![]() Reference Site Map |
500 General science, science museums
500.2 Physical sciences
502.8 Microscopes
503 Science - Encyclopedias, Science - Dictionaries
507 Science - Experiments, (Scientific experiments)
507.8 Science projects, (Science fair projects), (School science projects), (Science exhibition projects)
508 Natural history
509.2 Scientists, (Astronomers), (Biologists), (Chemists), (Geologists), (Mathematicians), (Naturalists), (Physicists)
510 Mathematics
510.28 Calculators
510.7808 Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file)
512 Algebra, Number theory, Group theory, (Fibonacci numbers)
513 Roman numerals, Writing of numerals
513.028 Abacus
520 Astronomy
523 Solar system, Asteroids, Planets, Stars, Sun, Meteorites, (Moon)
525 Earth
527 Latitude, Longitude, Nautical astronomy
529 Time, Days, Night, Week, Months, Calendars, Chronology
530 Physics
530.8 Measurement, Weights and measures, Metric system, Volume (Cubic content), (Cubic measurement), (Conversions)
535 Optics, Light
538.768 Auroras, (Aurora borealis), (Northern lights)
539.7 Radioactivity, Atomic theory, (Radioactive substances), (Radiation)
540 Chemistry, Chemicals
540.1 Alchemy, (Hermetic art and philosophy), (Transmutation of metals), (Philosophers' stone)
546 Chemical elements
551.21 Volcanoes, (Eruptions)
551.22 Earthquakes, (Seismography), (Seismology)
551.4 Water
551.46 Ocean, Oceanography, (Oceans), (Sea)
551.47 Tsunamis, Ocean waves, (Earthquake sea waves), (Seismic sea waves), (Tidal waves, Seismic)
551.5 Meteorology
551.55 Hurricanes, Cyclones, Storms, Tornadoes, Typhoons, (Winds), (Twisters)
551.56 Lightning
551.6 Weather, Weather forecasting
553.8 Diamonds, Precious stones, (Gemstones), (Jewels)
560 Fossils, Prehistoric animals, Extinct animals, (Paleontology)
567.9 Dinosaurs, Fossil reptiles
570 Biology, Life sciences
572.8 Genetic code, Gene mapping, Recombinant DNA, (Genome mapping), (Genetics), (Genetic disorders)
574.5 Endangered species, (Rare animals), (Wildlife conservation)
574.87 Cells, DNA, Protoplasm, (D.N.A.), (Deoxyribonucleic acid), (Desoxyribonucleic acid)
576.8 Evolution, (Darwinism), (Origin of species), Mutation (Biology), Natural selection
579 Microbiology
580 Plants, Botany
581.1 Photosynthesis
582.13 Flowers, (Roses)
582.16 Trees
590 Animals
590.73 Zoos
591.77 Marine animals (Aquatic animals), (Marine fauna), (Marine zoology), (Sea animals), (Water animals), (Marine mammals)
595.7 Insects
595.78 Butterflies, Moths
597 Fishes, Sharks, Rays (Fish)
597.8 Amphibians, Frogs, (Toads)
597.9 Reptiles, (Turtles), (Lizards), (Alligators), (Crocodiles), (Snakes)
598 Birds
599 Mammals
599.9 Anthropology, Human origins, (Hominids), (Origin of man), (Human paleontology), Physical anthropology, (Biological anthropoloy)
Chem4Kids. Matter, Elements, Atoms, Math, and Reactions. Clear, simple explanations of each subject matter complete with colorful illustrations.
Chemical Achievers. Meet the Human Face of Chemical Achievement: Robert Boyle, Marie Curie, Wallace Carothers, Charles Chandler. Includes The Path to the Periodic Table.
Chemistry Biographies from AllRefer.com.
Chemistry of the Week. Fact sheets by Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri. Topics include Aluminum, Ammonia, Arsenic, Carbon Dioxide, Chlorophyll, Ethanol, Fats and Oils, Hydrogen, Lime, Liquid Crystals, Mercury, Methane, Ozone, Polymers, and many more.
EnvironmentalChemistry.com. Site includes over 300 pages of educational resources on chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials, anatomy of the atom, detailed periodic table of elements, geologic timeline, chemistry & environmental dictionary, Chernobyl, guide to handling household chemicals, and more.
General Chemistry Guide from Science Niche. High School Chemistry, College Chemistry, Chemistry Textbooks, Periodic Tables, Chemistry Reference, More Chemistry Stuff, Laboratory Experiments, Chemical Databases, Teaching Chemistry.
Look up: Chemistry Dictionary from Babylon.com. Chemistry Dictionaries provide terms and definitions of all chemical terminologies. Including General Chemistry Glossary, Electrochemistry Dictionary, Chemistry of the Elements.
SparkNotes: Chemistry Study Guides. Contents: Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Units, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures, The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure, Bonding, Stoichiometry (study of laws of chemical combination by weight & volume), Gases, Solutions, Acids and Bases, Electrochemistry, and Reaction Kinetics. Caution: Lots of popu-up ads.
Alchemy from Sacred-texts.com. Original documents of alchemy for the serious reader.
Alchemy Web Site. Alchemy is the medieval attempt to change base metals into gold. This massive site includes over 90 megabytes of information on alchemy in all its facets, with over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts. Includes 18 downloadable midi files of alchemical music.
A Brief History of the Development of Periodic Table from Western Oregon University. See also History of the periodic table from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Chemical Elements.com - An Online Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements. Basic Info: Name, Symbol, Atomic number, Atomic Mass, Melting Point, Boiling Point, Number of Protons/Electrons, Number of Neutrons, Classification, Crystal Structure, Density, Color. Atomic Structure (color diagram). Isotopes. Facts: Date of Discovery, Uses, Where obtained.
Chemistry Periodic Table. Chemicool.com provides chemical element facts, chemistry forum, Chemistry Dictionary, tools (Property Graphs, Unit Conversions) and more.
Chemistry Periodic Table - Find chemical element facts at www.chemicool.com. Chemicool.com offers chemistry forum, tools and more. (Pending)
It's Elemental - The Periodic Table of Elements from Jefferson Lab, Science Education. Check out the radioactive element Polonium - Po - Atomic Number: 84, Atomic Weight: 209. Polonium was discovered by Marie Sklodowska Curie, a Polish chemist, in 1898. Named for the country of Poland. Polonium is pronounced as peh-LOW-ni-em.
Periodic Table of the Elements from American Chemical Society - ACS Publications.
WebElements Periodic Table (Professional Edition) and WebElements Periodic Table (Scholar Edition). Allows you to view some Virtual Reality and Quick Draw 3D images both for element crystal structures and for periodic properties. Also allows viewing of various other kinds of 3D images, including molecules.
