![]() Reference Site Map |
900 History
902 Historical chronology, (History - Chronology), (Dates, Historical), (Timeline), (Timelines)
909 World history, World politics
909.07 Crusades, (Church history - 600-1500, Middle Ages)
909.08 Modern history
909.09 Medieval civilization, (Medieval history), Middle Ages - History
910 Geography, Travel
910.3 Gazetteers
911 Historical atlases, (Historical maps), (Historical geography - Maps)
912 Maps, Atlases
912.73 United States - Maps (includes topographic maps)
917.1 Canada - Description, National parks and reserves - Canada, (Canada - Travel)
917.3 United States - Description, National parks and reserves - United States, (United States - Travel)
920 Biography, Athletes, Celebrities, (Famous people), Millionaires, (Billionaires)
920.071 Canada - Biography
920.073 United States - Biography
929 Genealogy, (Ancestry), (Descent), (Family histories), (Family trees)
929.4 Names, Personal names, Pseudonyms, Nicknames, (Baby names), (Proper names), (Christian names), (Family names), (Forenames), (Surnames), (Fictitious names), (Pen names), (Anonyms)
929.6 Heraldry, (Coats of Arms), (Coat of Arms)
929.9 Flags, National emblems, State emblems
930 Ancient history, Ancient civilization
930.1 Archeology, Archaeology
932 Egypt - Antiquities, (Ancient Egypt), (Egyptology)
937 Rome, (Roman Empire)
940.2 Renaissance, (Early modern period)
940.3 World War I, 1914-1918
940.53 World War II, 1939-1945, Jewish holocaust (1933-1945)
941 Great Britain, Great Britain - History, (British history), (British empire), (England - Social life and customs), (United Kingdom), (War memorials - Great Britain)
941.081 Great Britain - History - Victoria, 1837-1901, Great Britain - History - 1800-1899 (19th century)
941.084 Great Britain - History - 1936-1945
941.092 Great Britain - Kings and rulers, (Queens), (Princes and princesses), (Royalty), (Monarchs), (Sovereigns), (Diana, Princess of Wales)
943 Germany
950 Asia
951 China
951.93 North Korea
952 Japan
954 India
955 Iran
956 Arab countries
956.94 Israel
958.1 Afghanistan, Islamic fundamentalism - Afghanistan
960 Africa
965.04 Israel-Arab conflicts, Jewish-Arab relations, (Arab-Israeli conflicts), (Palestinian-Israeli conflicts)
966 West Africa - Social life and customs
970.004 Indians of North America, (North American Indians), Inuit - Canada
971 Canada, Canada - Civilization, Canada - History, (War memorials - Canada)
971.004 Indians of North America - Canada, Native peoples - Canada, Métis, (Metis)
971.3 Ontario
972.9 Caribbean area - Description and travel, Caribbean area - Social life and customs
973 United States, United States - History, United States - Politics and government, Americana, United States - Civilization, (American history), (American government), (American politics), (United States - Government)
994 Australia
Best of History Web Sites. An award-winning portal of history sites, rated for usefulness and accuracy. Find the best history sites from these categories: Prehistory, Ancient / Biblical, Medieval, U.S. History, Early Modern European, 20th Century, World War II, Art History, General Resources, Maps, Lesson Plans, Activities, and Research (Links to History Resources).
BrainyHistory. Today's History and Birthdays, Events by Days of this Month, Events by Month, Events by Year. Events in History, Birthdays in History, Deaths in History, Years in History: Year 1 - 2002.
History Timelines - The History Beat. Links to world history by regions, by time periods, by subjects. Featured topics include: American Revolution, Civil Rights Movement, US Civil War (American Civil War), Great Depression, Korean War, Kosovo in Context, World War I, and World War II.
Intute: Arts and Humanities - History. Search or browse database of History resources which have been selected, evaluated and described by subject specialists.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Collections of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts. Main History Sourcebooks include: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern. Subsidiary History Sourcebooks include: African, East Asian, Global, Indian, Jewish, Islamic, Lesbian/Gay, Science, and Women. Special Resources include: Byzantium, Medieval Web, Medieval NYC (New York City), Medieval Music, Saints' Lives, Ancient Law, Medieval Law, and Films.
