![]() Reference Site Map |
301 Anthropology, (Cultural anthropology), (Social anthropology), (Physical anthropology), (Archaeology), (Linguistics), (Ethnology), (Ethnography), (Indigenous peoples)
302.2 Signs and symbols, Communication
302.23 Mass media, (Mass communication), (Media), (TV), (Magazines), (Radio), (Newspapers)
302.3 Bullying, Bullying - Prevention, Bullies
303.3 Public opinion polls, Quality of life, Social values, Values, (Best employers)
303.6 Terrorism, Terrorists - Biography
304.6 Population, Birthrate, Mortality, Vital statistics, Human fertility, (Death rate), (Mortuary statistics), (Demography), (Birth rate), (Marriage statistics)
305.23 Children, Children and adults, Child development, (Child rearing), (Child abuse), (Child welfare), (Teenagers), (Teenage pregnancy)
305.26 Aging, Retirement, (Senior citizens), (Seniors), (Aged), Elderly, Gerontology, Old age, (Older adults)
305.4 Women, Women - Identity, (Women - History), (Women - Social Conditions)
305.5 Poverty
305.892 Arabs
305.896 Blacks, African Americans, (Afro-Americans), (Blacks - United States), (Black History Month), Blacks - Canada, Blacks - Great Britain
306.81 Marriage
306.85 Family
307.76 City life, Cities and towns, Urban sociology, (Town life), (Urban life)
310 Statistics
314.1 Great Britain - Census, United Kingdom - Census, Great Britain - Statistics, United Kindgom - Statistics, (Scotland - Census), (Northern Ireland - Census)
317.1 Canada - Census, Canada - Statistics
317.3 United States - Census, United States - Statistics
319.4 Australia - Census, Australia - Statistics
320.1 Political science, Political ethics
322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)
323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)
323.3 Women's rights, Women's movement, Feminism, (Women - Civil rights), (Women - Emancipation), (Women - Equal rights), (Women - Suffrage)
323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)
323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)
324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)
324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)
325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration
326 Underground railroad, Slavery, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)
327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament)
330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)
331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)
331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor)
331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)
331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance
332.024 Personal finance, Estate planning, Saving and thrift, (Financial planning, Personal), (Finance, Personal), (Budgets, Personal)
332.1 Banks and banking, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
332.10971 Banks and banking - Canada
332.10973 Banks and banking - United States
332.4 Money, Coinage, Mints, Paper money, Gold, Inflation (Finance), (Currency), (Standard of value), (Legal tender), Exchange, Foreign exchange, (Exchange rates)
332.63 Stocks, (Stock market), (Stock quotes), Bonds, Mutual funds, Securities, (Investments), (Foreign investments)
332.64 Stock exchange, (Securities exchange)
332.7 Credit cards, Debt, Loans, Mortgages, Consumer credit
332.8 Interest (Economics), Interest rates, (Prime rates)
333.33 Real estate business, Houses - Buying and selling, (Home buying), (Home purchase), (Real property), (Realty), (Apartments), (Rentals)
336.2 Taxation, (Income tax), (IRS), (CRA), (CCRA), (Revenue Canada), (Tax returns), (Taxes)
336.3 Public debts, (Government debts), (National debts)
338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)
338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)
338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)
338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)
338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)
338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)
340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms), Law - Directories
Governments: (See countries, e.g.: 971 Canada, 973 USA)
341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations
341.7 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberspace law), (Cyberlaw)
345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)
345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation
346.0434 Landlord and Tenant
346.05 Estate planning, Inheritance and transfer tax, (Tax planning), (Personal finance)
346.4 Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)
347.053 Class actions
349.71 Law - Canada
349.73 Law - United States
352.230941 Prime ministers - Great Britain
352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada
352.230973 Presidents - United States
353.8 School boards, (Boards of education) - See 371.2 Schools - Administration
355 Military readiness
358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare)
361.3 Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)
361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)
361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)
361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions)
362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States
362.2 Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)
362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction)
362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped
362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child sexual abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)
362.8297 Missing children
363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety)
363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)
363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)
363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)
363.2 Police, Law enforcement
363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences
363.28 Secret Service
363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)
363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)
363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)
363.738 Acid rain
363.739 Pollution, Air pollution - Measurement, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)
364 Crime
364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)
364.16 Fraud, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Con artists), (Con game)
364.6 Capital punishment, (Death penalty), (Executions), (Hanging)
368 Insurance
Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)
370 Education
370.19 Foreign study, Foreign students, (College students), (Overseas study), (Study abroad)
371 Schools (K-12), (K12), (Education), (Homework)
371.04 Home schooling, (Home-based education), (Home education), (Home instruction), (Home teaching by parents), (Homeschooling)
371.102 Teaching, (Art of teaching), (Methods of teaching)
371.12 (Teacher qualifications), (Professional qualifications of teachers), (Certification of teachers)
371.2 Schools - Administration, (School management and organization), (Acceptable use policy - AUP)
371.26 Educational tests and measurements, Examinations, Intelligence tests, Psychological tests, Ability - Testing, (Tests), (Achievement tests), (Objective tests), (Educational measurements), (Intelligence testing), (Mental tests), (IQ tests), (I.Q. tests)
