A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Virtual Library of Useful URLs
Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

400 Language

Translate this page from English to another language of your choice:
Wall Street Executive Library Feature Site - This is not an ad but a 

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Reference  Site Map

400 Language and languages
403 Encyclopedias and dictionaries
411 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Alphabet, Hieroglyphics, Picture writing, Writing, (Emoticons), (Smileys), (Online shorthand), (Computer jargon), (Chat acronyms), (E-mail shorthand), (Writing systems)
414.6 Accents and accentuation
418 Modern languages - Conversations and phrases, Translating and interpreting, (Translation), (Translations), (Machine translating), (Mechanical translating)
419 Sign language, Deaf - Means of communication, Signs and symbols, (Nonverbal communication), (Language and languages)
420.7 English as a second language, (ESL), (English as a foreign language), (EFL), (English for foreigners)
421 English language - Spelling
422 English language - Etymology, (English language - History)
423 English language - Dictionaries, (Dictionary), English language - Synonyms and antonyms, (Synonym), (Antonym), (Thesaurus), (Thesauri), English language - Homonyms, (Homonym), English language - Terms and phrases
425 English language - Grammar, (English grammar)
427 English language - Slang
428 English language - Errors
430 German language
437.947 Yiddish language
439.7 Swedish language
439.8 Danish language, Norwegian language
440 French language
450 Italian language
460 Spanish language
469 Portuguese language
470 Latin language
491.55 Persian language
495.1 Chinese language
495.6 Japanese language


400 Language and languages

BBC Languages. Choose a language: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese. Latest in Languages. Learn Online.

Before You Know It: Learn a Language with Perfect Recall. Free Language Software Downloads include a full working copy of Before You Know It Lite, plus a collection of lists for your chosen language. Languanges include: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latin, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (brazilian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog (Filipino), Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese.

Ethnologue: Languages of the World from SIL International (formerly Summer Institute of Linguistics). Here you will find 6,809 languages spoken in 228 countries.

Free Online Language Courses. Choose from 118 languages in alphabetical order from Abenaki to Xhosa.

iLoveLanguages: Your Guide to Languages on the Web. Formerly known as The Human-Languages Page. The purpose of this site is to list, categorize, and promote Internet resources related to language learning, education, and use.

"I Love You!" in Many Languages.

The Internet Picture Dictionary - English. Also available for: French, German, Italian, Spanish. browse by Letter A-Z, or by Category.

Language and Culture Pages. Select one of the following languages: Arabic, brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (European), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian to learn about its origin, forms of address, and grammar. Survival Phrases provide Basic Phrases as well as a sample Dialog. Click on the phrase to hear a native speaker's voice. Check out Word of the Day and an excellent section on Web Proficiency Tests that provide instant evaluation, scores, and answers.

Language Course Finder. Search over 10,000 Language Schools teaching 88 Language courses in 115 Countries.

Language Dictionaries and Translators. Links to numerous language dictionaries from Abadani to Zarma, plus links to Multiple Language Dictionaries and Additional Dictionary Indexes.

LanguageGuide.org. English - Español (Spanish) - Français (French) - Deutsch (German) - pǔ tōng huà (Mandarin Chinese) - Русский (Russian) - עברית (Hebrew) - and (Hindi). Select a language, then mouse over the word to hear its proper pronunciation.

Loecsen Orizon: Travel with Languages. Site provides conversational essential phrases in English - German, French, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, and Korean for travellers, and more. Each expression is presented with an audio recording and an illustration. See also: Useful Chinese Expressions, Useful French Expressions, Useful German Expressions, Useful Japanese Expressions.

The Pimsleur Method. Dr. Paul Pimsleur devoted his life to language teaching and testing and was one of the world's leading experts in applied linguistics. He was fluent in French, good in German, and had a working knowledge of Italian, Russian, Modern Greek, and Mandarin Chinese. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes long. Available languages range from Albanian to Vietnamese.

Pro-Tran: Language Information. Pro-Tran's database of world languages contains around 4500 languages, separated into "primary" (left of screen - language selection) and "secondary" (right of screen - language selection). Languages are classified as "primary" if they are spoken by more than one million persons. Includes links to online translation, dictionaries, and more.

"Thank you" in over 465 languages. See also how to say: hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night, how are you? welcome, goodbye, please, what is your name? my name is..., do you speak English? yes, no, and I don't understand in many different languages. Includes great links to Dictionaries, Grammars, and other online language resources.

403 Encyclopedias and dictionaries

See also 423 English language - Dictionaries, (Dictionary), English language - Synonyms and antonyms, (Synonym), (Antonym), (Thesaurus), (Thesauri), English language - Homonyms, (Homonym), English language - Terms and phrases

britannica Concise Encyclopedia. A one-volume encyclopedia that includes 25,000 short entries.

Columbia Encyclopedia - Bartleby.com. (May contain offensive pop-up or banner ads).

 Search:   for    

Dictionaries from yourDictionary.com. Including Multiple Dictionary Search Engines and numerous links to other Vocabulary Aids: Abbreviations & Acronyms, Synonym Dictionaries, Thesauri, Phrase Dictionaries, Quotations, Lexicography and Lexical Databases, Pronunciation and Rhyming Dictionaries, Writing Systems, and Miscellany. See also Scrabble Links, Cliché Finder, Clichés by Letter - Largest collection of cliches, phrases and sayings, Dictionary of Difficult Words, A Little Etymology, and others).

Dictionaries for Kids. Lookup forms for major Internet Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Thesauri.

Encarta Encyclopedia, Encarta Dictionary, World Atlas, Homework Help from MSN. Also includes: College Search, Graduate School, Online Degrees, Career Training.

Encyclopedia.com. Because knowledge is cool - powered by eLibrary.

EncycloZine. A free online encyclopedia and store (books, posters, etc) with articles on nearly 1000 topics in Arts, Business, Computers, Games, Health, History, Home, Recreation, Reference, Science, Society, Sports, and Technology.

Free Internet Encyclopedia - MicroReference. Select A-Z. See also MacroReference Index - Major Subject Areas, Select A-Z.

TheFreeDictionary.com. English, Medical, Legal, and Computer Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, a Literature Reference Library, and a Search Engine all in one!

Online Dictionary

Free-Translator.com - Translators. Free downloads from TUCOWS, including translators and dictionaries. Includes links to online dictionaries.

LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia. Based on 11th edition of Encyclopedia britannica, first published in 1911, contains over 40,000 articles written by over 1,500 authors within their various fields of expertise.

OneLook Dictionary Search. General dictionaries and glossaries indexed by the OneLook® search engine. Some 6,081,414 words in 966 dictionaries indexed. Specialized dictionaries include Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Technology dictionaries. Multilingual dictionaries also included.

Enter word or phrase:

Online Dictionaries. Free! Bible dictionary, Business dictionary, Chinese dictionary, Computer & Internet dictionary, Crossword dictionaries, Danish dictionary, Dream interpretation dictionary, Symbolism dictionaries, Drug dictionaries, English dictionary, Finnish dictionary, French dictionary, German dictionary, Greek dictionary, Hebrew dictionary, Italian dictionary, Japanese dictionary, Latin dictionary, Law & Legal dictionary, Medical dictionary (diseases), Occupational titles, Polish dictionary, Philippine dictionary, Rhyming dictionary, Russian dictionary, Science dictionary, Sign language dictionary, Slang dictionary, Spanish dictionary, Swedish dictionary, Technical dictionaries, Turkish dictionary, Vietnamese dictionary, Yiddish dictionary, and others.

travlang's Translating Dictionaries. On-line translating dictionaries from English (and vice versa) to German (Deutsch), Dutch (Nederlands), French (Francais), Spanish (Espanol), Portuguese (Portugues), Italian (Italiano), Danish (Dansk), Swedish (Svenska), Latin (Latina), Finnish (Suomi), Norwegian (Norsk), Frisian (Frysk), Afrikaans, Hungarian (Magyar), Czech (C^esky), Polish, Esperanto, and Turkish. Other on-line dictionaries include: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Yiddish.

Visual Dictionary Online from Merriam-Webster. 20,000 terms with contextual definitions, 15 major themes to access 6,000 full-color images, enter a word at the Index to search. This Visual Dictionary is filled with illustrations labeled with terminology in up to six languages. Includes audio pronunciation for terms.

WordReference Online Language Dictionaries. WordReference Dictionaries are free online translation dictionaries. English to French, Italian, German, Spanish & Russian Dictionaries and vice versa: French, Italian, German, Spanish & Russian to English Dictionaries, plus English to English - definitions.

Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Available in some 40 languages including English.

yourDictionary.com. A powerful and very useful language resource. Links to over 1,800 dictionaries in 260 languages.

411 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Alphabet, Hieroglyphics, Inscriptions, Picture writing, Writing, (Emoticons), (Smileys), (Online shorthand), (Computer jargon), (Chat acronyms), (E-mail shorthand), (Writing systems)

See also Common, Uncommon and Specialized Abbreviations

Acronym Finder. Over 376,000 acronyms, abbreviations and their meanings in the database and growing.

Acronym Finder

Acronym or abbreviation to find:

Acronym Search. Some 50,530 acronyms and abbreviations in the database. Includes a Reverse Lookup.

Acronyma. Largest database of acronyms and abbreviations on the web. Searchable in these languages: English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Nederlands, Italiano, and Portugues.

Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms from Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Select A-Z and # to find an Acronym, Abbreviation, or Initialism.

Acronyms, Abbreviations, Definitions. A listing of Non-Technical Acronyms, Technical Acronyms, First Level Domain Acronyms for Internet Addresses, Abbreviations including @, Bcc:, Cc:, and Definitions of words commonly heard on the Internet, found in E-Mail messages and Newsgroup postings. Includes some Latin Abbreviations.

Acronyms & Shorthand - Chat Acronyms and Shorthand from YouthTech. Includes List of Shorthand A-Z, Smileys, More Smileys, Larger Smileys, Animals, and more.

AncientScripts.com. Excellent site on writing systems of the world with explanations of pertinent historical facts in plain English. Includes images, diagrams, charts, and drawings where relevant, as well as links.

Eurodicautom. European Terminology Database. First set up in 1973. For translation of a search term, acronym, abbreviation, or phrase, you have an option to select a Subject, one Source language and one (or more or all) of the following Target languages: Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), English (EN), Finnish (FI), French (FR), German (DE), Greek (EL), Italian (IT), Latin (LA), Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES), and Swedish (SV). Enter search term. Results will display both abbreviations and their meanings in various languages if applicable.

Google Glossary - Search for Definitions and Acronyms on the Web. In the Google search box, type: define: dragon or define dragon, hit ENTER key to see the difference a colon makes in your search results.

Google glossary  

Hieroglyphic Directory. The ancient Egyptian picture language. Contents: Hierophyphs, Hieroglyphic Alphabet, Biliteral Hieroglyphs, Triliteral glyphs, Determinative glyphs - symbols that help to define a word, Number glyphs, AEL (Ancient Egyptian Language), and Egyptian Name Translator.

Hieroglyphs. Contents: Ancient Egyptian Writing, Numbers, Eye of Horus, and Learn More (links). Excellent illustrations.

How to Understand Acronyms by Sandy Berger, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons). Includes Farewell: BBL - Be Back Later, BFN - Bye For Now ... , Interjections: BTW - By The Way, IMO - In My Opinion ... , Chat Room Talk, Laughing, Common Responses: NBD - No Big Deal, NOYB - None Of Your Business, OIC - Oh, I See ...

Official Abbreviations from United States Postal Service. States and Possessions, Street Suffixes (AVE, BLVD, GDNS, ...), and Secondary Unit Designators (APT, BSMT, DEPT, RM, ...).

Smileys and Emoticons from NetLingo.com. A smiley is a sequence of characters typed using the computer keyboard. Colon represents the eyes, dash represents the nose, and right parenthesis represents the mouth.

Unofficial Smiley Dictionary (including Asian Smilies) from LaPoin's World of the Internet.

414.6 Accents and accentuation

Speech Accent Archive. Site examines the accented speech of speakers, both male and female, from many different language backgrounds reading the same English sample paragraph. Listen to 252 speech samples arranged alphabetically by language.

418 Modern languages - Conversations and phrases, Translating and interpreting, (Translation), (Translations), (Machine translating), (Mechanical translating)

AltaVista Babel Fish Translate - With AltaVista Babel Fish, you can translate passages of text or entire Web pages among nine languages, or quickly translate this page into your language of choice.