Kidipede - History for Kids. World history for children. North American history, food, environment, trade, religion, and more, from the Paleo-Indians to present day. Also covers history of Europe, Asia and Africa before 1500 AD. History of Ancient Greece from Stone Age to Byzantine empire. Middle Ages. History of China, India, West Asia, Egypt, Africa, Rome, Islam, Germany.
On This Day - Front Page News from BBC. Search by Date. Search News by Year from 1950 - . Search News by Themes. Witness Accounts. Reports from Top Correspondents - Past 50 Years. A-Z Index of bbc.co.uk. See also BBC History: Ancient History, Historic Figures, History for Kids, and more.
This Day in History. Listen to What Happened Today from The History Channel. Choose a day and a category to find out what happened on this day. Categories include: Automotive, Civil War History, Cold War History, Crime History, Entertainment History, Literary History, Old West History, Technology History, Vietnam War History, Wall Street History, WWII History, and More of Today's Headlines. Photographs included where available.
Today in History from MightyCool.com. Find out what important events happened on this day in history. Includes famous birthdays on this day and ways to search the history database. This is the abridged version of Today In History.
What day of the week were you born? Enter your birthday, then hit the "Tell Me" button.
AlternaTime. A large collection of timelines. Timeline categories: History and Culture, Science and Technology, Arts and Literature, Popular Culture and Current Events, and Science Fiction.
dMarie Time Capsule. Type a birthday: MM/DD/YYYY, and find out what happened On This Day in History. You can edit the information, or add your own information to the final page for printout.
HyperHistory Online presents 3000 years of world history with a combination of colorful graphics, lifelines, timelines, and maps.
News in the 1910s. A photo set on Flickr - Library of Congress Flickr pilot.
Timelines of History. An amazing site, packed full of historical facts around the world from ancient to current times. From Days in History, select any date, site will list important historical events that happened on that day. Includes: History of the World from Big Bang to 999 A.D.; Years 1000-1899; 20th Century 1900-2000; 21st Century 2001-2007; History of States of the USA and Cities of USA; History of World Countries A-K, History of World Countries L-Z, History by Assorted Subjects: Aircrashes, Artists, Baseball, Black-History, Catastrophes, CIA-FBI, Computers, Dow Jones, Earthquakes, Environment, Fashion, Historians, Films, Foods, Games-Toys, Jazz, Labor, Medical, Money, NASA, Nobels, Philosophers, Technology, Television, Theater, Wine, Women Writers, US-Presidents, and Writers. Learn about Algis Ratnikas, the dedicated author of Timelines of History in A Webline of History - article by Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle, also available in PDF.
National Geographic Essential Visual History of the World (Hardcover) |
National Geographic Visual History of the World (Hardcover) Douglas Brinkley (Introduction) |
American & British History Resources on the Internet. A Research & Reference Gateway providing links to numerous scholarly resources. Contents: Reference Resources, Archival and Manuscript Guides, General History Portals, Sites Organized by Subject and Period, Full-text Documents by Period, History Associations & History Listservs. Includes Civil War Resources on the Internet: Abolitionism to Reconstruction (1830's - 1890's), and Afro-American History and Culture.
Government Gazettes Online. Directory of online government gazettes from University of Michigan School of Information. Select a country from A-Z for direct links to Government Gazettes, which are notices, newspapers, information bulletins published by federal governments worldwide.
HistoryCentral.com. Contents: World History Chronology (Prehistory Eras through 1400, 1400-1900, and 20th Century), America's Wars (War of 1812, Civil War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm), Online Almanacs, History of Presidential Elections, Primary Sources in American history, History Maker Biographies (20th century's 500 most important people), Trains, planes & ships.
LIFE Photo Archive Hosted by Google. Search millions of historic photos from the 1750s to today. Search by decades (e.g. 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s), find people, places, events, sports, culture and more. 10 million photographs are expected to be available when collection is complete. Photos may be printed free of charge for non-commercial use.
Silk Road Seattle from University of Washington. Uses the "Silk Road" theme to explore cultural interaction across Eurasia from the beginning of the Common Era (A.D.) to the 17th Century. Contents include: Virtual Art Exhibit, Cities and Architecture (China, India, Uzbekistan, Iran, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey), Traditional Cultures in Central Asia, Maps, Historical Texts, Teaching/Learning Guides,and more.