371.3 Teaching - Aids and devices, Teaching machines, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instruction, (Instructional materials), (Teaching materials), (Lesson plans)
See also WebQuests - Web-based lesson plans (Internet activities for educational purposes)
371.3028 Homework, Study skills, (Art of learning), (Method of study), (Study strategies)
371.39 Tutors and tutoring, (Tutorial), (Tutorials), (Learning), (Education at home), (Home instruction), (Courses of study)
371.42 Vocational guidance, (Vocational education), (Career education)
371.7 Safety education, School violence, (Student violence), (School vandalism), (Violence in schools), (Accidents - Prevention)
372 Elementary schools
372.1 Babysitting
373 High schools
374 Discussion groups, Voice chat
377.2 Character, Moral education, (Character education)
378 Colleges and universities
378.13 Alumni and alumnae - Directories
378.3 Scholarships, Student aid, Student loan funds, (Bursaries), (Fellowships), (Scholarship funds), (Student financial assistance)
379.158 School standards and accreditation, (Educational standards)
380.1 Markets, and 381 Telemarketing (See 658.8 Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores)
380.106 Chamber of commerce, (Boards of trade)
381.13 Franchises (Retail trade)
382 International economic relations, International trade, (International organization), (Internatioal cooperation), (World economics), (Economic planning), (Social policy)
383 Postal service, Postal code, Zip code, Postage stamps, (Mail service), (Post office), Postcards
384 Electronic mail systems (E-mail or email addresses), Telephone (Telephone directories), Video telephone, Chat dictionaries, Data transmission systems, Telecommunication, (Wireless)
384.54 Radio stations, Radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Amateur radio stations, (Ham radio stations), (High-frequency radio), (Citizens band radio)
384.55 Television, Television broadcasting, Public television, Television and youth, Television and children, (Educational television)
387.155 Lighthouses
387.5 Merchant marine, (Sailors), (Seamen)
387.7 Airlines
388.4 City traffic, Traffic engineering, Local transit, (Street traffic), (Urban traffic), (Highway transportation)
391 Costume, Fashion, Clothing and dress
391.413 Shoes, (Footwear), (Boots)
391.6 Perfumes, Tattooing
392.1 Female circumcision
392.5 Weddings, Marriage customs and rites, (Bridal customs), (Honeymoon)
394.2 Birthdays
394.26 Holidays, Festivals, (Christian holidays), (Religious holidays), (Chinese New Year), (Valentine's Day), (Easter), (Halloween), (Veterans' Day), (Thanksgiving Day)
394.268 Christmas, Christmas customs, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, (Santa Claus), (St. Nicholas), (St. Nick), (Xmas)
395 Etiquette
398 Folklore, (Folk lore), (Folk tales), (Traditions)
398.2 Fables, Fairy tales, Legends, Urban legends (Hoaxes)
398.22 Arthurian romances, Grail, (King Arthur), (Holy Grail), (Arthur, King - Romances), (Knights of the Round Table)
398.24 Mythical animals, Animals - Folklore, Dragons, (Monsters)
398.8 Nursery rhymes
10 Resolutions for a Fruitful Fiscal Year - 10 Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your Bottom Line .
360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a national volunteer effort of the nation’s Certified Public Accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances and develop money management skills.
Canada Savings Bonds. RRSP Calculator - Registered Retirement Savings Plan. Payroll Savings Calculator.
CANOE Money: Personal Finance provides information and links: (scroll down to see related News) Home Buying, Investment, Mutual Funds, RRSP, Financial Tools with calculators, and more.
CU Succeed Resources. Credit Union Teens Financial Network. Contents: My Budget, My Calculators (Credit Card Payoff Calculator, Loan Calculator, Savings Calculator, Auto Loan Calculator), My Car, My College, My Credit, My Job, My Links, My Savings, and Financial Glossary.
Financial Planning from AARP - American Association of Retired Persons. See also Reverse Mortgages, Legal Issues: Resources including Self-Help Guides: Wills and Estate Planning, Power of Attorney FAQ, Buying or Selling a Home, and more.
Financial Planning: Complete Guide to Personal Finance and Financial Success from About.com.
How to Do an Annual Financial Checkup from About.com. Identify your goals, Evaluate changes in your personal situation, Protect your assets, Review your will and your estate plan, Evaluate your investment performance, Evaluate your debts, Reduce your income taxes, Review your retirement plans, plus Links to related articles.
mint.com. The simplest and most effective way to manage your money. Free Personal Finance Software, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning.
Money 101 from CNNMoney. Financial advice in 23 lessons. All your money at a glance. Free Web sites that give you an instant big picture on your saving, spending and retirement portfolio.
Power of Attorney and Living Wills from Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. Free download of Power of Attorney Kit in PDF: Powers of Attorney - Forms for Continuing Power of Attorney for Property and Power of Attorney for Personal Care.
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) from Department of Finance Canada. Starting in January 2009, Canadians aged 18 and older can save up to $5,000 every year in a TFSA. Capital gains and other investment income earned in a TFSA will not be taxed. For a brief but excellent summary of the TFSA, see TFSA: Savings without Taxes - in PDF by François Brouard, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University.
ATM Locations - Search Systems: Directory: U.S. Nationwide / Banking, Search Systems: Directory: Canada Nationwide / Banking, VISA ATM Cash Machine Locator - International, includes Airport Cash Machines, Master Card ATM Locator - U.S., Canada, International - Search by Country / City / Address, Master Card ATM Locator - Search by Airport.
ATM Locator - VISA. Find ATM locations closest to you. Select a region and/or country, enter name of city, zip or postal code. Site will provide a detailed map indicating all the locations closest to your stated address. Also available is a list of Airport ATMs for airports around the world complete with terminal diagrams. See also ATM Locator - MasterCard and the nearest Express Cash ATM for American Express.
Audio ATM Locations Across Canada for Sight Impaired Consumers. Audio-equipped automated teller machines (audio ATM's) from Royal Bank Financial Group (RBC) and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).
Islamic Banking and Finance. A series of three lectures delivered at University of California, Los Angeles in 2001 for the business community, from UCLA International Institute. Includes links to Websites and information on Islamic Banking and Finance.
Look up: Banking Terms from Babylon.com. Glossaries of economy and finances with detailed explanations of words, acronyms and definitions from the world of finance and banking. Include: Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary, UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Money-Laundering Terms, European Central Bank Glossary.
About Canadian Banks - from About.com.
