![]() Reference Site Map |
600 Technology
608 Inventions, Inventors, Patents
610 Medicine, Alternative medicine, (Herbal medicine)
610.3 Medicine - Dictionaries, (Medical dictionaries), Medicine -
610.6 Doctors without Borders (Association), Médecins sans frontières
(Association), (MSF)
610.69 Physicians, (Doctors), (Medical profession), Surgeons, Women
610.73 Nursing, (Nurses), (Registered Nurses), Nurse practitioners
611 Human anatomy
611.36 Liver
612 Human body
612.1 Blood, Blood groups, Blood pressure, Blood - Circulation, (Blood
612.8 Pain
612.82 Brain
613 Health, Hygiene, Preventive medicine, Children - Health and hygiene,
Health counseling, (Children - Diseases)
613.2 Nutrition, Diet, Weight loss, Vitamins, Vegetarianism, Food -
Cholesterol content, (Calories), (Carbohydrates), (Proteins), (Dietary fiber)
613.7 Exercise, Aerobics, Physical education, Physical fitness, Weight
613.85 Smoking, Smoking cessation programs, Tobacco habit, (Addiction to
nicotine), (Quit smoking), (How to stop smoking), (Smoke ending programs)
615 Drugs, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical chemistry,
(Pharmaceuticals), (Drugs - Chemistry), (Prescription drugs)
615.8 Acupuncture
615.85154 Music therapy
616 Diseases, (Illness), (Sickness), (Skin - Diseases)
616.02 First aid
616.0757 Radiology, Radiography, Diagnostic imaging, (X-rays)
616.2 Cold (Disease), (Common cold), Influenza, (Flu)
616.6 Infertility, Human fertility, (Fertilization in vitro), (Childlessness),
(Infertile couples)
616.8 Brain - Diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Cerebral palsy, Stroke, Mad
Cow Disease
616.83 Tourette syndrome
616.85 Phobias, Neuroses, (Anxiety), (Fear)
616.9 Communicable diseases, (Black death), (Bubonic plague),
Ebola, Marburg Haemorrhagic
Fever, Plague,
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS),
West Nile virus
616.97 AIDS (Disease)
616.99 Cancer
617 Surgery
617.7 Vision, Vision disorders, Color blindness, Eyeglasses, Contact lenses
618.2 Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Childbirth
618.92 Children - Diseases, (Childhood diseases), (Medicine, Pediatric),
620 Nanotechnology
620.8 Human engineering, (Ergonomics), (Biomechanics)
621.48 Nuclear energy, Nuclear engineering, Nuclear power plants
621.8 Cranes, derricks, etc., Hoisting machinery, Elevators, Escalators,
622 Coal mines and mining, Gold mines and mining, Mining engineering, (Mines
and mineral resources)
623.8 Ships, Shipbuilding, Steamboats, (Cruise ships), (Ocean
623.88 Signals and signaling, (Maritime signal flags), (Semaphore
624 Bridges, Civil engineering, (Suspension bridges), (Viaducts)
629.133 Airplanes, Airships, Balloons, (Aeroplanes), (Aircraft)
629.222 Automobiles, (Motor cars), (Passenger vehicles)
629.227 Bicycles, Minibikes, Motorcycles, (Motor cycles) . See also 796.6 Bicycle racing, Bicycle touring, Cycling, (Biking)
629.28 Automobile driver education, Automobile drivers, (Driver education),
(Car driver education), Automobile parts, Automobiles - Fuel consumption, (Gas prices, Gasoline prices),
Automobiles - Maintenance and repair, (Car maintenance), (Car repair)
629.454 Moon - Exploration, Space flight to the moon, (Luna expeditions),
630 Agriculture, Agricultural engineering, Farms, (Farmers), (Farming), Farm
life, Farm management, Farm produce, Family farms
633.1 Grain, (Rice), (Wheat), (Corn), (Barley)
634.9 Forest fires
635 Gardens, Gardening, Vegetable gardening, Organic gardening,
635.9 Lawns, Turf management, Turfgrasses, Golf courses - Maintenance
636.088 Pets, Snakes as Pets, Pets - Names
636.7 Dogs, Dogs - Breeding, Dogs - Care, Dogs - Psychology, Dogs -
Training, Guide dogs, (Puppies)
638 Bees, Beekeeping, Beehives, (Apiculture), (Bee hives), (Bee culture), (Bee
640 Home economics, (Household management), (Household efficiency), (Home
organization), (Home management)
640.73 Consumers, Consumer
education, Shopping, (Buyers' guides), (Consumers' guides), (Shoppers' guides), (Purchasing)
641 Food
641.3 Herbs, Spices, Cookery (Herbs)
641.5 Cooking, Outdoor cooking, (Recipes), Microwave cooking, (Food
preparation), (Cook books), (Cookbooks), (Cookery), (Barbecue cooking)
641.8 Tea, Coffee, Beverages
643 Houses - Maintenance and repair, Electric household appliances, Electric
apparatus and appliances, (Home repairs)
646.7 Cosmetics, (Makeup)
648 Cleaning, Bleaching, (House cleaning), (Stain removal)
648.7 Molds (Fungi) - Control
649 Parenting, Child care, Child rearing, Children and adults, Children's
650 Business
658.3 Wages, (Salaries), (Compensation), (Income)
658.5 (Online shopping), Shopping centers and malls
658.8 Marketing, Market research, Auctions, Direct selling,
Telemarketing, Online bookstores
659.1 Advertising, Advertising - Newspapers, (Advertising layout and
typography), (Advertisement copy), (Advertising, Pictorial), (Radio advertising), (Magazine advertising),
(Television advertising), (Newspaper advertising)
660.6 Biotechnology, Cloning, Genetic Engineering
662.1 Fireworks, (Pyrotechnics)
672 Steel, Iron
686.2 Type and type founding, Printing, Printing - Specimens, Typesetting,
Linotype, Lithography, Offset printing
1394 Technology from 1394 Trade Association. Includes answers to FAQs on the 1394 Multimedia standard.
BrainPOP.com - Technology: Discoveries, Inventions, and Innovations. Pick a movie to watch. While waiting for the movie to load, play a quiz game.
How Everyday Things Are Made. Covers over 40 different products and manufacturing processes such as forging, casting, and injection molding, plus diagrams, photos, illustrations, and video.
How Products Are Made from Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. Search A-Z for a product. Details of the manufacturing process of a wide variety of products, from daily household items to complicated electronic equipment and heavy machinery, are explained. /p>
How Stuff Works. A great place to learn about how things work, e.g. How Computer Viruses Work, How Franchising Works, How Mosquitoes Work, How Power Grids Work, How Satellite TV Works, and thousands more.
Technology Timeline: 1750-1990 from PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). Click on topic in red text to see more information. Includes illustration or photo of inventor where applicable.
10 Most Brilliant Inventions of 2007 - R&D Magazine. Posted by Myra Per-Lee. 1. Air Conditioner That Controls Superbugs. 2. No More Blood Tests! 3. Troops Can Detect Surrounding Chemicals. 4. Homeland Chemical Detection. 5. A Future With Cleaner Water. 6. Let Pilots See Where They're Going! 7. Signing Made Easy. 8. Safe Clothing Limits Sports Injuries. 9. Rear Bumper Radar/Smart Head Rest Limit Whiplash Injuries. 10.Lego® Robots Promote Science & Engineering Skills.
About.com Inventors. Massive site on all aspects of inventions and inventors. Famous Inventions, Famous Inventors A-Z, Black Inventors, Canadian Inventors, Chinese Inventors, and Women Inventors, Search Historical Inventions A-Z, plus Australian inventions, 20th century (1900-1999) inventions, Inventing 101, Young Inventors, Inventor magazines, Copyrights, Patents, Lesson plans, Search 45,000,000 used books on inventions and inventors, and more.
Ancient Inventions. Museum Directory from Smith College Museum of Ancient Inventions.
Best Inventions 2006. Coolest Inventions 2004, Coolest Inventions 2003 from Time Magazine,Complete List of Coolest Inventions 2003, 2002 Best Inventions, 2001 Inventions of the Year.
Brown & Michaels - Weird and Wonderful Patents. Site from legal firm also provides Information on Patents including a Patent Quiz, Information on Trademarks, and Information on Copyrights.
Crazy Patents. CrazyPatents.com displays amusing U.S. patents issued to individuals. Categories include: Laws of Nature, Pets, Food, Bathroom, Automobile, Medical, Sports, and more.
Free Patents Online. FreePatentsOnline.com provides access to millions of patents and free PDF downloads. You can browse Patents by Number, or Jump to a specific Patent #. See also Crazy Patents.