Babel Fish Translation   Help

Translate a block of text


Translate a Web page           












AltaVista Babel Fish Translation Help. To be able to view Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters, you will need to download the appropriate software first. Download Input Method Editors to Use with Office XP. Find out How to Add and Enable Additional Languages in Windows: Support for Arabic, Cyrillic-based, Latin-based European, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Thai, Turkish, US English, and Vietnamese.

brainyTranslation. Choose a word from the A-Z list in English and find out what it means in other languages. Results show only existing foreign language(s) translation in this database for the chosen English word. May translate words into Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, or Swedish.

Comparison of Universal Language Translators. Instant free translation of text and Web pages. English to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, and vice versa except for Norwegian.

Dictionary.com Translator. Type in plain text or URL of Webpage and translate it for free. Your choice of translation: 1) from English to French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish; 2) from French to English or German; 3) from German to English or French; 4) from Italian to English; and 5) from Portuguese to English.

Foreign Languages for Travelers. Translate from one language to another. Basic words, Numbers, Shopping/Dining, Travel, Directions, Places, Time and Dates. Listen to every word with RealAudio. English, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ido, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malaysian, Mandarin, Marshallese, Norwegian, Occitan, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russky, Serbian, Sesotho, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Xhosa, Yiddish, Zulu.

FreeTranslation.com. Fastest, free Web-based machine translation. Translates from Spanish, French, and German to English, as well as from English to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Norwegian.

Google Language Tools. Search Specific Languages or Countries, Translate Text or Translate a Webpage by typing in the URL, Use the Google Interface in Your Choice of Language, or Visit Google's Site in Your Local Domain.

Google Translate - beta. Translate text or webpage. About 41 languages available for translation: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

Language Dictionaries and Translators. Links to numerous language dictionaries from Abadani to Zarma, plus links to Multiple Language Dictionaries and Additional Dictionary Indexes.

Majstro: a multilingual translation dictionary. Choose a Source language, a Target language, and whether you wish the translation precision to be high or low. Majstro is able to recognize alternative spellings, e.g. color or colour, as well as frequently misspelled words. Site provides other useful information including official names of countries and their national languages, counting from 1 to 10 in different languages, and more.

travlang's Translating Dictionaries. On-line translating dictionaries from English (and vice versa) to German (Deutsch), Dutch (Nederlands), French (Francais), Spanish (Espanol), Portuguese (Portugues), Italian (Italiano), Danish (Dansk), Swedish (Svenska) Finnish (Suomi), Norwegian (Norsk), Frisian (Frysk), Afrikaans, Hungarian (Magyar), Czech (C^esky), Esperanto, and Latin (Latina). Other on-line dictionaries include: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Greek, Korean, Latvian, Farsi, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Turkish, and Yiddish.

419 Sign language, Deaf - Means of communication, Signs and symbols, (Nonverbal communication), (Language and languages)

About American Sign Language by Karen Nakamura.

American Sign Language (ASL) browser from Michigan State University. Here you can click on a letter then look up the word to view color videos of thousands of hand signs online. browser must be able to run QuickTime movies.

American Sign Language Lessons from ASL University, excellent site by Dr. William G. Vicars, providing free online ASL lessons and curriculum resources for American Sign Language students, instructors, interpreters, and parents of deaf children. Site includes: Index of Signs, Why Study ASL? Library of many interesting and useful links, Baby's First 100 Signs/Concepts, Newsletter, ASL Font, Jokes, Glossary, and more.

A Basic Dictionary of ASL Terms. Also included is the basic alphabet and numbers 1-10. Dictionary has both animated and text definitions.

Fingerspelling by Paula Willig and team, John A. Logan College. Includes Topical Fingerspelled Lists: (Flash required) Birds, Cars, Snakes, Fruit, Months, States; Countries and Cities: Americas, Europe, Middle-East, East Africa.

Handspeak: ASL/Sign Dictionary. View samples of American Sign Language in action. Sample definitions and meanings: analyze, basketball, book, curious, encourage, government, Handspeak, heart, koala, kumari, music, night, perspective, reach, sports, volunteer.

Look up: American Sign Language Dictionary from Babylon.com. This American Sign Language Dictionary is a manual of the basic American Sign Language (ASL), with easy-to-follow illustrations of the hand movements and clear commentary. A Basic Guide to ASL.

420.7 English as a second language, (ESL), (English as a foreign language), (EFL), (English for foreigners)

1-language.com - The ESL Site. A fabulous English as a Second Language site by Jeremy Patton. Includes many high quality online learning activities and articles, e.g. ESL Activities - A collection of ESL teaching ideas, ESL Alphabet Worksheets, ESL Flash Games - Memory & Match, ESL Flashcards, ESL Grammar Quizzes - will tell you what questions you got right and wrong, and provide you with a score, ESL Hangman, ESL Idioms, ESL Literature Library includes 350 Aesop's Fables in full text, Selected Works of Shakespeare, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, World Fables and Folk Tales, ESL Phonics Worksheets, ESL Wordsearches.

breaking News English.com. Excellent ready-to-use ESL/EFL current affairs lesson plans with choice of Easier or Harder versions. Each lesson plan contains a news article, an MP3 file for listening, communication activities, pair work, discussion, reading and vocabulary exercises. Everything can be downloaded in Word or PDF. Students can listen to the MP3 file as the news story is read and follow the words in the article at the same time. Includes archives of past lesson plans. Webmaster and author: Sean Banville, U.K.

English Daily. An English site for non-English speakers. Conversation, Common Mistakes in English, Download English Books, Learn American Idioms by Examples, Ancient Stories and Song Lyrics, Learn Grammar by Examples, Proverbs for Daily Conversation, American Slang Expressions.

English Maze: Teaching the World English. Site aims to provide an effective way for students to learn commonly spoken English as heard everyday.

ESL - English as a Second Language. Links to popular ESL sites, Today's Proverb, ESL Jobs, ESL Lesson Plans & Class Activities, Newspapers, Magazines, Quizzes, Games, and more.

The ESL Area - Online Quizzes. Choose by topic, grammar or type (matching, multiple choice, etc.). Includes links to other quizzes.

