![]() Reference Site Map |
000-099 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 Teaching Aids & Devices Webquest Sites |
400-499 |
500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | 900-999 973 United States |
CyberSmart! Curriculum A free k-8 curriculum empowering students to use the Internet safely, responsibly, and effectively. Contents: Curriculum Overview, Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets, Using the Curriculum, and Technology Standards Alignment.
Dewey Decimal System: An Introduction: A WebQuest for Category Specialists. Designed by Heather White.
Buddy Project: Teacher Resources. Lesson Plans. Site aims to help you integrate technology into the classroom with a 3-D model: Develop, Design, and Deliver.
Anti-Plagiarism WebQuest designed to be appropriate for honors or gifted middle school and high school English courses, by Marisa Giovannoni, Coral Academy of Science.
Plagiarism Lesson Plans by Julia Jeffreys, College of Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Plagiarism WebQuest by Dr. Alice Christie, Arizona State University.
"Thou Shall Not Plagiarize" - Plagiarism WebQuest. How to cite online sources by Mr. Bucci - Technology 8, Pomona Middle School, Suffern, NY.
Four Great Thinkers of the Past: A webquest concerning political philosophy, by Scott E. Pointon, Indiana University School of Education.
Philosophy: Questions and Theories for Grade 12, University Preparation, from Curriculum Services Canada (CSC). Unit 1: Metaphysics, 7 activities.
WebQuest: The Transcendentalist Spirit - American Transcendentalism from Shepherd University, West Virginia. Explore the Transcendental period as an age of reform. 19th century America proved to be a dramatic time of change in the area of women’s rights, slavery, education, publication, and industry.
Understanding Experimentation in Psychology: A Web Quest for Psychology 101 designed by Bernard Schuster.
English I Mythology WebQuest: Gathering Heroes from Clayton High School, Missouri.
Explorations from iwebquest.com. A Webquest to Inspire Good People Through the Exploration of Ancient Greek Mythology.
The Greek Mythology Web Quest created by Michelle Adair, et al. Last update: 2003.
Mr. Marassa's Greek Mythology Webquest for 7th Grade Reading. See also: Greek Mythology Webquest created by Mike Marassa and adapted for use by 9th graders by Audrey Woodsmith, Galileo High School, San Francisco, CA.
Buddhist Studies for primary and secondary students. Including Handbook for Teachers.
Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers. Hundreds of high quality Lesson Plans for K-12 arranged alphabetically by title of Web sites, Teaching Strategies include everything you always wanted to know about how to put students online in your social studies classroom, Online Activities for K-12 include hundreds of Webquests arranged alphabetically by title of Web sites, Teaching Current Events Via Newspapers, Magazines and TV connects you to newspaper, magazine, and television Webquest activities sponsored by major corporations and educational institutions. Site also offers valuable links to Other Social Studies Resources.
Media Literacy: What is it? Why teach it? Media Education in Canada, Web Awareness for Teachers, Lessons and Resources for Media Education, Find a lesson by grade, by subject, or by curriculum outcomes.
Anti-Bullying Quest: A Web Quest for Primary Learners by Ms. Schopperth.
Bully Free Webquest created by Guida, an elementary school teacher. Webquest originated as an assignment for an on-line course offered through the University of Victoria, B.C.
Bullying WebQuest designed for Grades 6-8 by Christine Young. An InstantWebquest from InstantProjects.org.
A "No-Bullying Proposal" Webquest by Doug Peterson, Computers in the Classroom Consultant, Greater Essex County District School Board, Ontario.
Remembering September 11. Five Lessons.
A Look at the Population Density of the United States. Lesson Plans, Grades 9-12. This lesson focuses on the spatial distribution of the population density of the United States at different levels of scale.
Can You Afford to Retire?. From PBS FRONTLINE, for Grades 9-12 Social Studies, American Government, Current Events, Language Arts, Economics.
Schools Online from University of Illionois Extension. Grades 3-5 and up.
Black History: Exploring African-American Issues on the Web. Webquests include Little Rock 9, Integration 0? and Tuskegee Tragedy.
Encyclopaedia Britannica's Guide to Black History.
Famous African-Americans Webquest! by K. Brunner, Eisenhower School, Prospect Heights, IL. Oprah Winfrey, Muhammed Ali.
Little Rock 9 Integration 0. Collaborative WebQuest on Racial Desegregation in Schools, from Knowledge Network Explorer.
Sampling African America. Goal of sampling activities is for you to connect with issues related to Africa-American issues. Internet activities may be completed alone or by working in a group.
Education for Freedom. Lesson plans for teaching the First Amendment.
Photojournalist: Story on Women's Suffrage. A Grade 8 Webquest from Ontario History Quest. Your task is to create a photo essay that explores and reveals "The Real World of Women's Suffrage."
The Progressive Era. A Webquest by Mr. J. Teitler. Topics include Women’s Suffrage.