The Great Idea Finder: Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. A place to explore the exciting world of innovation. Contents include: History - Invention Facts, Inventor Biography, Innovation Timeline, Innovation Articles, Innovation Games. Showcase - Award Winner, Ideas for Sale, Inventor Direct, Associate Program, Idea Wish List. Features - Century of Innovation, A Class Act, Did You Ever Wonder, One Small Step, Turning Point. Resource Center - On the Web, On the Bookshelf, On the Screen, Join the Fun, Parent/Teacher Mentoring Resources. Archives. Glossary includes Copyleft .
Guarding ideas or just patent blackmail? By Mathew Ingram, Technology Reporter, Globe and Mail, Toronto. "While the troll from the children's tale lived under a bridge and forced travellers to pay him in order to cross, so-called 'patent trolls' send legal letters warning companies that their products are infringing on patents, and asking for millions of dollars in licensing fees."
The History of Invention
from CBC Kids. Timeline of inventions from Pottery to Computers.
Innovative Lives - Exploring the History of Women Inventors in the United States, by J.E. Bedi. This paper was originally presented at a Lemelson Center teachers' workshop in July 1999. American women inventors mentioned include: Sybilla Masters, Mary Kies, Martha Coston, "an African American woman inventor [unnamed], one who sold her clothes-wringer patent for $18 because she feared 'white ladies' would not buy her product if they learned of her race", Beulah Henry, Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler (i.e. Hedy Lamarr), Bessie Blount (an African American), and Stephanie Kwolek.
101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions by Kenji Kawakami, Translated by Dan Papia. Strangely practical and utterly eccentric inventions for a life of ease - and hilarity.
Invent Now - National Inventors Hall of Fame. Cateogories: Computer, Communications, Agriculture, Electricity, Chemistry, Imaging, Medical, Industrial, and Nobel Prize Winners. Includes a "How to Patent" Workshop with links to selected resources, e.g. United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Inventor of the Week. The Lemelson-MIT Program is dedicated to honoring the acclaimed and unsung heroes who have helped improve our lives through invention, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Search for other inventors featured at Inventor of the Week Archive - Browse by Inventor, or Browse by Invention, Search by Last Name of Inventor. Site includes Inventor's Handbook includes such FAQs as: What Is Intellectual Property? What Can Be Patented? Is My Idea Patentable? How Do I Conduct a Patent Search? Is My Invention Worth Patenting? How Do I Apply for a Patent? How Do I Prove the Idea Is Mine? How Do I License My Invention? How Do I Raise Capital? Plus Games & Trivia, Links & Resources.
Inventors and Innovation from Smithsonian Institution. Pictures plus selected links, e.g. Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation; Spotlight: Biography, Inventors; African American Inventors, Bibliography; Women Inventors of the 20th Century; Edison's Timeline of Invention; The Real McCoy, African American Invention and Innovation, 1619-1930. Also includes Encyclopedia Smithsonian for searching subjects Art - Zoology.
Patent of the Week. Strange, interesting, bizarre, inexplicable, wacky, and useful patents from 1790 to current, including patents dealing with Flight, as well as Historical & Famous patents, issued from the U.S. and around the world.
Patent Storm: U.S. Patents. PatentStorm offers patents from the US Patent Office, including full-text patent search. Browse by Inventor A-Z. Browse by Date: 1990-current. Resources include numerous Patent Links.
Patently Silly by Daniel Wright, editor, writer, publisher, coder, and stand up comedian, along with Alex Eben Meyer, site designer. Silly patents that have been registered with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Browse patents in Archives organized by categories. Please note: Reproduction of material from any patently silly pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Thomas Alva Edison Biography. The life of Edison, one of the greatest inventors with 1093 patents.
Totally Absurd Inventions: America's Goofiest Patents. A hilarious look at funny inventions that have patents issued by the United States and other governments.
United States Patent and Trademark Office. General Information Concerning Patents: What Are Patents, Trademarks, Servicemarks, and Copyrights? Patent Laws, What Can Be Patented, and more.
WikiPatents. Review, rate, and discuss U.S. patents, plus free patent PDF downloads, file histories, and advanced patent searching.
Alternative Medicine: Herbs by Name: A-Z from Health and Age. Information for each herb includes: Botanical and Common Names, Photo, Overview, Plant Description, What's It Made Of? Available Forms, How to Take It, Precautions, Possible Interactions, and Supporting Research. Herbs covered: Aloe, Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Flaxseed, Ginseng, Huckleberry, Licorice, Marshmallow, Purple Clover, Rosemary, St. John's Wort, Taheboo tree, Valerian, White Willow, and many others.
Alternative Medicine Center from HealthWorld Online. Contents: AltMed Update, Alternative Systems (Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy), Alternative Therapies (Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Biofeedback Training, Bodywork and Somatic Therapies, Chelation Therapy, Detoxification Therapies, Energy Medicine, Expressive Arts Therapies, Fasting, Flower Remedies, Meditation, Music and Wellness, Yoga, and others), A Guide to Understanding Alternative Medicine, and more.
BioMed Central: The Open Access Publisher. Over 100 Open Access journals covering all areas of Biology and Medicine.
Body1.com. Lots of health and medical information. Categories: Health News, Health Talk, Research a Condition, Research a Procedure (from Alternative Pain Treatment to Vagotomy), or Research a Diagnostic Test (from 3-D Imaging to X-Ray), First Aid, Quick Tips, and more.
A Modern Herbal (Volume 1, A-H) (Paperback) by Mrs. M. Grieve
A Modern Herbal (Volume 2, I-Z and
Indexes) (Paperback) by Mrs. M. Grieve
Botanical.com - A Modern Herbal. The hyper-text version of A Modern Herbal, first published in 1931, by Margaret Grieve, contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs. Contents:
Canadian Health Network.
Health information you can trust. Provides links to Canadian and international health resources. A-Z Index.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Index (CAM) from University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). Introducation to CAM. Browse documents: Treatments, Depletions, Conditions (by Organ, by Symptom), Drugs (Interactions, Depletions), Herbs (Interactions), Supplements (Uses, Interactions).
Herb Almanac: Symptoms. Product lists by common symptoms from Acne to Yeast Infection. Search Herb Almanac: Products for hundreds of natural remedies. Search By Keywords or Product Name, By Category, By Symptom, or By Homeopathic Remedy.
Herbal Safety from University of Texas at El Paso and University of Texas, Austin. Site provides information about research findings related to medicinal plants and herbal use in this region as well as the safety of herbal product use. Bilingual in English and Spanish.
Herbs: Herbal Medicine by Dr. Andrew Weil. See also Remedies and Vitamin Library.
Look up: Alternative Medicine from Babylon.com. A selection of Alternative Medicine Glossaries with details of main herbs, their properties and effects with concise explanations and reference guide. Include: A Dictionary of Alternative-Medicine Methods, Aromatherapy Glossary, Alternative Medicine Glossary.
MDchoice.com. The Ultimate Medical Information Finder. Free access for consumers and health care professionals to online, physician-reviewed information. Medical Databases include MEDLINE (over 6000 Medical journals), CancerLit, AIDSLine, Healthcare and Employment. Browse Health Info Directory A-Z, or use Search Box to find your topic.
MedBroadcast.com: Condition Info powered by
MediResource™. Information on hundreds of medical conditions. Find out what causes a disease and how it
can be prevented, what the symptoms and treatment are, what other illnesses can follow, and more. Every
article reviewed by Canadian doctors and pharmacists.
MedBioWorld. 25,000 links to medical and bioscience journals, associations and databases. Medical Resources include links to over 3500 Associations by Specialty, over 2500 Databases by Specialty, Medical News by Specialty, Medical Images & Illustrations, Medical Portals, Medical Abstracts, Medical Libraries, Medical Statistics, Medication Directories (Drug List), Online Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical Companies, Diseases & Conditions, Physician Search (in U.S.), Hospitals Worldwide, and much more.
The Medical Identity Theft Information Page. About medical identity theft, the world privacy forum medical identity theft report, and resources. "Medical Identity Theft: The Information Crime that Can Kill You" by Pam Dixon and Robert Gellman.
Medicinal Herbs and Supplements Directory A-Z. Chinese Herbs, Herbal Formulas and Supplements.
The Merck Manual of Medical Information - Home Edition. Provides free, current, authoritative, complete, and comprehensive information on all areas of medicine. Most widely used medical textbook in the world now online in plain English with the same vital information about diseases, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Misdiagnosis from WrongDiagnosis.Com. This web site focuses on misdiagnosis of more than 1200 diseases and 300 symptoms. Research misdiagnosis in the Misdiagnosis Center, Research symptoms in the Symptom Center, Research diseases in the Diseases Center, and Research risk factors in the Risk Factor Center. Be sure to read and abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use before using this Web site.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Part of U.S. Federal Government's National Institutes of Health, NCCAM conducts and supports research and provides information on complementary and alternative medicine to practitioners and the public.