Bank of Canada. Bank Notes, Bank Rate, Exchange Rate Converter, Inflation Calculator
Canadian Bankers Association. Contents include: Information Booklets, Fast Facts, Statistics, Speeches, Canadian Banker Magazine, and Financial Calculators. See also:
Credit Union Centrals Across Canada. Credit Unions Online - Canadian Credit Unions - Canada Credit Union Search.
Banks and Banking. Title 12 of United States Code. Legal aspects of banks and banking plus rules, forms, appendices, and other additional material.
Banks in the United States from The Internationalist. American banks listed in alphabetical order.
Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act from the Federal Reserve Board.
Money Cafe - United States. Topics include: Bank Directory, ATM Locators, Online Payment Systems, Banking Library, Savings Calculators, Loan Calculators, Banking Glossaries, and Banking Links.
50 State Quarters® Program from United States Mint.
Bank of Canada - Exchange Rates - Currency converter: 56 currencies. Daily Noon Rates for past 5 business days, Daily Noon Rates for past 7 business days, Search Daily Rates for past 10 years, Currency Converter for Canadian or U.S. Dollars for past 10 years (search by countries, from Argentine pesos to Venezuelan bolivars), Search Monthly Averages for past 10 years, and Latest US$/CAN$ Closing Rates. Note: Effective 1 January 2007, the euro replaces the Slovenia Tolar. Read about the important role of The Exchange Rate in Canada's economy.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP). U.S. Department of the Treasury. Contents include: U.S. Banknotes - front and back views of U.S. dollar bills from $1.00 to $100.00, Anti-Counterfeiting, Money Facts, Shredded and Mutilated Currency, Collector Fact Sheets, plus Fun and Games and Youth Education Materials to Download.
Canadian Currency. Learn about Canadian currency - foreign exchange rates, bank notes, coins and counterfeits, from About.com: Canada Online.
Coin and Conscience: Popular Views of Money, Credit and Speculation - 16th through 19th Centuries from Baker Library Historical Collections, Harvard Business School. Digital access to all 70 items described in the exhibition catalog.
Colonial Currency from University of Notre Dame, IN. See photos of original paper money, some printed, some handwritten. Currency examples are arranged alphabetically by Colonies/ States (1709 to 1790) followed by Continental Currency (1775-1779), Colonial Lottery Tickets (1744-1782), and Colonial Fiscal Documents (1777-1790).
Counterfeiting Prevention - FAQ from Bank of Canada. Site tells you how to detect counterfeit Canadian money by detailing Bank Note Security Features.
Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada. The National Currency Collection contains some 100,000 items consisting of coins, tokens and paper money.
Current Value of Old Money. How Much is that Worth Today Internationally, in Great Britain, in Europe, and in the United States. Historical Exchange Rates, Prices in Ancient Rome, Estimating World GDP from One Million B.C. to Present, US Inflation and Cost of Living Calculator, Past, Present & Future of Money, History and Chronology of Money, Numismatics, E-Money, and much more.
Department of the Treasury: The Learning Vault. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Production and Circulation of United States Currency Notes, plus Portraits and Designs on Currency Notes, Denominations, Buying, Selling and Redeeming Currency Notes, and Legal Tender Status of Currency Notes.
Gold - Frequently Asked Questions from World Gold Council. Investing in Gold questions include: How can I buy or sell gold? Where can I find the daily gold price? How much is a gram of gold worth? How much gold is still underground? Where is gold mined?
History of Money from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of Money from PBS. History of Money from ThinkQuest. The History of Money from About.com. History of Money from History.com, includes mints shots, timeline, video gallery.
How Much Is That? Measuring Worth by two University Professors of Economics: Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson. Comparative value between the past and today. Contents include:
Inflation Conversion Factors for Dollars 1665 to Estimated 2017 by Robert Sahr, Political Science Department, Oregon State University. Find out Movie Ticket Prices from various years, Pay of Presidents and Members of Congress, Price of Gasoline 1949 to 1999, Price of Gold 1835 to 1999, Millionaires Then and Now, etc. in Current Dollars.
Know Your Money from the United States Secret Service. Contents: History of United States Currency, Characteristics of U.S. Paper Currency, Damaged or Worn Out Money, How to Detect Counterfeit Money, Counterfeit Coins, Illustration of Currency, Altered Government Checks, It's The Law, and Counterfeit Note Report Download.
Money Matters. Brief summary about money in Canada, Canadian Bank Notes, Canadian Coins, Tipping, and Examples of prices for services and goods (in Vancouver area).
The New Color of Money. Safer. Smarter. More Secure. New series began with the introduction of the $20 note on October 9, 2003, new $50 note issued on September 28, 2004, new $10 note issued on March 2, 2006, and new $5 Bill on March 13, 2008.
OANDA: The Currency Site. OANDA = Olsen & Associates, O and A, for short. Site provides currency conversion information and services to travelers, investors and businesses worldwide. Currency Converter is a free, current, real time, online service covering 164 currencies. A Travelers Currency Cheat Sheet provides a quick conversion from one currency to another. Choice of conversion by amount, your specified date, and selected countries. You can get the OANDA currency Cheat Sheet with the exchange rate on any day from January 1, 1990 through today. Available in English, Deutsch, Francais, Italiano, Portugues, Espanol, and Svenska.
Paper Money WWW Directory. Worldwide coverage of paper money directories. Numerous links: Collectors (world paper money collections), Dealers (buy and sell banknotes, coins, etc.), Interactive (paper money chat groups), Internet Services (auctions, marketplace for dealers and collectors), Organizations (range from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to Canadian Tire and its coupon money), Other (includes auction firms), Reference (include prevention of counterfeits), Software (to keep track of collections by cataloging paper notes and coins), and Stocks & Bonds (online catalogs of collectible stocks and bonds).