Webquest for Women's Suffrage. "This Web Quest has been designed to make you more aware of Equal Rights. You will have a better understanding of what women and minorities had to endure without the opportunity to voice their opinion where it would count - by voting."
Woman's Suffrage in Twentieth Century America. A WebQuest for 8th Grade (History) by Ellery Clark and Ana Elkins, San Diego State University, Educational Technology.
Women's Right to Vote. A Web Quest designed for fifth grade Social Studies and Language Arts by Melonie Smith.
Women's Suffrage WebQuest from TeacherWebquest. The class will be broken into five groups. Each group is to research its particular role and come up with arguments for or against women’s suffrage.
Election 2004: How to Run for President. Online activities, lesson plans, teaching strategies, time saving teacher management tools, and more.
Slavery in America. Freedom for Whom? A WebQuest on Slavery and the American Revolution by Dr. Allison Nazzal, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA.
Slavery in the United States. Webquest by Crystal Folden, Lincoln Southeast High School, Nebraska.
Slavery WebQuest for Gr. 6-10 by Ms. L. Richard, Inverness Education Center/Academy.
Underground Railroad Webquest by Ms. Baumann, Mr. Bowman, and Mr. Haines, Greece Central School District, NY.
Underground Railroad Webquests. Annotated webquest links collected by Paula Laurita, BellaOnline's Library Sciences Editor.
WebQuests Links to Slavery and the Underground Railroad from Safe Passage: The Underground Railroad in Southwestern Ohio.
EconEdLink from EconomicsAmerica. Provides a premier souce of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic lesson materials for K-12 teachers and their students, with over 509 lessons.
Economics for Kids. Links.
Online elementary economics lessons. K-6 lessons.
Bank Notes - Bank of Canada. Learning Resources.
H.I.P. Pocket Change. History In your Pocket Lesson plans. Includes The 50 State Quarters® Program Lesson Plans for K-6.
The Death Penalty: Teacher Edition. Main Menu: Death Penalty Curricular for High School (Unit Lesson Plans), About the Death Penalty (Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty), State by State Data (includes Interactive Maps: Executions and death row inmates, by state), Courtroom Cases, Links and Resources.
21st Century Schoolhouse - Links to Free Work Sheets.
Academy of Achievement: Curriculum Center. Most materials prepared for Grades 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and post Grade 12 containing audio, video and text. Wide range of topics include The Amazing Olympics, Architecture, Black History Month, Earth Day, Entrepreneurs, Freedom and justice, Martin Luther King Day, Poets and poetry, and others.
Apple Learning Interchange Resources. Elementary, Middle School, and Senior High School Lesson Plans. Categories for High School: Cross-Curricular and Other, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Studies, Study Skills.
AskERIC Lesson Plans. The Educator's Reference Desk. Collection contains over 2000 unique lesson plans written and submitted by teachers from all over the United States.
Best WebQuests.com - Choose a webquest from Content Areas: Arts & Music, Business & Economics, English & Language Arts, Health & Phys Education, History & Social Studies, Mathematics, Sciences, and others. Site also lists number of webquests available under 4 levels: early, middle, high, and adult. See also The 7 Red Flags: Warning Signs When Sifting WebQuests, Best WebQuests Update: 194 Best WebQuests from 1181 reviewed.
Class Activities that use Cooperative Learning.
Classroom Resources, Classroom Internet Library from New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) Knowledge Network.
Computer Integration Activities. Activities created by teachers and students at the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, Quebec, Canada. WebQuests include:
Computer Teaching Lesson Plans: Web Quests from Online Teacher Resource.
edHelper.com. With links to 2500 lesson plans.
The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM). Search or browse The Gateway to find high quality educational materials, including lesson plans, activities, and projects from GEM Consortium member sites. Options: Simple Search, Browse Subjects, Browse Keywords.
Highschool Webquests. Created by Bob Stevenson. Pick A Subject from: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Technology, Foreign Language, Business and Economics, Art and Music, Health and Physical Education, Life Skills and Careers.
Illuminations from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 90 online activities, 524 lessons for preK-12 math educators, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics outlines the essential components of a high-quality school mathematics program, plus links to useful mathematics education resources on the Internet.
Learning Center (Library and Archives Canada - LAC). A collection strong in history, literature and music, including websites, educational tools, and digitized primary sources (printed documents, diaries, maps, illustrations, paintings, manuscripts, and printed and recorded music) from LAC holdings.
Lesson Planet. Search 150,000 Teacher Reviewed Lesson Plans.
Lesson Plans Library from Discovery Education. Site provides kindergarten, elementary, middle school and high school lesson plans for all major school subjects. Browse by subject, grade, or both to find hundreds of original lesson plans, all written by teachers for teachers. View all K-5 lesson plans, View all Grades 6-8 lesson plans, View all Grades 9-12 lesson plans.