ESL/EFL Grammar Activities and ESL/EFL Writing Activities. Pages maintained by Pat Byrd, Department of Applied Linguistics & ESL, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Idiom Site. Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language. Find idioms A-Z. See also: Idioms from English the International Language. Play the Idiom Buster game to test your knowledge of 30 idioms. Lessons of basic building blocks of English including: Rules, the Tenses, the Future, Reported Speech, Relative Clauses, and Phrasal Verbs. Practice activities, Advice and Tips for improving your English and Other ESL Resources.

Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun. Excellent site to learn English. Includes Interactive Crossword Puzzles, Word Search Game, Hangman, Match Game, and Vocabulary Quiz, all with a choice of levels of difficulty. Where applicable, users can hear words pronounced.

Look up: English Idioms Dictionary from Babylon.com. Find idioms and slang words. English Idioms and Slang dictionaries include: English Idioms 2nd ed (with examples), Wayne Magnuson English Idioms, Sayings and Slang Version: 1.3a, Queen's English - American English Glossary.

Vocabulary Builder. Build vocabulary with flash cards, dynamic test and games, for SAT, TOEFL, GMT, GRE and general vocabulary.

421 English language - Spelling

Complete List of Spelling Rules for Nouns and Verbs by Susan Jones. A very useful site providing a list of Rules for Irregular Plural Formation of Nouns, a list of Irregular Nouns showing singular and plural, and a list of Rules for Irregular Spelling of Verb Inflections. Includes Irregular Verb Simple Past Self-Test and Irregular Verb Past Participle Self-Test.

Dolch Basic Words List from English-Zone.com. The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in books that children read. Includes a scale for estimated reading level.

Spelling Zone from English-Zone.com. Contents: Adding Word Endings, Capitalization, Contractions, Comparatives and Superlatives, Punctuation, and Spelling Practice.

Suggested Rules for Local Spelling Bees from Scripps National Spelling Bee. Includes: Alphabetical Index of the 273 Spellers by State, Territory, or Country with portrait, age, school, and bio of child.

422 English language - Etymology

E.L. Easton - English - Etymology Sites including Etymology Quizzes and A Word a Day.

Online Etymology Dictionary. Includes a list of related Abbreviations.

What's the meaning of this? Origin of phrases and idioms.

Wordorigins.org. Lists 400 words and phrase origins.

Words Words Words: Etymology of the Week by Dr. Cecelia Eaton Luschnig, Professor Emerita of Classics, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Idaho.

423 English language - Dictionaries, (Dictionary), English language - Synonyms and antonyms, (Synonym), (Antonym), (Thesaurus), (Thesauri), English language - Homonyms, (Homonym), English language - Terms and phrases

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed.. Over 90,000 entries, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes. Easy to use Search box.

brainyDictionary. Online Dictionary - Learn Definitions. browse the Dictionary: A-Z (well organized, easy to find). Provides definition of the word you select, plus its Related Word Definitions.

Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Dictionary of Newfoundland English. Database contains 5524 entries. Purpose of the dictionary is to present the regional lexicon of one of the oldest overseas communities of the English-speaking world: the lexicon of Newfoundland and coastal Labrador.

English Dictionary
(over 200,000 references with both U.S. and british spellings)

Google Glossary - Search for Definitions and Acronyms on the Web. In the Google search box, type: define: dragon or define dragon, hit ENTER key to see the difference a colon makes in your search results.

Google glossary  

Homonym from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Homonyms. Learn about Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs and Heteronyms from Editing and Writing Services.
Alan Cooper's Homonym List.
All About Homonyms
Homonyms from Fun with Words. Site includes 88 groups of three or more English homonyms, listed in alphabetical order, plus a Homonym Poem (Oronym).
Some Examples of Commonly Muddled Homonyms (Homophones) by Anne Hickley, EzineArticles.com.
Homonyms - Exercise for Elementary school students from RHL School.
Sense and Nonsense - Find the homophone in each sentence. Student activity from Scholastic Spelling, Grade 5, includes Answer Key.
Word Confusion Game. Choice of Easy or Hard levels, from Funbrain.
Homonym Concentration Game from Sadlier-Oxford.

Look up: Free Thesaurus from Babylon.com. Thesaurus provides etymological, morphological and semantic details on each term. WordNet 2.0.

LookWAYup. Online English dictionary and thesaurus, capable of correcting minor spelling errors, and can be installed on browsers, Web sites, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants, i.e. electronic handheld information devices), and mobile phones.

MetaGlossary.com. Find meaning, not just links. Site defines over 2,000,000 terms, phrases and acronyms.

A Sampling of New Words and Senses from the New 2006 Copyright of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition.

11th Edition
(Book Only)

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition (Book Only)
Collegiate Dictionary,
11th Edition
(Book with CD-ROM
and Online Subscription)

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition (Book with CD-ROM and Online Subscription)
& Thesaurus
downloadable content

Franklin Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus, downloadable content
Merriam Webster
and Thesaurus

Franklin MWS-1840 Speaking Merriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus


Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, 3rd ed. Contains 35,000 synonyms. Easy to use Search box. Includes a hyperlinked category index for words related in meaning (synonyms) and words opposite in meaning (antonyms). An alphabetical index is also included.


Wordsmyth: The Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus. A fantastic word lookup dictionary where you can look up the definition of a word by using the "exact" or "broad" button to narrow or broaden your search.

425 English language - Grammar, (English grammar)

The American Heritage® Book of English Usage. A Practical and Authoritative Guide to Contemporary English.

The Basic Elements of English. Grammar tutorials offered by the English Department, University of Calgary, Canada. Four sections: Parts of Speech, Sentence Elements, Punctuation and Word Use. Test your grammar skills and get immediate feedback by trying the interactive exercises at end of tutorials.

Common Errors in English - based on Common Errors in English Usage: The Book by Dr. Paul brians, Professor of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. This excellent and very helpful site includes: List of Errors, More Errors, Other Commonly Misspelled Words, as well as Non-Errors.

Daily Grammar. Free service. Sends you emails with a grammar lesson 5 days of the week and a quiz on the 6th day. Grammar Lesson Archives (Lessons 1-300) cover Parts of Speech, Parts of the Sentence, and Sentences. Includes Glossary of Terms, e.g. adjectives, adverbs, noun, metaphors, similes, verbs, etc.