New England Journal of Medicine. This week's Table of Contents. Summaries, Extracts and one free Full-Text Article.
Purple Sage: Herb Profiles - Index of Herb Profiles by Common Name. Index of Herb Profiles by Botanical Name. Common Ailments & Herbal Treatments. Glossary.
RxList.com Alternative Drugs by Category. Search for a few common alternative medicine by name. Browse these categories for FAQs and Monographs: Western Herbs, Chinese Herbal Remedies, and Homeopathics.
"Top Ten" Most Useful Websites selected by Medical Library Association (MLA).
Using Dietary Supplements Wisely. Complementary and Alternative Medicine, from National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), National Institutes of Health (NIH).
WebMD. Comprehensive online health resource. Latest news in medicine. Features: Health Topics A-Z, Medical Encyclopedia, Self-Care Advisor, Drug Reference, Ask Our Experts, Alternative Medicine, Diet and Nutrition, Fitness, as well as Legal and Insurance Matters.
AllRef.com Health - Medical Encyclopedia.
Complete Index of Health and Medical Picture Slideshows. Images, Illustrations and Pictures on MedicineNet.com. Health and Medical Picture Slideshows A-Z.
Dictionary. Definitions relating to Physician Profile, including: Accreditation, Board Certification, Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Graduate Medical Education (GME), Licensure, Malpractice, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).
eMedicineHealth: Topics A-Z. A comprehensive list of over 5,500 first aid and health pages.
Health Square - The PDR® Family Guide™ Encyclopedia of Medicine. Search Topic Index A-Z for information on major illness, diseases and treatments. Browse in Drugs & Medicines by drug name to find information on over 1,000 prescription medications, their side effects and possible food and drug interactions.
Heart Center Encyclopedia. Pediatric Heart Information (heart conditions, symptoms, diagnoses, treatment, etc.) for Patients, Families, Medical Professionals, from Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Includes a Glossary.
Look up: Medical Terminology Dictionary from Babylon.com. Online Medical Dictionaries including Alternative Medicine, Dictionary of Medicine, Macular Degeneration Glossary, Glossary of American Council on Science and Health, Glossary of Epidemiology Terms, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Dictionary of Alternative-Medicine Methods, Glossary of terms used in transplantation.
Medical Abbreviations | |
Medical Dictionary. MedTerms™ online medical dictionary contains over 15,000 popular medical terms. Entries include standard medical terms as well as terms that relate to medicine and biomedical sciences.
Medical Dictionary and Medical Encyclopedia from MedlinePlus. The Adam Health Illustrated Encyclopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations.
Medical References from University of Maryland Medical Canter (UMMC). References include over 50,000 pages of medically-reviewed health content written in consumer-friendly language: English Medical Encyclopedia, Spanish Medical Encyclopedia, Drug Interaction Checker, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide, Patient Education (Alphabetized list of reports from Actinic keratosis to Yellow fever), plus English and Spanish Pregnancy Centers.
Medspeak Terms. Use the alphabetical index to look up a term, from Deciphering Medspeak, Medical Library Association (MLA). Rx Riddles Solved! - Definitions and meanings of medical "shorthand", i.e. "scribbles" relating to prescription drugs, used by doctors, pharmacists, and other medical professionals.
On-Line Medical Dictionary. A searchable dictionary containing terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. Includes: acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, projects, eponyms, history, and anything else dealing with medicine or science.
Rudy's List of Archaic Medical Terms. A Glossary of Archaic Medical Terms, Diseases and Causes of Death: The Genealogist's Resource for Interpreting Causes of Death.
SearchMedica. Medical Search Engine from searchmedica.co.uk. Hundreds of handpicked websites, all selected by professionals for their usefulness. Lists currently contain sites of pre-eminent medical organisations in the UK, US, Australasia and Europe.
Wellcome Images - 2000 Years of Human Culture. One of the world's richest and most unique collections, with themes ranging from medical and social history to contemporary healthcare and biomedical science. All images available in digital form. Biomedical Collection holds over 40 000 high-quality images from the clinical and biomedical sciences.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Doctors Without Borders. An international humanitarian aid organisation that has provided emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 80 countries around the world since 1971.
Academy of Health Information Professionals - Roster A-L, Academy Roster M-Z from Medical Library Association (MLA).
AMA Physician Select FAQ for Consumers/Patients. AMA Physician Select - DoctorFinder Usage Verification from American Medical Association. DoctorFinder provides you with basic professional information on virtually every licensed physician in the United States. This includes more than 814,000 doctors. Find a doctor by name or by speciality.
College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario: Advanced Doctor Search or Easy Family Doctor Search. Find
a doctor in your area. Site provides detailed information on each Ontario physician including registration
number, primary practice address, specialities if any, hospital privileges, language(s) fluent, and whether or not
new patients are accepted.
Dentist Locater / Dentist Locator. Find a dentist in your city or state in the United States.
DoctorDirectory.com. Find a Physician in your area, Find a Hospital in your area (United States).
DoctorsInfoSeek. Over 800,000 doctors just a click away. Find a doctor, Find a dentist, Find a pharmacy, Find a hospital, and Find other practioners in the United States.
Changing the Face of Medicine: Featured Physicians. Celebrating America's Women Physicians. Search woman physicians by Physician Search, Keyword Search, or Index of Physicians.
Medident Directory - Vancouver, B.C. Vancouver medical and
dental directory. Find doctors, dentists, psychologists, physiotherapists and hospitals in Vancouver, British
Ontario Doctor Directory - Doctors in Ontario. Select a City to Browse Doctors in Ontario, Canada, e.g. List of Doctors in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Provides doctor's full name, address, telephone phone number, fax number, and gender.
Rate MDs.com. Give your doctor a checkup. RateMDs.com allows patients to rate and read about their doctors and dentists. Here is a site where you can add your doctors and rate them! However, you will be held legally responsible for what you say about your doctors online.
WebMD Physician Directory is provided by WebMD for use by the general public as a quick reference of information about physicians. To begin your doctor search in the United States, Search by Zip code, by City or State, or by doctor's last name or specialist.
DiscoverNursing.com. Who, what, why, how. Information on nursing salaries, benefits, scholarships, statistics.
History of Nursing Resource Guides from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries. Contents: General Histories and Timelines, Nursing History Topics, Biographies, History of Nursing Organizations, Florence Nightingale, Images , Uniforms, Caps, Pins and Other Objects Related to Nursing, Organizations, Centers and Museums.
Nursing Internet Resources from University of Adelaide Library, Australia.
Nursing Resource Guide by Jodi Koste, Librarian from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries.
Atlas of Human Anatomy. Translated by Ronald A. Bergman, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS, Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Neurology. Computer and Graphic Specialist: Julie L. Bates, BSS. This atlas is translated from the original Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen by Dr. Carl Ernest Bock, published in 1841 in Leipzig, Germany. See also Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section. A digital library of anatomy information curated by Ronald A. Bergman, et al.
Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. Henry Gray's 1918 publication from Bartleby.com. Illustrated with 1247 engravings. Subject index with 13,000 entries.
Human Anatomy Online from Inner Learning Online. Animations, Images, Descriptions.
Human Anatomy Online. This site only works well with Netscape 3.0 and up. Examines the human body using images.
Human Body and Mind from BBC Science & Nature. Includes Anatomy of Organs, Muscles, Skeleton, Nervous system, and more.
Interactive Atlases: Digital Anatomist Project. Includes: 2-D and 3-D views of the brain, 3-D views of thoracic organs, and other specimens.
Seeing Is Believing. 700 Years of Scientific and Medical Illustration.
Visible Body: 3D Human Anatomy. The Visible Body includes 3D models of over 1,700 anatomical structures, including all major organs and systems of the human body.
50 Ways to Love Your Liver. Liver Health Information from American Liver Foundation. Liver Health Articles including What Are the Myths Vs. Facts About Alcohol and the Liver?
Liver Diseases from MedlinePlus. Contents include: General/Overviews, Anatomy/Physiology, Clinical Trials, Diagnosis/Symptoms, Nutrition, Prevention/Screening, Research, Specific Conditions/Aspects, Treatment, Dictionaries/Glossaries, Organizations, Statistics, Children, and Women (Pregnancy and the liver).
Liver Health from the Canadian Liver Foundation. How the
liver works, Liver Facts, Alcohol and the Liver, Medications and the Liver, Diet and Exercise, Immunization.
Liver Disease: How is Liver Disease Diagnosed, Adult
Liver Diseases, Children's Liver Diseases, Liver Disease Myths. Treatment and Liver Transplantation.