LessonPlansPage.com. Over 3000 free lesson plans. Includes Lesson Plan Guide: 10 Steps to Developing a Quality Lesson Plan. (Pop-up ads).
Media Workshop New York: High School Webquests.
Nellie's English Projects: High School WebQuest Tasks (ages 15-18). Scroll bar on the left. See also Junior High School WebQuests (ages 12-15), and Elementary School WebQuests Grades 4-6 (Ages 9-12), and other resources.
The New York Times Learning Network. Teacher, Student and Parent Connections. Daily Lesson Plans for Grades 6-12 covering all major subjects. Includes lesson plan archive and lesson plan units.
A Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests. Original WebQuest rubric by Bernie Dodge. See also Cooperative Group Rubric from Cinco de Mayo.
Lesson plans, worksheets, activities, clip art, reading, math, science, social studies, and more. Hundreds of educational websites rated by popularity.
Student Web Quests. Six webquests designed by students from Mrs. Allnutt's Class.
Surf Report: Online Projects from Wisconsin Educational Communications Board (ECB). K-12. Projects range from simple to complex. Variety of topics: Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger, Who Am I? Seasonal Changes through our Eyes and Yours, and others.
Teaching Tool: WebQuests from Educational CyberPlayGround™. Links to Elementary School WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Music WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Math WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Art WebQuests, Teaching Tool for Linguistics WebQuests.
Teaching with the Web. Choose a category: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12. High School WWW Resources subdivided into: Fine Arts (Art, Drama, Music), Language Arts (Grammar, Literature, Mythology, Public Speaking, Writing), Math, Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics), and Social Studies. Lots of great links, Hotlists, and WebQuests.
Teaching with WebQuests. Suggested links to The Best Wequests on the Net, including: 1998 WebQuests - Body Builders, Desert Biome, Fast Food Nutrition, Comets, Viruses and lots more; 1999 WebQuests - Endangered Animals, Electrical Circuits, Flowers, Properties of light, Electromagnets and lots more; and 2000 WebQuests - Genetics, Dinosaurs, and Mammals.
Template to Create a WebQuest - Put the Title of the Lesson Here - Teacher Page. Student Template. From English Montreal School Board, Montreal, QC.
ThinkQuest New York City Library - Learning with the Power of Technology. Well organized collection of websites created by students and teachers in New York City. Search by Categories: Arts & Entertainment - Music; Books & Literature - Plays, Poetry; Business & Industry; Computers & the Internet - Programming; Education; Health & Safety - Food; History & Government; Languages & Language Arts; People & Places - China, New York City; Philosophy, Religion & Mythology - Greek; Reference & News; Science - Astronomy & Space, Biology, Geology; Society & Culture - China, Egypt, Greece; Sports & Recreation - Basketball; Technology.
Understanding and Using WebQuests. Workshop Resources by Midge Frazel.
Web-Based Lesson Plans. This collection of six lesson plans is designed for Adult Education but may be adapted for high school or ESL usage. Lesson topics include: Introduction to the Web, Women's History, and Learning English Using Fables.
WebQuest Collections. Updated by Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University.
WebQuest: Connecting Students to the World from Guilford County Schools, Greensboro, North Carolina. Select WebQuests by Grades: K-12, Select WebQuests by Subjects: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Vocational.
WebQuest Directory from Sir Wilfred Laurier School Board, Quebec, Canada. Includes links to Elementary and Secondary Unit Plans.
WebQuest - Index of Lessons. WebQuests were created during a three day Inservice in the Summer of 1997, from Macomb Intermediate School District, Clinton Township, MI.
The WebQuest Page. Topics covered: How to develop and create Web-based lessons, WebQuests and other Internet projects. Includes an online lesson plan collection for K-12 plus Big6 Lessons. Site provides a ready-to-use Student Webquest Template and links to additional materials and resources.
WebQuests Based on Literature selected by Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University.
WebQuests from Spartanburg District 3 County Schools. K-12. Includes many WebQuests created by teachers, other WebQuest links and WebQuest collections.
WebQuests from Vicki Blackwell's Internet Guide for Educators.
WebQuests from webTeacher. Topics include: Introduction to WebQuests, Examining WebQuests, Building Your Own WebQuest, Preparatory Work, Designing the Process, Implementation, plus Additional Resources.
WebQuests Across the Curriculum by Edmund J. Sass, Ed.D. More than 350 WebQuests and WebQuest Resources. Examples of WebQuests by Subject: Art, Geography, Health/Nutrition, History, Language Arts, Literature for Adolescents, Literature for Children, Mathematics, Music, Political Science/Government, Psychology/Sociology, Religion, Science, World Languages.
WebQuests and On-Line Research: Philosophy and Method from Trinity College, West Australian High School.
WebQuests for Kids developed by Kathi Mitchell. Links to selected webquests (K-12) under categories: Social Studies, Science, and Other Topics.