Penn World Table: International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, 1950-2004. Select countries from A-Z for comparison. Comparative data include: Population, Exchange Rate, Purchasing Power Parity over GDP, Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita, Ratio of GNP to GDP, and more. Credits: Alan Heston, Robert Summers and Bettina Aten, Penn World Table Version 6.2, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices at the University of Pennsylvania, September 2006.
Timeline of Money . From Timelines of History.
Tom Chao's Paper Money Gallery. World Bank Notes. Samples of paper money from many countries.
The United States Mint - Fact Sheets: History of Regular Issue United States Coin Denominations, Composition of the Cent, Presidents on U.S. Coins, Lincoln's Best Side, In God We Trust, Why is the Flip Side 'Flipped'? Men & Women on Coins, Why Do Some Coins Have Grooves on the Edges? United States Bullion Depository Fort Knox, Kentucky, and more. Take a Virtual Mint Tour to see how coins are made.
Universal Currency Converter from XE, a currency and foreign exchange (fx, or forex) site.
Where's George? Where is My Money tracking site in U.S.A.
XE.com - The Universal Currency Converter. Allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate conversion on the Internet instantly.
![]() The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition) by Benjamin Graham |
![]() The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing by Jason Kelly |
20 Investments: Introduction from Forbes Investopedia. "...as most successful investors will tell you, diversification is king. A diversified portfolio not only reduces unwanted risk, but also contributes to a winning portfolio..."
2006 Broker Survey from The Globe and Mail - Rating Canada's on-line brokerages - September 16, 2006:
1. Qtrade Investor
2. E*TRADE Canada
3. Credential Direct
4. BMO Investorline - Bank of Montreal
5. TD Waterhouse - Toronto-Dominion Bank
6. ScotiaMcLeod Direct Investing - Bank of Nova Scotia
7. CIBC Investor's Edge - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
8. RBC Action Direct - Royal Bank of Canada
9. National Bank Direct Brokerage - National Bank of Canada
10. Disnat - Mouvement des caisses Desjardins - French version
Disnat - Desjardins Online Brokerage - English version.
2007 Broker Survey from Globe and Mail, October 12, 2007 - Rating Canada's on-line brokerages:
1. Qtrade Investor
2. E*TRADE Canada
3. TD Waterhouse Discount Brokerage
4. BMO InvestorLine
5. Credential Direct
6. RBC Direct Investing
7. ScotiaMcLeod Direct Investing
8. DisnatDirect
9. CIBC Investor's Edge
10. National Bank Direct Brokerage (NBDB)
11. HSBC InvestDirect
12. Questrade Canadian Discount Broker
13. TradeFreedom
Investing in Canada. An investment blog discussing the top financial trends that affect stock markets.
2008 Broker Survey from Globe and Mail, October 24, 2008 - Rating Canada's on-line brokerages, ranking evaluated 13 different firms in six different categories by Rob Carrick, :
1. Qtrade Investor
2. BMO InvestorLine
3. E*TRADE Canada
4. TD Waterhouse Discount Brokerage
5. Credential Direct
6. RBC Direct Investing
7. CIBC Investor's Edge
8. DisnatDirect
9. ScotiaMcLeod Direct Investing
10. National Bank Direct Brokerage (NBDB)
11. HSBC InvestDirect
12. TradeFreedom
13. Questrade Canadian Discount Broker
To see Rob Carrick's Criteria for the ranking the above brokerages, you may need to purchase the full article.
2008 Broker Survey from SmartMoney.com.
ADVFN - Advanced Financial Network. Free stock quotes, stock charts, market news and streaming real-time share prices. FOREX and OFEX quotes are live. NYSE and AMEX quotes are delayed by at least 20 minutes. All other quotes are delayed by at least 15 minutes unless otherwise stated.
Alternative Minimum Tax 101 - Guide to the AMT from Tax Guide for Investors. Includes: Top 10 Things that Cause AMT Liability, AMT and Long-Term Capital Gain, Claiming AMT Credit - You may be able to claim AMT credit from exercising an incentive stock option even if you haven't sold the shares.
AmericanBulls Stock Scan for North American Stock Markets with Candlestick Analysis. Site gives you an idea when to WAIT before buying a stock, when to HOLD, BUY CONFIRMED, BUY - IF, SELL - IF, or SELL CONFIRMED based on technical analysis using candlesticks. Read Daily Commentary for explanation. To find the correct ticker symbol quickly, go to right side of screen at your choice of Index, select from A-Z list.
All Penny Stocks.com - Micro Cap and Small Cap Stocks. A website devoted to Canadian and American Stocks and Penny Stocks. Site also offers weekly write-ups of financial news, weekly penny stocks to watch, daily top 50 penny stocks info, technical analysis, and more.
Annual Reports Service. The Wall Street Journal Online Annual Reports. A free service for investors seeking stock research & financial information. Search by alpha A-Z, by Industry, or by Company name.
Ask Research. A free service for investors. Free stock charts. Includes: Daily Chart, Intraday Trading Chart, Watch List, Symbol Lookup, Before The Bell, Glossary.
Barchart.com. Includes Learning Center, Information on U.S. Markets, Futures, Funds, Signals, Symbol Search, Chart, Quote, Technicals, Sectors, Opinion, Snapshot, Advanced, Performance, Projections, and more.
Beware of Foreign Currency Trading Frauds - FOREX Advisory from United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which warns consumers of various kinds of frauds in today's financial markets.
BigCharts: A Service of MarketWatch. At BigReports toggle between US and CA for United States or Canadian stock quotes. Quick Quotes, News, Industries, Markets, Historical Quotes, and more.
Bloomberg.com. Top financial and world news, stock market update and quotes (NYSE/AMEX delayed 20 min., NASDAQ delayed 15 min.), rates and bonds, currencies, commodities, technology, US economy, free weekday e-mail report on top stories.
