A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

A Virtual Library of Useful URLs
Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

200 Religion (Includes Mythology)

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200 Religion, (World religions)
200.92 Saints, Religious biography, (Martyrs), (Patron saints), (Christian saints), (Bible - Biography), (Biblical characters)
220 Bible
221.44 Dead Sea scrolls
230 Christianity
231.7 Creationism, (Christianity and evolution)
232 Jesus Christ
255.791 Knights Templars
282 Catholic Church
285.834 United Church of Christ
289.3 Mormons, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
289.7 Mennonites
291.1 Mythology
291.3 Religious art and symbolism
292.1 Classical mythology, (Greek mythology), (Roman mythology)
294.3 Buddhism, Zen Buddhism
294.5 Hinduism, Hare Krishnas
296 Judaism, (Jews - Religion), (Jewish religion), Jewish literature
297 Islam
299 Shinto, (Shintoism)
299.5128 I Ching, (Yi jing)
299.936 Scientology

200 Religion

AwesomeStories.com: Click2Religion. Primary source material. Contents include Freedom of Religion, How the Bible Came to Us, Easter Story, Muhammad: The Prophet, Bagger Vance and the Bhagavad Gita, King James of the King James Bible, C. S. Lewis: From Atheist to Christian, and more being added.

BBC - Religions. Guide to the Religions of the World. Featured religions include: Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Judaism, Mormon, Paganism, Rastafari, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Unitarianism, Zoroastrianism.

Beliefnet.com. Religions covered: Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Mormon, Protestant, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Nation of Islam, Pagan & Earth-Based, Secular Philosophies, Scientology, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Unitarian Universalist, and Zoroastrianism.

Explore the World's Sacred Sites. Excellent site with stunning color photographs. Contents: Sacred Sites of Africa, Asia, Europe, Americas - Western Hemisphere, and Middle East. See also Atlas of Sacred Sites around the World showing geographical locations of sacred sites and pilgrimage places around the world.

Facets of Religion. Links to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Bahai Faith, Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Pantheism, Magical Religions (New Pagans, Wicca, Voodoo), Relicts of Ancient Religions, etc. plus Religious Studies Resources.

History of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism. Major emphasis: Quran, Quran Facts, Quran Laws, Quran Dictionary, Muslim News, Quran Recitation, Quranic Search Engine, Religion Islam, Muslim, Islam Glossary, Muslim Scientist, Women Islam, Economy Islam, Muslim Name, History Islam, Religious Thoughts in Islam, Islam Holy Days, and Beliefs: Fundamental of Muslim Faith.

Look up: Religion & Beliefs from Babylon.com. A collection of dictionaries about a variety of religions and beliefs such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Include: Rakefet (Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary - Dictionary of words and expressions relating to theosophy, philosophy and mystical terms), Easton's Bible Dictionary, Bible Names, Theological and Philosophical Biography and Dictionary, Angels, Armin Zoroastrian terms, Glossary of religious terms, Official Christianity Glossary for Introduction to Religion, Official Judaism Glossary, Buddhism Glossary.

Major Religions of the World. Quick overviews of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Taoism.

Religion from BBC. A - Z of religions and beliefs: Atheism, Bahá'í, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Mormon, Paganism, Sikhism.

Virtual Religion Index. Links to resources on world religions, including Biblical Studies, Buddhist Tradition, Christian Tradition, Comparative Religion, East Asia, Ethics & Moral Values, Greco-Roman Studies, Hindu Studies, Islamic Tradition, Judaic Studies, Philosophy & Theology, Psychology of Religion, and more.

World Religions. Annotated links to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Zen Buddhism. Includes a link to Academic Info Religion Gateway which directs you to Ancient History of Religions, Eastern Religions Gateway, Cults (Religious Movements), Gnosticism, Islamic, Jewish, and Native American Religious Studies, Religions in Canada, China, and United States, Women and Religion, and others.

World Religions from Sacred-Texts.com. Features include: Timelines of World Religions, Timeline: Origin of Major Religions, I Ching, Hypertext Bible, Age of Reason, Sacred Books of the East, and Sacred Sexuality. World religions include: Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Jainism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Mormonism, Paganism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.

World Religions Index. Personal Pages (stories from people who have experienced different world religions and religious philosophies), Articles (on major world religions), Table One (understanding World Faiths and Religious Philosophies: info on Christianity, Christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Eastern Mysticism, The Way International, Unity, and the Unification Church), Table Two (info on Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Primitive Religion), and Links to other sites that deal with world religions, cults and religious philosophies.

200.92 Saints, Religious biography, (Martyrs), (Patron saints), (Christian saints), (Bible - Biography), (Biblical characters)

About St. Patrick from Irish Abroad. Site includes everything there is to know about the life of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and the places and prayers associated with him.

Biographical sketches of memorable Christians of the past. View biographies of saints in Chronological order, Calendar order, or Alphabetical order.

Catholic Pages Directory. Select a saint from A-Z. View biographies of saints from many sources. (Slow loading).

Catholic Saints - Images. Color pictures of Saints, especially of Jesus and Mary the Blessed Mother.

The Feast of All Saints. This site has many beautiful color images. Contents: What is a saint? How to pray, Saints help us! Stations of the Cross, Some Saints Online (links to various sites including Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Canadian Saints, Saints, Blesseds and Martyrs from the Trappist branch of the Cistercians), A Christmas Page, and more.

Saint of the Day from St. Patrick's Church. Saints of the Day lists saints by their feast days. About 11,000 entries can be found on this site. Includes Calendar of Saints O'the Day.

James Kiefer's Christian Biographies. View by Liturgical Calendar, Monthly View, Alphabetical List, or Chronological List.

Lives of Saints - Collections. Orthodox Christian Lives of Saints by Name. Orthodox Christian Lives of Saints by Date of Commemoration. Lives of Orthodox Christian Saints of the West - Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Norway.