Weekly Online Lessons from Learners Online. Each week, Learners Online publishes a new online lesson that takes learners on a thematic journey across cyberspace. Lessons are tied to current events and help learners extend their knowledge on a wide range of topics. Includes Lesson Archives for Grades 3-12, but mostly for 7-12.
Welcome to the World of Webquests. A Webquest of Webquests: Selected list of 152 WebQuests available on the Web in no particular order.
Wired Learning - Filamentality. Web-based lessons, activities and more. Filamentality is a fill-in-the-blank interactive Web site that guides you through picking a topic, searching the Web, gathering good Internet sites, and turning Web resources into learning activities. Site includes Videoconferencing, Activities, Projects, Resources, Lessons, and Tools.
Xpeditions - National Geographic.com - Lesson Plans, K-12 - Complete List.
Christmas Trees & More - Education. Including Christmas Tree Education Kit: The Virtual Christmas Tree Farm from Ontario, Canada. See also Lesson Plans, The Life of a Christmas Tree - Video clips of the life of a Christmas tree, and more.
Aesop's Fables. WebQuest by Carol Lundeen, Catawba County Schools, Newton, NC.
Aesop's Fables: Fables Webquest for 5th Grade by Brenda Neil, Marceline R-V Schools, Marceline, MO.
Fairy Tale WebQuest by Sofie Maurice and Crystal Pearl-Hodgins, Ecole Whitehorse Elementary, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.
Fairy Tales. A WebQuest for 4th Grade (Language Arts) by Noreen Ciarleglio and Lisa Jennings, Samoset Elementary, School District of Manatee County, FL.
The Realm of Fairy Tales. An Original WebQuest for grades 4-5 by Judy Hoke. See also other Fairy Tale Webquests.
Arthurian Legends WebQuest! from Moraga School District, Moraga, CA.
Castles, Knights, and Gwen of Air. A WebQuest for Basic English 9, designed by Ms. Kelly Cavanaugh, McCutcheon High School, Lafayette, IN (based upon a design by Dawn Wasson).
King Arthur's Round Table Roll Call. A WebQuest by Robin Pulido.
Webquest: Arthurian Legends and Lore. A King Arthur WebQuest from South Harrison Community School Corporation.
Bullfighting Webquest: The Spanish Tourism Board Wants You! Created by: Erin Curry, Deb Marks & David Marks. When task is completed, new knowledge you gain may include: A better understanding of Spanish culture, history, and language; Skills to help you when traveling in Spain; and more.
Deutsch - German. All units designed and written by Andrew Balaam. Contents include: Beginners units, Grammar units, Topics units, Crosswords and Quizzes. This site is for students to learn the German language with exercises to reinforce learning.
Foreign Language Webquests: French, German, Japanese, Latin, Spanish from Rogers Public Schools, Rogers, AR.
French Speaking Countries Web Quest by Shawn D. Hintz, Nicholas Orem Middle School, Prince George's County, MD.
Grades 9-12 Foreign Language WebQuests.
A Horse is a Hoarse, Of Course, Of Coarse. A Lesson Plan on Homonyms/Homophones, from Large Collections of Language Arts Lesson Plans.
Best WebQuests rated by Tom March. Science webquests - High School Level. Best WebQuests Browse by Content Areas, Early, Middle, or High levels.
Bones Inside Us. Internet Scavenger Hunt by Vicki Blackwell.
Brainy Web Quest. A webquest about the brain.
Frogs - Science Web Quest by Beth Zemke, Irvine Unified School District, Irvine, CA.
Human Skeletal System. A Web Quest for 4th and 5th Grade designed by Cindy Boguen.
Journey to Alaska's Glaciers: Webquest to Explore How Glaciers Shape the Land from iwebquest.com.
A "Rock Hound's" Webquest: Exploring Rocks and Having Fun from iwebquest.com.
Women in Science by Lorna Holtman.
Look Who's Footing the Bill. An Introductory WebQuest on Democracy and the National Debt.
Math Magazine WebQuest. An Internet WebQuest on mathmagazine by Ms. Russo, Merrick Avenue Middle School, Merrick, NY.
Math WebQuests by Leah P. McCoy, Department of Education, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Site includes Sample Math WebQuests:
Math Web Quests from Online Teacher Resource.
Would You Recommend It? A Webquest on Evaluating Math Games.
Planetary Web Quest for Grades 7-9 Science, by Nancy Chatteinier, Davis Joint Unified School District, Davis, CA. See Web Sites with information on the Planets for more resources. Check out also Nasa's Imagine the Universe and Within Our Solar System.
Earth From Space:
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
by Andrew K. Johnston
Earth from Space. Lesson plans from Smithsonian Institution, for Gr. 5-12. Remote sensing can be useful in studying numerous disciplines, from biology to ecology to geography. Grade level and standards are noted beside each lesson plan. Free download of Earth from Space Activity Guide - in PDF, 7 pages.