BMO InvestorLine. Online brokerage from Bank of Montreal. PLEASE BEWARE OF TRICKY BMO InvestorLine PRACTICE!! CAUTION - A Quarter is NOT a Quarter here! In all other BMO practices, a quarter is a quarter, but BMO InvestorLine calculates qualifying Quarter for Active Traders differently from their own normal acceptance of Quarters and differently from any other online brokerages: 30 trades are required in the PREVIOUS three calendar months, NOT in the normal Quarter as generally assumed and accepted. The example showing on the BMO Website (see direct quote below) for April, May & June as a previous quarter, which happens to correspond to Q2, is misleading. Beware that BMO's method of calculating quarters could put you at a distinct disadvantage. You may be charged $29 per limit trade instead of the expected $9.95 after you thought you had reached 30 trades and have qualified as an Active Trader in the "previous quarter".
Direct quote from BMO InvestorLine: "If you execute 30 or more electronic equity and/or option trades per quarter and sign up for eServices, you will gain access to the Active Trader Program automatically*. Your status for the Program will be automatically evaluated each month based on your trading activity for the previous three calendar months. For example, for you to qualify for the Program starting July 1, you will need to execute 30 or more qualifying trades from April 1 to June 30."
Canada.com. Business Headlines, Key Numbers, Stock Centre, Mutual Funds, Commodities & Futures, Personal Finance Tools, Basic Savings Calculator, RRSP Calculator, RESP Calculator, Investment Calculator, RRSP vs. Non-RRSP, Financial Post, FP Market Data, Currency Converter, Loans & Savings, Great Canadian Icons, Gallery: Money 101, Business News Briefs.
Canadian Financial Network. The CFN Collection consists of over 6000 international online financial resources, most are free.
Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Current Member List of over 200 investment dealers in Canada e.g. BMO InvestorLine, RBC Direct Investing, CIBC Investor Services, E*TRADE Canada. CIPF covers customers of Members who have suffered or may suffer financial loss solely as a result of the insolvency of a Member. Generally, investors are protected up to $1,000,000 of loss per separate account with each CIPF Member. CIPF FAQ.
Canadian Market & Economy. Categories: Economic Analysis & Commentary, Market Data: Market Digest, Stock Quotes (Canoe), Stock Quotes (Excite), Stock Graphing, Major Canadian Indices, Canada Most Actives, The Major Indexes - Complete TSE Listings, Bonds, Mutual Funds, as well as Investor Tools, Stock Exchanges, Government & Regulators, Broker & Online Trading, and Business Magazines.
Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) - Investor Information. Includes: Investing and the Internet: Be Alert to Signs of Fraud, The Basics of Investing, Ten Tips to Help Safeguard Your Money, Investor Education for Kids, and more.
Canoe Money. Canadian focus. News, Markets, Mutual Funds, Learn about Small Business, Banking in Canada: Credit, Income, Mortgages, Car Loan Rates, Credit Card Rates, Personal Loans, GIC Rates, Interest Rates, Mortgage Rates, Loan, Lease, and Mortgage Calculators, RRSP and Tax News, Currency Rates, RRIF, and more.
CBS MarketWatch. Provides fast breaking news, with award-winning data, tools, research and charts.
Charles Schwab. Schwab Active Trading: Price - Overview.
ChartFilter. A free technical analysis education site. ChartFilter's free Newsletter takes popular technical indicators against historical stocks and walks the investor through the analysis.
CIBC Investor's Edge. Canadian and U.S. Equity and Option Trades.
Convert Your Paper Savings Bonds Using SmartExchange from TreasuryDirect, the first and only financial services website that lets you buy and redeem securities directly from the U.S. Department of the Treasury in paperless electronic form. SmartExchange allows TreasuryDirect account owners to convert their Series E, EE and I Bonds to electronic securities in a special Conversion Linked Account within their online account.
Day Trading. Info and advice from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk, Internet and Online Trading: Warnings and Tips - Find out how to invest wisely, avoid fraud and investment scams on the Internet. See also Other Investor Education Sites.
DealBook - New York Times. Current business news and analysis on Mergers, Acquisitions, Investment Banking, IPOs (Initial Public Offerings), Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Venture Capital, Current law suits and court cases.
DividendInvestor.com. Dividends and Dividend Paying Stocks in the United States. Company Information, Stock Information, plus Dividend Information which includes (where available): Dividend Yield, Dividend Yield 5yr Avg, Dividend Rate, Dividend Payout Ratio, Dividend Payout Ratio 5yr Avg, Dividend Growth Rate 3yr and 5 yr Avg, Dividend Payment Type: e.g. Cash, Dividend Declaration Date, Dividend Ex Date (Ex Dividend Date), Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date.
DividendInvestor.ca - Canadian Dividend Stocks. Dividends and Dividend Paying Stocks in Canada.
Dow Jones & Company. Dow Jones History / Timeline. Fact Sheets.
Edustock. Explains the stock market, provides educational tutorials, company profiles, and a FREE 20 minute delayed Stock market simulation on the World Wide Web.
Efficient Market Canada. Canadian ETF, Mutual Fund, and RRSP Advice, News and Information.
TheEnergyNews.com. Energy News, Reports and Information for the Oil and Gas Industry. The Energy News Archives. Watch daily News Release videos twice a day: early and late editions, include stock market reports for oil and gas companies, income trusts, and more.
E*TRADE Canada. Online trading and investing.
Financial Glossary of Wall $treet Week with FORTUNE. The glossary, compiled by Professor Campbell R. Harvey of Duke University, defines more than 7,200 terms.
FinanncialResources.ca. Canadian Financial Resources, Articles, and Tools.
Flow Through Shares Explained. What you should know about "Super" Flow-Through Shares.
fundlibrary.com. Canada's Mutual Fund Resource Centre. Over 10,000 pages of general and fund-specific information on all aspects of mutual fund investing may be found in this excellent fund library. Keep track of your portfolio, analyze fund performance, calculate average costs of each fund, view charts, gain and loss reports, as well as details for individual funds, and have portfolio reports sent to you by email daily, weekly, or monthly. Free service.
