make tiny.

Top 50 Web Design and Development Resources from November 2008 Issue of Website Magazine. Archives include articles from September 2005 to current.

Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. Its primary role is to make web designer’s life easier. As the new fonts are bundled into operating systems, the list of the common fonts will be updated.

W3Schools. A fantastic collection of Full Web Building Tutorials - All Free: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, XHTML, WAP, ASP, SQL tutorials with lots of working examples and source code. Type your URL and get an excellent, free, instant validation of your source code with W3C, complete with detailed analysis of any errors that you may have on your Webpage plus how to correct them. Quick Starters: MyFirst HTML, MyFirst CSS, MyFirst JavaScript, MyFirst VBScript. Validation: Validate HTML, Validate CSS, Validate XHTML, Validate XML, Validate WML, and much more.

Web Commandments: Ten Deadly Sins and How to Overcome Them by Constance J. Petersen, written for VBTech Journal, revised Aug. 1999.

The Web Robots Pages - Learn how to direct robots that visit your Web site. Web Robots a re also called Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders.

Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition by Patrick Lynch and Sarah Horton. Process, Interface design, Site design, Page design, Typography, Editorial style, Graphics, Multimedia.

WebMaster Tools from UK. Over 1500 free graphical and animated images.

Webwasher Classic. This free program filters unwanted ads, crushes cookies, and prevents companies from profiling your surfing habits. You can eliminate pop-up windows, banner ads, and other unwanted intrusions.

What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content by Lorelle VanFossen. Information on Website hijacking, Copyright theft, Website theft.

Wise Disk Cleaner & Wise Registry Cleaner from Wise Cleaner.com. Free download. Freeware.

Zippy - The Webmaster's Meta Search Engine from zippy.co.uk. Includes Zippy URL Comparisons. Credits for this site go to David Naylor (concept, direction) and Rob Haswell (programming).

Popup stoppers, Ad blockers

Popup Blockers. Freeware downloads from SnapFiles.

Pop-Up Stopper Free from PCWorld Downloads.

Popup Stopper Software at Free Downloads Center. Shareware and freeware popup blockers or popup stoppers.

Win awards

Award Sites! Guides and Ratings. Purpose of site is to set standards for Website award. Over 1700 rated site awards listed in 8 levels (1.0 to 5.0) and 25 specific categories.

Awards. Please view awards this site has won since 1999.

leaf Cool Canuck Site Award. If you have a Canadian Web site, you can apply for the Cool Canuck Award.

Marketme.com. Official home of the Webmaster Awards.

Mona Lisa Select Site Award. Read specific criteria to win this award.

Website Awards. Apply to over 1000 Award Sites around the world.

Yahoo! Search Directory: Best of the Web > Awards. List of Award Sites.

005.13 Programming languages (Computers), Web designs, Java, JavaScript, Perl, (Regular expressions)

Delphi Central. Delphi Tutorials, Hints, and Information about Delphi programming.

JavaScript.com. Javascript.com is the largest JavaScript repository online, containing over 7000 Javascripts.JavaScript Source: Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code - "cut and paste" JavaScript examples for your Web pages.

perlintro - Perl Tutorial.

Regular Expressions from the Open Group. Regular Expression Definitions, Regular Expression General Requirements, Basic Regular Expressions, Extended Regular Expressions, Regular Expression Grammar,

Regular Expressions Tutorial. Lesson on Regular Expressions by Scott A. Hommel, a technical writer on staff at Sun Microsystems.

Using Regular Expressions. What are regular expressions? What sort of things can I do with regular expressions? And the drawbacks? Why are they called "regular expressions?"How do I write a simple search pattern using a regular expression? How do I write a simple search-and-replace using regular expressions? and more. .

WebDevelopers.com. Topics include: ExtremeFlash, FlashKit, FlashPlanet, Gif.com, Java Boutique, ScriptSearch, StreamingMedia, Voice XMLPlanet, XML 101, Internet News, Internet Investing, Internet Technology, Linux/Open Source, ECommerce, ISP and ASP Resources, Wireless Internet, Downloads, Internet and Copyright Law, and more.

005.7 HTML (Document markup language), CSS (Cascading style sheets)

About.com Personal Web Pages: HTML.

The Bare Bones Guide to HTML. Lists every official HTML tag in common usage, plus Netscape and Microsoft extensions. Downloadable in several formats and available in 21 different languages.