BrainPOP.com - Health: All About Your Body and How It Works. Pick a movie to watch. While waiting for the movie to load, you can play the quiz game. Health movies include: Spinal Cord, Your Body, Acne, Aging, Asthma, Babies, Blood, Blood Glucose, Body Chemistry, Brain, Broken Bones, Cancer, Cells, Diabetes, Digestion, Drug Abuse, Endocrine, Fitness, Genes, Growth, Hair, Hearing, Heart, Homeostasis, Immune, Lime Disease, Muscles, Nails, Nerves, Nutrition, Peak Flow, Period (Menstruation), Puberty, Respiration, Skeleton, Skin, Sleep, Smell, Taste, Teeth, Urinary, Vision, and Voice.
Human Body. Encyclopædia Britannica Article with links to many entries describing the body's systems and major structures.
Human Body. Links to Research/Informational Sites on the Human Body and Anatomy, as well as Online and Offline Lesson Plans and Activities on the Human Body and Anatomy.
A Look Inside the Human Body. Simple and clear explanations of the Skeletal, Respiratory, Nervous, Muscular, Digestive, Circulatory Systems, and the Senses, with many colorful diagrams and illustrations. Excellent Fact Sheet with Answer Sheet.
Blood Donation from America's Blood Centers. The ABC's of Blood, How Blood Saves Lives, Blood Safety and Testing, Blood Donation FAQ's, Blood Donation Glossary.
Blood Facts from American Red Cross. Blood Safety, Donor Eligibility, Red Blood Cell Supply.
Blood Facts from Bloodbook.com. Outline of blood facts, testing, blood transfusion, blood donation, safety, and uses.
Blood Group Basics: What Blood Type Are You? from the National Blood Service, UK. Blood Type Calculator, All About Your Blood Types, ABO System, Rh system, Blood around the world, Components of blood, History of blood transfusion, How blood is used, Blood transfusion, and more.
Blood Types Tutorial from Biology Project, University of Arizona. Human ABO markers, Blood types and genotypes, How are ABO alleles inherited? Blood type and Rh factor calculator, and more.
Circulation of the Blood - Ancient Chinese Technology from ThinkQuest.
Circulatory System - The Circle of Blood from the Franklin Institute Online. Systemic Circulation.
Circulatory System from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Heart and the Circulatory System from the National Health Museum, Access Excellence Classic Collection. Contents: Anatomy of the Heart: Pulmonary and Systemic Circuits and Blood Supply to the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Circulatory Problems, with color illustrations.
High Blood Pressure - Hypertension from Franklin Institute Online.
Lifeblood - Human Blood from Franklin Institute Online. Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Plasma, Platelets, Blood Types, Rh Factors, Autologous Blood Donation.
7 Pains You Shouldn't Ignore by Leanna Skarnulis, reviewed by Louise Chang, MD. Experts describe the types of pain that require prompt medical attention, from WebMD.
Chronic Pain - What is chronic pain? and Chronic Pain Among Seniors from Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).
Chronic Pain Information Page. Short summaries on What Is Chronic Pain? Is there any treatment? What is the prognosis? What research is being done? from MedlinePlus, National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The Mayo Clinic Headache Center. Guide to managing headaches and migraines - explore causes, diagnosis, treatment and self-care.
Pain Information Library from American Pain Foundation. Pain Question & Answer. Useful Links About Pain.
Pain Management Health Center. Information on pain medications and treatment options for chronic pain, from WebMD.
Pain Resources - News. Latest news on pain from Pain.com. Site includes: Ask the Pain Doctors, Pain Glossary, Pain Message Boards - provided to healthcare professionals, pain sufferers, and caregivers as means of exchanging information and support resources related to pain and its management.
The Pain Truth: How and Why We Hurt by Robert Roy Britt, from LiveScience, Health SciTech. What is pain? Acute pain & chronic pain. See also Chronic Pain Shrinks People's Brains by Robert Roy Britt, New Advice: Don't Sit Up Straight by Sara Goudarzi.
Spine-Health.com. Back pain information for patients. In-depth, peer reviewed articles written by physicians.
Tips for Dealing with Your Pain from National Pain Foundation.
Brain and cerebellum - from Plate 23 of Atlas of Human Anatomy. Translated by Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS.
Flash Fabrica from Japan. Test your memory and find out how old is your brain. Click "START"; Wait for countdown 3, 2, 1; Memorize positions of numbers; Click circles from SMALLEST to BIGGEST number. Computer will tell you the age of your brain.
Human brain from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Human Brain from The Franklin Institute Online.
Organs - Brain from BBC Science & Nature. Four areas of the brain: the cerebrum, the diencephalon, the brain stem and the cerebellum.
She Brains - He Brains. Neuroscience for Kids. Differences in Total Brain Size, Differences in the Corpus Callosum, Differences in the Hypothalamus.
Understanding the Human Brain by Doreen Kimura, includes color illustrations from (1996) Children’s Britannica, Jennifer Cox, ed., Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 136-141. See also Human Brain - Google Images.
The Whole Brain Atlas. Atlas of normal brain structure and blood flow, Top 100 brain structures, Stroke or brain attack, Brain tumor, Alzheimer's disease with a tour (time-lapse movies), Huntington's disease, Multiple sclerosis with a tour, AIDS dementia, Herpes encephalitis with a tour, and more.
The 2004 Surgeon General's Report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis - in PDF, 28 pages.
AllRefer Health. Medical resource provides comprehensive and authorative information and news on diseases, symptoms, tests, surgery, injuries, nutrition, medications, and poisons. Focuses on family and community health.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Contents: News, Travelers' Health (for travelers outside of U.S. with alerts about disease outbreaks), Health Topics A-Z (Fact sheets, disease prevention and health information), Publications, Data and Statistics, Training and Employment, CDC Prevention Guidelines, Hoaxes and Rumors, Links to Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, and MMWR - The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Child Health Advice. These guidelines (topics) are intended to help you determine how sick your child is and if you need to call your child's doctor. Their second purpose is to help you treat your child at home when it is safe to do so. IMPORTANT! Your doctor's advice and your good judgment should always take precedence over information in these guidelines.
Health Finder. Focus on health in the U.S. Links to Health Library (health information from A to Z), Health News, Today's Online Checkup, Just for You (health topics organized by age, by race and ethnicity, for men and women, and others), Health Care, Directory of Healthfinder® Organizations.
Healthy Roads Media. Site provides 3 ways for you to access health information: Multimedia (pictures and sounds), Sound only, or in Written form. Topics include: Violence & Abuse, Asthma, Flu, Diabetes, Smoking, Immunization, Heart, Other Health Issues: Cut Down on Salt and Sodium, Watch Your Weight, and more. Also available in Arabic, Bosnian, Somalian, Spanish and Vietnamese.
KidsHealth. One of the largest sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence. Includes hundreds of in-depth articles and features.
Medical / Health Sciences Libraries on the Web. Covers numerous links to major health centers, medical centers, health science libraries, etc. in almost all of the United States, plus US Territories, Australia, Canada, Germany, UK, Other countries.
MedlinePlus: Interactive Health Tutorials. Health education resources from the Patient Education Institute. Ttutorials require Flash plug-in, version 4 or higher. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition. Categories: Diseases and Conditions, Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, and Surgery and Treatment Procedures.
Medscape.com. Offers health professionals medical health information and educational resources. Topics include: News, Treatment Updates, Clinical Management, Resource Centers, Practice Guidelines, Library, Patient Resources, Managed Care, and Multi-specialty Links.
Menopause and Menopause Treatments. FAQs from National Women's Health Information Center, Office on Women's Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC): Women's Health Information. Not-for-Profit organization. Call toll-free: 1-877-986-9472. Health Topics A-Z - More than 100 conditions, diseases and women's health issues covered in depth. All content reviewed for medical accuracy by health care professionals.
NOAH - New York Online Access to Health: Health Topics. A-Z Index include: AIDS & HIV, Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia, Anemia, Bone Diseases, Cancer, Diabetes, Environmental Health, Fractures, Sprains and Dislocations, Genetic Diseases, Hepatitis, Physical Fitness and Excercise, Pregnancy, Sleep Disorders, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, etc.
Office of Women's Health from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Office of Women's Health Library includes links to Get the Facts - Fact Sheets available in both PDF and HTML text format, Menopause and Hormones, Diabetes Brochure, Osteoporosis: Are You at Risk? and more.
Patient Safety Network - A National Patient Safety Resource - continuously updated, annotated, and carefully selected collection of patient safety news, literature, tools, and resources from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in the United States. Safety Subjects include: Medication errors, Diagnostic errors, Post-operative surgical complications, etc.
PDR.net for Consumers. Getting Well Network provides disease information, risk factors, detection, prevention and treatment, coping with the disease. Diseases covered include: Allergy, Arthritis, Breast Cancer, Depression, Hypertension, Osteoporosis, and Ear Infection Otitis Media. Resources include: Drug Information, Herbal Medicines, Health News, Medical Dictionary, MEDLINE, Clinical Trial Information, Info about Doctors, and Magazine Archives. Note: PDR® = Physicians' Desk Reference®.