Global Penny Stocks. The only penny stock site recommended in Barron's and by Forbes, picks stocks trading at under $5 that are on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.
globeinvestor.com, or GlobeinvestorGOLD.com. Complete coverage of North American markets. Globe Portfolio keeps track of your personalized investments in U.S. and Canadian funds with automatic conversion of U.S. to Canadian currency and vice versa. Used to be free, but now there is a fee charged to use this program. Check out Globe's Quote Lookup:
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Hoover's Companies A-Z from Hoover's Directories. For each company, site provides information on Key Numbers, Key People, Industry Information, Top Competitors, Rankings, plus its Subsidiaries / Affiliates Covered by Hoover's Online.
FINRA Investor Knowledge Quiz Test your investing knowledge from Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) - largest non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. FINRA oversees nearly 5,000 brokerage firms, about 173,000 branch offices and more than 677,000 registered securities representatives.
Fraud Quiz: Test Yourself on Investment Scams from ABCFraud.ca.
Income Trust from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Income Trust Fall-Out: NAFTA Trust Claims. American couple the first to launch NAFTA challenge against Government of Canada for eliminating Income Trusts; Inviting others to join. OTTAWA – OCTOBER 30, 2007 – Marvin and Elaine Gottlieb are taking on Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and the Canadian government for the Halloween 2006 broken promise on the elimination of income trusts. What is NAFTA Chapter 11? NAFTA Chapter 11 is the portion of the North American Free Trade Agreement that allows investors from one NAFTA country to sue the government of another NAFTA country for actions which hurt them or their investments.
Income Trust Mythbusters from Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors (CAITI).
Income Trusts: Harper Breaks a Promise, Investors Lose Billions, Canadian Taxpayers Lose Billions, Your share of the Bill, Who Benefits? The Tax Leakage Myth, Income Trust Reports, Income Trust Buy Outs, Press Commentary, Conservative Response to the Criticism, Income Trust Associations, Grass Roots Groups, Income Trust Email addresses.
In reference to Jim Flaherty's Mini Budget of Oct. 30, 2007, Gordon Pape notes in his article on "Trust investors get a (small) break," 3 Nov. 2007, Toronto (GlobeinvestorGOLD): "... buried in Annex 1 of the document was this short paragraph: 'The rate reductions will also apply to the new distribution tax, which is generally applicable beginning in 2011, on publicly-traded income trusts and partnerships.' This means that when the tax kicks in on Jan. 1, 2011, it will be at a rate of 29.5 per cent, not 31.5 per cent as originally announced. And in 2012, it will drop to 28 per cent. So by 2012, the tax will be 11 per cent less than anticipated."
Stephen Harper: fix income trust mess. Article Posted: September 09, 2008, 10:24 PM by Diane Francis, National Post. View Stephen Harper Income Trust Promise video from YouTube, 46 sec. Flaherty explains why he won't change rules on Income Trusts video from YouTube, 4:13 min. And just for laughs, view also Stephen Harper's Broken Promises video from YouTube, 2:58 min.
Income Trusts - Broken Promise - Stephen Harper 0:45 min., Stephen Harper and Income Trusts 0:10 min., Canada to Tax Income Trusts - Halloween Massacre 2006 2:17 min. Income Trust Bombshell 1:45 min. - Report on Business, from YouTube. Canada’s New Government Announces Tax Fairness Plan - Ottawa, October 31, 2006.
Income Trusts - Trust Basics - Part 1: What are trusts? Putting trust in trusts by Rob Carrick, from Globe & Mail [Toronto]. Part 2: How to research trusts - Study income trusts before investing in them. Part 3: Adding trusts to your portfolio - The trouble with trusts.
Income Trusts or Income Funds. What are Income Trusts? Four categories: Business Trusts, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Resource Trusts, and Utility Trusts. Full Listing of Canadian Income Trusts including Name of Trust, Symbol, Yield, Distribution Frequency. Site also includes: Full listing of all Canadian Income Deposit Securities, and Full listing of all Canadian closed-end investment trusts.
IndependentInvestor.info. Provides both theoretical and practical information on investing for free.
An Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting by Erik L. Gebhard. Article covers: Technical Analysis…a Brief Background, Candlestick Charts Explained, Bar Compared to Candlestick Charts, Common Candlestick Terminology, Candlestick Reversal Patterns, Morning Star, Evening Star, Doji Star, Shooting Star (Inverted Hammer), and more. See also: How to Read a Japanese Candlestick. Introduction to Candlesticks. Introduction to Japanese Candlestick Charting.
Investcom.com. Investment information of all Canadian public companies
Investing 101: Learn the Basics of Investing from Yahoo! Finance. Beginning Investing, Bonds, Choosing a Broker, DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) & DSPP (Direct Stock Purchase Plan), Investment Clubs, Mutual Funds, Options, and Stocks.
Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA). A national self-regulatory organization (SRO) and trade association for the Canadian securities industry, represents more than 190 Member firms across the country.
Investopedia. Free educational site for novice as well as seasoned investors. Motto: "Never invest in anything you do not fully understand." Site includes Stock Basics - Education for Beginners, Industry Analysis Handbook, Dictionary, Basic and Advanced Tutorials, 20 Investments You Should Know, Economic Indicators to Know, World's Greatest Investors, Your 8 Step Guide to Picking Stocks, Investment Strategies for the 21st Century, and more.
InvestorED.ca - Investor Education Fundjapanee can. Canada's unbiased, non-profit source for information and tools that help consumers make better decisions when investing and managing their money.
Investor Protection Trust: Dedicated to non-commercial investor education. The primary mission of the Investor Protection Trust (IPT) is to provide independent, objective information needed by consumers to make informed investment decisions. Includes The Basics of Saving and Investing: Investor Education 2020, an investor education and protection teaching guide.