Lives of the Saints from Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Crusade of Saint Benedict Center. Include: Saint Thomas Aquinas, The Life of Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Maria Goretti, Martyr of Purity, Emperor Charles, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint Thomas More: His Times and Ours, Saint Peter - The First Pope, and others.

Martyrs Mirror Images intended as a reference set of the Jan Luiken (1649-1712) etchings in the Martyrs Mirror. Complete Illustrations from Bethel College, Mennonite Library and Archives, Mennonite Church USA Archives - North Newton. (Sorry, the images are no longer available online. "The Mirror of the Martyrs" is now a traveling exhibit).

Orthodox Icons. Images of various saints.

Patron Saints Index. Profiles of patron saints include portraits, biographical information, areas of patronage, prayers, links to related sites, readings, etc. 1698 topics, 4816 saints. Heavily cross-indexed.

Saint of the Day from AmericanCatholic.org. View biography of a saint by Saint of the Day, by Name (A-Z), by Patron Saints (A-Z by Cause), by Date (Calendar). Listen to audio recording of the life of a saint of your choice. See also FAQ about Saints: How many saints are there? Are saints' names required for Baptism? Are statues idols? What's a Seraphic saint?

Saints & Angels. Largest collection of facts and information concerning Saints and Angels on the Internet. The Saints Index is an exhaustive list of Saints that contains all known information pertaining to each Saint. There is also information about this month's Saints, general FAQ about Saints, Patron Saints and a Feastday List. Includes Saint of the Day.

Search for Saints and Feasts by name or by date. Search Feastdays and lives of the Saints in this Online Chapel - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

220 Bible

Apronus.com. Search the Bible - advanced and precise searches of Old and New Testaments of the King James Version.

Bible Gateway.com. Search for passages or words in the Old and New Testaments. Choose from one of the following versions: New International Version, King James Version, New American Standard Bible, Revised Standard Version, NIV Formatted (New Testament only), Darby Translation, Young's Literal Translation, Worldwide English (NT only), and New King James Version. Searchable also in French, Spanish, German, Latin, Italian, Swedish, Portugueses, Norwegian, and Tagalog.

Bible Study Aids from Christians Unite. Online Bible Versions, Bible Commentaries Online, Christian History, Bible Dictionaries, Bible Concordances, Devotionals, Biographies, and Christian Writings including free online Sermons and Articles - a database containing 10,568 articles from 547 preachers.

Bible Study Tools. Choose a section: Online Study Bible, Interlinear Bible, Parallel Bible, Current Projects (Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia), Commentaries, Concordances, Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Lexicons, History, Sermon Helps, and Other Resources including free downloads of BST Fonts.

Search the Bible:
Search for:
Include Study Tools HELP

BibleKeeper.com. A free online Bible study resource for reading and researching scripture on the Internet. Offers you the Bible in 28 different languages and a variety of versions, all accessible online. As well, you can add a Daily Scripture to your website for free.

Bibles for the World. Free online bibles available in different languages or versions including Afrikaans, Albanian, American Standard, Basic English, Bulgarian, Cebuano, Chinese Union, Croatian, Danish, Darby, Douay Rehims, Dutch, Finnish, French Darby, Haitian Creole, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, King James, Korean, Maori, Modern Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese, Webster, World English, and Youngs.

Download a Bible. Over 100 Free Biblical Resources from Olive Tree Bible Software. Study Bibles, English Bibles, Non-English Bibles, Greek & Hebrew, Bible Study Tools, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Daily Devotionals, Christian eBooks.

e-Sword.net. The Sword of the Lord with an electronic edge. Excellent free Bible study software. Free download of Bible. Installation includes the King James Version with Strong's numbers and Strong's dictionary. "Freely you received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)

Figures de la Bible - LaHaye Bible. Illustrated by Gerard Hoet, and others. Published by P. de Hondt in The Hague (La Haye), 1728. Large collection of digitized images depicting stories from the Old and New Testaments. Image courtesy Bizzell Bible Collection, University of Oklahoma Libraries.

Gutenberg Digital. All 1282 pages of the two volumes of the Gottingen Gutenberg Bible (ca. 1454) were scanned in at high resolution and processed for online presentation. Biography of Johan Gutenberg, his achievement, the impact of printing, plus illuminated pages of the Gutenberg Bible in exquisite detail. Click on thumbnail images to enlarge.

The Holy Bible. The American Bible Society's King James Version of the Old and New Testaments. Easy to use full-text Search box and a quick verse finder. Clickable Table of Contents takes you directly to all the different Books of the Bible. (May contain inappropriate pop-up ads).

A Hyper-Concordance to the Bible from The Victorian Library Studies Archive: Concordances - The Bible. Identifies the concordance lines as well as the words occurring to the left and the right of the word or phrase searched. Also reports the total number of text lines, the total word count and the number of occurrences of the word or phrase searched. Full text of the book is displayed in a box at the bottom of the screen. Each line of the text is numbered, and the line number and the term(s) searched provide a link to the full text. Right click on hypertext, open in new window to see full text.

Jesus Loves You Ministry. If you don't have a Bible and would like a Free Copy of the New Testament, you can go to this site. The New Testament in a paperback format will be mailed to your home address free of charge by independent Christians acting on their own accord and subsidizing this offering out of their own personal expenses. For non-Christian friends, you can get a Free DVD on "The Life of Jesus", available in 16 languages.

Look up: Bible Dictionary from Babylon.com. Glossary of Biblical names and characters with descriptions and explanations from Easton's Bible Dictionary.

221.44 Dead Sea scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls. Timetable of Discovery & Debate, plus links to Other Resources On-Line: Fifty Years of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Dead Sea Scrolls with Rachel Kohn - audio, texts & images, Dead Sea Scrolls & Qumran, and more.

230 Christianity

The Purpose Driven® Life:
What on Earth
Am I Here For?
by Rick Warren

The Purpose Driven® Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Purpose Driven® Life, The) by Rick Warren
    Christianity -
The First
Two Thousand Years -
2 DVDs
6 hrs. 40 min.