World History Sources from the Center for History & New Media (CHNM), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Guide to the best online primary source archives in world history.
World Leaders from Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). CIA publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments regularly. The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical. Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country's name.
Crusades from the Catholic Encylopedia. Contents include their origin and details of the eight crusades with maps and numerous links. "The origin of the Crusades is directly traceable to the moral and political condition of Western Christendom in the eleventh century."
The Crusades from Internet Medieval Sourcebook.
Medieval Crusades. Site explores the various facets of the Crusades which lasted about 250 years.
Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Links to full texts of books. A massive site. Topics include: Reformation, European Exploration, English Civil War, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, American Independence, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, 19th Century Isms, Socialism and Marxism, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, World War I, Russian Revolution, Nazism and World War II, Holocaust, and more.
The Alchemy Web Site. Alchemy is the medieval attempt to change base metals into gold. This massive site includes over 90 megabytes of information on alchemy in all its facets, with over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts. Includes 18 downloadable midi files of alchemical music.
Argos: Limited Area Search of the Ancient and Medieval Internet has been offline since Feb. 6, 2003. Links previously listed on this site provided direction to the following resources relating to Ancient and Medieval History on the WWW:
Abzu. Guide to information related to the study of the Ancient Near East on the Web;
Byzantium. Byzantine Studies on the Internet;
Exploring Ancient World Cultures. Resources on ancient Near East, ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, early Rome and medieval Europe;
The Labyrinth. Resources for Medieval Studies;
The Perseus Digital Library. Primary and secondary sources for the study of ancient Greece and Rome.
The Britannia Lexicon. A-Z dictionary of legal, feudal, chivalric, monastic, military and architectural terms used in Medieval Britain.
A Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments. Photos and illustrations, history, description of each musical insturment, some with sound: Bagpipe, Bladder Pipe, Cornamuse, Crumhorn, Dulcian, Dulcimer, Gamba, Gemshorn, Harp, Harpsichord, Hirtenschalmei, Hurdy-Gurdy, Kortholt, Lizard, Lute, Mute Cornett, Organetto, Percussion, Pipe and Tabor, Psaltery, Rackett, Rauschpfeife, Rebec, Recorder, Shofar, Transverse, Flute, Viol, Zink.
Index of Medieval Medical Images (IMMI). Browse Search - Browse by Subject, Image Type, Image Date, Image Origin, or Manuscript.
Medieval and Renaissance Lathes by Thomas Rettie. Includes Building a 16th Century Wheel Barrow.
Medieval Cookery. Medieval Recipes, Medieval Menus, Knowledge Commons - Medieval Food, A Database of Ingredients - What's period where?
Historical Figurines. Site contains historical and legendary figurines made of tin, handcrafted in France, priced for sale in Euro or US$. Includes Medieval figurines as well as Egyptian, Military, Samurai, Chess game, and other figurines. Images may be enlarged for better viewing.
Illuminating the Renaissance - (Getty Exhibitions). Step into the Renaissance through the world of illuminated books. Zoom & Explore exquisite details of these books which inspired and documented religious, political, and moral life during the Renaissance. Contents include: Fashion of the Times, Meet the kings, queens, dukes, and lords who commissioned the illuminated books, Tales of romance, history, and mythology, Renaissance in 3-D, Artists who made books and how they did it, and more.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Includes: Selected Sources - an index of selected and excerpted texts for teaching purposes; Full Text Sources arranged according to type; and Saints' Lives devoted to Ancient, Medieval and Byzantine hagiographical sources.
Medieval & Renaissance Europe: Primary Historical Documents.
Medieval History. Guide from About.com. Topics include: Vikings, Quick Reference, People & Places, Events & Eras, Arts, Literature & Music, Castles, Knights & Armor, Crusades, Wars & Warfare, Daily Life & Society, Exploration & Expansion, Law & Legal History, Religion & Philosophy, Science & Medicine.
Medieval Macabre: Supernatural and Fantastic Imagery of the Middle Ages. "These illustrations of Medieval Devils, Demons, Witches, & Monsters are from authentic period sources. There are no 20th century-inspired fantasy images in this collection." Site includes: 5 galleries of 150 images, Hans Holbein Alphabet of Death, Hans Holbein Dance of Death, Feast for the Eyes, Tales of the Middle Ages, and Medieval Woodcuts Clipart Collection. Viewer caution advised.