InvestorWords.com. A comprehensive financial glossary with over 6000 definitions and 20,000 links between related terms.
IPO Monitor. Comprehensive Coverage of IPOs and Secondary Equity Offerings.
MER - Management Expense Ratio from Investopedia. It is important for investors to be aware of the MER as it affects the rate of return that an investor in the fund achieves. Note the following big bank index funds that track the Canadian market, each tracking the same index fund but with significantly different MERs:
MFDA - Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada is a not-for-profit federal corporation incorporated in June of 1998. The MFDA is the mutual fund industry’s self-regulatory organization (SRO) for the distribution side of the industry, responsible for regulating all sales of mutual funds by its Members in Canada. (Slow loading).
MoneyChimp. Topics: How Much Are Stocks Worth? Index Funds and Indexes, Explained: Index Basics. Index Styles: Large Caps, Small Caps. A Tiny Useful List of Index Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). Includes a pop-up Calculator and a Glossary.
Morningstar.com. Useful site with lots of investment information and tools to help you understand and analyze stocks, mutual funds, and portfolios. For Morningstar's Canadian site see Morningstar.ca where you will find US Analyst Reports on Stocks, rankings for mutual funds, e.g. Five Star Funds, Fund Quickrank, and Fund Selector. Morningstar stes are also available internationally in Australia, Europe, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden.
The Motley Fool or Fool.com. Advice center aims to educate investors. News headlines and articles updated several times a day. Message boards.
MSNBC - Stocks & Economy Front Page. Latest Business and Markets News, Market Indices, Quote Lookup, and more.
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC): Regulator of Canada's largest capital market. Mandate is to: Protect investors from unfair, improper and fraudulent practices; Foster fair and efficient capital markets; and Maintain public and investor confidence in the integrity of those markets.
Paycheck Calculators. Employee Self-Service Tools to Better Manage Your Paycheck from PaycheckCity.com (for employees in United States). Include: Hourly Paycheck Calculator, Form W-4 Assistant, Gross Up Calculator, 401(k) Calculator, Bonus Pay - Percent, Bonus Pay - Aggregate, Stock Option Calculator, Defined Contribution Calculator, Savings Planner, Termination Calculator, and more.
Penny Stocks: You Get What You Pay For. Excellent advice from Joe Chapin.
Policy lessons from the recent financial market turmoil. Speech by Hervé Hannoun, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Ottawa, 8 - 9 May 2008. Explains the credit crunch and stock market turmoil. "The key features of the recent financial market turmoil can be summarised as excessive and hidden leverage, excessive complexity, and imprudent financial alchemy." 12-page full speech in PDF.
Report on Business from reportonbusiness.com - Canada's destination for business news, investing, personal finance. Includes Market Action, News & Comment, Tax Centre, The Law Page, and more.
Reuters. Founded in London in 1851. Reuters is the world's largest international multimedia news agency - 2,300 staff serving 130 countries, Real-time data provided on 5.5 million financial records, Information on 40,000 companies, Financial information from 258 exchanges and OTC markets, and lots more.
Risk Grades Measure. Risk charts provide indication of stock risks (investment risk ranking) over 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year periods, your choice of range of dates. RiskGrade™ Measure provides free risk analysis to investors in 6 languages. Compare price volatility of a stock globally, compare investment risk of an equity across all asset classes, regions, and currencies.
The Rule of 72 (with calculator) from MoneyChimp. The rule of 72 says that to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you just divide the interest rate into 72. Find out Why the Rule of 72 Works.
SEDAR - System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval. Online database of documents filed with securities regulators providing information on all publicly traded companies in Canada, including annual reports, financial statements, news releases, and company prospectuses. New Public Company Filings, Search database for Public Company Documents, Search for Mutual Fund Documents, Search Public Companies Profiles A-Z and Mutual Funds A-Z. Includes links to Regulatory Sites and Stock Exchanges.
Stock Market Yellow Pages: Your Investment Research and Business Portal. Site includes Stock Market Research and a Business Directory which allows you to search for public companies based upon their descriptions.
Stock Quotes from Yahoo! Finance. Includes free portfolio tracker.
Stock Technical Analysis. Including QQQQ Analysis - Nasdaq 100 Trust.
Super Stock Picker. Agnosoft claims "to have developed an innovative stock market research software, the Super Stock Picker, which picks the best Canadian stocks from the Toronto Stock Exchange in order to build high-performance Canadian stock portfolios that meet all investor profiles."
TD AMERITRADE. Stock trading and investing. TD AMERITRADE UK for residents of United Kingdom.
TD Managed Assets Program (TD MAP) from TD Canada Trust - an innovative investment and portfolio management program that helps you invest in the targeted asset mix to reach your financial goals.
TeachMeFinance.com. Site teaches you basic finance concepts, e.g. Time Value of Money, Annuities, Perpetuities, Interest Rates, Effective Annual Rate (EAR), Cash flow, Probability Distribution - Expected Rate of Return (ERR), Standard Deviation, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Bond Valuation, Stock Valuation, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), etc.
Telenium: Canada's Financial Host. Obtain free stock quotes from Toronto Stock Exchange, Montreal Exchange, Canadian Venture Exchange, and Winnipeg Commodity Exchange. All exchange summaries posted daily at 18:00 CST. All quotes are delayed by a minimum of 15 minutes and are linked to 100 day and 100 week charts.
TheStreet.com. Market analysis, financial news. Covers latest stories, market briefing, market news, stock news, tech stocks, personal finance, commentary, international news and commentary, latest stock quotes and research tools, learn about investing basics, message boards, chats and appearances, and more.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The primary mission of the SEC is to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets. The SEC requires public companies to disclose meaningful financial and other information to the public, which provides a common pool of knowledge for all investors to use to judge for themselves if a company's securities are a good investment.