Christianity - The First Two Thousand Years - 2 DVDs 6 hrs. 40 min.
    The Star
That Astonished
the World
Book by
Dr. Ernest L. Martin

The Star That Astonished the World - Book by Dr. Ernest L. Martin

Bible Basics from Net Ministries. Overall structure, versions and translations of The Bible, organization and origins of the New and Old Testaments, plus all the Books from the New and Old Testaments. Listen to correct pronunciation of biblical words A-Z or to selected passages of the Bible. You have the option to follow along with the text displayed, e.g. Listen to The Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5:1-7:29.

The Christian Internet Directory. Listing of Christian Sites across the globe.

Christian Symbols. Gallery of nearly 100 Christian symbols and types of Christian symbolism. Click links (where available) for an explanation of the symbol's meaning, related Bible verses, and a gallery of examples of the symbol.

Christianity from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, Customs, Worship, Features, History, Beliefs, Holy days, Subdivisions (Baptist, Catholic, Church of England, Eastern Orthodox Church, Exclusive Brethren, Methodist, Mormon, Quaker, Salvation Army), Ethics, Programmes, News.

Christianity from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Church Directory. You can Search the Church Directory by Location in U.S. or Canada, Search Churches by US State or Canadian Province, or use the Denominations Directory to search by Church Affiliations. See also Find Churches in Canada. Church Directory of the United States.

Churches.net. Links to many Protestant church Web sites in the U.S. from Alabama to Wyoming, including Assembly of God, Baptist churches, Church of Christ, Christian Fellowship, Lutheran churches, Presbyterian churches, United Methodist churches, etc.

CrossDaily.com. Massive site covering: Arts & Entertainment, Bible & Reference, Business & Shopping, Churches, Education, Family & Individual, History & Politics, Ministries & Organizations, Missions, Music & Media, News & Events, Non-English Pastoral & Church, Recreation, Theology, Regional (108 Country Listings A-Z), USA, Canada, UK, and Australia, as well as Bible Trivia - test your knowledge, and more.

The Hope Network. Inspirational poems, stories, quotes, and songs.

Should You Obey the Ten Commandments? Each commandment is explained in extraordinary detail from the point of view of the Restored Church of God. See also: Did the Ten Commandments Precede Moses?

Star of Bethlehem from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical Perspective by Nick Strobel, What Was the Star of Bethlehem? Mysteries of the Universe from MSNBC.com, article based on The Christmas Star by John Mosley.

Yahoo! Christianity. Links to various Christian sites, e.g. ForMinistry.com (directory of churches, denominations, ministries); Global Christian Network (GCN - latest news and information for the Christian community); Christianity Online; Christian Interactive Network; BibleNet (Christian resources); Christian Life; etc.

231.7 Creationism, (Christianity and evolution)

Creationism from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "At a broad level, a Creationist is someone who believes in a god who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing, by an act of free will."

Creationism from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "Biblical creationism is the belief in literal interpretations of the book of Genesis."

Creationism from All About Creation.org.

What Is Creationism? Creationism FAQ from Atheism.About.com.

What Is Creationism? By Mark Isaak, from TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Explores creation / evolution / intelligent design, gives the evidence for evolution, and tells what's wrong with intelligent design & other forms of creationism.

www.creationism.org. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Free download of Images from a variety of sources including Bible Illustrations by G. Dore.

232 Jesus Christ

Anno Domini: Jesus Through the Centuries - an exploration of the heart of two millennia. Exhibit Entrance.

The Christmas Story from NeverThirsty.org. See also: The Christmas Gift, Messiah - Prince of Peace, and Ancient Prophecies about Jesus Christ.

Chronology of the Life of Jesus Christ from Catholic Encyclopedia. See also A Biography of Jesus, Biography of Jesus Christ (Brief), Matthew's Biography of Jesus, Jesus Christ: 3?BC ~ 30?AD, Life of Christ - Summary.

The Life of Jesus. A historical document from Secular Web Library, a complete and very lengthy edition by Ernest Renan (1823-1892), translated. 'La vie de Jésus' (originally written in French) was the first biography of Jesus to present him as entirely human. "In 1852 was published Renan's work on the most renowned Islamic philosopher of the Middle Ages, Averroes. This brought him his doctor's degree and established his reputation as a thinker."

Jesus Central. Words Directly from Jesus, Historical Sources Describe Jesus, History and Timeline of Jesus, Modern Interpretation and Application, Courses and Quick Study Guides, Test Your Knowledge, Common Questions: What is the meaning of the name, "Jesus Christ?" and others.

The JESUS Film Project. Watch a remarkable film in full color about Jesus Christ and listen to it in the language of your choice (choose from 847 languages). This powerful film has had more than 5 billion viewings worldwide since 1979.

Jesus: Real to Reel: Bibliography and Web Resources. Jesus in Film: Bibliography, Online Reading and Links, The Bible and Film, Religion/Theology & Film, Other Works of Interest, and Film Analysis.

The Ministry of Jesus Christ, The Betrayal and Crucifixion, and Resurrection to Eternity - illustrated summary of the life story of Jesus Christ from ChristianAnswers.net. Includes God's Story - an 80-minute video which explains from THE VERY BEGINNING, in Genesis, the whole story of Christ, why he came, who he was, and what he accomplished.

255.791 Knights Templars

The Knights Templar. Templar History, Templar Mysteries, Templar Myths, Warrior Monks, The Crusades, Templarism Today, Articles by Templar Authors, and Templar Dictionary.

282 Catholic Church

The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. A digital resource created and produced by Salvador Miranda, consisting of the biographies of the 17th to the 21st century cardinals and of the events and documents concerning the origin of the Roman cardinalate and its historical evolution.

Catechism of the Catholic Church. Full text contents include all Parts, Sections, Chapters and Articles: Prologue, Part I - The Profession of Faith, Part II - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, Part III - Life in Christ, Part IV - Christian Prayer, and Abbreviations. Try also Catechism of the Catholic Church - Search Engine.