Body & Soul: A Celebration of Healthy Eating and Living is a health program developed for African American churches. Program encourages church members to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables every day for better health. Download Body & Soul program materials and use the resource directory to find a wealth of helpful information.
Cholesterol from Food Standards Agency, UK: Eat Well, Be Well. Foods containing cholesterol, Fats and cholesterol, Fibre and cholesterol, Products designed to lower cholesterol. See also:
Diet Plan from Herbalicious.com. 1200, 1500 or 2000 Calorie Diet Plan. Site cautions to best check with your doctor before making dietary changes.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Guidelines provide authoritative advice for people two years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases.
Healthy Eating from Go for Your Life. Dietary advice, Food and nutrients, Nutrition and illness, What is a healthy weight, Body image, Weight management, Food safety, Healthy recipes, Nutrition quizzes.
Kinetic.com. Resource for raising a healthy child. Bright Papers and FAQs provide facts about children and physical activity, healthy eating and self-esteem. Site includes games and quizzes, tells kids cool stuff about how the body works, how eating right helps children play better and feel good.
Mayo Clinic: Dietary supplements: Using vitamin and mineral supplements wisely, Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy.
Fast Foods Nutrition Calculators:
Harvey's Nutrition Guide and Harvey's Allergy Guide.
McDonald's. Get the Nutrition Facts for a McDonald's Menu Item. McDonald's Canada: Nutrition Calculator.
Wendy's Nutrition Fact Calculations for U.S. or Canada.
Restaurants - Fast Foods - Nutrition Facts from DietFacts.com. See Nutrition Facts for 453 Restaurants, including:
A&W Restaurant
Boston Pizza
Burger King
Chuck E. Cheese's
Dairy Queen
Dunkin Donuts
Jack in the Box
KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken
Krispy Kreme
Old Spaghetti Factory
Pizza Hut
Pizza Pizza
Red Lobster
Swiss Chalet
Taco Bell
Tim Horton's.
Food Guide Pyramid Resources. Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietaary Guidance, from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Human Nutrition. Nutrition and Consumer Protection from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Contents include: Human nutrition - Profiles by country: Africa, Asia & South East Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean, and Near East, Food safety and quality - Safety and quality assurance, Food chain, Good hygiene practices, and more.
My Pyramid Plan from MyPyramid.gov. Steps to a Healthier You from U.S. Department of Agriculture. Include Tips and Resources, Dietary Guidelines, My Pyramid Tracker. See also Healthy Eating: Guide to New Food Pyramids and Tips for a Healthy Diet from Helpguide, and USDA My Pyramid Unveiled for a brief critique by Bonnie Minsky.
Nutrition in the Fast Lane. Info on 2,400 menu items offered by over 50 of the most popular national fast-food and casual dining restaurant chains. Restaurants are listed alphabetically. At the top of each restaurant page are guides to various nutrition facts about each menu item.
Sport Nutrition Resources from Coaching
Association of Canada. Search database of Nutrition Tips in PDF. Includes Tips and Tools - Search database of 14 Nutrition Categories, e.g.
Nutrition – Adolescents - All Sports - All Years, or other Nutrition Categories.
Trans Fat from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also:
Vegetarian FAQ from International Vegetarian Union (IVU).
The Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland! Australia Popular Forum Articles, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes, Nutrition Articles: Iron: The Myths and the Facts, What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12, Healthy Vegetarian/Vegan Eating, What to Eat Instead of Meat, plus Resources, Religion and Spirituality.
Vitamins and Nutrition Center. A Vitamin Information Center. Explore the latest vitamins research, detailed profiles on every vitamin, what to look for in a multivitamin, and what to look for when evaluating vitamins.
Exercise Library from American Council on Exercise (ACE), the largest nonprofit fitness certification and education provider in the world. Choose from numerous specific exerices for Agility/Balance, Arms, Back, Chest, Core, Legs, Shoulders. Illustrated with photographs. Includes: Over 100 Fit Facts™ - concise, one-page information sheets, each covering a different health or fitness topic, Health and Fitness Tips - offer insight into the latest research, trends and workouts, Healthy Recipes, and more.
History of Fitness by Lance C. Dalleck, M.S. and Len Kravitz, Ph.D., University of New Mexico.
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. June 27, 2006. Fact Sheets include:
The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General of the United States. May 27, 2004.
On the Road to Quitting - Guide to
Becoming a Non-Smoker from Health Canada, Tobacco Control Program:
Quit Smoking - Free Quit Smoking Report contains all the tools needed to quit smoking for good. (Pending 23Jun08).
Quit Smoking Now from Smokefree.gov. Online Guide to Quitting, Thinking About Quitting, Preparing to Quit, Quitting, Staying Quit, Talk to an Expert Who Can Help.
Smoking Tobacco Facts Death & Cancer. Very graphic site, not for the faint of heart. Contents:
Stop Smoking Center. This forum is moderated by health care professionals. You must register to participate in discussion groups. Registration is free. Site includes: Nicotine Dependence Test - How Does My Smoking Compare to Others? Success Stories, and Quit Program Tools.
TIPS - Tobacco Information and Prevention Source from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents include:
Tobacco Atlas from World Health Organization (WHO). Contents include: History of Tobacco, Types of Tobacco Use, Male, Female & Youth Smoking, Cigarette Consumption, Health Risks, Passive Smoking, Deaths, Costs of Tobacco, Costs to the Economy, Costs to the Smoker, The Tobacco Trade, Growing Tobacco, Manufacturing Tobacco, Tobacco Companies, Tobacco Trade, Smuggling, Tobacco Industry Promotion, Internet Sales, Smokers' Rights Organizations, Legislation: Smoke-Free Areas, Advertising Bans, Health Warnings, Quitting, Litigation, World Tables, Demographics of Tobacco (tables in PDF, 4 pages).
Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs. A free public education website to help consumers in the United States save money on medicines. Reports compare a variety of prescription drugs on price, effectiveness and safety to help consumers and their doctors identify the most effective and affordable medicines. RX Information - Basic information on prescription drugs, their safe use, and the importance of talking with your doctor.
CVS/pharmacy. Categories covered: Health &
Wellness, Personal Care, Vitamins & More, Pharmacist Archive, WebMD Daily News, WebMD Live Events,
HealthTracker, Prescriptions and Refills, Search for Drug, and Rx Prices.
DailyMed - Current Medication Information from National Library of Medicine (NLM). DailyMed provides high quality information about marketed drugs in the United States. Currently, this site contains 1288 approved prescription drugs. Info provided with each drug includes: Description, Clinical Pharmacology, Indications & Usage, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Reactions, Dosage & Administration, How Supplied. You can report adverse drug effects or reactions to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Drug Guide from Yahoo! Health. Select a drug name from A-Z, or 0-9. Information provided by Healthwise. Includes Top 50 Drugs.
Drug Info from Medbroadcast.com. Excellent resource on drugs. Enter drug name or search by first letter of drug name. Results will give Brand Name, Common Name, How does this medication work? What side effects are possible with this medication? and other useful information. Important note: Contents of this site are for informational purposes only. Always seek your physician's advice.
DrugRatingz.com. Drug Reviews and Ratings. A site where patients rate the prescription drugs they take. Find real, independent ratings, reviews and recommendations for prescription drugs, medications and pharmaceuticals.
Drugs@FDA from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Site contains a Catalog of FDA Approved Drug Products including prescription and over-the-counter human drugs currently approved and tentatively approved for sale in the United States. Search for official information about FDA approved brand name and generic drugs by Drug Name or Active Ingredient, or Browse by Drug Name A-Z, 0-9, or use Advanced Search Options. For general drug information: Call 301-827-4573 or 888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332), or E-mail your questions to druginfo@cder.fda.gov.
drugstore.com. Includes detailed drug information and prices of numerous common medications. Features include: Fill your prescription online, Ask your pharmacist, Beauty and spa, Nutrition and wellness, Personal care, Medical reference with information on hundreds of ills and conditions from A to Z, and more.
Electronic Orange Book. Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. This database shows you the approved generic counterpart to prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs. This U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) site provides consumers with information about federally approved generic equivalents of drugs. Search by Active Ingredient, by Applicant Holder, by Proprietary Name, by Application Number, or by Patent. Includes FAQ - Frequently Asked Orange Book Questions, and Frequently Asked Patent and Exclusivity Questions.
MedBroadcast.com: Drug Info - Prescription Drug
Info powered by MediResource™. Information on Canadian prescription drugs. Find out about how your
medication works, right way to take it, when you shouldn't take it, possible side effects, what drugs shouldn't
be taken together, and more. All medications have both common (generic) and brand names.