The Medieval Science Page edited by James McNelis. Extensive links to Internet resources on medieval science.
Mostly Medieval. Information on various aspects of life in Britain during the Middle Ages. Contents include: A-Z Index, Exploring the Middle Ages (Medieval and Celtic Clip Art, Early Music), Ballads, Beasties (Fabulous Beasts in Myth, Legend, and Heraldry), Book of Days (Calendar Jan. to Dec. Origins of Names of Months, Holy Days and Festivals), God and War (Abbeys and Priories, Celtic Church, Knights Templar, Religious Orders - Religion, Christianity, Patron Saints), Heraldry, and Medicine (including Folk Remedies).
NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources. Features a Medieval Glossary, Top Medieval Sites (ORB, Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Labyrinth, and ARGOS Search Engine), Medieval News, and others. Contains close to 1500 links to great Medieval sites.
The ORB (Online Reference Book) for Medieval Studies. Includes: ORB Encyclopedia, Library, Reference Shelf, Resources for Teaching, Medieval Studies for the Nonspecialist, and Links to External Sites.
The Path to Royal Absolutism: Renaissance and Early 17th Century from Creating French Culture (Library of Congress Exhibition): Treasures from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
For Foreign Languages for Travelers, see 400 Language.
About.com Top Tourist Destinations. List of the world's top tourist destinations by countries and the number of visitors for each country. See also World's Top Tourism Destinations from infoplease.com.
Adventure Travel Guide from Outside Online - Outside.away.com.
Airline and Airport Quality Ranking and Global Passenger Forums from Skytrax: The leading Passenger guide to over 480 airlines and 550 airports - ranking, opinions, news ... and more. Contents include: Airline Star Ranking, Flight Checks, The world's 5 Star airlines, Airport Ranking, Airline Lounge reviews, Find the Best airline seat, Airline Flight Reviews, Airline Seat Pitch guide.
Airline Quality Rating (AQR) Report. Ranking of U.S. Airlines. See also a Slide Show of the World's Best Airports from Forbes.com, Travel by Air: Health Considerations - in PDF. The World's 5-Star Airlines.
Airline Toll-Free Numbers and Websites. See also:
Air Travel in the United States - Our Travelers from Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Helpful information on Air Travel: Screening Experience, TSA Travel Assistant, Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions, Transporting Special Items, Traveling with Children, Travel Safe, Travel Secure, Prohibited Items, Traveler Identity Verification Program, and much more.
Airports Authority - Greater Toronto Airports Authority. Canada's Gateway to the World. Live Flight Information, Arrival, Departure, Connection Tips for Travellers. Search by Airline, Flight Number, or City. Flight Search displays a 30-hour rolling window of flight information for all arrivals and departures out of Pearson International Airport in Toronto.
All Country Info. Detailed information on 200+ countries and territories spanning the entire world. Reference information includes national geography, econonomic data, demographic statistics, country maps and flags, descriptions of national military forces, overviews of each country's governmental structure, data on transportation and telecommunications, and more.
America on the Go: U.S. Holiday Travel from Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation. Brief analytical reports from National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) on the travel habits and behavior of more than 26,000 U.S. households.
Around the World in 80+ Books by George W. Stone. Travel Books and Travelogues - National Geographic Traveler Highlights the Best Travel Writing. Ultimate Travel Library. Photo by Dan Westergren/National Geographic: Africa, Asia, Australia & the Pacific, the Caribbean, Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Middle East, North America, Polar Regions, Western Europe & the Mediterranean.
BrainyGeography. Every place in the U.S.A. Browse by State, Browse by Feature - airport, beach, church, forest, island, lake, oilfield ... , by Definitions, Top 10 Place Names: Airport Names, Dam Names, Park Names.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Travelers Health. Travelers' Health Hotline: Phone toll free 877-FYI-TRIP (877-394-8747). Contents include: Announcements, News and Highlights.
CountryReports.org. Find factual information on countries around the world. World Countries, Current Weather, Country Flags, or National Anthems. The new 2005 edition contains over 26,000 country pages.