The Catholic Encyclopedia. The Classic 1913 version in full text and in its entirety. 15-vol. in A-Z order. One of the very best free resources on the Internet. Covers topics both religious and secular from a Catholic perspective.

Catholic.net. Contents: Global Catholic News, U.S. Catholic News, The Road to Heaven (Faith and Morals), The Liturgical Year (Mass Readings & Feasts), The Living Church (Saints and other Stories), Culture of Life (Issues and Activism), Hot Topics (Debates and Disputes), Spiritual Living (Prayer and Devotions), Hope & Healing (Self-Help and Recovery), etc.

Catholic Online. Contents: Catholic News, Saints & Angels, CCN (Catholic Communication Network) Media, Catholic PRWire, Free Webmail, Catholic Online Singles, Shopping, Website Services, What's News, Catholic Online Search, Catholic Roots, Catholic Community, and COL Interactive Forum.

Country profile: Vatican from BBC News. The Vatican is the smallest independent state in the world and the residence of the spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic church. Pope John Paul II, who died on April 2, 2005 after a 26-year pontificate, was succeeded by Pope Benedict XVI. Contents: Overview, Facts, Leaders, Media.

The Holy Father from The Vatican. All about the Popes, including audiences, biographies, speeches where available: John Paul I, Paul VI, John XXIII, Pius XII, Pius XI, Benedict XV, Pius X, Leo XIII, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI - Biography, Email.

John Paul II: The Millennial Pope. An exploration into his character and beliefs and his fierce challenge to the modern world, from PBS Frontline. John Paul II: His Life and Papacy - Biography, Pope John Paul II. Profile from the Catholic Community Forum. Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005) from About.com.

Lent: Call to Conversion. FAQs about Lent, from American Catholic.org. Why ashes on Ash Wednesday? What are the "three pillars of Lent"? Why Stations of the Cross? Why Palms on Palm Sunday? Why meatless Fridays? Are chicken and fish considered meat? What does the word Lent mean? ...

Pope Benedict XVI - In Depth from BBC. New Pope Greets the World from NPR, producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming.

Pope Benedict XVI, 1927- from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Early life, Church career, Papacy, Controversial views, Works authored by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger [Josef Kardinal Ratzinger] (German editions).

Roman Catholic Church from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Vatican City from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

285.834 United Church of Christ

The United Church of Christ. News & Events, Spirituality, Arts & Culture, Resources, Ask a Question, Movie Reviews, Book Reviews, Music Reviews. Enter your Zip Code and Find a United Church of Christ congregation in your community (in the United States).

289.3 Mormons, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Book of Mormon, The Story of "Mormonism" and The Philosophy of "Mormonism" by James E. Talmage, 1914, The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and other Mormon related texts from Internet Sacred Text Archive.

Mormonism from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, History, Customs, Beliefs, Worship, Features, Holy days, Ethics, Programmes, News.

Mormonism: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry.

To Those Who Are Investigating "Mormonism" by Richard Packham, a former Mormon. See also the main site Recovery from Mormonism.

289.7 Mennonites

Mennonite from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Mennonite Weekly Review - Online Edition. An inter-Mennonite newspaper published weekly since 1923. It seeks to be a medium for the preservation and spread of Christian beliefs and ideals as interpreted in the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition.

Mennonites from Catholic Encyclopedia. A Protestant denomination of Europe and America which arose in Switzerland in the sixteenth century and derived its name from Menno Simons, its leader in Holland.

Mennonites - History by Prof. John D. Roth, Mennonite.net.

Mennonites in Canada. Who are the Mennonites? History, Founding Beliefs, Culture, Today, World Church. See also: Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, Mennonite Archives of Ontario.

291.1 Mythology

The Big Myth. Collection of cross-cultural world creation myths designed for comparative study at elementary school level. Each myth is animated using Flash technology. Click on a country on the world map, see creation myth of that region, pantheon of gods, and background information on the culture itself. 25 myths available: Inuit, Iroquois, Navajo, Mayan, Vodoun, Aztec, Inca, Mapuche, Hawaiian, Celtic, Norse, Greek, Sumerian, Babylonian, Old Testament, Egyptian, Dogon, Yoruba, Zulu, Hindu, Chinese, Japanese, Ceram, Australian Aboriginal, and Maori.

Bulfinch's Mythology. The Age of Fable or Stories of Gods and Heroes. Includes classical Greek and Roman mythology; Pythagorus, Egyptian Deities, Oracles; Eastern mythology: Zoroaster, Hindu mythology, Castes, Buddha; Northern mythology: Valhalla, Thor, Laki; The Druids, and Beowulf. (Slow loading).

Chinese Mythology from Encyclopedia Mythica, Chinese Mythology from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Chinese Mythology and Folklore from About.com, Chinese Myths from Living Myths, Chinese Myths and More, Eight Immortals of Chinese Mythology, The Gods of Chinese Mythology, The Unit on Chinese Mythology - Sample lesson plan for high school students.

Encyclopedia Mythica. A fantastic resource for mythology, legends, and folklore around the world. Available areas include Africa, Americas, Asia, and Oceania. Site also covers Arthurian legend, Greek heroic legend, Folktales, Bestiary (legendary and mythical creatures), famous Heroes and Heroines from many cultures, and an Image gallery with hundreds of pictures of deities, plus Genealogy, and more.

Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts. Selected links by now retired Professor D. L. Ashliman, University of Pittsburgh.

Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas. Links compiled by D. L. Ashliman. Germanic Geography. Germanic (Especially Old Norse) Mythology and Culture - Ancient Monuments from Scandinavia, Denmark, Sweden. Gods' Home Pages - Balder, Frey, Gefion, Odin, Ostara, Rigsbula, Thor. Vikings.