An Internet WebQuest: Roller Coaster Physics. A McGraw-Hill Glencoe Science WebQuest. Your job in this WebQuest is to find out how roller coasters work and use this information to build a simple model of a roller coaster.
PhysicsQuest. High School Physics Online Investigations. Quests include: Linear Motion, Projectile Motion, Isaac Newton, Conservation of Energy, Waves, Lawnmowers and Physics, Light and Color, Electrostatics, Einstein, Roller Coaster Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, and Exploring the Planets. (Pop-up ads).
The Great Sleep Over: Eat, Drink, and Stay Within Budget. An Integrated Unit for Grade 3/4 by Etienne Lantos, Queen's University, Faculty of Education. PDF version, 88 pages.
Learning Math: Measurement from Annenberg / CPB. 10 sessions. Last session explores ways to apply concepts of measurement learned in K-8 classrooms. Watch Videos Online.
MCA Learning Units: Measurement. Units and Conversions, Perimeter, Area, Volume.
Measure It! from FunBrain.com. Easy, Medium, and Hard Centimeters, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Super Brain Inches. Includes K-8 Teacher Resources.
Ocean Explorer: Education Lesson Plans direct access to 85 lesson plans developed by scientists and educators. Grades 5-12.
Twister Tracking. Lesson Plans, Grades 9-12. In this lesson, students will use a database to learn about, organize, and compare tornadoes in their home state and across the country.
The Cloud Case: Teacher's Guide from WeatherEye. Interactive online lesson designed for grades 5 - 8.
Cloud Webquest for Sixth Grade Science by Marty Breazeale.
Clouds: Formation & Identification. A WebQuest for 4th Grade Science by Sherri Nett,
It's in the Clouds. An Internet Treasure Hunt on clouds by Ms. Foley, Claypit Hill School, Adams Lane, Wayland, MA.
Salt. Webquests, info, resources.
Salt and Germination - in PDF, 10 pages. Lesson 12 - Germination Experiment from ABC Science Online, Australia.
Salt Water Properties, an Inquiry Investigation. An Examination of How Salt’s Impact on Water Affects Everyday Life by David R. Wetzel, from Suite101.com.
DNA Analysis. Lesson plan from Teachers Domain. Objectives include: Understand how DNA fingerprinting can be used in criminal investigations, Interpret DNA fingerprints, Explore other uses for DNA fingerprints, Understand where DNA is located and the role it plays in the body.
Genetic Lesson Plan Ideas from Genetics Education Center, University of Kansas. Including Forensic DNA (fingerprinting, solving crimes, law, courtroom lesson plans and references).
Human Genetics: A Worldwide Search for the Dominant Trait - Do You Have It? During this project, students (ages 12-18) will complete surveys, formulate hypotheses, and use the data compiled by students around the globe to test their hypotheses.
The Topic: Trees and Forests. Complete A Trees and Forests WebQuest. Select from 10 webQuest projects.
Trees & Forests: A WebQuest for 6th Grade Science by Shonna Barth, Bob Buday, Jim Kaupp, and Ray Hoger.
Computers - Webquests, Lesson Plans. Saskatoon (East) School Division Teacher Resources.
LEGO® Robotics Invention WebQuest. This lesson will teach students the basics of design, building, and programming so that they can create a robot to do whatever they want it to do. Lesson designed for students familiar with Lego Mindstorms Invention System parts, programming environment, and engineering team groups.
Robots. Grades 6-8. Roberts - Technology/Human Body Lesson Plan from DiscoverySchool.
ToxMystery: What's Wrong in This Room. An interactive learning site for kids from the 7-10 year old age range, from U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. Includes Parent and Teacher Resources: Activities for Students. Provides a fun, game-like experience that introduces children to some of the potential health hazards around the house. Activity covers some pretty big words for this age group: arsenic, carbon monoxide, chromium, asbestos, ozone, benzene, phthalates, radon, etc. that many older students can learn a lot playing this game. Program is very forgiving with correct answers given.
Grades 9-12 Health/PE WebQuests. WebQuest Examples.
Health WebQuest - Grade Eight AIDS WebQuest by Brenda Kahn, School Library Media Specialist, Haworth Public School, Haworth, NJ.
Personal Health WebQuest. College of Education, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS.
Garden-Based Learning. Philosophy, Activities, Projects: On-line lesson plans and more-involved projects, Resources, Evaluation, Links.
Hoodia Hoodoo by Brooks Jackson, from FactCheckED.org. Students will assess the credibility of various Internet sites that advertise and review Hoodia weight-loss products. Lesson plan in PDF.
Art Exhibit. A WebQuest for 6-9th Grade Art, designed by Cathy Nolan.