Medicare Drug Benefit Calculator. This calculator allows you to enter your prescription drug costs to determine what you would pay under the Medicare reform proposal currently being considered in U.S. Congress.
Over-the-Counter Medicines from MedlinePlus. Drugs, Supplements, and Herbal Information. Drug Information: Browse by first letter of generic or brand name drug; Herbs and Supplements: Browse by first letter of herb or supplement.
RxList: The Internet Drug Index. Includes over 4500 medications, Drug Interaction Checker (check compatibility of all prescription and OTC drugs), Ask the Pharmacist, Drug FAQs, Patient Monographs (search for information on over 1,500 popular drugs), Taber's Medical Encyclopedia (search for over 53,000 definitions), and RxLaughs (jokes).
Acupuncture from National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Health Information. Key Points, What is acupuncture? How widely is acupuncture used in the United States? What does acupuncture feel like? Does acupuncture work? How might acupuncture work? How do I find a licensed acupuncture practitioner? How much will acupuncture cost? Will it be covered by my insurance? Definitions, and more.
Acupuncture, A Brief Introduction by Jeffrey A. Singer, with illustration. What is Acupuncture and how does it work? Very brief version, illustrated. Ear Acupuncture by Heather Schiffke.
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Basics from Acufinder.com. Includes: How does acupuncture work? (Eastern explanation and Western explanation). What is the history of acupuncture and Asian Medicine? What can acupuncture treat? How many treatments will I need? How deep do acupuncture needles go? How do I choose an acupuncturist? What do the initials after the acupuncturists name stand for? What are the different styles of acupuncture? Are there risks or side effects to acupuncture? Acupuncture Topics.
Acupuncture Facts from Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center. Contents: What is Acupuncture? History of Acupuncture, Ancient Acupuncture Theories, Modern Views on Acupuncture, Mechanisms of Action, Side Effects of Acupuncture, Limits, Choosing an Acupuncturist, Does Acupuncture Hurt? Is Acupuncture Safe? Commonly Used Acupuncture Point, Acupuncturists.
American Music Therapy Association Website: Music Therapy Makes a Difference. What is music therapy, Frequently Asked Questions About Music Therapy.
Canadian Association for Music Therapy. Brief History of Music Therapy, Definition, Benefits of Music Therapy, Music Therapists, and more.
Music Therapy - Music Psychotherapy from PsychNet-UK. Links to Music Therapy and related sites.
See also 616.9 Communicable diseases.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes Infectious Disease Information from National Center for Infectious Diseases.
Diseases Fact Sheets from Health Canada. Topics include: Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Chlamydia, Colorectal Cancer, Flesh-eating Disease, Flu, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), HIV/AIDS, Infant Botulism, Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever, Reye's Syndrome, Skin Cancer, Syphilis, Tuberculosis (TB), Type 2 Diabetes, Whooping Cough (Pertussis). See also Public
Health Fact Sheets from Region of Peel, ON. Topics include: Fifth Disease, Head Lice, Hepatitis A,
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Influenza, Measles (rubeola), SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), West
Nile Virus.
Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, CDC. Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an emerging cause of foodborne illness. An estimated 73,000 cases of infection and 61 deaths occur in the United States each year. FAQs include: How is E. coli O157:H7 spread? Cause, diagnosis, treatment, long term consequences, and prevention.
Globalhealthfacts.org - Global data on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria, Other Diseases & Health Conditions including Avian Flu Cases & Deaths, SARS Cases & Deaths, Yellow Fever Cases & Deaths, as well as Demography & The Economy (Population, Women, Population Under Age 15, Urban Population, Land Area, GDP Per Capita). Search Data by Country or Data by Topic. Glossary provides definitions for AIDS, Avian Flu, DOTS, HIV, Malaria, SARS, TB, Yellow Fever, and more.
Health A-Z from WebMD. List of diseases: Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Breast Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Migraines, etc.
Health: Diseases. Diseases of the Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, and Nervous Systems. Articles cover prevention, signs, symptoms, and treatment of many different diseases.
HEALTHMap: Global Disease Alert Map. Children's Hospital Informatics Program, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology. Zoom to region: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Mideast, Asia. Site provides a comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health.
MayoClinic.com: Diseases and Conditions. Reference articles on diseases and conditions. Select a disease from A-Z, learn about signs and symptoms, causes, risk factors, when to seek medical advice, screening and diagnosis, complications, treatments, prevention, self-care, coping strategies, complementary and alternative medicine.
Active First Aid Online. From Australia, based on 5th edition of the book "Active First Aid". Contents: Introduction to First Aid, Essential First Aid, Trauma, Medical Emergencies, Advanced First Aid, and General information on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Childhood Illnesses and Conditions. (Annoying popup ads).
Emergency and First Aid from HealthyWorld Online.
First Aid and Emergency Centers from eMedicineHealth.
First Aid & Safety from KidsHealth. Child safety is of top priority. Articles on Emergencies: What to Do, Home Safety & First Aid, Safety Away From Home, Outdoors & Seasonal Safety. Includes What Do I Do? Instruction Sheets, Emergency Contact Sheet, Emergency Contact Sheet (Travel Size), and more.
First Aid for Snake Bite: What to do immediately following a snake bite. Includes A Discussion of Traditional Snake Bite Treatment, Field Safety Tips, and FAQ such as How deadly is the rattlesnake? Can a snake strike or bite underwater? How far can a snake strike or leap?
First-Aid Guide from MayoClinic. Topics covered include: Animal bites, Blisters, Chest pain, Electrical shock, Fever, Frostbite, Hypothermia, Insect bites and stings, Motion sickness, Nosebleeds, Poisoning, Snakebites, Toothache, and many more.
First Aid Kits. Includes First Aid Articles, Home and Travel First Aid Kits, How to Make a First Aid Kit, How to Use a First Aid Kit, What to Put in Your Household Kit, What to Put in Your Travel Kit, from eMedicineHealth.
Skin Emergencies. Illustrated step by step guide on how to treat Bee or Wasp Stings, Cuts and Scratches, Burns, Itchy Dry Skin or Allergic Reactions.
Spider Bites. All spiders have some amount of venom with varying degrees of potency. Symptoms and treatment of spider bites from California Poison Control System (CPCS) covering: Black widow spider, Brown recluse spider, Chronic arachnidism or necrotic arachnidism, Jumping spiders, Wolf spiders, Tarantulas, Northwestern brown spider or the hobo spider, Daddy longlegs spiders.
RadiologyInfo - The radiology information resource for patients. Site developed jointly by American College of Radiology and Radiological Society of North America. Contents include: Diagnostic radiology, Interventional Radiology, Mammography, Nuclear Medicine, X-ray - Radiography, Interventional Radiology, Radiation Therapy.
Society of Interventional Radiology. What Are Interventional Radiologists? Common Interventional Radiology Procedures: Angiography, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telanglectasia - HHT, Stroke, Varicose Veins and numerous other IR treatments and procedures, with descriptions and illustrations.
ABC News OnCall+ Cold & Flu Center. Find answers to questions on colds and the flu. Answers provided by medical experts from prestigious medical centers in the United States.
American Lung Association: Influenza Fact Sheet.
Avian influenza from World Health Organization (WHO). Avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. The disease, which was first identified in Italy more than 100 years ago, occurs worldwide.
Basic Information About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Common Cold. Understanding Colds (e.g. What a Common Cold Is, How Cold Virus Infection Occurs, What Causes Cold Symptoms), Treatment, Complications, and Prevention, as well as some Myths of the Common Cold.
Common Cold. Info from MedlinePlus.
Common Cold Centre. Common Cold Basics include: Common cold information, Summer colds, Conventional common cold medications, Alternative common cold medications, and A cure for the common cold.
Dr. Kujtan's Medical Matters: What Is the Difference between a Cold and the Flu?
Find a Flu Clinic from American Lung Association. Enter a zip code to find a flu clinic near you.
Flu FAQ: What is influenza? What is the difference between the common cold and the flu? Facts about the flu vaccine, and more.
Free Influenza (Flu) Clinics: Let's Beat the Flu in the Region of Peel: Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon. Toronto: Let's Beat the Flu. Includes General Influenza Fact Sheets - available in 24 languages.
Influenza from World Health Organization (WHO). Includes Influenza pandemic threat: current situation, Recommendations for influenza vaccines.
Influenza (Flu). Diseases and conditions from Health Canada. See also: It's Your Health - Influenza (the "flu") Fact Sheet, Seasonal Influenza (Flu), Avian Influenza, Pandemic Influenza.
Influenza Pandemic: What You Should Know About a Flu Pandemic. Info available in American Sign Language (ASL) video. Printable Fact Sheets available in 24 Languages in PDF.