GodChecker.com: Your Guide to the Gods. Find information on over 1300 Gods online including African Gods, Australian Gods, Aztec Gods, Egyptian Gods, Finnish Gods, Greek Gods, Incan Gods, Mayan Gods, Native American Gods, Norse Gods.

Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore and Drama. Links to Celtic Mythology, Encyclopedia Mythica: Celtic Mythology, An Overview of Celtic Mythology, Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology.

Japanese Mythology. The Sun: Amaterasu, The Moon: Tsuki-Yomi, and The Storm: Susanowo. Choose a level to view information: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. See also Encyclopedia Mythica: Japanese Mythology.

Look up: Mythology & Folklore from Babylon.com. The Encyclopedia Mythica is an Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary of terms including mythological terms from many regions.

Myth and Legend from Ancient Times to the Space Age. Topics covered: Cryptozoology, Legendary Creatures, Mythology and Folklore, Pirates, UFOs, Vampires, Werewolves and other nasties.

Myth*ing Links. An Annotated & Illustrated Collection of Worldwide Links to Mythologies, Fairy Tales & Folklore, Sacred Arts & Sacred Traditions. Scroll down to see numerous links. Assorted topics include: Creation Myths: Part I: (General scholarship, Australia, Africa, & Multi-cultural), Creation Myths: Part II: (India, Japan, Near East, Greece, Rome, Norse, Teutonic), Creation Myths: Part III: (North & Meso America), The Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, & Water, Rituals of Puberty, Rituals of Weather-Working, Sacred Theatre & Dance, Shamanism, Star Lore & Astrology, Symbols, Signs, & Runes, etc.

Mythography: Exploring Greek, Roman, and Celtic Myth and Art. Concise descriptions of Gods & Goddesses, Heroes & Heroines for Greek and Roman Mythologies, plus Lovers & Legends, Creatures & Chimerae for Greek Mythology. Celtic Mythology includes: Gods and goddesses, and Heroes and heroines of Britain, Gaul, Ireland and Wales.

Mythology. Links include creation myths from around the world.

Myths and Legends. Links organized by region and language group.

Norse Mythology from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also Encyclopedia Mythica: Norse Mythology, Norse Mythology from CyberSamurai Encyclopedia, Timeless Myths: Norse Mythology, Norse Mythology Dictionary from Infoplease.

291.3 Religious art and symbolism

Religious Symbols: An illustrated glossary from About.com. Dozens of symbols relating to religion, magic, mysticism, and mythology. Click on a thumbnail to view a larger picture, and learn the uses, description and meaning of the symbol. See also:
Egyptian Symbols
Egyptian Symbol List
Egyptian Symbols & Definitions
Egyptian Symbols for the Metals
Symbols of Druidry
Wiccan Symbols and Meanings
Symbols of the Eucharist from New Catholic Dictionary
"Christian" Occult Symbols Part 1, Part 2: Hexagrams & Doves
Myths-Dreams-Symbols: Vodun - Voodoo
Vèvès, Ritual Symbols
Symbols for Days of the Week
Astrology Symbols and Components
Signs of the Zodiac, Houses, and Planetary Rulers
Astro Awareness: Dictionary of Signs & Symbols and their Meanings
Astrology-Numerology.com: Sign & Planet Symbols
Images and Symbols in Buddhism: Eight lucky signs and their significance
General Buddhist Symbols
Hinduism Symbols
Jewish Symbols
Judaism 101: Signs and Symbols
The Islamic Glossary: An Explanation of Names, Terms and Symbols
Norse Images or Symbols
Asatru Symbols.

292.1 Classical mythology, (Greek mythology), (Roman mythology)

The Classics from Sacred-texts.com. Contents: General Classical Mythology, Greek Mythology, and Roman Mythology - primarily about Classical Pagan beliefs.

Greek Mythology. Origins of Greek Mythology. Fact Quiz. Greek Names vs. Roman Names. The Immortals (alpha list from Aphrodite to Zeus). See also Encyclopedia Mythica: Greek Mythology.

Greek Mythology.com covers all subjects of Greek Mythology, including Greek Gods and Goddesses (Titans: Gaea, Uranus, Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Mnemosyne, Themis, Iapetus, Coeus, Crius, Phoebe, Thea, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, Metis. Olympians: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Aris, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus), Greek Myths, Greek Heroes (Achilles, Hercules, Perseus, Theseus ... ), plus full text of Greek Mythology and Literature books.

Greek Names vs. Roman Names. For each Greek name, site shows the corresponding Roman name in A-Z order, e.g. Greek: Aphrodite = Roman: Venus, Greek: Ares = Roman: Mars, Greek: Poseidon = Roman: Neptune, Greek: Zeus = Roman: Jupiter, etc. More details of the gods or goddesses are displayed when you click on the Greek names.

An Introduction to Ancient Greek Mythology. Contents: The Gods (Titans, Olympians, and Lessor Gods), Heroes (under construction), Creatures (Cyclops, Hecatoncheires, Giants, Ash Tree Nymphs, Typhoeus, Cerberus, Sirens, Centaur), Stories (The Creation, Creation of Man by Prometheus, Zeus's Lovers, Birth of Athena, Wanderings of Dionysus), and Family Trees (The Principal Gods).

MythNET: Where Togas Are Still HIP. Greek Mythology. Contents include: Twelve Olympian Gods, Titans, Lesser Gods, Creatures in Mythology, Heroes in Mythology, Creation of the World and Mankind, Early Heroes, Great Heroes, Quest of the Golden Fleece, Tales of Lovers, Trojan War, Genealogical Charts (Principal Gods, Children of Gaea, Ancestors of Achilles, Family of Helen of Troy), Picture Gallery, and more.

294.3 Buddhism, Zen Buddhism

The Buddha: A Short Biography by John Strong, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Bates College, Maine, USA.