Arti FAQ 21OO Directory from ThinkQuest. Contents include: Cave Art (Prehistoric, Egyptian), Classical Art (Greece and Renaissance), Modern Art (Realism, Abstract Expressionism), Pointillism (Impressionism, Cubism), Pop Art (Futurism, Pop Art), Present (Mona Moo, Millenaire), Quiz, and more.
Arts Connected from Minneapolis Institute of Arts and Walker Art Center. Includes full-color digital images of works of art, audio and video samples.
Avalon Arts Studio: Ideas for Teachers. Art ideas, art recipes, 3D art, printmaking, painting, watercolors, paper art, non-messy art, and more. (Pop-up ads).
Elementary Art Lesson Plans by Sandy Meadors, Art Teacher in Indianapolis, IN. Hands On Art (Hands-on Lesson Plans), Computer Art (Computer Graphics Lesson Plans), Resources (Technology Hints Links and Websites, Regular Art Hints, Clipart, Inspiration and Quotes, Handouts and Templates, Humor, & Vocabularies), Stitchery.
Impressionism WebQuest from TeacherWeb Teacher. WebQuest for 9th-12th Grades (Art Through the Ages curriculum) by Stanley F. Gilmore, Jr.
Skyscraper Web Quest by Amy B. for Grades 4, 5, 6. Data management and probability. Investigates 3 characteristics of various skyscrapers around the world: total height, number of stairs, and elevator speed. Solutions - in PDF. From Queen's University, Faculty of Education.
Comic Strip WebQuest by Edie Alridge, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis, IN.
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index. A unique resource with the largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web. Updates current cartoons from 54 newspaper editorial cartoonists. Lesson plans for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools.
WebQuest Animations & Cartoons. A WebQuest to create animations and cartoons by Michele Plagman, Aitkin Community Schools, Aitkin, MN.
Famous Paintings: Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids. An art web quest for children in elementary and middle school, biographies of famous artists, free art worksheets.
Getting to Know Pablo Picasso: Artist WebQuest by MaryJo Clark.
Guggenheim Teacher Resources. Includes Inquiry with Art. Art Explorations. 780 Music
Classical Music Webquests Links. Country Music WebQuest. WebQuest on Patriotic Themes in Country Music by Pam Petty, for Grades 5-8. This WebQuest provides opportunities to explore some Country Music songs that reflect symbols of freedom found in the United States of America. WebQuest was noted as one of the "Top Ten" best sites on the Internet for the study of American symbols of Freedom. Mozart and Salieri: Professional Jealousy or Murder? Webquest: Did Antonio Salieri poison Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? Music for Folks. A Web Quest on American Folk Music by Pam Dumey, Cape Girardeau Public School District, Cape Girardeau, MO. Music Lesson Plans and WebQuests - Classroom Internet Library from New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV). Music Resources. Music Lesson Plans on the Net, Software Titles to Teach Music, Music Theory, Piano Lessons Online, MIDI Sequencing Lessons, Bulletin Boards for the Music Classroom, Band Director Resources, Music Artist Biography Sites, Favorite MIDI Sites, plus a long list of General Music Sites. Tejano Music. WebQuest by
Barbara McGregor, Nashua-Plainfield High School Nashua, IA. A Web Based Introduction to
Basic Music Theory and Music Composition by Chad Sowers, Nashua-Plainfield High School, Nashua, IA. JazzKids: Lesson Plans from PBS. Online activities are designed for students in grades K-5, with accompanying lesson plans for language arts (LA), social studies (SS), music (MU), and math (MA) teachers. Jazz Webquest by Vasalaki Thomas, Sylvester, GA. Jazz: What a Wonderful World. Resources on Jazz music and Jazz Musicians, by webquest scholars: Kari Kraenzler, Nick Lane, Susan Schram and James Samz. The Origins of Jazz
in New Orleans 1890-1920. A Web Quest for 9th Grade (Music Appreciation) by Brendan Van Epps. Stephen Foster - Teacher's Guide: Suggestions for Active Learning, from PBS. American Experience: Stephen Foster - Main page. History in Film. In depth description and analysis of major films. Arranged by categories: 16th to 18th century, the American Civil War, 1910s to 1930s, World War II, Vietnam War, and other films including Godfather, My Fair Lady, The King and I, and more. The Polar Express Book and Movie WebQuest by Dr. Pam Petty and Block 1 Students, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. EdGate: Gateway to the Summer Games. Cross-curricular Olympic-themed lesson plans.781.65 Jazz
789.14 Foster, Stephen Collin, 1826-1864
791.43 Motion pictures
796.48 Olympic games, (Olympics)
CyberGuides: Grades 9-12. Literature titles include: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, All Quiet on the Western Front, Black Like Me, The Canterbury Tales, The Crucible, Cry, the Beloved Country, The Glass Menagerie, The Grapes of Wrath, Great Expectations, Night by Elie Wiesel, The Odyssey, Of Mice and Men, The Pearl, The Pigman, Edgar Allan Poe (Author study), Virginia Woolf (Author study), and more.