Dr. Grammar - Grammar Resources. Links to English grammar Web sites. Includes links to other resources: English as a Second Language (ESL), Word Origins, Fun with Words, Language Columns and Online Magazines, Plagiarism, Business Communication, A Writer's Resources. (Please redirect Dr. Grammar's link to "A Research Guide for Students by I. Lee" at Online Documentation Resources to: http://www.bydewey.com/). Dr. Grammar was a wonderful man with a great sense of humor. He was very kind to me. From his site: IT IS WITH DEEP REGRET THAT WE ANNOUNCE DR. GRAMMAR (PROFESSOR JAMES HIDUKE) DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES ON NOVEMBER 17, 2003.

English Grammar 101. Free, online, interactive English grammar tutorials for language arts classes, alternative education settings, home schooling, adult study, and ESL courses. Instructions and Study Directions are provided for students and teachers. Divided into 4 volumes each with clearly stated goals as well as exercises for students to learn and practice.

English Grammar Test.

HyperGrammar from Writing Centre, University of Ottawa. Contents include: Parts of Speech, Sentence, Punctuation, Pronouns, Verbs, Modifiers, Phrases, Clauses, Building Sentences, Writing Paragraphs, Diction, Spelling, and Miscellaneous Topics.

The Internet Grammar of English. An online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates, it does not assume any prior knowledge of grammar. From University College London - London's Global University.

Lists of Grammar Lists prepared by ESL/EFL teachers. Links to English Irregular Verbs, List of Spelling Rules for Nouns and Verbs, List of American vs. british Spelling, List of Verb + Preposition Combinations, List of Linking Verbs, Count and NonCount Nouns, Noun Sypelling - Regular and Irregular Noun Forms, and List of Conjunctions.

Online English Grammar. Adjectives, Adverbs, Direct and Indirect Speech, Nouns, Passive, Relative Clauses, Infinitive, Verbs and Verb Tenses, and more. Site explains simply and clearly what each term means, when and how to use the structure, and provides many examples illustrating its use in sentences.

427 English language - Slang

The College Slang Page. FAQ include: What is college slang? What do we slang? Why do students speak slang? Check out the top 20 College Slang Terms.

Slanguage.com. Pick a place or topic from A-Z and learn about slangs in a humorous manner. Places or topics include: Anchorage, Boston, Buffalo, Calgary (Canada), Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Dublin (Ireland), Honolulu, Houston, Johannesburg (South Africa), Las Vegas, Little Rock, London (England), Los Angeles, Miami, and others.

Surfing for Slang: English and Scandinavian. Links to American, Canadian, british, Irish, Australian, and New Zealander slang dictionaries, Scandinavian slang: Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, plus guides to trucker jargon and other specialized idioms.

428 English language - Errors

Banished Words List from Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Annual List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness. Site includes Archived Banished Word List Posters from 1979 to 1999 in PDF.

Common Errors in English by Dr. Paul brians, Professor of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, based on Common Errors in English Usage: The Book. See also List of Errors, More Errors, Other Commonly Misspelled Words, and Non-Errors.

430 German language

About.com - German Language. Essentials: Daily German, German for Beginners - free online German course with Study Tips, Dictionaries & Glossaries, Grammar Guide, Audio Lab, and more.

Academic Subjects : World Languages : German - Free Instructional Sites from WannaLearn.com.

Animated German Grammar Tutorials.

BBC - Languages - Learn German. German Steps - a free online course for beginners featuring Berliner Andrea Hoffmann, includes photos and audio. Meeting people, Getting around Berlin, Food and drink, Taking a holiday, Making arrangements, Shops and services. Fast Track Challenges. User Guide.

Before You Know It - Free Language Software: German from BKYI.com.

Beolingus: German Dictionary / Wörterbuch. A Chemnitz University online German - English, English - German dictionary. Use your default MP3 player, click to hear correct pronunciation of words in English or German.

DAAD - Learn German from Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD). Learn German, Why learn German, Where can I learn German, How can I learn German, Test your German! Summer schools in Germany, FAQ, Links.

Deutsch - German. All units designed and written by Andrew Balaam. Contents include Beginners Units, Grammar Units, Topics Units, Crosswords and Quizzes. Completed exercises will be given a grade in percentage, but correct answers are not given directly.

Deutsch – Warum nicht? Each of the four series contains 26 lessons with dialogue, exercises and audios. Course produced by Deutsche Welle and Goethe Institute.

English-German Dictionary.

Exeter University Beginners' German. Why learn German? German Pronunciation, The German Language, Parts of speech, 20 chapters of dialogue and exercises designed for beginners, provides background information about life and culture in major German-speaking countries. Click to hear sound files.

Fokus Deutsch. Teacher Resources - Foreign Language - German from Annenberg Media. A video instructional series in German for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 48 fifteen-minute video programs, audio CDs, and coordinated books. Free registration.

German Courses in Augsburg at a Glance. (Augsburg is a city located in Bavaria, largest state of Germany). German Intensive Course, Learning German in Summer (ages 14-18), Learn german in Germany: Group stays/class trip, Business German, German University entrance exam: DSH-/TestDaf-preparation Course.

German Electronic Textbook: German Pronunciation and German Grammar including Summaries, Practices and more by Gary A. Smith, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.

German-English Dictionary. Dictionary with approx. 220,000 entries + number generator from English Grammar Online 4U - ego4u.com.

German-FlashCards.com. Audio. Practice words, practice sentences, multiple choice. Automatically add words, add sentences. You can edit your setting to suit your level of German knowledge.

German for Beginners from BabelNation.com: German Language and Culture. Study German online for free. German - English Bidirectional Dictionary and Grammar Engine, German Verb Conjugator.

German for Everyone. Deutsche Welle's individualized German language courses. Multimedia offer includes audios, videos and texts covering all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension to speaking and pronunciation. Including: Deutsch Interaktiv - This online German Course is for everyone. It is accessible to all and FREE of charge. Each chapter is available as a text in PDF format and as an audio file in MP3 format. Beginner: Deutsch – warum nicht? Intermediate: Wieso nicht? Business German: Marktplatz.

A German Grammar Review. Excellent site "noch im bau" - still being built by Department of German Studies, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. Contents: Adjectives and Adverbs, Nouns and Pronouns, Strong Verbs: By Category, Alphabetically, Verb Tenses: Present, Simple Past, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future, Future Perfect, Word Order, and more.