How Volcanoes Work. Describes the science behind volcanoes and volcanic processes.
Michigan Technological University Volcanoes Page. Purpose of this site is to provide scientific and educational information that can lead to hazard mitigation. Topics include: What is a volcano? Which are earth's active volcanoes? Volcanoes of Canada, Volcanic Hazards Mitigation, Remote Sensing of Volcanoes, Satellite Detection of eruptions, Volcanic Humor, and more.
Volcano World. Information on volcanoes from University of North Dakota. Includes:
Volcano from Australian Government, Geoscience Australia. Natural hazards: What is a volcano? Types of volcanoes, Predicting eruptions, Volcanoes in Australian territory, The Pago PNG volcano, Volcano facts, photos and links.
Browse Photos of the Great Fire and Earthquake of 1906 in California. The San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection contains over 1,700 digitized images of the 1906 Earthquake and Fire.
Earthquake from Australian Government, Geoscience Australia. What is an Earthquake? Where do earthquakes occur? How are earthquakes detected? Measuring the size of an earthquake, Seismographs and seismograms, Australia on the move, and Australian earthquakes.
Earthquake Facts, Earthquake FAQs, Common Myths About Earthquakes, Measuring Earthquakes (Richter Scale), Seismographs, Historic Earthquakes & Earthquake Statistics, Visual Glossary, and more.
Earthquakes. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Kids. Earthquakes: Facts and Fiction, History of Big Earthquakes in the U.S., Map of Earthquake Risk States, Earthquake Legends from Around the World, and more.
Earthquakes by Kaye M. Shedlock & Louis C. Pakiser. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) General Interest Publications. Contents: Introduction, Earthquakes in History, Where Earthquakes Occur, How Earthquakes Happen, Measuring Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Predicting Earthquakes.
Plate Tectonics, the Cause of Earthquakes.
Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - Index Map. Big Earthquakes, All Earthquakes, Special maps for Los Angeles, San Francisco, Long Valley, and Parkfield.
UN Water. UNESCO Water - Sustainable development and conservation of freshwater resources. Video: Water: Source of Food Security.
Water and Water (molecule) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Water from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Regional and State Links - Water information across the United States. Water for Kids - Projects, Art and Experiments, Links to Water Sites.
Water Science for Schools from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Site provides information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.
Canada's Oceans Strategy is the Government of Canada's policy statement for the management of estuarine coastal and marine ecosystems.
Ocean Explorer. Explore the Ocean Realm with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Categories: Explorations, Projects, Gallery, Technology, Library, Education, and History. See also Timeline of ocean exploration 1807-1945.
Oceans Alive! All about oceans. Contents: The Water Planet (Physical Features of the Ocean, Changing Oceans, Water Cycle, Ocean Profiles), Oceans in Motion (Currents, Wind and Waves, Ebbs and Flows of the Sea), Life in the Sea (Predators and Prey), Scientist at Sea (Underwater Exploration, Remote Sensing, Satellite Images), plus Resources.
Asia Quake Disaster - In Depth from BBC
Disaster in Asia - CBC News In Depth.
Fact Sheet: Tsunamis from Cambridge Emergency Management Department.
South Asia: Tsunami and Earthquake from Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI). South Asia Tsunami and Earthquake Situation Reports, Disaster Response - InterAction members listed here are accepting contributions for assistance they are providing to those affected by the eathquake and tsunamis in South Asia. InterAction is a coalition of over 160 US-based private relief, international development and refugee assistance organizations working.
Surviving a Tsunami - Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan from U.S. Geological Survey.
Tsunami Disaster from CNN.
Tsunami: Great Wave in PDF explains that tsunami (pronounced soo-NAH-mee) is a Japanese word meaning "harbor wave". Tsunamis (often erroneously called tidal waves) are an infrequent yet serious hazard in the Pacific. Other Brochures from West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, Palmer, AK, include: TsunamiReady Brochure, Tsunami the Great Waves, Tsunami Safety Advice, Tsunami and Earthquake Statistics, TsunamiReady Reference Card.
Tsunami Safety Rules - in PDF, 1 page from UNESCO.
University of Southern California Tsunami Research Group: Locations of past tsunamis around the world - Click on a location on World Map to see details of each tsunami disaster, includes photos. Tsunami Videos and Animation - Simulations and footage of tsunami activity.
Glossary of Scientific Terms from University of Alberta, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Main reference: Glossary of Scientific Terms, American Meteorological Society, 1997.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). A United Nations Specialized Agency. Topics range from weather prediction to air pollution research, include ozone layer depletion studies, tropical storm forecasting, and more. Links to Members of WMO by Region - Websites of National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services in the world.
See also 363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
Hurricane Basics from National Hurricane Center (NHC), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Includes Hurricane History 1900-2004, Tornadoes, Inland Flooding, Forecast Process, Be Prepared - Hurricane Preparedness, and more.
Hurricane Preparation Guide. Emergency Supply, Prepare, Evacuate, Recover. From the Houston Chronicle Hurricane Central.
Hurricane Preparedness. Information on hurricanes, recovery preparation, planning emergencies, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
IBISEYE Hurricane Tracking Service - Your Hurricane Information Center. Contents include: Paths, Neighborhoods, Active Weather Alerts (across the United States), Storm Tracks (1851-2006), Florida Storms, This Season's Storms.
Worldwide Tropical Cyclone Names from National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL. Atlantic Names 2005-2010, Eastern North Pacific Names 2005-2010, Central North Pacific Names Lists 1-4, Western North Pacific Names - List of Country Contributors and Name Lists I-V, Australian Region Names, Fiji Region Names Lists A-E (Standby), Papua New Guinea Region Names Lists A-B, Philippine Region Names Lists 1-4 rotate from 2001-2016 plus an Auxiliary List, Southwest Indian Ocean Names 2004-2005, 2005-2006.
Kids' Lightning Information and Safety by Sabrina, a child who was hit by lightning along with her parents. Topics covered: What is lightning? What does it feel like to be hit by lightning? Where can lightning strike? How can you tell how far away a storm is? Learn also about lightning safety at home and at school.
Lightning Safety from WeatherEye.
Lightning Safety Rules & First Aid from Oahu Civil Defense Agency, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lightning Safety Quiz from Museum of Science, Boston.
Lightning Injury Research Program by Mary Ann Cooper, MD, University of Illinois at Chicago. Includes Medical Aspects of Lightning , Safety Guidelines, and more.
Lightning Kills, Play It Safe and Lightning - The Underrated Killer from National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service. Includes handouts, indoor and outdoor safety tips, medical facts, history, survivor stories, photos, teacher tools and more.