Countries of the World. Abbreviations (Internet Country Codes), Facts, Flags, Maps, with links to National Anthems.
Ctrip.com - China Trip. Leading online travel service in China. Specializes in booking online for discounted airline ticket reservations and hotel accommodations for over 3000 hotels in China. Includes comprehensive travel information and travel guides on China. Targets primarily business and leisure travelers who do not travel in large groups. See also Chinese Visa Application.
Expedia.com for United States. Book a flight, reserve a room, rent a car. Fast round trip fare finder. Expedia.com is available internationally:
FlightAware. Free Flight Tracker. IFR Flight Status, Tracking, History, Maps. Live Flight Tracking: View & track activity for any private (IFR (Instrument Flight Rules)) or commercial flight. See scheduled, enroute, and recent flight activity for any airport in the United States. Statistics and Analysis: View statistics, analysis, graphs, and more. Find recently used IFR routes for a given origin and destination. See also Security Checkpoint Wait Times from U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Fodors Online Travel Guides - Top World Destinations. Choose a destination from around the world.
FXCheatsheet: Travelers Currency Cheat Sheet - Foreign Exchange Cheat Sheet for Travelers from OANDA (Olsen & Associates) - The Currency Site. Create and print a pocket-size currency converter table for your next trip.
Geographia. Destinations: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America. Includes video and audio clips, photographs, information about places, people, history, nature, activities, features, fun, essentials, and calendar.
GeographyIQ. Online world atlas with geographic, economic, political, historical and cultural information. Links to World Maps, Rankings (rank countries and territories by more than 50 geographic, demographic, economic and military criteria), Foreign Currency Converter, and more.
Geography from Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology. The Intute Geography Gateway provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities.
Geography World by Brad Bowerman. Lots of links. Geography Topics include: Geographic links for Teachers, Geography Games, Geography News & Quizzes, Land & Water, Maps & Globes, Travel Sites, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Weather, Climate, World Geography, World Populations, and many more.
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Online (TGN). Latitude and longitude given in most records, minimum record for each place includes a name (English name, vernacular or local-language name), a place type (city, island, etc.), and a position in the hierarchy that shows its parent places - nation (country name, e.g. United States).
Guidelines for business etiquette from Executive Planet™. Site provides valuable tips on business etiquette, customs and protocol for doing business worldwide. Essential business culture guides for the international traveller.
Hotel-Rates.com - U.S. Hotels - Site Map. Hotel reservations online since 1999. Search a city directly for hotel info and reservation, or select a state and browse hotels in various cities. Includes Information Center-FAQ's.
How to See the World. Art of Travel: European and World Backpacking, On $25 a Day or Less.
JourneyWoman.com. The premier travel resource for women.
Lonely Planet Online: World Guide. World travel guides to destinations.
New Requirements for U.S. Citizens from U.S. Department of State. Tips for Traveling Abroad.
Orbitz - Visit Planet Earth. Quick Flight Search (find lowest air fare from over 450 airlines and 2 billion fares), Hotels, Cars, Cruise Search, Packages, Deals, Travel Watch, and Travel Tools including Foreign Currency exchange.
Pamela Lanier's Bed & Breakfast Guide Online. Search Geographically by city, state, country, proximity, or Search by Inn's name.
Pilot Guides - Destination Guide. The ultimate adventure travel resource. Pick a Destination - Explore adventure travel guides, cultural articles, and stories from Pilot Productions tv shows.
Querying Geographical Names of Canada -
Query by name from Natural Resources Canada. Query by coordinates.
Roadside America - Guide to Uniquely Odd Tourist Attractions. Mainly in United States and Canada.
Rocket Fare: The Discount Travel Search Engine Online. Find discounts on flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, trains, vacation packages, hostels, limos and airport parking reservations.
Round-the-World Travel Guide. Planning and preparing a trip around the world.
SearsTravel.ca. Canada's online travel merchant. Build a trip, book a flight, choose flights between two cities, one way or round trip.
Staycations: Alternative to pricey, stressful travel. Take a "Staycation"- Vagabonder Style - Rolf Potts' Vagabonding.
Time Out Travel - Cities A-Z - Travel Guides.