The German Language from Vistawide. Why Learn German? How to type German special characters, Free software for learning German, Free German fonts, Mark Twain's "The Awful German Language". German Speaking Culture: Oktoberfest, Christmas in Germany, German music, German film, and more.

German Language Course for English Speaking Students by Peter Brett Schroeder.

German Newspapers. German Magazines. German Radio Stations. German Television.

German Noun Chart: English-German Plural and Singular Differences from About.com.

German Nouns from German Course for English Speaking Students by Peter Schroeder. "The German noun is easily recognized when seen in writing because it is capitalized: der Herr (the gentleman), der Hund (the dog), die Frau (the woman/wife), das Haus (the house). All German nouns belong to one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter." Lots of examples.

German Pronunciation from dict.cc - English-German Dictionary, English-German Translation. Audio pronunciation is repeated nonstop until you click on another letter in the alphabet.

German Pronunciation Guide from German.About.com. Download and hear the entire 15-minute segment in German as streamed audio. Listen and follow along with German text.

German Pronunciation Tutorial from YouTube. 10:09 min.

German Steps from BBC Languages. A free online course for beginners: Meeting people, Getting around in Berlin, Food and drink, Taking holiday, Making arrangements, Shops and services. Vocabulary list, Grammar tips, Cultural notes, Pronunciation, Syllabus, Learning Log, User guide, Fast Track.

German verb conjugation described precisely with a mechanical tool. Gremple is a German verb conjugation tool. Its purpose is to help non-native speakers to learn to conjugate German verbs, from Cambridge Clarion Group.

Goethe-Institut. Placement Test or Einstufungstest. This test has 30 questions and will give an approximate placement in one of the six levels of the Common European Framework.

A Guide to German Pronunciation. An online guide to German pronunciation designed by the German Department of the University of Exeter in the UK. Includes exercises and sound files.

The Internet Picture Dictionary: German. browse by Letter or by Category.

Intensive German Courses in Germany from Language Institute TREFF PUNKT.

Language Guide: German Pictorial Vocabulary Guide. Mission is to develop free resources for learning languages and promote cultural understanding. Deutsch: Vokabelführer.

Languages Online - Topics: German for beginners, with exercises, online and print activities, answers and translations, illustrated, interactive animation, sound and songs in German. Free resources for language teachers and students from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, State of Victoria, Australia.

Learn German. Free lessons from Deutsch-Lernen.com. Beginner's German Lessons (10 Lessons, German Exercises, Example Sentences, Alphabetical Word List, Dictionary), Advanced German Lessons, Test Your German, Study Tips, Quotations, Jokes, Dictionary.

Learn German from GermanForTravellers.com. Includes some free lessons, Full online courses (not free), German dictionary, German for Travellers on CD, Translation services, Learn German Web Links and Games, Live chat, Discussion groups, Travel diary, Conversion tools: currency, weights, and sizes, and more.

Learn German in Regensburg, Germany. Offers a wide-ranging programme of high quality German language courses all year round for people ages 17 - 77.

Learn German on Saturday Mornings. The Toronto District School Board has an Elementary International Language Program (ILP), which is free for students in Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 8. These heritage programs take place outside the regular school hours and run for two and a half hours each week.

Learn German on Saturday Mornings. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board provides Secondary International Languages credit courses in German, Croatian, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, and Ukrainian at no cost to high school students and adults at Cardinal Leger Secondary School in brampton, ON. Students may earn up to three credits in an International Languages Program towards their secondary school diploma. The program runs on Saturdays, from September to May. Dufferin-Peel CDSB also has an Elementary International Languages Program available for students from JK to Grade 8.

Learn German Online. Free Online German Course from DeutschAkademie. More than 20,000 grammar and vocabulary exercises. Over 800-hour interactive German course designed by experienced German teachers.

Learn German Online. Free Internet German course. Learn German online and for free: 10 German lessons for total beginners and 24 German grammar lessons for advanced learners.

Learn to Speak German Online from eLanguageSchool.net.

The Learning Traveller - 50 Plus Learn German in Germany. Ellwangen - 50 Plus Immersion Program. Language Immersion Programs for 50+. Besides Learn German, also includes: Learn French, Learn Spanish, Learn Italian, Learn Chinese.

LEO English-German Dictionary. Lots of examples. Listen to pronunciation.

Lili Marleen The Story / Die Geschichte from ingeb.org. See also Marlene Dietrich - Lily Marlene (German Version) Video from YouTube, 3:10 min. Song recorded in 1941. WW2 Lili Marleen (1939 Version) Video from YouTube, 3:10 min.

The following lyrics adapted from ingeb.org:

Original Song in German
by Hans Leip 1915

1. Vor der Kaserne
Vor dem großen Tor
Stand eine Laterne
Und steht sie noch davor
So woll'n wir uns da wieder seh'n
Bei der Laterne wollen wir steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.

2. Unsere beide Schatten
Sah'n wie einer aus
Daß wir so lieb uns hatten
Das sah man gleich daraus
Und alle Leute soll'n es seh'n
Wenn wir bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.

3. Schon rief der Posten,
Sie blasen Zapfenstreich
Das kann drei Tage kosten
Kam'rad, ich komm sogleich
Da sagten wir auf Wiedersehen
Wie gerne wollt ich mit dir geh'n
Mit dir Lili Marleen.

4. Deine Schritte kennt sie,
Deinen zieren Gang
Alle Abend brennt sie,
Doch mich vergaß sie lang
Und sollte mir ein Leids gescheh'n
Wer wird bei der Laterne stehen
Mit dir Lili Marleen?

5. Aus dem stillen Raume,
Aus der Erde Grund
Hebt mich wie im Traume
Dein verliebter Mund
Wenn sich die späten Nebel drehn
Werd' ich bei der Laterne steh'n
Mit dir Lili Marleen.
(Wie einst Lili Marleen).
Literal Translation
by Frank 1998

At the barracks compound,
By the entry way
There a lantern I found
And if it stands today
Then we'll see each other again
Near that old lantern we'll remain
As once Lili Marleen.

Both our shadows meeting,
Melding into one
Our love was not fleeting
And plain to everyone,
Then all the people shall behold
When we stand by that lantern old
As once, Lili Marleen.

Then the guard to me says:
"There's tap call, let's go.
This could cost you three days."
"Be there in half a mo'."
So that was when we said farewell,
Tho' with you I would rather dwell,
With you, Lili Marleen.