A Lightning Primer from NASA. Introduction, History, Characteristics of a Storm: Lightning, Thunder, Clouds & Rain, Hail, Types of Lightning Discharges, Future of Lightning Detection in Space, Lightning Safety including common dangerous activities associated with lightning strikes, Treatment, and more.
Personal Lightning Safety Tips from National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI).
Saving Lives, Protecting Property from Lightning Protection Institute (LPI).
5-Day Weather and Current weather conditions across Canada, Public Weather Warnings for Canada, Canadian Weather - Weatheroffice from Environment Canada. Choose a Province, Territory, City or Marine Symbol to see detailed weather conditions.
AccuWeather.com. Today's Weather Headlines, Five Day Forecast for US cities and towns, or major cities world wide, may be personalized. Other weather related categories include: Travel, Health, Marine, Golf, Gardening, Meteorologist, Aviation, Agriculture, Maps, Satellite, News and Features, and Video.
Current Conditions and Forecasts from World Weather Server. Site provides current weather information with an easy-to-browse list of locations around the world.
Find the Weather in Your City - in Canada from TheEnergyNews.com. Includes detailed information on each major Canadian city: Weather (Sky, Dewpoint), Temperature (Current, High, Low), Pressure, Wind (Wind Chill, Speed, Direction), Humidity, Illustrated Long-Range Forecast for 7 days, UV Index, Sunrise & Sunset times, Current Satellite image.
Live Weather Images. Provides Current Weather Images (USA), Forecast Maps, European Images, Bodies of Water, Hurricanes/Tropical Storms, Seismic Activity, Storm Warnings, and more. Interactive Weather Page allows you to calculate sunrise and sunset times, heat index, wind chill values, etc. Includes links to weathercams worldwide and weather jokes.
Look up: Weather Terms from Babylon.com. Dictionaries related to Weather and Meteorology with meteorological terms and phrases from the world of weather forecasting explained. Include: Weather & Meteorology, A Comprehensive Glossary of Weather.
NOAA National Weather Service. Weather across the United States, from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Includes Warnings, Observations, Forecasts, Weather Safety, Past Weather, Glossary, and more.
The Weather Underground. Find the Weather for any City, State or ZIP Code, or Airport Code or Country. Click on a map of your choice for current weather conditions and forecasts. Features include: Wunder Photo Galleries, NEXRAD Radar, Regional Radar, Zoom Satellite, Maps, Trip Planner, Tropical / Hurricane, Marine Weather, U.S. Severe Weather Map, Astronomy (Enter the zip code where you will be star gazing), Ski (Snow Conditions & Ski Report - U.S., Canada, International), Wunderground Educational Resources, Wunder Blog Directory, Favorites.
WW2010 - The Weather World 2010 Project. A massive site. Popular features include Hurricanes, Clouds and Precipitation, and El Niño. From the Current Weather section you can view forecasts for the United States and print out weather maps with exquisite colors. An Index helps you find weather topics from A-Z quickly.
World Weather Information Service. Site presents OFFICIAL weather forecasts and climatological information for selected cities supplied by National Meteorological Services (NMSs) worldwide.
Diamond Basics. Why Are Diamonds So Valuable? from Diamond Trade.
History of Diamonds. Loose diamonds were first mined in India thousands of years ago. However, most diamonds are found in Africa today. Learn about Popular Diamond Shapes, seven different types of Diamond Settings, The Four C's: Carats, Clarity, Color and Cut, as well as how to buy and care for diamonds.
The Nature of Diamonds. Excellent resource from American Museum of Natural History with color illustrations, photos, charts, tables. Contents: What is diamond? Diamond: Vital Statistics, Origins, History, Mining & Distribution, Industry & Technology, and Bibliography.
Frequently Asked Questions about Paleontology. Questions include: What is paleontology? What are the practical uses of paleontology? How can I find fossils in my area? Plus links to other paleontology sites. See: Learning from the Fossil Record for related articles and additional resources.
Age of the Dinosaurs from BBC.co.uk. Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs. Were Dinosaurs Endotherms (warm-blooded) or Ectotherms (cold-blooded)? What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?
Dinosaur from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Dinosaur Pictures. Find illustrations of dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs. Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, the "Age of Reptiles" - from Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board, Nova Scotia. Contents include Dinosaur Species with artwork copyrighted by Joe Tucciarone.
Dinosaurs: A Guide for Children from CBBC Newsworld. What is a dinosaur? What types of dinosaur were there? What's in a name? Could Jurassic Park really happen? Why did they become extinct?
When Dinosaurs Roamed America: Dino Lookup from Discovery Channel. Type in your zip code and find out what prehistoric creatures lived in your neighborhood.
Zoom Dinosaurs from Enchanted Learning. All about dinosaurs: What is a Dinosaur? Dinosaur Information Pages, including Apatosaurus, T. rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, and more! Dinosaur Print-outs, How Dinosaurs Are Named, What Do Dinosaur Names Mean, Evolution of Dinosaurs ...
BIODIDAC. A bank of digital resources for teaching biology. Excellent collection of over 5000 digital images (line drawings and photographs), videos, and animations. Use of material must be non-commercial, acknowledged and registered. Categories: Organismal Biology, Human Biology, and Histology.
Biology 100 On-Line Course Materials from Wayne's Word. Numerous topics covered, include exercises and illustrations: The Cell, Cell Division, Mitosis & Meiosis, DNA & RNA, Genetic Corn, Polygenic Inheritance, Genetic Drift, Life Cycles, Population Growth, Biomes of North America, Five Kingdoms of Life, Major Divisions of Life, Diversity of Flowering Plants, Chemicals of Living Systems, Red-Green Color Blindness Table, Determining A-B-O Blood Types, plus links to DNA, and Plant Genetics.
Biology Links from Harvard.
Biology Websites recommended by Access Excellence, The National Health Museum Resource Center.
BioMed Central: The Open Access Publisher. Over 100 Open Access journals covering all areas of Biology and Medicine.
CELLS alive! Video library relates to microbiology, cell biology, aquatic protozoa, water-borne parasites, infectious disease, and immunology.
Cellular Biology. Contents: Cell Structures & Functions, Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes (characteristics of two cell classifications), Types (moneran, protist, fungi, plant, animal), Reproduction (Mitosis & Meiosis), Cell Theory, and Glossary.
Characteristics of life - a very brief introduction.
Classification of Living Things. Contents: Introduction to the Linnaean system of classification used in biological sciences to categorize all living things, the five kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia), phylum, subphylum, class (includes info on the 7 living classes of vertebrates), subclass, infraclass, quiz at the end of each section, Web expeditions, related Internet sites, and a glossary of terms with sound and color images.