#2655. Edgar Allan Poe Webquest for Grades 8-12. Literature, level: Senior, by Melanie McIntyre, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.
All About Poe - Teachers’ Instructions - Student Activity Plan for Grades 6 -9, Student Directions from Thinkport's Student Activity Center. Knowing Poe - Main page.
Edgar Allan Poe Collection - Enoch Pratt Free Library. Digital Collections of Edgar Allan Poe. See portrait of Edgar Allan Poe, wooden fragment from the coffin of Edgar Allan Poe, letters from Edgar Allan Poe to Maria Clemm and others, lock of hair of Virginia Clemm Poe, wife of Edgar Allan Poe, and more.
Edgar Allan Poe: Father of Horror. A WebQuest for 8th Grade Language Arts by Becky Oakley and Cynthia Wilson, Southern Middle School, Aberdeen, NC.
Edgar Allan Poe: Lesson plans, biography, and teaching resources from Web English Teacher.
Edgar Allan Poe Webquest from Indiana University Southeast. Task: "Imagine it is sometime in the 1840's, and you are Edgar Allen Poe. One of the selected works provided is not complete. It is up to you to finish this masterpiece." Includes link to The Works of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) - Biography, Resources, Poetry, Prose.
Edgar Allan Poe Webquest by José A, Méndez Crespo.
Modeling Reading and Analysis Processes with the Works of Edgar Allan Poe. A ReadWriteThink Lesson Plan / Webquest on Edgar Allan Poe for Grades 6-8, by Lisa Gaines, Hoover, AL.
Folger Shakespeare Library - Resources for K-12 Teachers. Teaching Shakespeare Lesson Plans, Primary Sources, Study Guides, and more.
Hamlet on the Ramparts, joint venture of Folger Shakespeare Library and the MIT Shakespeare Project. Multimedia exploration of Hamlet, complete with film, primary source materials, lesson plans, and tutorials.
In Search of Shakespeare - Lesson Plans designed to enrich classroom study of Shakespeare's plays and Elizabethan England, from PBS. Activities created by a team of educators for use in elementary or secondary school classroom settings.
Ancient Civilizations. An Integrated Unit for Grade 5 by Cindy Galpin, Beth Butler, Helen Hart, and Pauline Beder, Queen's University, Faculty of Education. PDF version, 89 pages.
Kidipede - History for Kids - Europe, Asia, and Africa before 1500 AD. Teacher's Guides for History for Kids.
The Middle Ages: Storytelling Webquest for elementary and middle students. Learn about the people of the Middle Ages, Castles, and Knights by studying their Tales and Legends.
SCORE History / Social Science. School of California Online Resources for Education, K-12.
Medieval Times - Heritage and Citizenship. An Integrated Unit for Grade 4 by Anna Portolese, Rita Zanatta, and Betty Goulden, Queen's University, Faculty of Education. ">PDF version, 130 pages.
A Blast from the Past An Integrated Unit for Grade 3/4 by Mary Watson, Queen's University, Faculty of Education.PDF version, 83 pages.
Ancient Egypt. Mrs Donn's Lessons & Activities for K-12 teachers & students.
Ancient Egypt Webquest from iwebquest.com for elementary and middle students. Learn about Ancient Egyptian daily life, Egyptian mummies, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, King Tut (Tutankhamen), Egyptian games, and Archeology.
Roman Empire: In the First Century for Educators from Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Lesson plans for students to learn about the daily life of ancient Romans and to gain a better understanding of the significant achievements and contributions made by the Romans.
All Quiet on the Western Front: World War One Web Quest for Mrs. Adams' Sophomore Class, in Preparation of Studying Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front. It was supposed to be "The War to End All Wars."
The War to End All Wars. World War I WebQuest by Barry Sovel. Use primary sources to explore the experience of different participants' roles in World War I and what it may have been like to have been in 'their shoes'.
WebQuest for Information on WWI by D Reiter, Longwood Central School District, NY.
World War I: Weaponry, Tactics, and Propaganda. Webquest by P Ells, Scott Middle School, Lincoln, Nebraska.
World War I Webquest by P Hewitt, Davison High School, Davison, MI.
World War 1 Webquest "And You Are There...". A World War I Webquest by Kathy DeFonzo, Louise Uchaczyk, and Richard Walter, Joseph A. Foran High School, Milford, CT.
BBC - Children of World War 2 (1939-1945). Find out what life was like for children in the Second World War. Includes a section for Teachers and Parents covering Curriculum Relevance, Lesson Plans, Printable Worksheets, and Online Activities.
A Separate Peace: A Teenager Experiences World War II by Sally Hursey.