Beginners' Guide to HTML. How to Make Your First Web Site. All About HTML for Beginners: Starting with the Basics by Web Developer® Staff.

BellaOnline: The Voice of Women - HTML. Simple tutorials on What You Need to Write in HTML, Say Hello World in HTML, HTML Body Tag, HTML Image Tag, and HTML Anchor Tag.

Best CSS Tutorials from The Internet from DicoveryVIP.com. Includes CSS Reference Table.

Best HTML Tutorials from The Internet from DiscoveryVIP.com. Includes HTML Guide: Full HTML Tag Definition Lists.

Building a School Web Site by Wanda Wigglebits. Designed for beginners.

Cascading Style Sheet Glossary. CSS Common Definitions & Usage, from Big Baer.

Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 (CSS1). A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) official Recommendation 17 Dec 1996, revised 11 Jan 1999. Reference material containing authoritative and detailed specifications on everything you need to know about level 1 Cascading Style Sheets. See also Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2). W3C Recommendation 12 May 1998.

HTML: Creating a Web Page by Paul Grabowicz and Scot Hacker, from UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

CSS Quick Tutorial. An easy to follow basic introduction to Cascading Style Sheets. See also reference guide to CSS.

Dr. Watson. Type in your URL, Dr. Watson will analyze your Webpage on the Internet. 1 - Analyze HTML syntax. 2 - Verify regular links. 3 - Verify image links. 4 - Generate word counts. 5 - Spell-check non-HTML text. 6 - Compute estimated download speeds. 7 - Check search engine compatibility. 8 - Check site link popularity. All for free.

Free HTML Editors / Free Web Editors Beginning and Advanced HTML editors, WYSIWYG web editors, website builders from thefreecountry.com. Site provides a collection of free programming resources, free webmasters' resources and free security resources.

Free HTML Page Maker Online Generator. Free Online Web Page Editor from CreatingOnline.com.

HTML from STIMULUS Internet 101. Want to know the basics of HTML in a hurry? Lesson introduces bare essentials of HTML coding. Includes Advanced HTML, Frames, Optimizing, Web Design, and tips on how to Market your site on the Internet.

HTML 101: Back to Basics. Tutorial aims to teach you plain HTML, from scratch.

HTML Check & Repair. Useful HTML tools from NetMechanic. Include: Automatically find and repair HTML code errors with one quick click. HTML Check & Repair: discovers bad HTML tags and syntax. HTML Toolbox automatically fixes html problems upon request with one quick click. Spell check: automatically checks for spelling errors in 11 languages. HTML Validator: site checks your whole site in one swoop, on one command, making maintenance easy.

HTML Code Tutorial. Free reference guide for help with HTML.

HTML Codes - Characters and symbols. Table of ASCII characters and symbols. Table of special characters includes ASCII - Dec & Hex, Symbol, HTML Number, HTML Name, and Description.

HTML-Kit: Resources for Web Developers. A full-featured text editor designed to help HTML, XML and Script authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish Web pages. Shareware.

HTML TIDY from W3C. Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY. Free download.

HTML Tutorial from W3School. Learn how to use HTML to create your own Web pages.

HTML Tutorials with Style. Tutorials presented in a humorous way following the KISS principle, i.e. Keep It Simple Stupid. Teaches use of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to create Web pages from simple to advanced.

Introduction to HTML. Tutorial designed for people who don't know any HTML.

Learning HTML for Kids: A Step-by-Step Tutorial. What is HTML? Basic concepts, Primary tags, Lists, Attributeys, Graphics, Tables, and more.

Lissa Explains It All. Excellent, brightly colored tutorial for kids. Basics, HTML, Frames, Tables, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Add Color, Java Script, Fun Stuff (Image maps, Counters, Marquees, Music ...) and Tools.

Meta Tag Analyzer. Helps you design a more robot friendly Web page. Provides free online General HTML Analysis, HTML Title Tag Analysis, and META Tag Analysis.

Programming with HTML Forms. WebReference Tutorial. Contents include: Introduction, Forms Programming in Three Stages, Forms Syntax, Document and Application Communication, Examples, Note on Testing, Logging, and Conclusions.

W3C MarkUp Validation Service. Free service that checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards. Includes Site Valet, WDG Validator, CSS Validator, Link Checker, HTML Tidy, Tidy Online, and other valuable tools.