General Biology Guide from Science Niche. High School Biology, College Biology, Biology Textbooks, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Human Biology, Evolution, Laboratory Experiments, Teaching Biology.
Look up: Biology Terms from Babylon.com. Comprehensive Biology related dictionaries and glossaries dealing with a vast range of topics: Ecology, Paleontology, Genetics, Climate Change, etc. including: EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Terms of Environment, Bioglossary, BioProcess International™ Glossary, Common Terms in Evolutionary Biology and Genetics, Ornitho-Birds, Prehistoric World Images, EPA Glossary of Climate Change Terms, Glossary of Marine Biology.
Natural Perspective. Visit a Kingdom: Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Protoctista.
PLoS (Public Library of Science) - Biology. A non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. The internet and electronic publishing enable the creation of public libraries of science containing the full text and data of any published research article, available free of charge to anyone, anywhere in the world.
SparkNotes: Biology Study Guides. Contents: Cell Structure, Cell Respiration, Cell Reproduction, Molecular Biology, Plants, Microorganism, Evolution, and Animal Behavior.
The Tree of Life Web Project. A collaborative Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity by biologists around the world. Over 2600 Web pages, site provides information about the diversity of organisms on Earth, their history, and characteristics. Lots of color photos and links. For a start, go to Popular Groups on the Tree of Life.
Cloning: How It Works. Special Reports from Guardian Unlimited. See also How Cloning Works from howstuffworks.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid):
Genes from BBC - Science & Nature. Contents: Who am I? (Inheriting genes, Nature / nurture, Behaviour, Human genome ...), Modifying life (Extreme GM, Bioweapons, Designer Babies, Cloning, Breeding ...), Future human, Genetically-modified food (Risks & Benefits ...), DNA detectives.
Genetic Fact Sheets from Centre for Genetics Education, Sydney, Australia. Topics include: Genes and Chromosomes, When Genes Are Faulty (Mutations), Genetic Disorders, What are Chromosomes? and more.
Genetically Engineered Animals - Fact Sheet from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine.
Genetics Home Reference: Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions. Contents: Help Me Understand Genetics, Browse Genes and Conditions, and What's New. You can Search the entire site, or Browse Genetic Conditions by Name or Category, or Browse Genes by Name or Category. Includes a Glossary and links to Educational Resources.
The Genographic Project. Human Migration, Population Genetics, Maps, DNA, from National Geographic. Includes Genetics Overview - Anatomy of Our Genes, Genetic Signposts (DNA Recombination, Y Chromozome, Mitochrondrial DNA - mtDNA), Populations Genetics (Mutation, Genetic Diversity, Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Human Family Tree), Genetics Glossary, Atlas of the Human Journey.
Genome Mapping: A Guide to the Genetic Highway We Call the Human Genome. A Science Primer from National Center for Biotechnology Information. Genetic maps use landmarks called genetic markers to guide researchers on their gene hunt.
Glossaries of Genome / Human Genetics Terms from University of Kansas Medical Center. See also Genetics Education Center and Genetic and Rare Conditions Information Site.
How Stem Cells Work from howstuffworks.com. Includes Cloning Image Gallery.
Human Genome Project Information. Site Index.
New Genome Comparison Finds Chimps, Humans Very Similar at the DNA Level from National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).
Stem cell from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Includes photos.
Stem Cell Information from National Institutes of Health (NIH) resource for stem cell research. Stem Cell Basics - What Are Stem Cells?
Stem Cell Research. State Embryonic and Fetal Research, State Laws and Statutes from National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs by Chris Hogg, BBC News, Hong Kong. "The pigs are transgenic, created by adding genetic material from jellyfish into a normal pig embryo. The researchers hope the pigs will boost the island's stem cell research, as well as helping with the study of human disease."
Biodiversity Hotspots. Conservation International (CI) focuses on the 25 richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life around the world, in the hope that decision-makers will make informed decisions influencing conservation in these hotspots. Contents include: Hotspots Science - What are hotspots? Comparing and monitoring hotspots, Hotspots conservation. Search Hotspots by Region to find detailed information on each hotspot in North and Central America, South America, Europe and Central Asia, Africa, Mainland Asia, and Asia Pacific.
ARKive -Images of Life on Earth. An online Noah's Ark of digital multimedia portraits of the world's endangered species. Lots of colorful still photo images, movies, and information on many different species of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Invertebrates - terrestrial & freshwater, Invertebrates - marine, Plants & algae, and Fungi (including lichen).
Endangered species from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Endangered Species. Animal protection, Wild animal protection. WWF (World Wildlife Fund) safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but focuses on giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephants, marine turtles and great apes.
Endangered Species: The Rarest Info Around. Causes of Endangerment, Why Save Endangered Species? Facts About Endangered Species, Endangered Mammals, Birds & Fish, and more.
The Endangered Species Program from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Endangered Species Act of 1973. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 - History and Evolution.
Especies Fact Sheets from KidsPlanet.org. Electronic fact sheets on over 50 species. For each species info includes: Status, Description, Size, Population, Lifespan, Range, Habitat, Food, Behavior, Offspring, Threats, and Protection. Learn about The Endangered Species Act from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Giant Panda from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Giant Pandas at the National Zoo. Info on Habitat. Giant Pandas Photo Gallery from Smithsonian National Zoological Park.
Cell Structure. Concepts in Biochemistry - Interactive Animations. Objectives of online lesson: Recognize differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, differences between animal and plant cells, and understand function of organelles in these cells.
DNA Learning Center's Gene almanac: Source for timely information about genes in education. Keyword Search box. BioServers: Sequence Server helps you compare and analyze DNA sequences, Allele Server compares and analyzes human populations, Simulation Server lets you examine fluctuations of genotypes. Bioforms help you solve biological problems using real DNA sequences to solve mysteries of the Romanovs and the Neanderthals.
DNA from the Beginning. A simple introduction to DNA giving the basic concept of DNA, with animation, picture gallery, audio/video glossary covering: gene, inherited, and life of Mendel, links to biography of Johann Gregor Mendal (1822-1884), including access to Mendel's original 1865 paper and pictures of Mendel's pea traits.
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online from University of Cambridge, UK. Site contains Darwin's complete publications and many of his handwritten manuscripts. There are over 50,000 searchable text pages including descriptions of the Beagle specimens, as well as 40,000 images. Free audio mp3 versions of his works are also available.
Darwin Digital Library of Evolution. Based at the American Museum of Natural History Library. Work of Charles Robert Darwin is the main focus of this site. Covers the history of evolution from the 17th century to the present as a scientific theory. Ancestors (Natural History Before Darwin), Darwin (Publication & Manuscripts including complete text of On the Origin of Species), Descendants (Evolutionary Science since the Origin of Species), Responses (Cultural Wake of Evolution). View Gallery of Darwin's Plants.
Evolution from Australian Museum Online. Contents include: What is Evolution? How do species evolve, Evidence for Evolution (Genetics and Molecular Biology, Fossils, Living Species, Humans Speeding Up Nature), Speciation - Evolution of New Species, Inventing Skeletons, Becoming Multicellular, and more.
An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology. What is Evolution? Genetic Variation, Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, Genetic Drift, Mutation, Mutant Alleles, Recombination, Gene Flow, Development of Evolutionary Theory, Macroevolution, Speciation, Extinction, plus A Brief History of Life.
The Talk.Origin Archive - Must Read Files. Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Articles include: Evolution is a Fact and a Theory, Observed Instances of Speciation, Fossil Hominids, plus the complete text online of On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 1st ed. by Charles Darwin.
Timeline of Discoveries from the Leakey Foundation which mission is to increase scientific knowledge and public understanding of human origins and evolution. Contributions from archaeology, anthropology, primatology, and paleoanthropology representing multidisciplinary research on human origins from 1840 to present. Visual Glossary.
Understanding Evolution from University of California Museum of Paleontology. What is evolution and how does it work? Explore the theory of evolution (Charles Darwin's writing). Learn about the history of evolutionary thought. Browse the Talk Origins Archive, a rich source of information about evolution and the evolution/creation controversy.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms 10th Edition by Michael T. Madigan, John Martinko, and Jack Parker ![]() |
Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Access Card ![]() |
Microbes.info: The Microbiology Information Portal. Excellent site containing a vast collection of resources including articles, news, frequently asked questions, and quality links pertaining to the field of microbiology. Resources include: General Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Veterinary Microbiology, and more.
Virtual Microbiology. The Relevance and History of Microbiology. Microbiology and Bacteriology: The World of Microbes, from Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Microbiology & Virology (Biosciences). Subjects covered include culture collections, databases, Complete list of Biomedical WWW Sites, Biology Internet Resources, and other resources for the microbiologist.
Botany.com the Encyclopedia of Plants, provides information regarding the general description of plants, various methods of cultivation, indoor or outdoor planting, soil and temperature requirements, pruning, and other important details, means of propagation, and the different varieties and hybrids. Includes a Directory of Plants.
eNature Field Guides. Complete guide to over 4,800 North American plants and animals, with detailed descriptions and photographs. Trees. Wildflowers.
HortiPlex Plant Database contains plant images and data as well as links to information sources, images and vendors at other sites.
Meet the Plants - National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) Plant Database. NTBGl and its gardens are located in the only tropical climate zones in the United States (Southern Florida and Hawaii). Photo Gallery consists of a selection of beautiful plants from NTBG Gardens. Choose a Plant from A-Z with photos and detailed info on each plant: Indigenous Practices, Taxonomy, Description, Geographic Distribution, and Species Interconnections and Interdependencies.
An Online Guide to Plant Disease Control from Oregon State University Extension by Dr. Jay W. Pscheidt and Dr. Cynthia M. Ocamb. Search Plant-Disease Index A-Z, Picture Index A-Z. Includes Pathogens and Pesticides, and related Links.
Plants Database from National Plant Data Center, United States Department of Agriculture. Contents: Over 100 Plant Characteristics, Plant Classification allows you to generate a hierarchical classification beginning at any taxonomic level, Plant Guides & Fact Sheets, Find Federal and State Threatened and Endangered Plants by Family, Genus, and/or State, plus other related topics.
Writeups and illustrations of economically important plants by Professor Arthur C. Gibson who teaches a course on economic botany entitled "Plants and Civilization" at University of California, Los Angeles. List of 94 plants include: Avocado, Bamboo, Banana, Chili peppers, Cranberry, Date, Fig, Ginger, Jojoba, Kiwifruit, Mango, Marijuana, Olive, Papaya, Quinine, Soybean, Sunflower, Taro, Yams, and others. See also General Botany, Life Forms and Major Plant Groups including Ant Plants, Aquatic Plants, Climbing Plants, Insectivorous plants, Parasitic plants, and others, Major Types of World Vegetation (Biomes).
Photosynthesis by J. Stein Carter. Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. Color illustrations.
Photosynthesis from Ohio State University. Explanation of photosynthesis with diagrams, and a Quiz.
Photosynthesis from Sambal's Science Web, UK. Photosynthesis is the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into a sugar called glucose using sunlight energy. Oxygen is produced as a waste product.
What is Photosynthesis? Links to articles that discuss photosynthesis. Levels indicated, e.g. elementary, high school, undergraduate, college. Articles include: Introduction to photosynthesis and its applications, Photosynthetic pigments, The photosynthetic process, Bacterial photosynthesis, and Everyday photosynthesis.
Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall? Simple explanation of photosynthesis with color illustrations. The way plants turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with light." A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen.
All-America Rose Selection - Rose Gardening Tips. Includes United States Zone Map to help you find the average minimum temperature in your state to grow roses, Winning Roses, Designing with Roses, Rose History, Symbolism & Color, Types of Roses, and more.
Decorating: Floral Displays from Home & Garden Television. Floral Arrangements: Silk Flowers, Hand-Tying Floral Stems, Wall Flowers, Flowers as Gifts, Dried Flowers, Ikebana Arrangements, Floating Flowers, Artificial Flowers, Miniature Roses, and many others, Centerpieces, Pots / Containers, Tips / Techniques, Topiary, Wreaths, and Other.
Drying Flowers and Foliage for Arrangements by David Trinklein, Department of Horticulture, University of Missouri Extension. Steps for air drying flowers, Grasses suitable for drying, Pressed flowers, Burying flowers for drying, Microwave oven drying, and methods to preserve dried flowers.
EveryRose.com. The Rose Reference Database. Search for roses by name, colour and other characteristics. Or Browse database of over 7,150 roses and 2,500 photos. (Slow loading).
Fabulous Flowers from Flowers and Plants Association, UK. Site provides a wealth of fascinating information alongside a multitude of stunning flower pictures. Flower Facts: Flower Factfiles, Flowers by Month, Flowers by Colour, Botanical and Common Flower Names. Flower Trivia: UK's Top Ten Cut Flowers, Feng Shui and Flowers, Scented Flowers & Foliages, Black Roses : Magic and Mysticism, and other interesting articles. Site also includes Flower Trends, Flowers for all occasions, Care and conditioning tips for cut flowers, Foliage & Fillers.
Flower Information including: Flower Tips - Direct from the Grower. Making Flowers Last Longer, Arranging Fresh Flowers, How to Care for Your Flowers, Flower Meanings, Flowers of the Month, State Flowers, Flower Anatomy - Flower parts and types of flower, Rose Colors and their Meanings, Floral Emblem of Ontario CA - Trillium, National Floral Emblem of USA, Secret Behind Growing Beautiful Roses, Art of Buying Fresh Flowers, Drying Roses and Making Potpourri, What Your Favorite Flower Says About You! Interesting Flower Facts, Holiday Information - Easter, Mother's Day, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Holiday Statistics, Funeral Information, Sympathy Information, and more.
Floral Library: Flower Care & Facts from Calyx & Corolla. Common Flower Name Search, Botanical Name Search, or Browse by Alphabetical Listing A-Z. Includes photos.
Flower Library: Flower & Plant Varieties from AboutFlowers.com. Fresh Cut Flowers, Green & Blooming House Plants, Meanings of Flowers, Flowers for Holidays and Special Occasions, Decorating and Entertaining trends and ideas. Excellent photos.
Identify and Name 100 Common Trees of the North American Forest from About.com.
Northwest Coloring Book - Common Names Index, Scientific Names Index - Northwestern United States Wildflower Drawings by Karl Urban, Umatilla National Forest, Oregon. Excellent illustrations for coloring. Includes a coloring guide for each drawing.
eNature Field Guides. Select a type of tree leaf. Detailed descriptions, excellent photographs, and other pertinent information on 906 North American trees. Photographs may be enlarged.
HortiPlex Plant Database contains plant images and data as well as links to information sources, images and vendors at other sites.
SelecTree. Maintained by Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute at Cal Poly State University. An interactive program designed to match specific tree species to particular sites based on compatible characteristics. SelecTree presently searches a database of 1,481 trees and provides 49 selection criteria to choose from. Lists of trees generated by SelecTree should be viewed as a guide, not as the final authority in a tree search. Over 6,050 photos for 1,068 trees are now linked from the tree's detailed record. Select a Tree by Attributes. Select a Tree by Name.
Tree Biology: News and trends in the biology of woody plants.
Tree Conservation Information Service. Currently 8000 tree species are threatened with extinction on a global level. The Tree Conservation Database is used to generate The World List of Threatened Trees. To find information on a tree, you need to know its Family, Genus, and Species name. Or, you can click on one of the 40 species listed in the timber trade, e.g. Cedrela odorata.
Animal Sounds, Animal Commands, Animal Pet Names by Dr Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide, Australia. How we mimic animal sounds, command animals, and give pet names to different animals in different languages (where available): Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, & Urdu.
Digital Morphology from University of Texas, Austin. Digital library provides information on high-resolution X-ray computed tomography of biological specimens. Browse through the site and see spectacular imagery and animations and details on the morphology of many representatives of the Earth's biota. Popular Pages include: Alligator, Dinosaurs, Tapirs, Mata Mata turtle, Elephant Bird Egg, Bats! Primates, House Mouse, and Platypus.
Electronic Zoo / NetVet - Animal Image Collection. Select topics in alphabetical order from "African Wildlife Pictures" to "www.dogphoto.com."
eNature Field Guides. Complete guide to over 5,500 North American plants and animals. Includes detailed descriptions and photographs of amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, shells. You can send eNature species image as an eCard.
JungleWalk.com. Animal videos, sounds, images, posters and T-shirts. Includes under All Animals: Single-Celled Animals, Sponges, Coelentrates, Worms, Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Molluscs, Echinoderms, Invertebrates & Vertebrates.
Look up: Zoology from Babylon.com. Zoology glossaries provide compendium of zoological terms from the world of both wild and domestic animals. Include: Fishery Glossary, PetSmart.com, Dictionary of Farrier Terms, Owls of the World, Prehistoric World Images, Ornitho-Birds, Glossary of Entomology and Crop Protection, The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE), Tortoise and Turtle.
North American and Central American Animals from EnchantedLearning.com with hundreds of living creatures from the animal kingdom. Included for each is a clearly labeled black and white drawing for coloring, a brief description of its physical appearance, anatomy, diet, reproduction, and other relevant information for each animal, bird, fish, insect, worm, amphibian, or reptile.
Wildlife Fact Sheets from Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Australia. Fact sheets on a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs. Each provided with common name, scientific name, photograph, introduction, food, breeding, habitat, and map.
Zoos Worldwide - Zoos, Aquariums, Animal Sanctuaries and Wildlife Parks. Find a zoo in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Oceania. Includes Zoo News, Animal of the Month 2000-2004, Zoo Cams, and other links. The Zookeeper is seeking assistance to add more info to Zoo Reviews.
Marine Mammals of Canada. Site provides scientific and common names for each marine animal, related photographs, plus detailed information on the description, distribution, reproduction, ecology and behaviour of each species.
Ocean Animals with color photos and detailed information. Include Anemone, Angelfish, Barracuda, Conchs, Corals, Dolphins, Eels, Jellyfish, Lobsters, Manatees, Octopus, Pufferfish (Blowfish), Ray (Stingray), Sea Cucumber, Sea Horse, Sea Star (Starfish), Seadragons, Harbor Seals, Sharks, Squid, Swordfish, Sea Turtle, Urchin (Sea), Walrus, and Whales.
Ocean Animals Label Me! Printout. Ocean animals to label: conch, great white shark, jellyfish, horseshoe crab, lobster octopus, orca (killer whale), scallop, sea cucumber, seahorse, sea star (starfish), sea urchin, squid, and swordfish. Includes Answers.
Alien Empire. This special multimedia Web companion to the three-week NATURE miniseries takes you into the bizarre, fascinating world of insects, with amazing graphics, sound and animation, enhanced video, and activities for kids.
BugBios - insects.org. Insects on the Web. Site aims to help you really see insects for the miniature marvels they represent and to understand how intertwined our cultures have become with these alien creatures.
eNature Field Guides: Insects and Spiders. Detailed descriptions and photographs of 288 North American insects and spiders. Photographs may be enlarged. You can also send any eNature species image as an eCard.
Insect Company. Over 1,600 specimen photographs. Insect lists for Butterflies - Lepidoptera, Moths - Lepidoptera, Beetles - Coleoptera, Spiders, Scorpions, Preying Mantids, Stick & Leaf Insects, Cicadas & Lantern Flies. View Insect Rarities and Oddities - photographs of gynandromorphs and other insect defects, and Photo Gallery of groups of insects. Includes Starting a Collection: How to - Preparing your insect specimens.
Insect Printouts. Insect means "segmented" in Latin. There are about a million different types of insects.
Insecta Inspecta World. Insects are everywhere. They inhabit all the continents: Ants, Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Crickets, Fleas, Mantids, Mosquitoes, Termites, True Bugs.
Insectclopedia. All about the study of insects (entomology). Species covered include: Antlions, Ants, Arachnids, Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Cicadas, Cockroaches, Dragonflies, Fleas, Flies, Mayflies, Mites, Mosquitoes, Moths, Praying Mantids, Termites, Ticks, Wasps and Others which include Aphids, Centipeds, Grasshoppers, etc. Site includes superb illustrations and photos, with name of species, size, color, description, habitat, life cycle, type of damage or benefit, insect control, and interesting facts, and links to numerous resources.
Insects. Aerodynamics of Animals - Insects. Contents: How Insects Fly, Butterflies and Moths, Butterfly Migration, Ancient Insects, Insects Curriculum Index: Lesson Plan: Concepts - Principles of Aeronautics: Insects were the first flying creatures to inhabit the Earth.
Insects All Year. University of Kentucky Entomology for Kids.
Insects and Their Allies. All insects are invertebrates! Invertebrates are a group of animals that have no backbone. Contents also include: Most diverse insect orders in Australia, Spiders and their relatives, Insects with aquatic larvae, Insects without wings, The pseudo insects, Other insect orders, and Other non-insect invertebrates.
Most Wanted Bugs. Dennis Kunkel Microscopy - Science and Photography. See microscopic images of bugs. Bug Mugs and Bug Bodies: The 12 Most Wanted! Click on a picture to see a mug shot and rap sheet.
State Insects from BugInfo. Currently, 41 states in the United States have officially designated State Insects.
Thailand's Amazing Insects. Photographed in the forests around Chiang Mai. Including audio clips, video clips and slide show. Over 3000 photographs of Thai insects, mostly in their natural habitat: ants, antlions, bees, beetles, bugs, butterflies, caterpillars, centipedes, cicadas, crickets, damselflies, dragonflies, fire flies, flies, grasshoppers, ladybirds, mantids, millipedes, moths, owlflies, pillbugs, scorpions, spiders, stick insects, wasps, snakes, frogs, lizards.
University of Florida Book of Insect Records. Names insect champions and documents their achievements. Each chapter deals with a different category of record, including Fastest Flier, Most Tolerant of Cold, Fastest Wing Beat, Longest Insect Migration, Resistant to Most Insecticides, Most Toxic Venom, Loudest, and more.
Wonderful World of Insects: The Most Successful Lifeform on the Planet. There are well over 1 million different known species of insects in the world, and some experts estimate that there might be as many as 10 million. All these species are divided up into about 32 orders, depending on whose taxonomic system you use, of which, the largest is the Beetles, or Coleoptera, with 125 different families and around 500,000 species they are an incredibly diverse group of animals. In fact, one in every four animal species on this planet is a beetle.
Art Shapiro's Butterfly Site. This website describes over 34 years of data collected by Dr. Arthur Shapiro, professor of Evolution and Ecology at the University of California, Davis, in his continuing effort to regularly monitor butterfly population trends across central California.
Berkeley's Anise Swallowtail Caterpillars and Butterflies. Photographs, detailed descriptions and explanations of anise swallowtail caterpillars and butterflies from newborn to emergence of the butterfly. Includes close-up photos showing the difference between a male and a female butterfly.
Butterfly Rainforest from Florida Museum of Natural History. Includes Butterfly Q & A, Butterfly Discovery Game, Butterfly Facts.
TheButterflySite.com. Contents: Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Biology, Butterfly Rearing, Butterfly Houses and Farms, Monarch Butterfly Page, Butterfly Pictures, Fun Butterfly Activities, Fun Butterfly Facts, Live Butterfly Releases for Weddings and Events, Butterfly Specimens, and more.
The Butterfly Website. Contents: Articles, Photo Gallery, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly & Moths Checklists, Conservation,Butterfly Gardens & Exhibits Around the World, Butterflies & Moths FAQs, Inspiring Stories, and more.
Butterflies and Moths. Biology and ecology of butterflies and moths by Jeroen Voogd. Contents: Differences between butterflies and moths, temperature, hearing, feeding, communication, metamorphosis: egg stage, larval stage, chrysalis or pupal stage, moth index, butterfly index, unknown species, and links to other butterfly and moth sites.
Butterflies and Moths. Links from Tree of Life Project.
Butterflies and Moths of North America. A searchable database of butterfly and moth records in the United States and Mexico. Occurrence maps, species accounts, checklists, and photographs.
The Butterfly Farmer Educational Resources. Includes A Student's Guide to Butterflies, Common Questions & Their Answers, Glossary of Terms, Butterfly Photo Gallery, Butterfly of the Month, Fast Facts at a Glance, A beautiful selection of Costa Rican butterflies, ovae, larvae and pupae screen savers, and more.
TheButterflySite.com. Explore 12 butterfly topics with pages packed full of butterfly information: Butterfly Biology, Butterfly Rearing, Butterfly Pictures plus numerous butterfly links.
The Butterfly Website. Lots of beautiful pictures of butterflies for free download. Includes: World Atlas of Butterflies and Moths, Butterflies and Moths of the United States, by State; Butterflies of England, Scotland, and Wales, by Postcode; Web Images of North American Moth Species, Photo Gallery of Butterflies, Moths and Caterpillars, FAQ, Links to related sites, and more.
David's Butterflies and Moths. Information includes Quick facts about Canadian butterflies, Stages, Anatomy, Mimicry, Larvae, color pictures of butterflies, as well as links to related Websites. For moths: in addition to information about the Stages, Anatomy, Mimicry, color photos of moths, you can learn to Blacklight and Sugar for moths. Excellent site for information and lots of beautiful photos which may be enlarged from thumbnails.
The Monarch Butterfly in North America. A gateway to news, information, activities, and resources about the biology and conservation of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus).
Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa. Click on a Family to see color photos of various species. Excellent site. Includes an extensive list of links to other Lepidoptera sites around the world, e.g. Israel, Ireland, Japan (and Hawaii), Mexico, Arizona, Honduras, French Antilles, United Kingdom, Maltese Islands, and others.
Web Images of North American Moth Species. Links to over 4,100 photos of moth species by John Snyder, Department of Biology, Furman University, Greenville, SC.
Fish from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Shark from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
AmphibiaWeb. Search and retrieve information relating to amphibian biology and conservation. Complete a form to access species data from an amphibian database.
Amphibians and Frogs. Links to Information on the Internet from Tree of Life Project.
Frog Field Guides from Frogs Australia Network.
Frogs. Site features the Amazing and Adaptable Frog, Cold-Blooded Solutions to Warm-Blooded Problems. Read about Frog Myths across different cultures. Frog Tracker lets you listen to the calls of different North American frogs. View the Disappearing Act interactive exhibit to understand how camouflage is used. Frog Links take you to other great frog sites.
Frogs. And More Frogs at frogs.org.au. The Amphibian Research Centre (ARC) was established as a centre dedicated to research and conservation of Australia's unique frogs. Keeping Frogs - How to care for your frogs - includes photos of frogs. Care Sheets in PDF. Frogs to Colour in PDF.
The American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis). All about the American alligator, the official state reptile of Florida.
The Center for North American Herpetology. Links to North American Herpetology Web Sites, e.g. Links by Taxonomy: Amphisbaenians, Crocodilians, Frogs, Lizards, Salamanders, Snakes, Turtles, and General Herpetology. Online Collections include Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, California Academy of Sciences, Field Museum of Natural History, and Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas. Also includes Current News, New Species, etc.
Lizards and Snakes: Alive! An exhibition organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Contents include: Supersize Squamates: Komodo Dragon - World's largest lizard species, Marine Monster such as the Tylosaurus, a Mosasaur. Lizard Sounds: Listen to sounds made by a Western Hooknose Snake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Massasauga Snake, Desert Horned Viper, and others. View live Webcam of lizard.
All About Birds from Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Includes: Online Bird Guide, How to ID Birds, Species Accounts, Video Gallery, Feeding Wild Birds, Gear Guide, Attracting Birds, Bird Conservation, Modern Extinctions, Understanding Bird Data, Studying Birds - What is Ornithology? Why Study Birds? See also Beautiful Birds: Masterpieces from the Hill Ornithology Collection, Cornell University Library.
Audubon's Birds of America. Contents include: John James Audubon as Artist, Alphabetical List of Bird Image Plates, Birds Listed by Family, State Birds (United States), Extinct Birds, List of Figures (e.g. drawings of digestive tracts of various birds), The Life of John James Audubon. See also Bird Resources, State of the Birds USA, Bird Feeding Basics, Birding Basics, and more.
Birds of Stanford. Hosted by Stanford University and based on The Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American Birds by Paul Ehrlich, David Dobkin, and Darryl Wheye. Includes: Alphabetized Species List, Check List Species in Taxonomic Order, Helping to Conserve Birds - Local Level, and more.
Bird Songs: Songs and calls of some New York State birds. A delightful site offering you World's best singers, World's otherwise most remarkable, Songs in slow motion, and Bird Songs in Musical Notation with options to Hear bird song, Hear song at half speed, Hear music, or Hear music at half tempo. Includes Links to other Birdsong and Birding Sites.
BirdCentral.net. Lots of beautiful color photos and information about 406 species of birds in the United States. Includes lesson plans for K-12 and a glossary.
Birds n Ways: The Library. Articles & FAQs, General Bird Topics: Bird Terms & Definitions, Selecting & Buying a Bird, Pet Bird Care, Parrotology, Endangered Conservation, Bird Stories, Poems & Humor, and more. Site includes guide to pet parrots & exotic birds, parrots classifieds, bird magazine, breeders, chats, birds supplies, shows, bird care information.
Birds of the World on Postage Stamps. One amazing site. Select a country from A-Z and view postage stamps featuring birds of that country. Click on flag or name of country to access additional information on that country as well as any available postal and philatelic Websites. Click on color photo of bird stamp and map shows where the same species of bird may be found in the world. Bird name given in both English and Latin (species and genus).
CONE Sutro Forest: Collaborative Observatory for Natural Environments. Free and open to the public. CONE Sutro Forest allows players to earn points by taking live photos and classifying wild birds. CONE-SF combines a remotely controllable robotic pan-tilt-zoom video camera with live streaming video, image database, and point system. Conceived by Ken Goldberg, artist and professor of engineering at UC Berkeley, and Dez Song, professor of computer science at Texas A&M.
Harmony - The Birds of America by John James Audubon. Click on a bird, sit back, relax and enjoy the show with animation and music.
Life Histories of Familiar North American Birds by Arthur Cleveland Bent (1866-1954), one of America's greatest ornithologists. Familiar Birds listed in alphabetical order by common names. See Contents for species listed in taxonomic order. Text only, original black and white illustrations not included in this e-book.
Patuxent--Tools for Learning About Birds. From Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Contents include: Pictures of Common U.S. and Canadian Birds, Songs of Common U.S. and Canadian Birds (WAV files), Identification Tips for U.S. and Canadian Birds, Pictures and Songs of Central American Birds, Play the Patuxent Bird Quiz, and more.
About Mammals from Etc. Etc. by Charles & Ingrid Larsen. A concise overview of mammals. Chart lists number of species and number of families for world mammals, including the Primate: human.
All About Mammals from EnchantedLearning.com.
All About Mammals: Your Mammal Reference Center from About.com. Mammals 101 Topics: Introduction to mammals, Mammal adaptation, Mammal classification, Research topics, and Conservation.
The Hall of Mammals from University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), Berkeley. Divided into 4 groups: Eutheria (placental mammals), Marsupials, or Metatheria (pouched mammals), Monotremes (egg-laying mammals), and Multituberculata (extinct mammals).
Mammal Family Reunion! Find out who's come and who's gone over the past 220 million years. What makes a mammal? How did mammals evolve? Where do mammals live?
Mammal Species of the World (MSW) from Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Systematic Biology. Site contains names of 4,629 currently recognized species of mammals, in a taxonomic hierarchy that includes Order, Family, Subfamily, and Genus. Search by Scientific Name or Search by Common Name.
Mammals - A-Z list from Canadian Museum of Nature.
Anthropology Biography Web. Some 537 biographies of anthropologists listed alphabetically by last names with portraits where available. Site developed by anthropology students at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Becoming Human. See and hear the journey through the story of human evolution. Extremely well done interactive documentary produced by paleo-anthropologist Donald C. Johanson. High speed Internet connection required. Includes news and views, glossary and related links.
The Genographic Project. Human Migration, Population Genetics, Maps, DNA, from National Geographic. Includes Genetics Overview - Anatomy of Our Genes, Genetic Signposts (DNA Recombination, Y Chromozome, Mitochrondrial DNA - mtDNA), Populations Genetics (Mutation, Genetic Diversity, Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Human Family Tree), Genetics Glossary, Atlas of the Human Journey.
The Smithsonian Institution Human Origins Program. In Search of What Makes Us Human. Learn about 5 million years of human evolution in the Hall of Human Ancestors. Review major issues and current topics in paleoanthropology. Links to related resources.