BuddhaNet. Buddhist information and education network. Buddhist Studies include: Basic Buddhism Guide, Buddhist Ceremonies - Festivals & Special Days, Marriage & Funeral Rites, Online Buddhist Study Guide, Buddhist Studies for Schools, Buddhist Scriptures, Buddhist Teachings, The Buddhist World, and Buddhist History and Culture. Site includes: World Buddhist Directory, eBook Library, BuddhaZine includes Quote of The Day, BuddhaNet Crosswords, Original Buddhist Comics, Photo Documentaries, Psychotherapy/ Meditation, Women in Buddhism, BuddhaNet Kids Page, Buddhist Art & Architecture, and more. Check out other great Buddhism links at Buddhist Websites from Around the World.

Buddhism from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, History, Customs, Beliefs, Worship, Holy days, Features, Subdivisions, Ethics, Programmes, News.

Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library: The Internet Guide to Buddhism and Buddhist Studies. Contents include: Pure Land Buddhism WWW Virtual Library, Buddhism Internet Resources Meta-Register, and others.

The Dalai Lama's biography, An exclusive interview with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Most Famous Buddhist in the World, Photos of His Holiness and Buddhism in Tibet.

The Face of Buddhism & Shintoism in Japanese Art by Mark Schumacher. Please check copyright and usage policies. This exquisite photo library containing over 900 images is undoubtedly a labor of love. Site includes Buddhism Deity Classification: Family Tree - Buddhist Deities in Japan, Hands (Mudra), Schools of Buddhism, and others. See also A-Z section: 4 Heavenly Kings, 5 Wisdom Kings, 8 Legions, 12 Devas, 12 Generals, 12 Zodiac Animals, 28 Legions, Big Buddha, Buddha (Historical - Siddhartha), Buddha Group, Calligraphy, Goddess of Mercy, Wheel of Life - Tibetan Tanka, and more.

An Introduction to Buddhism. Contents: Life of Siddhartha Gautama, Map of Buddha's World, History of Buddhism, Buddhist Hymns and Prayers, Basics of Buddhist Wisdom, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Kalama Sutta, Buddhist Cosmology, Wheel of Life, Basics of Buddhist Morality, Basics of Buddhist Meditation, Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, Zen Poems, Ten Oxherding Pictures, Basic Buddhist Vocabulary, and Links.

Life of the Buddha with images from Metropolitan Museum of Art. See also Tibetan Buddhist Art and Zen Buddhism - Japan.

Look up: The Buddhist Religion from Babylon.com. A glossary of key terms related to Buddhism in Sanskrit and other languages, rich in cross-references and accurate explanations. Includes a guide to Yoga's main concepts, with concise translations from transliterated Sanskrit into English.

Shin Buddhism - Basics from Shin Dharma Net. Includes Chronology of Buddhism, and Shin Etiquette and Symbols.

Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library. Links to Zen Buddhism General Resources, Schools of Zen Buddhism, Zen Koans Study Pages, 20th Century Zen People and Their Teachings, Daily Zen Sutras, Zen Documents and Writings, Zen Organizations and Institutions, Zen Names, Zen Calendars, and more.

294.5 Hinduism, Hare Krishnas

Hare Krishna. Information on Books about Hare Krishna, Back to Godhead Magazine, Founder of Hare Krishna movement, Centers Around the World, Philosophy and Culture, Other Resources, What's New (includes Pen Pals Site), Krishna Art and related art links.

The Hindu Universe - Hindu Resource Center. Numerous links to resources on Hinduism, including Quick Intro to Hindu Dharma, Jain Dharma, Buddha Dharma, Sikh Dharma, Hindu FAQ, Hindu Glossary - Sanskrit Terms, India.

Hinduism from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, History, Customs, Beliefs, Worship, Holy days, Features, Ethics, Programmes, News.

Hinduism from Sacred Texts. Vedas, Upanishads, Other Primary Texts, Epics, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, Later texts, and more.

Hinduism: The Basics from Himalayan Academy. Includes How to Become a (Better) Hindu: A Guide for Seekers and Born Hindus - Complete Text Online, Nine Beliefs of Hinduism, Ten Questions People Ask about Hinduism... and Ten Terrific Answers, Four Facts of Hinduism: Karma, Reincarnation, Dharma, and Worship, How to Become a Better Hindu: Table of Contents.

Hinduism Today Magazine. Read Current Issue or Archives of Past Issues.

Hinduism: What You Need to Know from About.com. Includes Hinduism for Kids.

Holi - The Festival of Colours is celebrated on the day after the full moon in early March every year. Originally a festival to celebrate good harvests and fertility of the land, Holi is now a symbolic commemoration of a legend from Hindu Mythology. See also Diwali - Deepavali: The Festival of Lights: History of Diwali, Significance of Diwali, Recipes.

An Introduction to Hinduism - A guide to various aspects of Indian religious thought and inter-religious understanding and religious tolerance (from Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany). Full Text version also available for download in PDF.

Kumbh Mela, India. Kumbh Mela is one of the largest celebrations on earth, and millions of Hindus visit four cities on a 12-yearly cycle to expunge their sins by bathing in especially holy stretches of the Ganges and its tributaries, from Lonely Planet Theme Guides.

Quotes & Quips relevant to Hindu beliefs, from Hinduism Today. See also Quotes & Quips in each quarterly publication in the Archives.

296 Judaism, (Jews - Religion), (Jewish religion), Jewish literature

About Jewish Holidays. Site covers 4 Levels of study, About the Jewish Year, Quiz: Test your knowledge of Jewish holidays, Five-Year Jewish Holidays Calendar, A popup Glossary, and other resources from MyJewishLearning.com. Including:
Daily Life - Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws - Contemporary Kosher
Daily Life - Shabbat: The Weekly Holy Day
Daily Life - Tzedakah: Charitable Giving
Minor Fast Days - Remembering Tragedies of the Past
Modern Holidays: Commemorating Recent History
Pesach: Passover
Rosh Hashana: The Jewish New Year
Shavuot: A Celebration of Receiving the Torah
Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
Sukkot: The Festival of Booths
Tisha B'Av: Commemorating the Tragedies of Jewish History
Tu Bishvat: New Year for Trees
Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement.