4. Well she knows your foot steps,
Your own determined gait.
Ev'ry evening waiting,
Me? A mem'ry of late.
Should something e'er happen to me,
Who will under the lantern be,
With you, Lili Marleen?

5. From my quiet existence,
And from this earthly pale,
Like a dream you free me,
With your lips so hale.
When the night mists swirl and churn,
Then to that lantern I'll return,
With you, Lili Marleen.
(As once, Lili Marleen).
English Version
by Tommie Connor 1944

1. Underneath the lantern,
By the barrack gate
Darling I remember
The way you used to wait
T'was there that you whispered tenderly
That you loved me,
You'd always be,
My Lilli of the Lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene.

2. Time would come for roll call,
Time for us to part,
Darling I'd caress you
And press you to my heart,
And there 'neath that far-off lantern light,
I'd hold you tight,
We'd kiss good night,
My Lilli of the Lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene.

3. Orders came for sailing,
Somewhere over there.
All confined to barracks
Was more than I could bear.
I knew you were waiting in the street,
I heard your feet,
But could not meet,
My Lilly of the Lamplight,
My own Lilly Marlene.

4. Resting in our billets,
Just behind the lines.
Even though we're parted,
Your lips are close to mine.
You wait where that lantern softly gleams,
Your sweet face seems
To haunt my dreams,
My Lilly of the Lamplight,
My own Lilly Marlene.

Look up: English German Dictionary from Babylon.com.

My German Music Groups, Websites, and Webrings from the German Oom-pah Band Ring.

The New English-German Dictionary. Shareware software.

Pimsleur Method: German German (Swiss) from pimsleur-language.com.

Step Into German focuses on the German music scene. Oriented towards high school students. Includes Contests, German Cities, German Music, German Music Videos, Music Quiz, Why German is 4U, German is easy. Soccer World Cup 2006.

Where Can I Learn German? from German Consulate General - Toronto.

WordChamp - German Verbs, Conjugations and Translations. Choose a verb from A-Z list. Listen to pronunciation. Complete Conjugation Charts. You can also Practice Conjugating each verb selected. Try a sample vocabulary drill - Languages include: English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin). Web Reader. Learn Vocabulary. Find Flashcards.

437.947 Yiddish language

Alef-Beyz: The Yiddish Alphabet, A Few Useful Yiddish Words. Yiddish Language and History.

Free Yiddish Lessons.

List of Yiddish Words and Expressionsby Michael D. Fein.

Yiddish Expressions.

Yiddish Dictionary - A short one.

Yiddish Dictionary Online.

439.7 Swedish language

Look up: Swedish English Dictionary from Babylon.com. These Swedish English dictionaries provide translations for terms and definitions in both languages. Contents: Babylon English-Swedish, English-Swedish Online Dictionaries, sv-en mining-geology, Sven's English => Swedish Canine Dictionary, Sven's Eng.=>Swe. Computer Terms, Swedish-English Online Dictionary, Eng/Swedish Mining/Geology.

Swedish Alphabets. Listen to pronunciation of single and compound Swedish alphabets, common Swedish colors, count in Swedish from 1 to 1000.

Swedish - English Dictionary. Translate words from Swedish to English, or English to Swedish.

Swedish Grammar. Site is maintained by Leif Stensson of Linköping University in Linköping, Sweden.

A Swedish Language Course. Svenska, as the Swedes call their language, is spoken by the approximately 8 million inhabitants of Sweden, as well as another 300,000 people in Finland. Contents: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Lessons 1-4. More lessons under construction.

439.8 Danish language, Norwegian language

The Danish Page - Language.

Look up: Danish from Babylon.com. These bi-directional Danish English dictionaries and glossaries provide translations of terms and definitions in both languages. Contents include: John Madsen's Danish-English Dictionary, English-Danish Online Dictionaries, Danish-English Online Dictionaries.

Online English to Danish, Danish to English Dictionary.

Speak Danish. Online Danish Pronunciation. Danish Phrases. Danish Grammar. Lesson: Day 1. Listen to samples only.

440 French language

English-French On-line Dictionary and French-English On-line Dictionary from travlang.

French for Beginners. Free Internet online instruction from About.com.

French Language Course. Lessons plus Additional Vocabulary, French Expressions and Idioms.

French: Top 50 Activities from Quia (Quintessential Instructional Archive). French numbers, French foods, Basic French vocabulary, Days, Months, Food and Drink, Irregular verbs, and other Java games, quizzes, and learning activities.

Look up: French Dictionary from Babylon.com. This combined French Dictionary Lookup not only comprises general, encyclopedic, slang & informal terms but also covers a wide range of professional fields. Each entry is complete with part of speech and meanings, plus synonyms, explanations, and etymological information. Contents include: Babylon French-English, French-English Online Dictionary, English-French Online Dictionary, WLangage - French English / English French - WLangage - Français Anglais/Anglais Français, Tables d'équivalence des termes étrangers définis dans ce glossaire, Insurance EN-FR, Statistiques (Anglais => Français), Termes de spéléologie, glossaire forestier français-anglais, glossaire forestier anglais-français.

450 Italian language

English-Italian On-line Dictionary and Italian-English On-line Dictionary from travlang.

Italian for Beginners. Free Internet online instruction from About.com. Lessons (Simple, direct lessons in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary), Audio Phrasebook, Exercises, Buon Divertimento (Italian jokes, riddles, and puns), Verbs (Italian verb formation, tenses, conjugation charts, and usage), Study Guides (Test your knowledge of various Italian language topics), Audio Lab (Word of the day, survival phrases, pronunciation guide. Listen to native Italian speaker), Articles About Italian (Italian language, culture, history, current events), Italian Proverbs (with English translations), Abbreviations and Acronyms (Glossary of Italian abbreviations, acronyms, and initials).

Italian for Children from About.com. ABC's (Illustrated alphabet - listen to both the letter and word). Numbers (1,2,3 - counting exercises in Italian. With audio!) Conversation (An afternoon at the beach, a birthday party, and more!) Colors (Hear green, white, red, and all the other colors!)