Tipping Etiquette Guide by James G. Lewis, FindaLink.net. Includes: Pre-tax or post-tax? Christmas Holiday Tipping Etiquette, Airport, Ground transportation, Hotel, Tipping at a Bed and Breakfast (B&B), Tour guides, etc.
Tips & Tricks for Laptop Computer Equipped Travelers from RoadNews. This site contains all the information you need to know if you are traveling with a computer.
The Travel Doctor provides valuable travel tips, information, and advice for world travellers. See also: Avoiding Cabin Fever: How to Stay Healthy Aboard a Cruise. A humorous but serious article by Jennifer Huget, Special to The Washington Post.
Travel.State.Gov from U.S. Department of State.
Travelocity.com. Search for Flights (lowest round trip fares), Lodging, Cars, Vacations, and Cruises by dates, number of travelers, price range, location, etc. Select a place to view Destination Guides with Maps, Best Time to Visit, and Background Information. Reservations for more than 400 airlines, 50,000 hotels, and 50 car rental companies.
TripAdvisor.com. Unbiased reviews of hotels, resorts and vacations. Recommendations for hotels, resorts, inns, vacations, travel packages, vacation packages, travel guides, and more. Destinations include USA, Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and South Pacific.
US-VISIT from Department of Homeland Security (DHS). A part of a continuum of security measures that begins overseas and continues through a visitor’s arrival in and departure from the United States. Contents include: Enrollment Requirements, How It Works, Current Ports of Entry, Multilingual Videos and Brochures (on US-VISIT entry and exit processes), and Privacy Information.
VirtualTourist.com. Virtual Tourist Travel Guides - Real Travelers, Real Info. Maps, photos, travel deals, trip planners, hotels, restaurants, attractions, forums with members offering thousands of travel tips, and more.
Wikitravel - free world-wide travel guide. Over 13,800 destination guides and articles written and edited by Wikitravellers from around the globe.
X-Ray Backscatter Technology and Your Personal Privacy from Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Watch a video showing how the backscatter works. Backscatter will be able to detect non-metallic devices and objects, as well as weapons or other harmful objects that a passenger may be carrying on his or her person. Images will not be printed, stored or transmitted. Screener viewing images is remotely located.
Yahoo! Travel. Make reservations for travel: Air, Car, Hotel, Vacations, Cruises, and Specials. Select travel interests by destination, by activity, or by lifestyle. Also includes Daily Travel Tip, Travel Newsletter, Travel Bargain News, Best Fares, Search for Roundtrip Flights, and more.
AllRefer.com Reference - North America Gazetteer.
Gazetteers. Oddens' Bookmarks - The fascinating world of maps and mapping.
Gazetteers and Place Names. Resource links from Ohio State University Libraries. Including Australian geographic place names (Gazetteer), Canada’s official geographic names web site, New Zealand Geographic Place-Names Database, Official source of U.S. geographic names from the Census Bureau. U.S., Ordnance Survey--gazetteer of place names (U.K.), Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty Information Institute).
The World Gazetteer. View current population figures for cities, towns and places of all countries, find the largest cities in the world, view images of current national flags.
Antique & Historical Maps of Britain.
The Atlas of Canada - History. Discover Canada through National Maps and Facts. Contents include: Historical Indian Treaties Map, Aboriginal Peoples circa 1630, 1740, & 1823 Maps, New France circa 1740 Map, Briitish North America circa 1823 Map, Territorial Evolution, 1867 to 1999 Map, The Search for a Northwest Passage 1576 to 1587 Map, The Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River 1603 to 1607 Map, The Great Lakes 1654 to 1670 Map, and many more.
Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century. Historical maps of the world. If you don't need instructions to access the maps, start here.
Historical Maps of the United States. Categories: Early Inhabitants, Exploration and Settlement (1540-1890), U.S. Territorial Growth (1775-1970), Military History Maps (1755-1967), Later Historical Maps (1783-1917), Maps of National Historic Sites, plus U.S. Historical Maps on Other Web Sites.
Historical Maps Online from University of Illinois Library & University of Illinois Press. Digitized maps from Illinois and the Old Northwest, as well as topographic maps of Illinois.
The Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe. Online maps showing countries of Europe at the end of each century from AD 1 to AD 2000.
The Yale Map Collection - Online Maps. Antiquarian Maps - World Maps, The Americas, Asia and the Middle East, The Far East and the Pacific, Africa, Europe, Cartographic Curiosities - specialty maps, odd, curious, and fanciful maps.
Allrefer.com World Maps with links to Background & Country Profile, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues & International Disputes, and Flag.
Census Bureau Map Products. Links to Reference Maps and Thematic Maps (include Centers of Population: 1790 to 2000, and Population Distribution of the United States: 2000 & 1990) from U.S. Census Bureau.
Country and Regional Map Sites, A-Z from University of Texas. (Slow loading). Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. Online Maps of Current Interest and Online Maps of General Interest: Maps of The World, Africa, The Americas including United States, Canada and Mexico, Asia, Australia and the Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Polar Regions and Oceans, Russia and the Former Soviet Republics, and more.
Free Blank Outline Maps of the Countries and Continents of the World from About.com. Select a country from A-Z list. You can print out a blank outline map of any continent or country, any one of the 50 U.S. States, or any one Canadian Province or Territory of your choice.
General Map Sites from Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas. Very extensive list of links to a wide variety of map sites.
How far is it? Calculates distance between your seleyction of two places as the crow flies. Shows directions in degrees and distance in miles, km, and nautical miles. Provides longitudes and latitudes for locations selected.
Map and Geography Index. From National Geographic.
Map History / History of Cartography: THE Gateway to the Subject.
MapQuest. Find a location and print out an instant map. Site includes Maps, Driving Directions, Road Trip Planning and Yellow Pages.
Maps Your Way from Wayfaring: follow you, follow me. Create personalized maps, Share them with your friends, Explore maps created by others, Connect and collaborate.
Map-Zone.net. Maps and country information for countries all over the world. Besides providing a clear and simple map, site provides pertinent info for each country: Official name, Capital, Area (total area, water, & land - in sq km), Location, Geographic coordinates, Comparative Area (with a US location or state), Land boundaries, Border countries, Coastline, Terrain, and Elevation extremes.
MSN Live Search Maps. Find a map and get driving directions. Includes links to Quick Maps for all countries: World Atlas, United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe.
Multimap.com: Online Maps to Everywhere. Choose a country to search, narrow down to street and city.
Outline Maps. Houghton Mifflin gives you permission to print or download any of the outline maps (mainly of the world and continents) for your personal use.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas. Maps of General Interest include: The World, Africa, The Americas, Asia, Australia and the Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Polar Regions and Oceans, Russia and the Former Soviet Republics, The United States (with over 700 maps), Texas, Texas Counties, plus links to Country and Regional Maps, City Maps, State Maps and Historical Maps, as well as Electronic Cartographic Reference Resources.
Quick Maps. Select a country A-Z to view a map of the country.
Rand McNally Maps & Directions.
World Atlas: Maps and Geography of the World from About.com. Select from Alphabetical Listing of Countries and Continents, Blank Outline Maps of Each Country, Countries Listed by Continent & Region, U.S. States and Territories, Cities of the World, Oceans, Territories and Dependencies, plus The CIA World Factbook. For each country, site includes maps, geography and data, plus information on major cities.
WorldAtlas.com World Maps. Graphic Maps presents World Atlas. Includes Maps of the World, Maps featuring latitude and longitude lines with explanations, the 4 hemispheres, major seas, largest islands, largest countries, world outline maps, and more.
Xpeditions Atlas. Maps made for printing and copying from National Geographic. Select detailed or basic map of World, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, Canada, United States or Mexico. Site includes the amazing virtual Xpedition Hall, Geography Standards, Activities to use geography to complete a variety of missions, plus classroom-tested Lesson Plans that address all of the U.S. National Geography Standards, the five geography skills, and the main geographic perspectives.
Yahoo! Maps. Excellent site with detailed street maps. Map an address of your choice (in U.S. or Canada). Get map, get driving directions on how to get there from another address of your choice. Zoom in or out. Print map or email map to a friend.
Zoom Into Maps. 1. Hometown, USA: Local Geography; 2. Exploration and Discovery; 3. Migration and Settlement; 4. Travel and Transportation; 5. Environmental History; 6. Military Maps; 7. Pictorial Maps; 8. Maps of Today; 9. Unusual Maps.