Hanukkah. History of Hanukkah from History Channel. "Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days and nights, starting on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar (which is November-December on the Gregorian calendar). In Hebrew, the word "Hanukkah" means "dedication." Includes Traditions of Hanukkah and Amazing Hanukkah Feats.

Hanukkah Music from Jewish National & University Library (JNUL).

Hot Sites - Jewish. A large collection of selected quality sites relating to Judaism and Jewish traditions, e.g. Art, Education, Food, Recipes, GIFs and Clipart, Holocaust, Mailing Lists, Museums, Software, Torah On-line, Books, Finding People, Games, History, Learning Hebrew, Music, News, Social Services, Travel, Bulletin Boards, Film, Genealogy, Jewish Holidays, Judaica, Magazines, Jewish Stories, Links to Yiddish Sites, and more.

How We Celebrate Hanukkah from Jewish Outreach Institute. Contents: Blessings, Traditions, History, Activities, Spin the Dreidel (game requires Flash Plug-In). See also How We Celebrate Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Purim, Passover - Pesach, Jewish - Holidays - Passover - Selected Sites, Shavuot. See also Judaism Basics, Jewish Holidays and Life Cycle Events, and Rituals, Traditions, Teachings.

Judaica Libraries and Archives on the Web. Webpage was created by Ethan Starr to serve as a one-stop reference to online Judaica collections in libraries and archives around the world. Learn about Jewish culture, history and literature.

Judaism from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, History, Customs, Beliefs, Worship, Holy days, Subdivisions (Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism), Features, Ethics, Programmes, News.

Judaism from Sacred-texts.com. Contents: Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), Tanakh (English Translation), Talmud, Haggada, Kabbalah, Midrash, Ancient/Medieval, plus Modern Links.

Judaism and Jewish Holidays from Jewish Studies Internet Resources, Columbia University Libraries. Other topics include: Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Israel, Languages, Hebrew Literature, Yiddish Literature, Palestine & the Palestinians, Women, and more.

Judaism 101. Online encyclopedia of Judaism, covering Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language, scripture, holidays, practices and customs.

Yahoo! Judaism. Links to sites relating to Jewish people and Judaism, e.g. jewishpeople.net - global guide to Jews and Judaism; Ahavat Israel - offers resources about the Jewish religion, culture, and values; Conversion to Judaism, etc.

297 Islam

Al-Islam.org. Contents: Beginner's Introduction to Islam, Common Misconceptions about Islam, Islamic FAQ, New Muslims' Stories, Basic Beliefs about Islam, Links to Online Organizations and Resources where you can learn more about Islam, Allah and the Holy Qur'an, The Infallibles (Biographies, Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and others, Writings and Sermons, Pearls of Wisdom), Islamic Beliefs and Practices, History and Current Events, and more.

Discover Islam. Includes: Main pillars of Islam, Muslims in Canada.

The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other. From Pew Global Attitudes Project, a project of the PewResearchCenter, Washington, DC. Contents include: The Rift Between Muslims and the West: Causes and Consequences, Islam, Modernity and Terrorism, Country Profiles - Population and Religious affiliations. Some examples:

Islam from BBC - Religion & Ethics. Introduction, History, Customs, Beliefs, Worship, Holy days, Subdivision (Sunni and Shia Islam), Features, Glossary, Ethics, Programmes, News.

Islam from Sacred-texts.com. Contents: Qur'an, Hadith, Sufi Texts, and Other texts.

Islam from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Islam. Resources from Librarians' Index to the Internet (lii.org).

Islam 101. An educational site on Islam, its way of life, civilization and culture. Islamic Theology, Human Relations, Selected Writings and Disciplines - provide Islamic perspectives on contemporary issues.

Islam.com. Islamic portal - web directory. Contents include: Articles on Islam, Islam the Religion (History, Philosophy), Learn How to Perform Salat, Islamic Baby Names, Utilities (Islamic Calendar, Request for Prayers, Salat Times, Register Mosque, Eid Cards, Islamic Wallpapers, Hajj Cards, Find out your Islamic Birthdate), Islamic World Newspapers, and more.

IslamOnline.net. "Our Mission: To create a unique, global Islamic site on the Internet that provides services to Muslims and non-Muslims in several languages. To become a reference for everything that deals with Islam, its sciences, civilization and nation."

The Islam Page with Introduction for Non Muslims. Numerous links including: Islam: The True Religion, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam - This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran).

Islam Prayer Times. Check out Islamic prayer times from Arab News: The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily. Use the Astrodienst server to find the longitude, latitude and time zone information for your birth town. The Atlas database at www.astro.com contains geographic information of 254,106 towns around the world.

Islamic Art, Music, and Architecture Around the World. Contents: Islamic Art, Muslim World Music, Muslim Musicians of Western Music, Islamic Architecture.

Islam FAQ: The Will of God from CBC News Online - INDEPTH: ISLAM. Contents include: Muhammad Cartoons: A Timeline, How Islam Evolved, Ramadan, Hajj, Sunni and Shia, Wahhabism, Shariah Law in Canada, Fatwa FAQ, France's Hijab Ban, and more.

Islamic Music. Links to websites with Islamic music including halal nashids for children.

Makkah - not "Mecca" by Abu Atiyyah, South Africa. For your information, the holiest city for the Muslims is Makkah-tul-Mukarramah, not Mecca. See also Current Affairs, Food for Thought, Q & A, General Articles, Halal, Women in Islam and more from Albalagh, an Islamic E-Journal.

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet from PBS. "This is the story Muslims have passed down from generation to generation for 1400 years. It is a story about the merchant, husband, father, statesman and warrior whom they consider the final prophet ..." Contents include Virtual Hajj, Muhammad and ..., The Life of Muhammad, Film Synopsis, Learning Tools.

Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream. The Pew Research Center conducted more than 55,000 interviews to obtain a national sample of 1,050 Muslims living in the United States. Interviews were conducted in English, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu.