Influenza: The Disease from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Fertility Race. Major topics include: Twenty Years of Test-Tube Babies, HIV and Fertility, Surrogate Motherhood, and the Fertility Industry. Site also includes Statistics and a Glossary.
Infertility from MedlinePlus Health Information. Includes Latest News, Overviews, Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Trials, Coping with Infertility, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Research, Treatment, Glossary, Law and Policy, Organizations, and Statistics.
Infertility Educational Articles from Internet Health Resources. Topics include infertility diagnosis, infertility treatment, egg donation, egg donors, male infertility, infertility drugs and medication, infertility glossaries, financial and legal aid, social issues, and fertility pictures.
Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet from ADEAR - Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) - Also known as Mad Cow Disease. A chronic, degenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system of cattle.
eCerebralPalsy.com. Articles and resources about Cerebral Palsy.
Syndrome Foundation of Canada. What Is TS - Disorder? "Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological or 'neurochemical' disorder characterized by tics -- involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way."
Tourette's Syndrome from Mental-Health-Matters.com. Contents include: Description, Diagnosis, Related Articles, Books, Symptoms, Treatments, Medications, Printable Info Page, Resource List, and more.
Tourette's Syndrome from MD Virtual University. Contents: Description, Symptoms/Findings, Age at Onset/Epidemiology, Causes/Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Additional Resources.
Anxiety Disorders by William R Yeats, M.D. from eMedicine. Includes treatment, medication, charts and more.
Facts About Anxiety Disorders from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of Health (NIH). How Common Are Anxiety Disorders? What Are the Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders? What Are Effective Treatments for Anxiety Disorders? It is common for an anxiety disorder to accompany depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, or another anxiety disorder. Includes a Quiz, and Answers to Quiz.
Phobia from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Phobia List by Fredd Culbertson. Includes A-Z List (from Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing, to Zoophobia - Fear of animals), How Phobias Are Named (The word phobia is Greek, therefore any word that is connected to it should be Greek), Treatment of Phobias, Fear or Fearless Quotes, and more.
Phobias from MedlinePlus. Overviews, Treatment, Coping, Specific Conditions, Related Issues, Clinical Trials, Dictionaries/Glossaries, Directories, Organizations, Children, Teenagers.
Phobias: What Are You Afraid Of? from CoolQuiz! Includes A-Z list of phobias, and Phobias of the Rich and Famous.
Phobic Disorders by Ronald C. Albucher, M.D. from eMedicine. "A phobia is defined as an irrational fear that produces a conscious avoidance of the feared subject, activity, or situation." Contents include: Introduction, Clinical, Differentials, Workup (Lab Studies, Tests), Treatment, Medication, Follow-up, Miscellaneous, Bibliography.
Social Phobia from Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Social Phobia from Teens Health.
Social Phobia / Social Anxiety Fact Sheet. Definition: Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia) is the third largest mental health care problem in the world.
Communicable Disease Fact Sheet.
Communicable Disease Fact Sheets listed in A-Z order. Brief information on each disease from New York State Department of Health.
Infectious Disease Information. Index A-Z: Illnesses, Conditions, Concerns, Programs - from National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever - (Ebola HF) is a severe, often-fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees), from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Ebola haemorrhagic fever: Fact sheet from World Health Organization (WHO). Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Therapy and Vaccine, Containment, Contacts, History, Natural reservoir. See also Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Fact Sheet from WebMD.
Marburg haemorrhagic fever - A severe and highly fatal disease caused by a virus. See also Marburg haemorrhagic fever - fact sheet from World Health Organization (WHO).
Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Questions and Answers About Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever.
Marburg Virus from MDTravelHealth.
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Description: Ebola and Marburg: Filoviral Diseases, Lassa Fever: Arenaviral Diseases, Rift Valley Fever (RVF) and Related Bunyaviral Diseases, Occurrence, Risk for Travellers, Prevention, Treatment.
The Black Death: Bubonic Plague from TheMiddleAges.net. Contents include: Black Death Spreads, Bubonic Plague: Will it Ever End? The Medieval Miracles of Healing -- Medical Science, The Plague: an account from Boccaccio's The Decameron, Maps by EyeWitness to History, Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe, plus Fleas - site about the insects responsible for the Black Death.
Plague. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents: Introduction, General Information, Fact Sheet, Questions and Answers, Images, The Bacterium, Natural History, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Control, Scientific Literature, CDC World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Plague.
Plague. Articles from WebMD.
Public Health Fact Sheet - Plague from Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
How SARS Works from How Stuff Works.
SARS. Articles from WebMD.
SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome from About.com.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). What Everyone Should Know About SARS from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). FAQ from World Health Organization.
West Nile Virus from Health Canada.
Includes: West Nile Virus: Symptoms,
Diagnosis and Treatment, How to Protect
Yourself & Your Family from West Nile Virus - Public Health Agency of Canada.
West Nile Virus. Articles from WebMD.
West Nile Virus Basics. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
West Nile Virus - Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON) Fact Sheet.
The Age of AIDS. 25 years of AIDS, The Virus, Global picture.
AIDS. "Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or Aids) is a set of symptoms and infections resulting from the damage to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)" - from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
American Cancer Society. Learn about cancer, treatment options, treatment decision tools, clinical trials, coping. Cancer Survivors Network. Statistics, prevention and early detection of cancer. Facts and figures, publications, media information, research programs, and more.
The Bare Facts from Sun Safety Alliance. The Facts About Getting Too Much Sun - It's a fact: Overexposure to the sun can result in skin cancer later in life. Contents include: What Every Parent Should Know, Protecting Yourself: Sun Safety Tips, UV Rays - Invisible and Dangerous, Are You at Risk for Skin Cancer? Links, Glossary. Find Today's UV Index For Your City/Town from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SunWise. The UV Index is calculated daily. Enter your ZIP Code or city and state for today's UV Index in your area.
Cancer Society. What is cancer, Specific cancers, Treatment, Living with cancer, Cancer statistics, Cancer myths, the Canadian Cancer Encyclopedia.
Cancer.gov. A service of the National Cancer Institute. Topics: Types of Cancer, Treatment Options, Clinical Trials, Genetics, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention, Testing for Cancer, Coping with Cancer, Support and Resources, Cancer Literature, Current Cancer Information, and more. Includes a Dictionary of Cancer Terms.
Choose Your Cover - Skin Cancer Prevention Campaign. From U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Look up: Cancer Dictionary from Babylon.com. Selected glossaries on Cancer including a dictionary by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Find explanations of cancer terms, names of drugs and substances used in treatment and cancer research. Contents include: TCRC (Testicular Cancer Resource Center) Glossary for Testicular Cancer and Other Related Conditons, NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms.
OncoLink. Mission of the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center is to provide free and accurate cancer-related information to cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public. Topics: Types of Cancer, Cancer Treatments, Coping with Cancer, Screening and Prevention, Cancer News, Clinical Trials, Global Resources, Cancer FAQs, and Symptom Management.
Pancreatic Cancer Frequently Asked Questions. What is pancreatic cancer? What are the stages of pancreatic cancer? How is pancreatic cancer diagnosed? What is the surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer? What is the medical treatment of pancreatic cancer? and other FAQs.
American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Learn About Hand Care from the Experts: Read what hand surgeons say about carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and other hand problems and diseases, Advice on Keep Your Hands and Fingers Safe, Ha nd Anatomy, View a 4-minute video on What is Hand Surgery, and more.
Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery from MedlinePlus. Latest News, Overviews, Pictures/Diagrams, Specific Conditions, Dictionaries/Glossaries, Directories, Statistics, and more. Topics include: Blepharoplasty (eyelid), Face lift (rhytidoplasty), Liposuction (fat removal), Rhinoplasty (nose), Botox, Breast Reconstruction, Scars, Skin Aging, Varicose Veins, Procedures and Therapies.
American Council of the Blind: Pedestrian Safety. History of White Cane Safety Day by Philip Strong.
Color blindness and Visual impairment from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Colorblind Information and Selftest. To see if you may be color blind, take this Colorblind Selftest.
Contact lens from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Contact Lenses from eMedicineHealth, and FDA Warns of Decorative Contact Lens Dangers from About.com.
Lighthouse International - Hope When Vision Fails. A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving vision and to providing critically needed vision and rehabilitation services. Provides information on macular degeneration, cataracts, or any other cause of low vision. Find out more about eye disorders, tips for preventing vision loss, confident living, designing visually accessible print materials and more.
Vision Impairment. Developmental Disabilities from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Vision Impairment and Blindness. Also called Low Vision, from MedlinePlus. "The leading causes of vision impairment and blindness in the United States are age-related eye diseases: macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma. Other eye disorders, eye injuries and birth defects can also cause vision loss."