Look up: Italian Dictionary from Babylon.com. This comprehensive Italian Dictionary Lookup, English to Italian and Italian to English, is an extensive language resource, comprised of general, encyclopedic, slang & informal terms and covers a wide range of professional fields. These dictionaries feature all inflected and derived forms of every entry and a searchable database of over 2 million words, phrases, abbreviations and acronyms. Each entry is complete with part of speech and meanings, with synonyms, explanations, and etymological information. Contents include: Babylon English-Italian, Babylon Italian-English, English-Italian Dictionary 1.01, English-Italian Online Dictionaries, Italian-English Online Dictionaries, Idiomi e Proverbi - English Italian, English slang Italian Dictionary V.0.90a, ItaEuropeTechAutomotive, EngItaTechAutomotive, English_Italian by Enrico Pelos.

460 Spanish language

English-Spanish On-line Dictionary and Spanish-English On-line Dictionary from travlang.

Learn Spanish. Includes a vocabulary list section where permission is granted for you to print any of the free material listed for you personal use, links to other resources, plus Espanglish chat - a place to practise your Spanish with Spanish speakers online.

Learn Spanish: A Free Online Spanish Grammar Tutorial for English-speaking learners.

Learn Spanish Free Online. Free Interactive Spanish lessons from Spanish Learning Center.

Look up: Free English Spanish Dictionary from Babylon.com. This collection of English to Spanish and Spanish to English dictionaries is an extensive language resource, comprised of general, encyclopedic, slang & informal terms, covering a wide range of professional fields. Dictionaries feature all inflected and derived forms of every entry and a searchable database of over 2 million words, phrases, abbreviations and acronyms. Each entry is complete with part of speech and meanings, with synonyms, explanations, and etymological information. Contents include: Babylon English-Spanish, Babylon Spanish-English, An English -> Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 7.7, English-Spanish Online Dictionaries, Spanish-English Online Dictionaries, English_Spanish by Jaime Aguirre, spanis learner's dictionary, IngleSpanish DicFrases, Seguridad social.

Spanish Dictionary. Dictionary of Spanish and English from SpanishDict.com.

Web Spanish Lessons. Spanish lessons to teach basic knowledge, grammar, and vocabulary for Mexican Spanish. Links to English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionaries, and other useful sites.

469 Portuguese language

English-Portuguese On-line Dictionary and Portuguese-English On-line Dictionary from travlang.

Learn Portuguese Online. Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Accents and Vowels, Genders, Articles, Verbs, Subject Pronouns, Numbers, Yes, No, Not, Prepositons, Alphabet, and more.

Look up: English to Portuguese Dictionary from Babylon.com. These Portuguese to English and English to Portuguese dictionaries provide general, encyclopedic, slang & informal terms, covering a wide range of professional fields. Dictionaries feature all inflected and derived forms of every entry and a searchable database of over 2 million words, phrases, abbreviations and acronyms. Each entry is complete with part of speech and meanings, with synonyms, explanations, and etymological information. They also feature both the American and british/brazilian and European forms of spelling. Contents include: Babylon English-Portuguese, Babylon Portuguese-English, Global Glossary (EN-US~PT-br), Ivo Korytowski's English-Portuguese Translator's Dictionary, English-Portuguese Online Dictionaries, Portuguese-English Online Dictionaries, brazilian Slang and Expression, Dicionário Financeiro, COMEX - Comercio Exterior, A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology: English-Portuguese.

Portuguese Language. Portuguese Language schools, grammar, words and other resources.

470 Latin language

English to Latin Dictionary, Latin to English Dictionary from www.freedict.com.

Latin from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid from University of Notre Dame, IN.

Latin-English Dictionary from Research Centre for Humanities Computing, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The Latin Library at Ad Fontes Academy. Index of Latin Texts includes: Magna Carta. See also Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum - a digital library of Latin literature, Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase - Collection of ancient and medieval Latin texts, from the Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies, sponsored by Georgetown University.

Look up: Latin Dictionary from Babylon.com. These Latin dictionaries, Latin to English and English to Latin, feature terminology and phraseology and most widely used Latin words and expressions from legal and scientific jargon. Contents include: John Madsen's Latin-English Dictionary, Latin-English (AZAD), English-Latin Online Dictionary, Latin-English Online Dictionary, Improve Your Latin Terminology, Animal names in Latin and English, Ornitho-Birds.

Perseus Project Online Latin Lexicon - Search for Dictionary Headwords in Greek, Latin, Italian, English. Search for English Words in Latin (or Greek) Dictionaries.

491.55 Persian language

Look up: English Persian Dictionary from Babylon.com. Selection of English Persian dictionaries and glossaries.

Online English - Persian Dictionary. Search the meaning of English words in Persian.

495.1 Chinese language

BBC - Learn Chinese. Quick Fix - Essential holiday phrases. Include: Basic Chinese phrases in mp3.

Before You Know It - Free Language Software: Chinese (Mandarin).

Chinese Lessons. Includes free, interactive online Cantonese lessons, Mandarin lessons, and Chinese characters lessons, plus comments on Chinese culture, a discussion board, and Chinese culture - Religion and Philosophy, Customs, Lunar Calendar, Holidays and Festivals, Music.

Chinese Numbers, Frequently Asked Chinese Characters: Chinese Character Index: A-Z. Includes:

  • Origin of Chinese Characters

  • Chinese Names

  • Top Ten Lucky Symbols (Chinese Characters)

  • Double Happiness

  • Chinese Idioms from About.com.

    Learn Cantonese. Chinese (Cantonese) Help Sheets for Absolute Beginners, Beginners, Intermediate, Just for Fun. Includes: CantoDict: Online Cantonese-English Dictionary (13644 compound words), Master List of Chinese Characters, How to Write Chinese Characters, Chinese Tones, Online Cantonese Quiz, Chinese Word Quiz, view high score table, and more.

    WannaLearn: Learn Chinese with links to some free instructional sites:

    495.6 Japanese language

    Japanese Language. Contents include: Japanese Dialects, Japanese Dictionaries, Japanese Language Facts, Japanese Forum, Japanese Grammar, History of the Japanese, Japanese language jobs, Language Newsletters, Language Schools, Japanese Literature, Japanese Phrases, Japanese Products, Japanese Sign Language, Japanese Slang, Teaching Japanese (Associations of Japanese teachers), Japanese translation, and Japanese Words.

    Learn Japanese - Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com, free daily podcasts. Goal of this site is to make Japanese easy and fun, while incorporating culture and current issues into the lessons.

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