Muslims: The Facts from New Internationalist Publications. Contents include: Muslims of the world - Islam is considered the fastest growing religion in the world. There are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims constituting a fifth of humanity. World’s Most Muslim Nations, Sizeable Muslim Communities, Refugees - The majority of the world’s estimated 12 million refugees are Muslim, Key Moments of Islamic Civilization.

Religion Islam. Contents include Quran Facts, Quran Laws, Quran - Divine Source of Islam - 114 chapters in English, and more.

The Religion of Islam from Islam for Today. Basic theological Islamic beliefs and concepts. Includes: Muslims Today, History & Civilizations, Schools & Family Life, Women in Islam, Women of Afghanistan, Companions of Mohammed, Converts to Islam, Islamic Books & Media, and Links.

Sacred Texts: Picturing the Prophet. Online Gallery from British Library. Contents include: Why are images rare in Islamic literature? Who was Nizami? What were the details of Muhammad's journey?

A Short Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology by Lambert Dolphin, Physicist. See also Understanding Muslims, The Religion of Islam, and Allah is Not a Personal God - all from a Christian perspective.

Yahoo! Islam. Links to sites relating to Islam Faiths and Practices, Islamic Sects, Science and Islam, and more.

299.21 Wicca, Paganism, Neopaganism, Freedom of religion, (Witchcraft)

Circle Sanctuary. Includes Info on Nature Spirituality, Paganism, & Wiccan Ways, Pagan handfasting ceremonies, Celebrating the Seasons: Lore and Rituals, and more.

Wicca: A Neopagan, Earth-Centered Religion. Information includes: Witchcraft, Paganism, Wiccan FAQs, History of Wicca, Beliefs, Practices, rituals, and symbols, Wiccan sabbats (seasonal days of celebration), and more.

299 Shinto, (Shintoism)

Basic Terms of Shinto. A dictionary of Shinto with black and white photos where applicable. Includes a Glossary of Japanese Names, Terms and Titles in the Text.

Cyber Shrine from Electric Samurai. Click to viyew photos of shrines in Japan.

Early Shinto in Ancient Japan. Shinto Creation Stories.

Jinja Honcho: The Association of Shinto Shrines is a religious corporation which controls and administrates about 80,000 Shinto Shrines throughout Japan. Contents: Natural Climate and Shinto Faith, The Grand Shrine of Ise, Jinja (Shinto Shrines), Matsuri (Ceremonies and Festivals). Lots of beautiful photos accompanied by detailed information.

Meiji Jingu is the Shinto shrine dedicated to the divine souls of Emperor Meiji (122nd Emperor of Japan) and his consort, Emperor Shoken.

Shinto: Basic Information from japan-guide.com, includes photos. Introduction, Shinto History, Shinto Today. Shinto Shrines with photos, plus advice on How to visit a shrine.

Shinto from Beliefnet.com. Includes link to Prayer Circles for Growth of Shinto Outside Japan.

Shinto. Encyclopedia article from Encarta.

Shinto from Japan Zone: Japan Omnibus.

Shinto from ReligiousTolerance.org. Brief history of Shinto, Shinto beliefs, Shinto practices, Forms of Shinto, and Shinto texts.

Shinto from Shinto Online Network Association with many photos. Contents: Koshitsu Shinto (Shinto of the Imperial House), Shuha Shinto (The sect Shinto), Folk Shinto (Yearly Round of Observances, Rites of Passages), Jinja Shinto (Shrine Shinto) - Jinja (or Shrine), Shinto priesthood, Concept of Kami, Procedures of a Worshipping Rite, Festival, Authentic Shinto Faith, On Afterdeath, Sins and Concept of Shinto Ethics, and Civilization of the Divine Forest - Jinja and Shinto: Religion of the Forest.

Shinto from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Shinto: Nurturing Nature from BBC World Service. Shinto shrines, Can Shinto survive?

Shinto Scripture from Sacred Texts.

Shinto: The Way of the Gods by N. Alice Yamada with photos. See also Shinto (Japanese, "way of the gods") with two excellent photos, plus brief descriptions on Practices and Beliefs, Scriptures, and History. Shinto: The Way of the Gods - a brief summary from a course on Japanese Culture taught by Dr. Barbara Mori at California Polytechnic State University, Social Sciences Department.

Shinto from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History, Definition of Shinto, Practice and teaching of Shinto, Afterlife, Four affirmations, Sin and impurity, Purification, Shrines, Gods, Ema, Cultural effect of Shinto, Important shrines.

Shinto Religion of Japan. A brief sketch of Shinto from Indiana University Computer Science Department.

Shintoism: An Introduction to Shinto from A Guide to Kamakura by Tadahiro Kondo.

Shinto in Yahoo! Directory.

299.5128 I Ching, (Yi jing)

The I Ching translated by James Legge (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 16) 1899. View tyhe Contents and Start Reading the entire I Ching online.

The I Ching on the Net. The I Ching or "Book of Changes" is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom. Site provides links to I Ching resources on the Internet. Includes a brief introduction to the I Ching and to Greg Whincup's translation: Rediscovering the I Ching.

299.936 Scientology

Assorted information on Scientology. Links to Scientology information, including Racism, Scientology in Las Vegas, Nevada, Super Powers Rundown, and more.

Canadian Critical Scientology Information.

Church of Scientology from Columbia Encyclopedia.

Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz. A selection of publicly-available legal documents filed in U.S. District Court, Central District of California.

Scientology - Church of Scientology Official Site. Information on Scientology, its background and origins, L. Ron Hubbard - founder of Scientology, Activities Around the World, and Press Releases. See also Accent on Ability by L. Ron Hubbard, A Description of Scientology - article based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, site includes links to Church of Scientology & Dianetics Resources, SCIENTOLOGY® Founded by L. Ron Hubbard, What is Scientology? Presented by The Church of Scientology International, Scientology in United Kingdom, and Glossary of Scientology and Dianetics Terms.

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