Map Collections 1500-2004. The focus of Map Collections is Americana and Cartographic Treasures of the Library of Congress. These images were created from maps and atlases and are organized according to seven major categories: Cities and Towns, Conservation and Environment, Cultural Landscapes, Military Battles and Campaigns, Discovery and Exploration, Transportation and Communication, General Maps.
TopoZone. Interactive digital topographical or topo map information for United States. Choice of scales (in both meters and miles) and maps sizes. Search by any place name, or by Latitude and Longitude.
U.S. Gazetteer. From U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 Census data. Search for places, towns, cities, and counties by entering the place name and state abbreviation (optional), or 5-digit zip code. Select options and have the map redrawn to your liking.
Bed and Breakfast Expo. Showcases Canada's bed and breakfast homes and inns. Color photographs and descriptions are included to indicate the kind of accommodations featured.
Canada. Lonely Planet WorldGuide. Fast Facts, At a Glance for the Traveler, Introduction, Background Info, Places to See in Canada, Image Gallery, Events, Transport, Money, General. See also Shop by Destination: Canada from Magellan's Travel Supplies with brief practical information on Health Risks, Insect Threats, Security Concerns, Water Quality, Weather Notes, Electrical Standards, Modem/Phone Use, Time Zone, Visa/Passport Requirements, and Currency.
Canada Travel & Tourism Guide. Site features online hotel reservations, Canadian attractions, weather, restaurants, transportation, events, shopping and more. Use the Canada maps, photo gallery and travel articles to preview the places you plan to visit.
Cultural Profiles Project. From Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Each cultural profile provides an overview of life and customs in a profiled country. Search in alphabetical order over 80 countries from where immigrants have come to Canada, e.g. Albania, China, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kuwait, Mexico, etc.
DiscoverCanada.com. Golf, Adventure, Special Events, Cruises, Rail Coach, Ski and Snowboard, Hotels and Resorts.
Free Trip. Canada and U.S. Trip Planner creates personalized itinerary. Select points of Origination and Destination, by Province or State, enter City/Town/Place, or Categories. Check Route Preferences, Enroute Facilities (select hotels), Services and Travel Plazas, Points of Interests and Attractions, Distance Display (in miles or kilometers).
Parks Canada. Parks Canada National Programs: National Historic Sites of Canada, National Marine Conservation Areas of Canada, National Parks of Canada, Federal Heritage Buildings, Canadian Heritage Rivers, Heritage Railway Stations, and Legislation and Regulations.
Solo's Holidays. The UK's No. 1 for Unattached Single Travellers. Other sites for Solo Travellers:
Amtrak. Reservations, Online Train Schedules, Fares and Tickets, Arrival Status, Station Locator, Special Offers and Discounts, Trains and Routes, Accommodations and Features, Special Assistance for the Disabled, Crossing Borders, News and Views, Fun and Games.
Free Trip. U.S. and Canada. Trip Planner creates personalized itinerary. Select points of Origination and Destination, by State or Province, enter City/Town/Place, or Categories. Check Route Preferences, Enroute Facilities (select hotels), Services and Travel Plazas, Points of Interests and Attractions, Distance Display (in miles or kilometers).
North American Bed and Breakfast Directory. Locate a Bed and Breakfast Inn by City, State, or search International B and B. Includes helpful sections on Recipes, Innkeeper Info, Reservation Services, Additional Travel Resources, Meet Your Hosts, Trip Planning.
ParkMaps.com. Click on a State from the map of the United States of America to see the State Map, State Flag, State Parks, County Parks, City Parks, RV Campsites/Private Parks, Amusement Parks, Golf Courses, Museums, and Historical Markers.
Parks and Recreation. National Park Guide from National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. View All Parks A-Z. Geographic Search - Find a Park by state, territory, or zip code. Topic Search - Find a Park by interests, activities, or park type.
USA. Lonely Planet WorldGuide. At a Glance, Fast Facts, Introduction, Background Info, Places to See in the United States, Image Gallery, Events, Transport, Money, General Information.
U.S. National Parks. Select from A-Z list to find information on national parks in the United States.
United States Travel & Tourism Guide. Site features online hotel reservations, information about USA attractions, activities, weather, restaurants, transportation, tours, events, shops and more. Use the United States maps, American photo gallery and travel articles to preview the places you plan to visit.