Visual Impairment, Visual Disability and Legal Blindness. Contents include: How is sight measured? What is legal blindness? What is visual impairment? Resources for Individuals With Visual Impairment, Patient Brochure: Low Vision. From American Academy of Ophthalmology. Articles provided by Medem, Inc.
Childbirth.org. Features include: Ask the Pros, Birth Plans, Birth Stories, Boy or Girl, Cesareans, Doulas, Internet resources for Educators, Episiotomy, FAQs, Feeding Baby, Fertility, Finding a Childbirth Class, Search Childbirth.org, VBAC, Week by Week (fetal development), and more.
Parenthood.com - Pregnancy. Information on Fetal Development, Baby's Sex, Birth Defects, Contraception, Due Date and Ovulation Calculators, Episiotomy, Facts and Figures, Labor and Delivery, Miscarriage, Postpartum, Ultrasound Image, and more.
Child and Teen Health Topics and Children's Health from MedlinePlus, a service of U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Children's Diseases / Pediatrics from Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa.
Childhood Diseases from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Selected symptoms include: Cough, Diarrhea, Ear infection, Fever, Rash, Runny nose, Vomiting. Selected childhood diseases include: amebiasis, bacterial meningitis, Chagas disease, common cold, tetanus, tuberculosis, whipworm infection, and others.
Common Childhood Diseases from NetDoctor.co.uk. Symptoms, Treatment, Incubation period, Infectious period for each disease: Chickenpox, Whooping cough, Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), Three-day-fever (roseola infantum), Hand, foot and mouth disease, Scarlet fever - Based on a text by Dr Carl J Brandt.
Infections from KidsHealth. Topics include: Cold & Flu Review, Common Childhood Infections, Bacterial & Viral Infections, Ear Infections, Eye Infections, Fungal Infections (Ringworm, Yeast, etc.), Immunizations, Lung & Respiratory Infections, Medical Tests, Parasitic Infections (Worms, Lice, etc.), Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Skin Infections & Rashes, Stomach & Intestinal Infections.
Paediapaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Disease by Michael P. D’Alessandro M.D., Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa. Contents include: Neonatal Chest Diseases, Chest and Airway Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Genitourinary Diseases, Musculoskeletal Diseases, Neurological Diseases.
Virtual Pediatric Hospital. Pediatric Common Questions Quick Answers. Find answers to Diseases and Conditions, or locate a topic in alphabetical order from Abdominal Pain to X-Rays.
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology: What Is Nanotechnology? The Meaning of Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology Basics: For Students and Other Learners.
Nanotechnology from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Nanotechnology Now. Nanotechnology basics, news, and general information.
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. News articles include Nanotechnology Now Used in Nearly 500 Everyday Products, Green Nanotechnology: It's Easier Than You Think.
Ergonomics from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Find out What is Ergonomics, Computer Workstation Ergonomics (be aware of how the design and arrangement of your equipment can impact your comfort, health, and productivity), Laboratory Ergonomics, Industrial Ergonomics (Lifting techniques), and Ergonomics Primer (Postures to avoid, Motions to avoid, and other tips).
Joseph Gonyeau's Virtual Nuclear Tourist! Nuclear Plants Around the World. Contents include: FAQs - Why is nuclear power used? Where are nuclear power plants located in the United States and in the world? What types of nuclear waste are generated? What is a meltdown? Terrorism and Security, Transportation of Nuclear Waste, Operating a Nuclear Power Plant, Inside the Nuclear Power Plant, View a video, and much more.
Nuclear Age Timeline, September 1993 (Historical) from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Management (EM). Historical timeline traces the nuclear age from 1895-1993, from discovery of x-rays and radioactivity to the explosion of the first atomic bomb and subsequent clean up of the contamination from the last 50 years of the nuclear age.
Nuclear Power: News. Consolidated News: Nuclear Power, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Electricity.
Elevator from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Illustrated. Contents include: History, Modern elevator construction, Elevator safety, Uses of elevators, Dumb waiter, Controlling elevators (Floor numbering, elevator algorithm, Computer dispatched), U.S. and Canadian elevator standard specifics, Manufacturers of elevators, and more.
Escalator from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Illustrated. Contents include: Designs - Escalators, Moving walkways, High-speed walkways, Inclined moving sidewalks, Spiral escalators, History, Usage, Longest escalators and systems, Etymology.
Forklift from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Illustrated. Contents: Characteristics, Control and capability, Forklift safety.
How Hydraulic Cranes Work by Kevin Bonsor, from HowStuffWorks.
Safetysigns.com (formerly Forklift Safety Signs) from Safetysign.com - Division of Brimar Industries.
Canadian Mining Facts. Click on a
provincial or territorial flag to learn mining facts for each province and territory of Canada.
Canadian Mining Industry">, Canadian Mining Hall of Fame. See
also A History of Mining and Mineral Exploration
in Canada and Outlook for the Future.
Coal Mine from Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Virtual tour of Coal Mine Old Ben #17: Descend 600 feet underground, Mining in the 1930s - Machinery is introduced into the mines, and Mining Today - Safety is the key in today's modern mine. Plus Mining Links.
CountryMine. Complete mining information on the world mining industry by country. Includes mines and mining properties in the country, a snapshot of the country's mining activities, links to geological and other maps, and more.
Glossary of Mining Terms from Kentucky Coal - relating mainly to coal mining. Includes Teacher Resources: Classroom Lesson Plans.
Gold. Atomic number: 79, Atomic symbol:Au, History, Sources, Properties, Uses, Cost, Isotopes, from Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division. See also: Gold from BambooWeb Directory. Notable characteristics of gold, Applications, History of gold, Value of gold, Occurrence, Compounds, Isotopes, Precautions. What Is Gold Worth? By John H. Lienhard.
Mining Education from Mining USA.com. Includes: Coal Education Web Site, Coal: Ancient Gift Serving Modern Man, Coal Terms Glossary, and more.
Cruise ship from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Lost Liners (Paperback) by Robert D. Ballard, Rick Archbold, Paintings by Ken Marschall
Lost Liners (VHS) (PBS Home Video) by John Maxtone-Graham
Lost Liners (Audio CD) (Music) by Michael Whalen
Listen to Samples
Lost Liners from PBS Online. Join Dr. Bob Ballard on a tour of the greatest lost liners in maritime history: Titanic, Lusitania, Empress of Ireland, Britannic, and Andrea Doria. Site includes: Comparison Chart of the 5 ocean liners, Ocean Evolution, Under the Sea - work of underwater explorers, and Diagram of a Colossus. See also articles from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
RMS Caronia Timeline by Peter Stevens. Explore an era of luxury ocean travel of the 1950's and 1960's. Site provides details of the life and times aboard Cunard's 'Green Goddess' - the RMS Caronia. Launched on 30 October 1947, Caronia quickly became the post-war jewel of the British Merchant Navy.
Titanic, Lusitania and the Forgotten Empress Gallery from Merseyside Maritime Museum, UK. For more info, see Sheet No. 41: RMS Titanic - Brief history of the Titanic, and Sheet No. 42 : RMS Lusitania - Brief history of the Lusitania, from Maritime Archives & Library.
Shipbuilding from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Shipbuilding Technologies in Canada. A Brief History of Shipbuilding in Canada, Canadian Shipyards, Ship Design and Construction, Look at some ship designs, Links to Vessels.
USS New York (LPD-21) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Motto: Never Forget. Here SHE is, the USS New York, built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.
Viking Ships - General Resources including links to History of Shipbuilding, Viking Ship Construction, and many more.
International Signal Flags [Demo]. Learn the Meanings of International Maritime Signal Flags as well as the Semaphore Flag Signalling System. Type in the text to translate. Test your knowledge of signal flags.
BridgePros. Site is dedicated to the Engineering, History and Construction of Bridges. Learning Center provides a game to match bridge types to locations, information on how bridges work, the basics for bridge design, glossary, as well as resources on building bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers, domes and dams.
Bridges - Facts and Photos and Statistics for Great Bridges about bridge construction from around the world, from About.com. Topics include: Bridges in Asia, Europe and England, and United States, Bridge Builder Magazines, Bridges on the Internet, Bridge Research, Cable Supported Bridges, Photo Gallery.
Building Big: Bridge Basics. Since ancient times, engineers have designed three major types of bridges to withstand all forces of nature: beam bridge, truss bridge, and arch bridge.
iCivilEngineer. The Civil Engineering Web Directory. Includes: Latest Civil Engineering News, Basics, Ethics, History of Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Construction, Earthquake Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying, Transportation Engineering, Famous Engineers (Ammann, Brunel, Eiffel, Terzaghi), Landmarks (Bridges, Dams, Roads, Tunnels), and more.
The Langkawi Sky-Bridge in Malaysia is suspended at 700 metres above sea level and spans 125 metres across the mountains. Photos.
Top Ten Bridge Sites. Top 10 links include: