![]() Reference Site Map |
600 Technology
608 Inventions, Inventors, Patents
610 Medicine, Alternative medicine, (Herbal medicine)
610.3 Medicine - Dictionaries, (Medical dictionaries), Medicine - Encyclopedias
610.6 Doctors without Borders (Association), Médecins sans frontières (Association), (MSF)
610.69 Physicians, (Doctors), (Medical profession), Surgeons, Women physicians
610.73 Nursing, (Nurses), (Registered Nurses), Nurse practitioners
611 Human anatomy
611.36 Liver
612 Human body
612.1 Blood, Blood groups, Blood pressure, Blood - Circulation, (Blood Transfusion)
612.8 Pain
612.82 Brain
613 Health, Hygiene, Preventive medicine, Children - Health and hygiene, Health counseling, (Children - Diseases)
613.2 Nutrition, Diet, Weight loss, Vitamins, Vegetarianism, Food - Cholesterol content, (Calories), (Carbohydrates), (Proteins), (Dietary fiber)
613.7 Exercise, Aerobics, Physical education, Physical fitness, Weight lifting
613.85 Smoking, Smoking cessation programs, Tobacco habit, (Addiction to nicotine), (Quit smoking), (How to stop smoking), (Smoke ending programs)
615 Drugs, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical chemistry, (Pharmaceuticals), (Drugs - Chemistry), (Prescription drugs)
615.8 Acupuncture
615.85154 Music therapy
616 Diseases, (Illness), (Sickness), (Skin - Diseases)
616.02 First aid
616.2 Cold (Disease), (Common cold), Influenza, (Flu)
616.6 Infertility, Human fertility, (Fertilization in vitro), (Childlessness), (Infertile couples)
616.8 Brain - Diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Cerebral palsy, Stroke, Mad Cow Disease
616.83 Tourette syndrome
616.85 Phobias, Neuroses, (Anxiety), (Fear)
616.9 Communicable diseases, (Black death), (Bubonic plague), Ebola, Plague, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), West Nile virus
616.97 AIDS (Disease)
616.99 Cancer
617 Surgery
617.7 Vision, Vision disorders, Color blindness, Eyeglasses, Contact lenses
618.2 Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Childbirth
618.92 Children - Diseases, (Childhood diseases), (Medicine, Pediatric), (Pediatrics)
620 Nanotechnology
620.8 Human engineering, (Ergonomics), (Biomechanics)
621.48 Nuclear energy, Nuclear engineering, Nuclear power plants
621.8 Cranes, derricks, etc., Hoisting machinery, Elevators, Escalators, (Lifts)
622 Coal mines and mining, Gold mines and mining, Mining engineering, (Mines and mineral resources)
623.8 Ships, Shipbuilding, Steamboats, (Cruise ships), (Ocean Travel)
623.88 Signals and signaling, (Maritime signal flags), (Semaphore flags)
624 Bridges, Civil engineering, (Suspension bridges), (Viaducts)
629.133 Airplanes, Airships, Balloons, (Aeroplanes), (Aircraft), (Aeronautics), (Flight), (Flying)
629.222 Automobiles, (Motor cars), (Passenger vehicles)
629.227 Bicycles, Minibikes, Motorcycles, (Motor cycles) . See also 796.6 Bicycle racing, Bicycle touring, Cycling, (Biking)
629.28 Automobile driver education, Automobile drivers, (Driver education), (Car driver education), Automobile parts, Automobiles - Fuel consumption, (Gas prices, Gasoline prices), Automobiles - Maintenance and repair, (Car maintenance), (Car repair)
629.454 Moon - Exploration, Space flight to the moon, (Luna expeditions), (Astronauts)
630 Agriculture, Agricultural engineering, Farms, (Farmers), (Farming), Farm life, Farm management, Farm produce, Family farms
633.1 Grain, (Rice), (Wheat), (Corn), (Barley)
634.9 Forest fires
635 Gardens, Gardening, Vegetable gardening, Organic gardening, Horticulture
635.9 Lawns, Turf management, Turfgrasses, Golf courses - Maintenance
636.088 Pets, Snakes as Pets, Pets - Names
636.7 Dogs, Dogs - Breeding, Dogs - Care, Dogs - Psychology, Dogs - Training, Guide dogs, (Puppies)
638 Bees, Beekeeping, Beehives, (Apiculture), (Bee hives), (Bee culture), (Bee housing)
640 Home economics, (Household management), (Household efficiency), (Home organization), (Home management)
640.73 Consumers, Consumer education, Product safety, Shopping, (Household supplies), (Buyers' guides), (Consumers' guides), (Shoppers' guides), (Purchasing)
641 Food
641.3 Herbs, Spices, Cookery (Herbs)
641.5 Cooking, Outdoor cooking, (Recipes), Microwave cooking, (Food preparation), (Cook books), (Cookbooks), (Cookery), (Barbecue cooking)
641.8 Tea, Coffee, Beverages
643 Houses - Maintenance and repair, Electric household appliances, Electric apparatus and appliances, (Home repairs)
646.7 Cosmetics, (Makeup)
648 Cleaning, Bleaching, (House cleaning), (Stain removal)
648.7 Molds (Fungi) - Control
649 Parenting, Child care, Child rearing, Children and adults, Children's allowances
650 Business
658.3 Wages, (Salaries), (Compensation), (Income)
658.8 Auctions, Chain stores, Department stores, Discount stores, (Online shopping), Shopping centers, Shopping malls, Marketing, Market research, Retail trade, (Merchandising), Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores
659.1 Advertising, Advertising - Newspapers, Advertising and children, Fashion models
660.6 Biotechnology, Cloning, Genetic Engineering
662.1 Fireworks, (Pyrotechnics)
672 Steel, Iron
686.2 Type and type founding, Printing, Printing - Specimens, Typesetting, Linotype, Lithography, Offset printing
Aerofiles - A Century of American Aviation. Web site is dedicated solely to the aviation history of North America and the airplanes that have graced our skies for 100 years.
The Avro Arrow: Canada's Broken Dream with television and radio clips from CBC Archives. Avro Arrow - The CF-105 Avro Arrow, FlightDeck Milestones: Avro Arrow.
Balloon Race Around the World from PBS. Contents include: Take a Virtual Balloon Flight, Science of Ballooning: Hot Science: Density, Hot Science: Up, Up, and How Far Away? History of Ballooning, Atmosphere, Jet Stream, Resources, and more.
Chasing the Sun from PBS. Contents include: Timelines by decades: 1900-2000, Planes: Early Planes (Wright Flyer, Blériot XI, Spirit of St. Louis), Modern Airliners (Douglas DC-3, Pan Am Clipper, Constellation), Jet Age (DeHavilland Comet, Boeing 707, Concorde), Jumbo Jets (Boeing 747, Lockheed L1011, Airbus A380), Innovators: Pilots, Airplane Builders, Passengers, Inventors, Executives, Companies: Airlines (American, Eastern, Pan Am, TWA, United) and Manufacturers, plus Aviation Web Links.
Early Aviation.com. Collection of over 2000 documents on early days of aviation including letters, photographs, postcards, vintage prints and posters, paintings, books, advertized materials.
Early Years, WWI, Golden Age, WWII, Jet Age, Space Age, Biographies of Enshrinees from National Aviation Hall of Fame, Dayton, OH.
The History of Flight: The History of the Airplane. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright - Inventors of the First Engined Airplane, links to Early History of Flight, Info on Airplane Technology: How Does an Airplane Fly, i.e. The Dynamics of Airplane Flight, Parts of an Airplane, plus other related information on: Jet Engines, Seaplanes, Flight Suits - Anti-Gravity Suits, Airports/Airlines - Luggage, Ejection Seats, Black Box/Flight Recorders, Helicopters, Rockets, and Parachutes.
Milestones of Flight from Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM). Gallery exhibits some of the major "firsts" in aviation and space history.
WASP on the Web. Site is dedicated to sharing the history of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) of World War II, and shining a light on the inspirational stories of their lives before, during and after WWII. Includes Arcade, Gallery, Audio/Video, 1944 Records, Resources, and more.
World Wide Web Balloon Pages. Compiled by Joop de Wilde - The Netherlands.
Auto Body Parts from Inner Auto Parts - Explore the marvel of the automobile. Automotive parts information, resources, car care.
The Auto Industry's Family Trees by Richard A. Wright. Of the several thousand auto manufacturers who have operated in the United States, only three auto makers survived and they can all trace common ancestry back to the turn-of-the-century machine shops of Leland & Faulconer and John and Horace Dodge. This story was compiled using clip and photo files of the Detroit News.
Fuel Efficient Cars by Type, by Mileage, by Make.
Automotive Useful Hotlinks. Links to buying and leasing cars.
AutoNet.ca. New Cars (Spec, price, compare, drive), Used Cars (Find, buy, list, sell), Service/Parts (Maintain, repair, source, accessorize). Choose a site from NFLD/Labrador, P.E.I., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec (français), Quebec (English), Ontario (default), Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, or Territories.
Autopedia: The Automotive Encyclopedia. Hotlinks to everything automotive on the net.
Autoshop 101. Automotive Training and Resource Site for Automotive Electronics. Offers Free Online Instruction / Tutorials, Online Practice Tests, Lots of Technical Support Articles (in PDF format, with free Adobe Acrobat download), Automotive Links and Biography of Kevin Sullivan, the Instructor.
AutoTrader.ca. Auto Trader specializes in the buying and selling of used imported and domestic cars in Ontario, Canada. Here you can search over 140,000 vehicles online. Site provides list of On-line Dealers, Tips & Advice for buying and selling used cars, Photo Centre Locator, Value Finder, plus links to Truck Trader, Boat Trader, Bike Trader, RV Trader, ATV & Sled Trader, Heavy Truck Trader, Heavy Equipment Trader.
Autoweb.com. Select a country U.S. or Canada to research a vehicle: build, price and compare vehicles. Buy a new or used vehicle. Place an ad to sell a pre-owned vehicle. Maintain your vehicle: Order parts online, read expert troubleshooting advice. Get insurance quotes. Read Reviews. See Crash Test Data - Test results on new and previous year models.
CanadianCarPrices.com: Selling Cars Online to Canadians. Contents: New Car Prices, Buy A Car, Sell A Car, Loan Calculators, Used Vehicle Classifieds, Dealing for a New Car, and FAQ. Includes Blue Book or Black Book Used Auto Prices where you can request a used car's value based on whether it is a trade-in or a private sale.
CanadianDriver.com. Categories include: Auto News, Test Drives, New Model Previews, New Car Prices, Consumer Info, Used Car Reviews, Auto Tech (Maintenance and Car Care), Classics, Internet Site Reviews, Forums, Classified Ads and Web Directory.
CarBuyingTips.com. Free guide for buying new cars, buying or selling used cars, leasing, and avoiding dealer scams in United States. Includes Car Buying in Canada, Finding Canadian Dealer Cost, Canadian New Car Buyer's Checklist, and links to Useful Web Sites for Canadian Car Buyers.
Car Cost Canada.com. Canada's online source of new car dealers. Free Build & Price new cars. Enter Year, Make, Model to Build and Price your vehicle. Avoid Fraud. Browse Used Vehicles - Classified. Glossary.
CarGuide123 Article Directory with links to numerous articles providing useful information for current and potential car owners. See also CarGuide123 Resource Directory with links to useful resources on Auto Loans and Financing, Auto Repair and Maintenance, Auto Warranty, Car Buyer Services, Car Dealers, Car Makes and Models, Car Reviews, Classifieds and Auctions, Consumer Information, Customization and Accessories.
CarLoansAmerica.com. New Car Buying Advice, Check list for buying a Used Car, Buying versus Leasing, plus other useful information on car loans and auto financing facts.
Cars from Discovery Channel.co.uk. Includes History of Cars Timeline 1769-1997.
Manufacturer Spotlight: Ferrari, Ford, Rolls Royce.
Automobile Pioneers: Nikolaus August Otto, Gottlieb Daimler, Rudolph Diesel, Henry Ford, Charles Franklin Kettering.
Now and Next: Custom Cars, Environmental Cars, Concept Cars.
Cars on Screen: Famous cars in movies.
Cars. Links to useful automobiles sites and Car Manufacturers: GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Jaguar, VW, Volvo, SAAB, Subaru, Ferrari, and Lotus.
Consumer Guide: New Cars Guide & Used Cars Guide. Click to view cars by class from Acura to Volvo.
Edmunds.com Tips & Advice. Car Reviews. Includes: Buying Guides, Vehicle Overviews, Road Tests, Best Cars Lists, Consumer Ratings, Photos, Videos, Auto Shows, Future Cars, and more.
How Cars Measure Up - in PDF, 83 pages for 1992-2004 Model Years from Insurance Bureau of Canada, includes Theft Relative Claim Indexes. Car thefts cost Canadian consumers over $600 million per year in insurance premiums. Theft results listed in this PDF give you a good indication of which vehicles are stolen most often and how much these thefts are costing the insurance industry.
Kelly Blue Book for United States. Trade-in Values, Used Car Retail Value, New Car Previews, New Car Pricing, Buying & Selling, Tools, Tips, & Advice, free trade-in and retail values on used street motorcycles and dirt bikes, ATVs, scooters, mopeds and sidecars, and used personal watercraft & snowmobiles.
The Showroom of Automotive History. Enter the Showroom, and learn about some of the most important automobiles ever produced.
Used Cars Central. Used cars with photos. Free to post, search, buy and sell.
Used Cars Ontario. Free automotive photo classifieds for Ontario, Canada. Useful links and articles on buying new or used cars, travel tips, vehicle care and more!
Used Cars Plus. UsedCarsPlus.com is your online source to review, research, and find used cars for sale online.
The Worst American Cars 2006 from Forbes.com. Worst American Cars Video. 4:16 min. (Ad at start). The Worst Cars by Dan Lienert, from Forbes.com. Featuring 10 worst cars on the market (2005 models), based on 3 criteria: worst crash test scores, lowest projected reliability, and lowest projected residual values. The Worst Cars of All Time.
America on the Move. Introduction to the Smithsonian's Bicycle Collection. Contents: Anatomy of the Bicycle, Development of the Bicycle, Bicycle History from the late 19th century, Collections of Bicycles: 1818-1965. Lots of photos.
The Bicycle Museum of America. View photos of bicycles in these periods: 1810-1895, 1896-1899, 1900-1934, 1935-1938, 1940-1952, and 1952-1998.
bicyclinginfo.org: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC). Get Crash and Safety Facts.
Science of Cycling from Exploratorium.edu. What is the Science of Cycling? Why do road bikes have thin tires, while mountain bikes have fat tires? What is a gear ratio? What are the best materials for frames? How do you stop and steer a bicycle? What is skin friction? Why is the bicycle the most efficient way to travel? and more.
Hog Heaven: Celebrating 100 Years of the Harley Davidson. Image Galleries: Harley-Davidsons at Work, at War, and at Play, Harley Ads (1911-1922), Harley Articles (1911-1914); Web Resources: Harley-Davidson & Motorcycle Links; Print Resources: Harley-Davidson History, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, and Harley Davidson Pictorial Works.
How Bicycles Work from How Stuff Works.
The Internet's Motorcycle Directory.
Pedal Power News. Consolidated News: Pedal Power Tools, Foot Power and Bicycle Pedal Power News.
Propelled by Pedals: A Fun Guide to Bikes. Site provides information and fun activities about bicycles. In Pedaling through the Past: History of Bikes, you can click on a part of the wheel to see what happened in the 1400s, 1600s, 1800-1819, 1820-1859, 1860s, 1870s, 1880-1899, and 1900s. Under Pedalling Preferences, site shows photos and describes in detail the Different Kinds of Bikes: Mountain Bike, Road Bike, Hybrid Bike, BMX Bike (Bicycle Motorcross), Tandem Bikes, and Racing Bikes. Under Pedalling throught the Parts you can learn a bit about physics on How Bicycles Work: Force & Motion, Gravity, Inertia, and Friction. Includes bike safety, laws, accessories, jokes, riddles, crossword puzzles, poems, quizzes, and more.
A Quick History of Bicycles. In 1817 Baron von Drais invented a walking machine. In 1865, a two-wheeled riding machine made its appearance. In 1870, the first all metal machine was built. In the 1960s, the "English 3-speed" bikes made their appearance. In the 1970s, 10-speed bikes became popular.
Safety Tips for Bicycles. Safety Tips for Motorcycles.
Ultrablade's Motorcycle Tour Guide to France and Spain - UK, plus numerous Travel Sites including Alex's BMW Motorcycle & Global Touring and Jacek and Greg all over the World - Canada.
World Wide Bicycling Resources. List of bicycling-related sites and info. Clubs, Touring Companies, Rides, Magazines, Manufacturers, Travelling with Your Bicycle, Women's Cycling, Tour de France, etc.
55 Alive Driver Refresher Course from Canada Safety Council. Includes Course Content, Safety Tips for the Older Driver, Safety and the Aging Driver.
AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report. AAA's Media Site for Retail Gasoline Prices. Charts National and State by State Unleaded Gas Average Prices (*Prices quoted are in US dollars per gallon), 12 Month Average Price for Regular Unleaded Gas, and Highest Recorded Price. AAA Fuel Cost Calculator. Calculate the estimated fuel cost of your trip. Enter Starting City, Destination, Vehicle Make, Vehicle Year, Vehicle Model, and Results will show number of Miles for One-Way and for Round Trip, number of Gallons Used, and the Fuel Cost.
Automotive Technology Lesson Planning Assistance. Categories: Auto Learning Online, Car Buying Guides, Directories & Link Lists, New and Alternative Technology, Environmental Issues, Lesson Plans and Activities, History of the Automobile, Math and Science, Safety, plus Links:
Canada Safety Council - Traffic Safety. Contents include:
Car Care Directory from Auto Media. Car care advice and how to repair your car. Includes hundreds of helpful articles to assist you with your car care needs: Maintenance, Repair, Cleaning, Tips and Advice, and numerous other topics. Site also includes new and used car reviews, price quotes, buying guides.
Danger Signals: How Sleepy Are You? Sleeping and Driving Don't Mix. Try the Online Quizzes: Drowsy Driving or Sleep Quiz, Drivers 55-Plus Self Rating, and Aggressive Driving Quiz.
Driver's Handbook Online from Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO). Includes Road Signs in Ontario.
Site also includes:
Drive Wise: The Driver's Refresher Seminar for Mature Canadians. Drive Wise is a free (Ontario Provincial Police) OPP-delivered seminar that provides tips, suggestions and driving strategies, which are preventive measures against the most likely causes of collisions and mishaps faced by mature Canadians on the road. Download free videos.
Driving Defensively from National Safety Council (NSC). See also other On the Road Fact Sheets:
Fuel Economy from United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Find and Compare Cars. Gas Mileage Tips. Fuel Economy Guide. Gasoline Price Data for U.S. Cities. EPA Fuel Economy Ratings from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. How to Calculate Your MPG (Miles Per Gallon). Save Money.
Gas Prices Around the World. Global Gas Prices from CNN Money. See also:
Gasoline Prices, Finding the Cheapest Gas in the United States, Gas Mileage Tips, Your MPG Will Vary, Best and Worst MPG, Find and Compare Cars, Cars That Don't Need Gasoline from United States Department of Energy.
GreenHybrid - Interactive Hybrid Cars Resource.
Most Fuel Efficient Cars on the Market from Forbes.
National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW). Congress has passed a resolution establishing every third week in October as National Teen Driver Safety Week, from Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), Washington DC. NTDSW raises awareness about the tragedy of teen vehicle crashes, the leading cause of death for young people in the U.S., and deals with the causes of and solutions to teen crashes. See also Put off driver licensure to save lives from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), News Release, September 9, 2008: Report concludes that increasing the minimum licensing age of drivers "would substantially reduce crashes involving teen drivers."
The New Generation of Safety: Avoiding accidents through new technology by Cathy Orme/autoMedia.com. Passive Safety, Proactive Safety, Smart Cars.
Ontario's Drive Clean from Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Ontario's Smog Plan is to reduce emissions of NOx and VOCs by 45% from 1990 levels by the year 2015. All vehicles 3 or more years old in Ontario must pass a mandatory emission test every 2 years before licence plates can be renewed. Site includes interactive educational games and exercises for Primary, Junior and Secondary School students.
Personal: Transportation from Natural Resources Canada. Personal Vehicles Initiative provides helpful tips on buying, driving and maintaining your vehicles to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions:
SafeCar.gov from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) - Mission: Save lives, prevent injuries, reduce vehicle-related crashes. Contents: Equipment and Safety: Become a smarter driver - Tire ratings and safety information, Air bag safety information, Rollover prevention information. Five Star Crash Test and Rollover Ratings. Defects and Recalls: Think your vehicle has a defect? File a complaint, Ongoing investigations, Check for recalls. Plus Multimedia (Crash Dummy Video Clips, Rollover Video Clips), FAQ and Contact Information for NHTSA Headquarters, Washington, DC: Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236, M-F 8am-10pm.
Safety Tips for Car Drivers from Federal Motor Carrier Safety (FMCS), U.S. Department of Transportation. See also:
Tips to Avoid Aggressive Driving from SteelWorks, American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
Astronaut Biographies. Biographies of career astronauts, e.g. Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, Jr. and Payload Specialist Astronauts e.g. Roberta Bondar, plus other Astronaut Information on the NASA World Wide Web.
Lunar Exploration from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC). Data from Ranger, Surveyor, Lunar Orbiter, Apollo, Galileo, Clementine, and many Soviet missions, are currently available from NSSDC. Includes Lunar Exploration Timeline.
Barley from The World's Healthiest Foods. Contents include: Health Benefits, Description, History, How to Select and Store, How to Enjoy, Safety, Nutritional Profile. Barley from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Barley: Botanical Name: Hordeum Vulgare, Description, Four types of barley, Basic cooking instruction, Barley recipes, by Ralph H. Cox.
Corn / Corn on the Cob. History of Corn, Learn All About Corn, Choosing Corn, How to Cook Corn - The Right Way! plus Recipes. Maize, Sweet Corn from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Rice from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All About Rice: Rice Nutrition Facts from PechSiam, a manufacturing, marketing, exporting and distribution company. International Year of Rice 2004. Devoting a year to Rice. Contents include: All about rice (Top 10 rice producers), Rice and us, Fact sheets, Rice around the world, Kids (Rice quiz, Art gallery), Rice recipes, and more.
Wheat from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Six Basic Classes of Wheat with photos, from Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers. Wheat Facts include: The Kernel of Wheat, Wheat Nutrients, Wheat Flours, Top Wheat Producing Nations, World Wheat Supply and Use, and more. Wheat Watch - Watch a wheat field as it grows throughout the year.
Battling California's Wildfires. Southern California Fire Report. See also: Los Angeles Times: Southern California Fires.
Fire Information Cache: Fire and Natural Resources from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Three Rivers, CA. Includes: Annual Fire Reports, Fire Maps, Fire and Park Resources - Online research papers on fire and fire management: Giant Sequoias and Fire, Fire Effects Monitoring, Fire History, Fire and GIS (Geographic Information System), Fire and Forest Restoration, plus a Glossary of Fire Terms, Fire Information Bibliography with articles available online in PDF, and Fire Links.
Forest Fires Stock Photos and Images. 650 forest fire pictures, from Fotosearch.
Only You Can Prevent Wildfires from SmokeyBear.com
Remote Sensing of Land/Forest Fires.
Wildfire Zone. Know what to do: Before a fire, During a fire, After a fire. Includes Glossary of Fire Terminology.
American Garden Museum. Covers gardens big and small, urban and rural, gentle and outrageous, wildly expensive and affordable. Collects and shares American garden stories and pictures. Contents include Current and Previous Showcase Gardens, Botanical Archive (View popular and historical garden species with exquisite photos), and more.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Gardening Topics. Library of gardening information.
Burpee Seeds and Plants. Started in 1876 as a garden and farm supply company, site now provides practical information on growing fruits and vegetables, flowers and herbs, complete with prices and excellent color photos. Nutritional Guide for Vegetables, Herbs, Fruit - Categories: Green, Yellow/Orange, Deep Red/Purple, Red, White/Light Green. Burpee Library. Garden Wizard of helpful information on planting flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other gardening topics: A-Z.
Garden from Sunset Magazine. Gardening Basics. Gardener's Handbook: Step-by-step guide to planting, pruning, propagating, fertilizing, and more. Also covers: Style, Color, Outdoor Living, Small Spaces, Growing Edible Plants.
Garden Gate. Site offers a carefully-selected and well-organized collection of links to informative and interesting horticulture and gardening sites around the world.
Garden-Helper.com. Garden Helper originates from Vermont. Its mission is to provide a place online where individuals with a love for growing things can Learn, Share, Plan and Shop. Learning resources provide you with vital information needed for gardening success. Information on plants, articles and guides added frequently.
Garden Web. Includes GardenWeb Forums, Gardening Tips, Site search engine, Garden Bazaar (directory of businesses), Calendar of Garden Events, Rosarian (roses, features articles, images and forums), Glossary of Botanical Terms, GardenWeb Australia, GardenWeb Europe (forum in six languages), GardenWeb Directory (plant societies, clubs, botanical gardens), Mystery Plant Contest, and more.
Gardener's Guide to Global Warming from National Wildlife Federation.
Gardening from About.com with gardening design tips, plant info, growing techniques and gardening advice.
Gardening from BBC.co.uk. Includes A History of British Gardening, Gardening A-Z Index, Gardening Basics, Gardening with Children, How to be a Gardener.
Home Gardening from Cornell University. The first edition of Home Gardening focuses on flowers, vegetables, and lawn care. Of special note are the databases of how-to information for hundreds of flowers, foliage plants, and vegetables.
I Can Garden. Features numerous articles relating to gardening with a Canadian emphasis. Search Clubs, Gardens and Catalogs by category, by province/state, by country, and/or by keyword. Articles in the Kidz Korner suggest gardening activities for children. Garden Showcase displays lots of beautiful pictures of gardens from across Canada.
Keep Gardening Fun from DoItYourself.com.
Urban Agriculture Notes by City Farmer. Include: City Farmer Harvest Movie: Harvest Time at City Farmer's Compost Garden with Sharon Slack. See also numerous other gardening ideas and tips for urban gardeners, e.g. Dog Waste Composter Step-By-Step, Using Compost to Start a Food Garden, and more.
Youth Gardening is Fun and Educational. Activities include: Alphabet Garden, Composting, Drying Flower, Gourd Birdhouses, Leaf Rubbings, Pizza Garden, Scarecrow, Scavenger Hunt, Seed Saving, Zoo Garden List of Plants.
12 Terms for Golfers from Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA).
Golf Maintenance Articles from Turf Line News Magazine, Western Canada Turfgrass Association.
Healthy Lawns from the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides. An effective way to reduce reliance on pesticides is through the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM emphasizes pest prevention, the use of reduced risk products, and the application of pesticides only when necessary.
Lionhead Golf & Country Club. Take a hole-by-hole tour of the Legends Course complete with yardages, pictures, tips and spectacular Heli-Golf videos. (View an example of the work of turfgrass professionals from a helicopter).
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) is designed to develop and coordinate uniform evaluation trials of turfgrass varieties and promising selections in the United States and Canada. News Room, List of Seed Companies (A-Z) & Company Contacts, List of Cultivars by Season & by Company - Cultivar Listings by Species: Cool Season Grasses, Warm Season Grasses.
PestFacts.org. Facts about pesticides you should know. A not-for-profit site that provides science-based information about the responsible use of pesticides to manage the threat pests pose to human health and safety.
Photo Gallery: Pender Island Golf & Country Club from British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association - a dedicated group of turfgrass professionals committed to providing the best possible playing conditions for golfers from around the world.
Turf Diagnostics. Take a sample of your unhealthy turf and have it analyzed by diagnosticians at Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI), University of Guelph. Cost of diagnostics: Approx. CDN $68.90 ($65.00 plus GST of 6%).
Turf in Ontario from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAF). Topics covered in Factsheets and Infosheets include Home Lawns, Irrigation, Landscape Plants, Pesticide Safety, Soil Fertility and Management, Turf Diseases, Turf Insects, Turf IPM, Turf Management, Weeds:
Turf Management: Golf Course Management. The United States Golf Association (USGA) Green Section offers several reminders to properly maintain your golf course, from choosing the proper specs for greens to dealing with bunkers, tees and roughs.
Turf Tip from Ontario Golf Superintendents' Association. Example: "Draining Water - Have spots on your course that you are having a hard time removing water from? Use a post-hole digger to make a hole, install a length (your choice) of 6" irrigation pipe and put on a valve box lid. Now you have a sump to put a dewatering pump's intake into."
Turfgrass Information Center (TGIF). Other Resources and Useful Links from Michigan State University Libraries.
Turfgrass Management Agriphone for August 25, 2006. Diseases, Weeds. Agriphones and Crop Updates.
Turfgrass Science from Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University (MSU). Excellent lawn care resources for Home Lawns, Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, and Sod Production.
2000 Cat Names - Naming Your Kitten. Search for a name for your cat from A-Z.
2000 Dog Names - Naming Your Puppy. Search for a name for your dog from A-Z.
Bow Wow Meow: Pet-Names with Personality. Site provides thousands of pet names, their popularity, meanings and ratings.
Cat and Dog Names. Collection of puppy and kitten names.
Exotic Pet Vet.net. (Slow loading). Avian (Birds), Primates (Marmosets, Tamarins), Reptiles (Iguanas, Tortoises), Small Animals (Sugar Gliders, Rabbits, Ferrets). Includes The Top Ten Bird Killers - Learn about the top ten reasons birds die. West Nile Virus: What You Must Know for Your Bird's Sake.
Importation of Dogs into the United States. Also Cats, Turtles, Monkeys, Live Bats - from National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Petco Store Locator - Over 750 Petco stores across the U.S. New Pet Center. Helpful info on welcoming home your New Dog, New Cat, New Bird, New Fish, New Small Animal, New Reptile & Amphibian. Articles on care of your pet. Download and print Companian Animal Care Sheets in PDF. Petfinder Adoption Center - Searchable database of animals that need homes from more than 9,000 animal shelters and adoption agencies across the USA, Canada and Mexico.
Pet Health from MedlinePlus. Contents include: FDA Issues Consumer Alert on Contaminated Pet Food, Overviews: Healthy Pets, Healthy People - Browse by Disease, Search by Animal, Treatment: First Aid for Pets, Prevention/Screening, Nutrition, Specific Conditions, Research, Glossary, Directories: Find a Hospital - Find a veterinary hospital near you in United States or Canada, Organizations, Law and Policy, Children, and more.
Pets.ca - Canada's pet information center for dogs, cats and humans. Contents include: Articles, Ask the vet, Breed Profiles, Bulletin board, Dog Parks, In the news, Lost & found, Newsletter, Pet nutrition, Pet tips, Charity. Sites: Meow (Cats), Woof (Dogs), Exotic pets, Pet cemetery, Pet Humour, Contests. Business: Pets - 411, and more.
Pup Forum. Learn about your dog, share puppy pictures, find out all sorts of dog breed information, dog training aids, and meet other dog owners like yourself.
Snakes as Pets from About.com.World Wide Pet Names Project. Select from A-Z of 7500 pet names. You can also add your own favorite pet name.
American Kennel Club. AKC Recognized Breeds Dog Breeds by Name A-Z, Dog Breeds by Group, Complete List of AKC Recognized Breeds, Featured Breed, Search for National Breed Clubs, Rescue Network provides information about purebred rescue, Dog and Litter Registration Statistics (ranking of 150 breeds), Life with Dogs, and more.
Dog Breed Info Center. Site provides detailed information on breeds from all groups. Includes care articles, amazing dog photos, breed selector, and a listing of breeders.
Dog Central's Online Guide to Dog Breeds. A-Z.
Dogs and More Dogs. NOVA presents the story of dogs and how they evolved into the most diverse mammals on the planet. Includes articles, slide show, teacher's guide, and resources.
Dogs in Canada. Alphabetical index to over 200 Dog Breeds. The Canadian Kennel Club categorizes its recognized breeds into seven groups, based chiefly on their original function. For each breed, site provides Photo of Dog, plus information on its Origin, Temperament, Activity Level, Height/Weight, Coat, Colour, and Grooming.
FBI Working Dogs. Contents: What is a working dog? Did you know...? "We all give off cells, gasses, and vapors. These cells and odors act like smoke. So dogs, who have 44 times the sniffing power of humans, can pick up the scent and follow it. ... Depending on the conditions, dogs can pick up a scent up to a half a mile away!" Chemical Explosive Dogs, Narcotic Detection Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs, Service Dogs.
Gallery of Dog Breeds from About.com.
Guide Dogs of America: An International Guiding Eyes Program. Training, Apprenticeship, Breeds and Matching Process, In-For-Training, Adoption, Retiring, Veterinary, and Kennels.
Beehoo: World's Beekeeping Directory. Learn all about bees. Links to worldwide resources on bees and beekeeping.
Clutter Control - It can be done. Guidelines from The Clean Team. See also The Clutter Control Rules.
The Book of Household Management by Mrs. Isabella Beeton. Published Originally 1859–1861. "Comprising Information for the Mistress, Housekeeper, Cook, Kitchen-maid, Butler, Footman, Coachman, Valet ..." from eBooks@Adelaide: University of Adelaide Library’s collection of Web books.
LifeOrganizers.com. Lessons on how to clean out the clutter from your home, office, or anywhere else by breaking the vicious cycle of clutter: organize, declutter, simplify, clean.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency is mandated to safeguard Canada's food supply and the plants and animals upon which safe and high-quality food depends. Food Recalls and Allergy Alerts. Latest Food Recalls. Latest Consumer Product Recalls.
CBC News: Recalls and Advisories. The latest on consumer product recalls and advisories.
Consumer Connection from Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada, the authoritative source for Canadian consumer information and research. Cellphones, Canadian Consumer Handbook, Electronic Commerce, Money, Credit & Debt, Privacy & Identity Protection, Retail Marketplace, Scams / Fraud, Sustainable Consumption, Television.
Consumer Reports Online. Ratings of Appliances, Cars & trucks, Cleaning supplies, Computers, Electronics, Food & beverages, Home furnishings, Lawn & garden, Online shopping: e-Ratings, Travel & leisure, etc. Current issue of Consumer Report publication, Consumer awareness, Consumer links, Product safety, Manufacturer, Recalls, and more.
ConsumerSearch. For each product category, Consumer Search provides 1) ranking and descriptions of all the top reviews, complete with links, 2) complete analysis of who the experts are and what they say, and 3) listing of the top-rated products, according to the experts. Product categories include electronics, house and home, automotive, computers, kitchen, family, sports and leisure, personal finance, photo and video, office, health and fitness, lawn and garden.
Federal Consumer Information Center. Topics: Cars, Children, Consumer Help, Education, Employment, US Federal Programs, Food, Health, Housing, Money, Recalls, Scams/Frauds, Small Business, and Travel.
FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts from U. S. Food and Drug Administration.
Google Groups. Formerly Deja.com. Post and read comments in Usenet discussion forums with over 700 million messages in Usenet Archives of the past 20 years dating back to 1981. Topics include: alt. (any topic), news, biz. (business), rec. (recreation), comp. (computers), sci. (science), humanities (fine art, literature, philosophy...), soc. (social issues, culture...), misc. (employment, health, ...), talk. (current issues and debates...).
Healthy Canadians. Your Source for a Healthier Lifestyle. Food and Consumer Product Safety.
Household Products Database. Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine. Provides health & safety information on household products. Browse & search by Products (Choose a Product Category: Auto Products, Home Inside, Pesticides, Landscape / Yard, Personal Care / Use, Home Maintenance, or Hobbies & Crafts), Ingredients (Search Ingredients by Chemical Name or CAS Registry Number), or MSDS (Search the Material Safety Data Sheet for Effects of Products). Includes a Glossary.
Edible Fungi - The Fungi of California. List of mushrooms that are: Large enough to be considered for the table, Generally considered edible for most people, and Fairly commonly eaten in California or elsewhere. Be sure to read Mushroom Edibility because if misidentified, mushrooms can make you sick or kill you. Site warns: If you can't positively identify your collection as an edible species, don't eat it! Remember: "If in doubt, throw it out!"
Food in the Arts - Refound. Global directory of food in the arts from London Food Film Fiesta. Film and food, Music and food, Literature and food, Art and food.
Food411.com. A searchable directory of food-related websites.
FoodSafety.gov: Consumer Advice. Disaster Assistance - Food and water safety after fires, floods, hurricanes, etc., Food Handling, Reporting Foodborne Illnesses and Food Product Complaints, Consumer Advice, Food Safety Advice, Product-Specific Advice, Seasonal Advice, and more. Includes and News and Food Safety Alerts and Foodborne Pathogens.
Hot Dogs and Food Safety - Meat Preparation. Fact Sheets from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Other Fact Sheets: Safe Food Handling, Poultry Preparation, Egg Products Preparation, Seasonal Food Safety, Food Labeling, and more.
Produce Oasis. Information on fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs including selection tips, nutrition data, seasonal peaks, recipes and trivia.
Schanitz.pps. PowerPoint presentation. Haben Sie Hunger? View portions of Supersized Schnitzels from Cafe und Restaurant Waldgeist, Hofheim, Germany. See also giant servings of a sausage and hamburgers.
USDA Food Safety Mobile from U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). Site provides food safety News & Events, Food Safety Education - Resources for Consumers and Educators, Fact Sheets about Food Safety, Official Forms and more.
What the World Eats from Time Magazine. Excellent photos of families from different parts of the world with photos of the food and drinks that they consume in a week, including weekly food costs (ranging from US$1.23 to US$500 equivalent). What's on family dinner tables in fifteen different homes around the globe. Photographs by Peter Menzel from the book Hungry Planet: What the World Eats.
Wild Food! by "Wildman" Steve Brill, a well-known Naturalist from New York. Learn about edible and medicinal wild plants, wild mushrooms, nature, and ecology. Important note from the Wildman: "Some wild mushrooms are poisonous, and they may resemble edible species. Eating them may make you sick or kill you. It is your responsibility to identify any wild food with 100% certainty before you eat it." Site includes Mushroom Recipes and Wild (and Not-So-Wild) Recipes. Check out Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America: A Field-to-kitchen Guide.
All Recipes. Allrecipes.com is the leading community-based recipe and meal planning web site. The site offers users unique food ideas and resources, including recipes, menu ideas, meal preparation tips, culinary ware and news.
Alta's Recipe Pages. All recipes are free to copy and print. Choose a recipe by category. You may add recipes to this site.
AsiaRecipe.com. Searchable database of recipes from numerous countries throughout Asia. Get current time and date from any country A-Z. Cooking information, ingredients, equipment, methods, conversion tables, and an Asian food glossary. Site also provides information on herbs, herbal remedies, herbal folklore, herb glossary, biblical herbs, Chinese herbs and medicine, and Asian culture.
Back of the Box Recipes. Select a category to find hundreds of Brand Name recipes.
Barbecue'n on the Internet. Site provides information on Wood Smokers, Gas Grills, Weekly Recipes, Beginner's Section (Outdoor Cooking, Beginner Lessons, Charcoal Grilling, Gas Grilling, Barbecue'n), FAQs (How to barbecue Meat & Fish, Spices & Marinades, Techniques, and more).
The Book of Household Management by Mrs. Isabella Beeton. Includes numerous recipes from the 19th century. Published Originally 1859–1861. "Comprising Information for the Mistress, Housekeeper, Cook, Kitchen-maid, Butler ..." from eBooks@Adelaide: University of Adelaide Library’s collection of Web books.
Cooking.com. Recipes, menus, cooking articles with cooking tips from famous chefs, and glossary.
Culinary History Timeline: social history, manners & menus. Links to American culinary traditions & historic surveys, World surveys, Social & culinary surveys from Prehistory to 2002, Future food & culinary trends, Historic menu collections. The food timeline with a history of wide variety of foods plus recipes from 10,000 B.C. to 2002. Historic Food Prices. K-12 teacher resources for food history lessons.
Epicurious. Search from database of over 16,000 recipes, dictionary search, plus cooking tips, techniques and recipes for specialty foods, e.g. Dim Sum, Pasta, Meatless, Dinner in a Hurry, Kid-Friendly, Indian, etc. Includes cooking for special holidays: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Recipes. Jewish Recipes and Cooking Tips.
Food Network. Cooking, Recipe Collections, Party Ideas, Quick & Easy Recipes, Get Healthy (Diabetic Recipes, Fat & Calorie Calculator, Healthy Desserts, Low Calorie, Low Cholesterol, Low Carbohydrate, Low Fat, Vegetarian, Whole Grains Guide), Tasty Travel (Global Cuisine with Recipes), Food Videos, and more.
The Full FATFREE Recipe Collection by Category.
Langenberg.com Cooking Recipes and Ingredients. Find Recipes by Word, Phrase or Ingredient. Recipes sorted alphabetically by preparation, cooking or total time, and by calories, fat, percentage of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, fiber, or sodium content. Search Recipes by Category, by Nutritional Content, by Ingredient, or by Course.
National Barbecue Association (NBBQA) - BBQ Tips & Recipes. BBQ FAQ.
RecipeSource. Recipe Source has replaced SOAR, The Searchable Online Archive of Recipes. Over 70,000 recipes indexed. Browse by region (Africa and Middle East, Asia and Pacific Ocean, Europe, North and South America, and Non-Regional, e.g. Jewish Recipes) or by type (Main Dish, Soups, Desserts, etc.).
Spices & Herbs Dictionary! from the Italian Cook. Includes Origins of Pasta, Origins of Coffee, Metric Conversion Calculator for temperature (degrees in Fahrenheit F° and Celsius C°), Metric and English liquid volume converter, plus numerous Italian recipes.
Top Secret Recipes. Site contains many original clone recipes, insider secrets and food lore. A new original Top Secret Recipe is published online every week.
About Tea from Stash Tea. History of Tea, Tea Types, Tea - Where It Comes From - View a Tea Video, Teas of Eastern China (View a video and slide presentation), Teas of Western China (video and slide presentation), Take an Online Tea Tour, Tea FAQ, Tea and Health, History and Design of Teapots, Tea Market Report, Tea Beauty Remedies, Tea Quotes, You do WHAT with tea?! Entertaining reading, A Tea Time Reader.
Caffeinated Drinks from BBC, UK. Effects of caffeine, Coffee, Tea, Green tea.
Chinese Tea Ceremony. Jan Lee, a gentle, enthusiastic young man who is an apprentice tea master, serves tea in his family's Chinese antique store on Mott Street in New York's Chinatown. See also Chinese Tea Ceremony from Holy Mountain Trading Company.
Japanese Tea Ceremony from Japanese Lifestyle. See also The Japanese Tea Ceremony (Chaji) from Holy Mountain Trading Company, Tea Ceremony: Basic Information and The Japanese Tea Ceremony: Tea for All Nations by Brother Joseph Keenan, An Anthropological Perspective on the Japanese Tea Ceremony by Herbert Plutschow.
Reading Tea Leaves. Gypsy's Secret … The Tea Reading: Ritual, Telling Fortunes, Meaning of Symbols. From Tea Association of the USA.
Soft Drinks and Health from Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Articles include: Liquid Candy: How Soft Drinks Are Harming America's Health, Soft Drinks Undermining Americans' Health: Teens Consuming Twice as Much 'Liquid Candy' as Milk, and others.
Tea from BBC, UK. Tea history, Tea ceremony, Love of tea, Make the perfect cuppa, Afternoon tea recipes.
Tea and Cancer Prevention. Fact Sheet from National Cancer Institute (NCI), U.S. National Institutes of Health. Antioxidants found in tea - called catechins - may selectively inhibit the growth of cancer.
Tea Time World Wide. About Tea (History of Tea, Tea Facts, Geography - Tea Producing Countries, Health Benefits, Tea Resources), Tea Room Locations (Worldwide), Tea Tasting 101 - Lesson, Tea Links, Women & Tea, Children & Tea, Men & Tea, Online Newsletter, Etiquette & Recipes, Marketplace, and more.
Ten Ren Tea: The Art of Chinese Tea. Commercial site provides illustrations, descriptions, and prices of a variety of tea, e.g. Green Tea, Jasmine Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, Herbal Tea, Tea Bags, Tea Equipment, Tea Snacks and Sweets, Ginseng, etc. A Tea Library provides information on Tea Types, History, Preparation, and Bubble Tea Home Instructions and Recipes.
Appliance Repair, Tips & Help from RepairClinic.com. Provides information and advice on: Where and how to find and order appliance parts, How appliances work, Maintenance tips, Answers to common questions about appliances (FAQ), how to Locate appliance model number, where to find and order Accessories, Appliance Recall Information, plus you can Email the RepairGuru for help with your specific problem.
DIY Home Improvement. How to do it yourself. How-To Categories: Painting, Drywall-Sheetrock-Wallboard, Wallcoverings, Flooring, Window repairs and Installation, Furniture Refinishing, Gardening & Landscaping, Kitchen and Baths, Decorating and Interior Design, Carpentry, Ceilings, Electrical, Plumbing, Cooling & Heating, Insulation & Saving Energy, Masonry, Roofing, Woodworking, and FAQ's (Lots of Answers Here).
Friendly Plumber: Plumbing 101. Do-it-yourself home improvement and repairs. Contents: care & cleaning, decorating & remodeling, dishwasher, emergency preparedness, energy efficiency, faucet, garbage disposer, pipe, septic system, sink & drain, toilet, washing machine & dryer, water conservation, water heater, and misc.
Carpet Stain Removal Guide Index from STAINMASTER® Carpet.
Cleaning 101 from RealSimple.com. Includes: Daily Quick Cleaning Checklist, Clean Your Bathroom, Fast: Time-saving tips and techniques to a quick clean, Deep-Clean in 3 Easy Steps, Fake a Clean House: Smart shortcuts to a spruced-up home - when you don’t have time to actually clean, How To: Clean Windows Video.
Dilmaghani's Interactive Stain Removal Chart.
DIY (Do It Yourself) Stain Removal. What stain are you trying to remove? Enter the type of stain to search for answers, e.g. candle wax, mud, ink, ballpoint pens, felt tip pens, blood, fruit & fruit juices, iron mould or rust, colas, tobacco, cigarette burns, smoke & soot, etc.
Green Cleaners. Sustainable living, from Metro Regional Government. Save money, protect your family and the environment by using safe, simple ingredients to clean your home. Includes cleaning recipes and tips to help you create a safer home.
Green Your Spring Cleaning from Green America. Includes Monthly Green Tips: Monthly Green Tips: Green Your Kitchen, Green Your Garden, Green Your Travel, Green Energy Tips, Green Your Home Improvement, Green Your Transportation.
Heloise's Top 10 Hints, A Year's Worth of Stain Removal Hints from Heloise®, Heloise's Quick Clothing Repair Hints, Odor Buster Hints, and more.
Household Hints & Help from University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture. Includes:
Quick 'n Easy Stain Removal from Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University.
Spring/Summer Cleaning from New American Dream. Includes Simple Steps to Green Cleaning: Save Time, Money, and the Environment at the same time - General Household Cleaning, Clear the Clutter. Be informed: Read Labels, Know products, and even make your own cleaning solutions. How to Make a Non-Toxic Cleaning Kit. Yardwork and outdoor cleaning.
Stain Removal from Silk Road Textile Merchants.
Stain Removal Chart from Ulster Linen Co. Inc.
Stain Removal Guide A-Z from Pioneer Thinking.
Stain Removal Guides. Include Removal of Beer Stain, Butter Stain, Chocolate Stain, Lipstick Stain, Coffee Stain, Cola Stain ... and Resilient Flooring Stain Removal from doityourself.com.
Stain Removal Guides from FabricLink. Stain Guide for Washable Fabrics, Stain Guide for Carpets, Stain Guide for Upholstery. Site includes a Textile Dictionary or Glossary and Fabric-isms - Sayings, phrases, movies, song titles and quotations containing fabric, apparel or textile terms, e.g. A stitch in time saves nine, Hanging by a thread, Throw in the towel, Blue Suede Shoes, Scarlet Ribbons.
The Top 21 Holiday, Party and Everyday Stains ... and how to remove them.
Wacky Uses. Discover hundreds of little-known uses for well-known products.
Biological Hazards: Indoor Air Quality - Moulds and Fungi from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety. Why does mould grow in homes or buildings? What are some types of mould? How do moulds contribute to health problems? What can I do to prevent mould contamination? What should I look for during an inspection? How should I clean up the mould?
A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Illustrated. Mold basics, Mold Cleanup Guidelines, What to Wear When Cleaning Moldy Areas, Moisture and Mold Prevention and Control Tips, Hidden Mold, and more.
Facts About Mold from New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. What is mold? How do I recognize it? What does mold need to grow? How are people exposed to mold? What are the health effects of mold? Should I see a doctor if I have been exposed to mold? How can mold be prevented? How can I safely clean mold in my home? What does my landlord have to do? See also Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments. Executive Summary, Introduction, Health Issues, Environmental Assessment, Remediation, Hazard Communication, Conclusion.
Got Mold? Frequently Asked Questions About Mold from Washington State Department of Health.
Household Mold. Practical Mold Tips for Homeowners from National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Mold - Policy Summary.
Mold and Mildew on Wood: Causes and Treatment from ToolBase Services. Mold in Residential Buildings - article lists strategies that can help minimize mold growth. See also Mold and Moisture for more information.
Mold Dangers & Remedies by Jon Traudt. Illustrated. Negative health effects of mold, What molds are hazardous? How do we know if toxic mold is present? Who is most at risk from toxic mold exposure? Evaluation and clean up procedures for mold, Recommendations for mold prevention and mitigation.
Mold: Facts from Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents include: How can people decrease mold exposure? Specific Recommendations.
Mold in My Home: What Do I Do? Indoor Air Quality Info Sheet, from California Department of Health Services.
Mold Issues - Articles in PDF from Building Science Corporation. Papers deal with preventing mold problems include: What You Need to Know About Mold, Mold Testing, Mold Remediation in Occupied Homes, Mold: Causes, Health Effects and Clean-up, Everything You Need to Know About Mold.
Preventing Mold in Your Home - Mold: The Uninvited Guest - in PDF, 2 pages by Jorge H. Atiles, Ph.D., Extension Housing Specialist, University of Georgia.
Safety and Health Topics: Molds and Fungi from Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor. Includes information relevant to molds and fungi in the workplace: Standards, Hazard Recognition, Detection Methods, Control and Clean-up, and link to Mold related web sites.
Study Confirms Mold Causes Health Problems from ConsumerAffairs.com
![]() Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition (Paperback) by Dr. Richard Ferber |
![]() Dr. Richard Ferber is the Director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Children's Hospital, Boston |
10 Keys to Successful Parenting
10 Simple Rules for Protecting Your Children from Sex Offenders & Child Predators
10 Groundrules for Stepfamilies.
Bedtime for Cry Babies from CBS News.
The Ferber method demystified by BabyCenter editorial staff. Chances are, you've heard about Richard Ferber and his approach to teaching your baby how to sleep. His philosophy, often referred to as "Ferberizing," calls for a variety of strategies, including letting your baby cry for a set period of time before you comfort her. See also:
Basic Parenting Fact Sheet/Card. Basic Parenting Principles Cards from The WonderWise Parent at Kansas State University. See also Elements: Parenting by Nature: Earth, Sky, Fire, Water, as well as Online Courses: Responsive Discipline, Caring Works, Grandletters.
Being the Best Parent. Teach More/Love More, Nurture Your Child by A Lifetime Commitment.
Top 10 Common Mistakes Parents Make by Lucy John.
1000+ Links To Advertise For Free from Golden Bridge Trade Center: Best Source for Import/Export Trade Leads. Site provides a list of URLs that will promote your business. Some may charge a small fee to get your business listed. Most are free. See also Today's Trade/Business News.
B2B Yellow Pages, Business to Business Search Directory. Contents include: US Yellow Pages, US White Pages, US Local, Canada, International, Reverse Yellow Pages, Weather, Maps, Directions, Nearby Search, City Guides, US City Search, Top Business Resources, Web Subject Directory, Free Business Magazines, Free Business Resources, B2B News by Industry, and What's Popular on b2bYellowpages.com.
Business Daily. Covers a wide range of current Internet resources, Travel, Sport, World News by Continents, Politics, Science, Market Summary, Business in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, Currency, Taxes, and more.
Business Dictionary. Over 20,000 definitions, BusinessDictionary.com covers every aspect of the business world. Browse by Subject. Most Popular - 100 Essential Business Terms and Concepts Everyone Should Know. Term of the Day.
Canada Business: Government Services for Canadian Entrepreneurs. Gateway to Canadian Business Information. How to start, expand, buy a business, etc. Business laws and regulations across Canada.
Chamber of E-Commerce - Business Directory. Small Business Resources - Ecommerce. Online chamber of commerce provides business resources for small business, work at home businesses, and business to business companies.
Glossary of Financial and Business Terms, A-Z from New York Times on the Web. Over 2,500 entries, compiled by Campbell R. Harvey, J. Paul Sticht Professor of International Business, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Include such terms as Arbitrage, Greenmail, Poison put, Z score.
Ontario Business Gateway.
Your business from start to finish. Information by industry. Information by topic. Support services for Ontario businesses. Register your business online. Register your GST (Goods & Services Tax), payroll deductions, and corporate income tax online.
QuickMBA: Knowledge to Power Your Business. Categories: Accounting, Business Law, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management, Marketing, Operations, Statistics, and Strategy. See example: Summary of Stephen R. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People under Management. See also Quick MBA Site Map.
Small Business Center. Small business solutions from Microsoft.
Wall Street Executive Library: Business Toolkit. Collection of links to the Web's Best Business Information Sites, mainly from U.S. and Canada with a few major International sites.
Yellowpages Local Directory. Search by Business Category or by Name. Also available: Search by Distance or Search by Phone Number - Reverse Lookup.
CEO Compensation Index by Company. Executive PayWatch. Search A-Z by company or corporation name.
Executive Pay - CEO Compensation, Midas List - Ranking of individuals who deploy venture capital to create wealth for investors.
Ontario Ministry of Finance, Salary Disclosure. Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure. Each year, since the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act was passed in 1996, the Ontario Government has published a compendium on public sector employees who were paid a salary of $100,000 or more. Organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario are required to disclose the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of these employees. ... The purpose of this law is to provide a more open and accountable system of government.
USA Today Salaries Databases - Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey. Find salaries paid to athletes. Search by Player's Name, Team, Position, or Season Summary.
Auction Addiction vs Auction Smart.
AuctionBytes.com: Online Fraud Resource Center. Contents include: What to Do If You Are Ripped Off Online, Identity Theft Resources, AuctionBytes Articles about Fraud, plus Auction Site Seller Fees, eCommerce Resources, Upcoming On Site Auctions Across North America, and more.
Bid or Buy. Africa's Largest Online Marketplace.
Consumer Corner: Use caution with online auctions from Attorney General Paul Morrison.
eBay.com - United States. eBay.ca - Canada. eBay.co.uk - United Kingdom. eBay.com.au - Australia. ToggleBot. A metasearch for auctions site. Search auction items posted at Amazon.com, eBay, and Yahoo! Auctions.
Yahoo! Auctions. Submit ads for free. Choose one category to place your listing. May upload up to 3 photos or pictures.
All Over The UK Online Shopping Directory. See also British Shopping.com - UK's largest online shopping directory, and UK Shops Online - United Kingdom online shopping directory.
BuyItCanada.com. Canada online shopping & Canadian gift giving stores.
Canadian Internet Shopping. Canada's Online Shopping Directory.
Complaints Board. Check out Latest Complaints. Consumer Tips, Tricks & Articles. Recalls.
Elib.org Shopping Directory. E-commerce and shopping online. Human edited international directory of shopping related websites.
Frugal Shopper Canada. A Canadian site for offline and online coupons, contests, online shopping, warehouses, sales, free stuff, Canadian friendly e-tailers, promo codes, coupon swapping, lotteries, and more.
Go Cee.com. Online Shopping Directory in the United States. Includes: Apparel, Automotive, Baby Shops, Department Stores, Drug Stores, Gifts & Flowers, Groceries, Home & Garden, Jewelers, Pet Supplies, Toys, etc.
Google Directory - Shopping Directories.
Internet Business Advertising Directory. Directory of online businesses and various shopping sites.
MonsterMarketPlace.com. Shopping search & directory.
mySimon helps you shop for millions of products at thousands of online stores by showing product availability, shipping specifications, and by comparing prices. Service is fast, easy to use and free; just type in a product to search.
Netcheck.com Consumer Services. Goals of Netcheck: to protect consumers and to promote a safe and ethical Internet. Search a company's Internet consumer record (only applies to Netcheck members), file a compliment or a complaint, file an unsolicited email problem, file a SPAM complaint, file a copyright dispute, shop geographically or shop by category, and check out Scam Alert: 10 Easy Steps When Purchasing on the Internet.
Price comparison service from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article deals primarily with shopping comparison in the United Kingdom and does not represent a worldwide view of the subject.
Rip-Off Report. Nationwide consumer reporting web site where consumers can enter complaints about companies (in the United States and Canada) and view a history of past complaints against companies.
ShopSafe Australia. Online shopping directory of Australian shops and stores.
The National Do Not Call List (DNCL) - Canada is designed to reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing calls and faxes Canadians receive. How to register? You can register your home phone, cellular or fax number(s) on the National DNCL.
Signing up is free. Sign up online at www.LNNTE-DNCL.gc.ca or by calling the toll-free numbers 1-866-580-DNCL (1-866-580-3625) or 1-888-DNCL-TTY (1-888-362-5889). See also IOptOut. Create and manage a personal Do Not Call list. File a Complaint to DNCL - Provide details about telemarketing call and file complaint within 2 weeks.
National Do Not Call List - United States. National Do Not Call Registry. Register your home or mobile phone (cell phone) number. All cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies on September 30, 2008 and you may start receiving sales calls. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS. To prevent this, call the following toll-free number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.
Five Steps for Outsourcing Search Marketing by Paul Bruemmer, Website Magazine, May 2007.
Market Research Portal. Contents: Library of Articles consist of research articles written by professionals in the industry, Market Research Explained, Glossary of Terms, plus Industry News & Events from around the world.
Market Segmentation. Compiled by Ellen Terrell, Business Reference Services, Library of Congress. Demographic characteristics as well as behavior patterns are essential to niche marketing. Guide includes books, articles and online resources that discuss marketing to particular segments of the population: Generational (Child/Teen, Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomer/Mature), Ethnicity (African-American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, Native American/American Indian), Geographic, Gender, Gay/Lesbian, Lifestyle.
Telemarketingat a Glance from CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules including Telemarketing Rules, National Do Not Call List Rules and Automatic Dialing and Announcing Device Rules. The CRTC has been authorized to establish a national Do Not Call List (DNCL), select a third-party administrator for the national DNCL, and to levy administrative monetary penalties. You can register to have your telephone number(s) removed from marketing lists by mailing your request to the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), P.O. Box 706, Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2T6, or faxing it to (416) 441-4062 or by completing the registration form. See also New Rules for Canadian Marketeers from About.com.
Telemarketing Fraud. Tips to combat telemarketing fraud, from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
AllBooks4Less.com. The World's Bargain Book Source.
BOL Germany, BOL Italy, BOL Netherlands, BOL Switzerland.
Borders.com. Now associated with Amazon.com. An online store that sells books, music and video.
DirectTextbook.com. Search for new & used college textbooks.
Spot Cost: Online and Local Price Comparison. Before buying, compare prices on books, music, movies, games, software, cameras, electronics, computers.
U.S. Government Online Bookstore. Government publications available for purchase from the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Varsity Books. Specializes in U.S. college textbooks as well as books that reflect moments in college life. Includes an Online Book Buy Back program, which opens in the summer.
Better Business Bureau Online. Mission: to promote trust and confidence on the Internet by encouraging sound and ethical online business practices, and to provide information to ensure better educated online consumers.
AAAAgencySearch.com. Business Web site of the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA). Find profiles (including contact names, email addresses) of ad agencies in the world using multiple search criteria. All agencies listed are AAAA members.
Ad*Access. Presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II. Please read copyright information.
Ad Age Advertising Century. The Web version of the 1999 'Advertising Century' Report. History of the era's advertising industry covering the years from 1900 to 1999.
Advertising from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Advertising Age. Weekly magazine featuring latest news and reports on the global advertising industry.
FashionGates.com - Fashion Models Directory. Model search, Models directory, Models galleries, Modelling agencies, Photographers, Fashion magazine, Fashion news, Modeling news, Modeling forum.
A Guide to Child Modeling. Tips, Traps, Techniques, Pitfalls and Advice.
Kijiji from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kijiji (Swahili for village) is a centralized network of online urban communities for posting local classified advertisements. Kijiji - Select a country or region for free local classified ads, want ads for jobs, resumes, cars, housing, apartments, furniture, personals, services, events, appliances, pets, vacation homes, etc.
Ming Vase Auction. A clever and funny video ad.
Model (person) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Modeling agency from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Models News from Fashion Gates.com. Model agencies and skinny & teenage models debate.
About Biotech from Access Excellence, National Health Museum. Issues and Ethics, Biotech Applied (Pharmaceuticals, Food, Farms, & Forensics), and Biotech Chronicles (Biotech revolution profiled by pioneers and processes).
Biotech Adventure from Oklahoma State University. Basic information on how biotechnology works: What's a Cell? Mitosis, Meiosis, Chromosomes and Karyotypes, DNA Structure, DNA Replication, Genetics, Reproduction, RNA, Protein. Also includes Teachers Resources, Techniques, Hands-on Application, and multimedia presentations. Your choice to run shockwave or non-shockwave version.
Biotechnology: An Information Resource. From the National Agricultural Library (NAL) of the US Department of Agriculture. Provides access to selected sources, services and publications covering many aspects of agricultural biotechnology. Web site content last revised: April 5, 2001. Note: This Biotechnology Resource Web site is no longer updated and is useful for general purposes only.
Biotechnology Fact Sheet from North Dakota State University.
Genetic Engineering and Cloning: Improving Nature or Uncorking the Genie? from ThinkQuest. Contents include: Cloning and Genetic Engineering Defined, Brief History of Genetics, Current Applications of Genetic Engineering (Plants, Livestock, Human Genome Project, Disease Control), Cloning Techniques - Cells - Animals, and more.
Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers. Compiled by retired Professor Ron Epstein, San Francisco State University. Contents: Essays about genetic engineering, Genetically engineering human beings, Genetically engineered plants and food, Genetic engineering and biowarfare, Books on the dangers of genetic engineering, plus Internet links.
The Genetic Revolution by Dr. Patrick Dixon, Futurist - Free online book on genetic revolution, genetic disorders, human genome project, biotechnology, stem cells, genetic diseases, brave new world, genetically modified foods, eugenics. See also Human Cloning: Latest Human Cloning News, What is Genetic Engineering? and The Future of Biotechnology.
Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops: Why We Need A Global Moratorium. Contents: Overview, Toxins & Poison, Increased Cancer Risks, Food Allergies, Damage to Food Quality & Nutrition, Antibuiotic Resistance, Increased Pesticide Residues in the Soil and on Crops, Genetic Pollution, Damage to Benefical Insects and Soil Fertility, Creation of Genetically Engineered "Superweeds" and "Superpests", Creation of New Viruses and Bacteria, Genetic "Bio-Invasion", Socioeconomic Hazards, and Ethical Hazards.
On Human Cloning: Three Views from PBS.org: 18 Ways to Make a Baby. See also: How Cells Divide: Mitosis vs. Meiosis by Rick Groleau.
S Korea unveils first dog clone from BBC News as reported in Nature magazine that scientists in South Korea have produced the first dog clones. Includes video "Scientists successfully clone dog."
American Pyrotechnics Association. Safety Information. Contents: Facts and Figures, FAQ about Fireworks, Consumer Fireworks Safety Tips, Be on the Lookout, Glossary of Pyrotechnic Terms, General Information for Fire Service Professionals, as well as Directory of State Laws on Fireworks with a map showing state fireworks control laws in all 50 states, and Fireworks Links.
Art of the Explosion from ArtsEdge (National Arts and Education Network). This multimedia exploration, designed for grades 9-12, explores the science and art of pyrotechnics and chronicles the making of Cai’s Tornado: Explosion Project for the Kennedy Center. Through the innovative use of gunpowder and pyrotechnics, Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang takes fine art to new extremes.
Family Fireworks Safety from Natural Resources Canada. Lessons 1-4, including Historical Perspective, What Is Pyrotechnics? Fireworks Quiz, Fireworks Table, Acrostic Poem, Fireworks Classification, Health and Safety, Burns and Other Injuries, Final Knowledge Quiz, and Certificates from ERD (Explosives Regulatory Division).
Fireworks-Related Injuries Fact Sheet from U.S. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Topics: How extensive is the problem? Who is most likely to be injured? When and where do these injuries happen? and others.
National Council on Fireworks Safety. A charitable organization dedicated to the safe enjoyment of fireworks in the United States. Safety Tips for Public Fireworks Displays. Tips on Choosing Safe Fireworks . Try the Firework Safety Test - in PDF with Answers - in PDF provided.
Ancient Cosmetics & Fragrance: Egypt, Greece and Rome. Paper written by Ty Narada for Dr. Kosso.
Are Cosmetics Safe? from MedicineNet.
History of Cosmetics and Fashion Quiz crafted by "dobrov". Test your knowledge of the origins of some cosmetics, scents and fashion trends.
Prohibited Ingredients and Related Safety Issues, Tattoos and Permanent Makeup from U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Cosmetics and Colors Fact Sheet.
Tattoos: What You Need to Know, Tattoos and Permanent Makeup, Tattoos and Permanent Makeup Alarm.
All About Steel from LTV Corporation. Contents: Steel-Making Process, End User Markets, Steel Industry Links.
How Steel Is Made from Dofasco.
How Steel Is Made from American Iron and Steel Institute.
Iron Fact Sheet. Provided by the Minerals Council of Australia.
Microwave Steel Making. Microwave Steel: Faster, Cleaner, Cheaper. Note: "You shouldn't try it at home ... since it involves heating the raw materials up to 1,000 degrees Celsius."
Steel in Your Life from American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Learning Center. Steel Glossary.
ABC Typography. This Virtual Museum of Typography is divided in four collections: the classical typefaces (1480-1890), the 20th century typefaces, the contemporary typefaces, and the unclassified typefaces (decorative and stylized fonts). An ID Card is provided for each typeface giving Date of birth, Nationality, Parent, Description, and Links.