What I Did During the War: From Grandpa's or Grandma's Scrapbook: A World War II WebQuest by Joyce Valenza, Len Arlen, and Chris Shelly.
World War II. A 42eXplore project.
World War II: In Defense of Freedom. A WebQuest for 11th Grade US History & Language Arts, by Carolyn O. Burleson.
Trailing the Samurai's Tale. An Internet WebQuest on The Samurai's Tale by Erik Haugaard. WebQuest by Dan Fickett, Bonita Vista Middle School, Chula Vista, CA.
The Trail of Tears and the Forced Relocation of the Cherokee Nation. Teaching with Historic Places Lesson Plans from National Park Service, Washington, DC. *Special note to teachers: This lesson uses the terms commonly used during the 1830s to refer to men and women of English and European origin and to members of native tribes as "whites" and "Indians." This lesson could be a part of a history unit on American Indians, Jacksonian America, Manifest Destiny, or westward expansion, a social studies unit on cultural diversity, or a geography unit on demography. Time period: 1820s and 1830s. Includes: Relevant United States History Standards for Grades 5-12.
Canadian Wartime Experience from Archives & Special Collections of University of Manitoba. Grades 4 & 6 materials cover life and times of Louis Riel and the Red River Resistance. Grade 9 material covers Peacekeeping, Human Rights, and Canada's Role in World Conflicts. Grade 11 material covers Canadian involvement in World War I and World War II, including soldiers' personal accounts.
Ontario History Quest. Discovering Documentary History 1820-1970. For Grades 7, 8, 10 and 12. Choose a grade to begin your quest to learn about Ontario history. Explore the past from images of original letters, diaries, pictures and other documents.
Statistics Canada - Teachers Learning Resources. Teaching Tools include Lesson Plans sorted by level and subject.
Virtual Museum of Canada Teachers Centre. Teaching Resources include: Lesson plans, online educational games for kids, and fun learning activities.
Abraham Lincoln on Slavery and Race - Lesson Plan 1 for High School by Roberta McCutcheon, from History Now, American History Online. Numerous web links are provided along with related classroom activities. Also:
American History. Webquests.
American Revolution or Revolutionary War. Links to WebQuests under section: Complete a Revolutionary War WebQuest.
The Boston Tea Party: Costume Optional? Gr. 6-8 lesson plan from EDSITEment. Find out what really happened at the Boston Tea Party and other famous tea parties held to protest British taxes. See also Revolutionary Tea Parties and the Reasons for Revolution.
The Civil War through a Child's Eye. Lesson Plans from the Library of Congress.
Constitution Day Resources for Educators. Include Classroom Activities, Discussion Starters, and Lesson Plans. Constitution Day is September 17. Compiled & Updated by Lianne Hartman, Reference/Instruction Librarian, Lourdes Library, Gwynedd-Mercy College.
Crossroads. A K-16 American History Curriculum. Topics covered: Background Material, Essays, Curriculums covered: Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Postsecondary.
Dear King George III: A webquest on the American Revolution for 5th grade, author unclear. Original webquest possibly designed by Paula Anderson? Site from Dedham Public Schools, Dedham, MA. Includes links to Words and Music to Yankee Doodle and Games.
James Madison Center: Teacher Resources: U.S. History Curriculum. Book length history of the United States organized by learning objectives.
Ken Kantor's Links to History Webquests including United States History.
The Learning Page: Teacher Resources - Lesson Plans Index by Themes, Topics, Disciplines or Eras from the Library of Congress. Lesson Plans by Title.
Lessons of Liberty from Liberty Memorial. Download lesson plans: Courage and Honor Lesson Plan - in PDF for Gr. 5-6 (8 pages). Patriotism Lesson Plan - in PDF for Gr. 7-8 (12 pages). Sacrifice Lesson Plan - in PDF for Gr. 9-12 (9 pages).
Parents and Teachers Guide for www.whitehousekids.gov. Whitehousekids.gov is an educational opportunity for young Americans to learn about the White House and the President through fun and exciting features. Includes Lesson Plans. News for Kids, Math Challenge, Quizzes and Games, Photos, Videos, History, Tours, Pets, Traditions, Sports, Patriotism, and more.
Presidential History Resources. Include Epic Story of the Presidency and Historical Documents.
Travel the United States. Webquest by Chris Yancone, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Technology in Education.
Who Started the Fire? A WebQuest for 11th Grade American History by Julie Haines, Jackson High School, Jackson, OH.
Born on a Mountaintop? Davy Crockett, Tall Tales, and History. Lesson plan for Gr. 3-5. Subject Areas: Art and Culture - Folklore, History and Social Studies - U.S. History - The West, Literature and Language Arts - American, Biography.
American Aloha Lesson Plan: Perpetuating Indigenous Cultural Traditions in Diaspora. Grades 10-12. Subjects covered: History, Social Studies, Language Arts, Multicultural Music and Dance Appreciation.