The Value Line - A research company that collects data and analyzes performance of approximately 8,000 stocks, 13,000 mutual funds, 80,000 options and other securities. (Paid subscription required for products and services). Value Line's Free Education Section. Comparing the Value Line Averages. Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1920-2004 (Quarterly Price Range) - Chart in PDF.
Wall Street in Crisis from Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com.
Yahoo! Finance. Stock quotes and market analysis. U.S. Markets, Canadian Markets (include REAL TIME quotes for Dow Jones Industrial, Nasdaq, S&P 500, TSE 300, etc. throughout the trading day), World Markets, Research and Research earnings, Loans, Investment challenge, and more. Customize your own portfolio and quotes to include stocks and funds of your choice.
Stock Exchanges Worldwide Links. Select by Continent: Africa, Asia (includes Australia and New Zealand), Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America.
ACA International (ACA) formerly the American Collectors Association, was created in 1939 to bring together third–party collection professionals to advance the credit and collection industry.
Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs) from United States Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and Office of Thrift Supervision. With an ARM, the interest rate changes periodically, usually in relation to an index, and payments may go up or down accordingly. Includes a Glossary and Mortgage Checklist. In Canada, ARM is also referred to as Variable Rate Mortgage.
All Mortgages & Refinance Mortgage News. Mortgages Magazine provides news on home loan purchases, refinancing, and debt consolidation. Includes: Types of Mortgages, Mortgage Basics, and Mortgage Calculator.
Calculators from FinAid. Information on Loans, Student Loan Advisor for Students. Loan Payment Calculator, Loan Analyzer, Loan Comparison, Cost of Interest Capitalization, and more.
CanEquity Mortgage® is a national Canadian mortgage brokering company offering home loans to clients in all provinces and territories. Site includes a handy Canadian Mortgage Rate Calculator.
Credit Card Matrix: Complete Credit Card Directory. Topics covered: Good Credit, Poor Credit, Students, Business Rebate Cards, Frequent Flyers, UK and Canada, All Cards Consolidation, Credit Reports, Credit Repair, Credit Card FAQ. Caution advised when applying for a credit card online. Learn all about credit cards before applying and using a credit card.
Debt Collection Practices: When Hardball Tactics Go Too Far. A debt collector may embarrass you by contacting your employer, family or neighbors. You may even be hounded to pay a debt that is not rightfully yours. This guide explains the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other laws that apply to debt collectors, including Tips for Dealing with a Debt Collector.
Credit Reporting Agencies:
Equifax - United States
Equifax - Canada
Here is a phone number from Equifax Canada that you can call to get a free Credit Rating Report mailed to you in 3-5 days: 1-800-465-7166. You will need your Social Insurance Number (SIN), Date of Birth, house number, postal code, and one credit card number (will not be charged). Their instruction to enter your postal code may be confusing to some people, e.g. for L4W 5R2, 1) Press JKL (on phone pad) then listen to instructions to press 3 for the letter L; 2) Press 4; 3) Press WXY (on phone pad) and listen to instructions to press 1 for W, etc.
Equifax - United Kingdom
Equifax - Global Links
TransUnion - Canada
TransUnion - United States
Experian: Credit Report, Online Credit Check - Global Gateway Worldwide links.
See also How to Survive the Internet Unscathed - Identity Theft.
Credit Scoring. Facts for Consumers from Federal Trade Commission (FTC), United States of America. Credit scoring is a system creditors use to help determine whether to give you credit. A credit scoring system awards points for each factor that helps predict who is most likely to repay a debt. Credit scoring systems enable creditors to evaluate millions of applicants consistently and impartially on many different characteristics. Site includes tips from FTC to help you be a more savvy consumer. See also:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). Protecting Consumers - Informing Canadians. A new government agency created in 2001 to protect and educate consumers in the area of financial services. FCAC oversees financial institutions to ensure that they comply with federal consumer protection measures. Contents include:
GovLoans.gov. Gateway to United States Federal loan information.
How Credit Cards Work financially and technically. Contents: Tips on how to shop for a credit card, Credit card plans, Credit history, and How to avoid credit card fraud both online and in the real world.
Knee Deep in Debt. Facts for Consumers from Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Contents: Self-Help (Developing a Budget, Contacting Your Creditors, Managing Your Auto and Home Loans), Credit Counseling and Debt Management Plans, Protect Yourself (Be wary of credit counseling organizations that charge high up-front or monthly fees for enrolling in credit counseling ... ), Debt Consolidation, Bankruptcy, Debt Negotiation Programs, Damage Control.
Mortgage101.com - Mortgage Calculators include Monthly Payment, Loan Amortization, Loan Points, Refinance, Tax Benefits, Loan Consolidation calculators. Site also includes a Market Snapshot with Daily Mortgage Averages, Daily Rate Averages - Current Mortgage Rates, and a Mortgage Library with useful educational articles on interest rates, applying for a mortgage, and more. U.S. based.
Mortgage Calculators from Bankrate.com. See also Mortgage Calculators from Mortgage-Cal.com.
Mortgage Calculators from Interest.com.
Mortgage Quiz - Test yours and your Loan Officer's Mortgage I.Q! (very difficult quiz), Understanding an Amortization Schedule, plus Online Tutorials from Amortization.com.
The Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services (OACCS). A registered charity that represents a membership network of professional, not-for-profit Credit Counselling Agencies that will help you get out of debt, hopefully permanently. Contents include: You can trust OACCS, Money trouble signs, Regain financial control, Working with you, Understand your options, Guiding your path to financial wellness, Personalized debt repayment plans, Contact OACCS Member Agencies in your area, or call 1-888-7-IN DEBT (1-888-746-3328) to reach the OACCS Central Referral Service.
Secret History of the Credit Card from FRONTLINE. Introduction - In this one-hour report, correspondent Lowell Bergman uncovers the techniques used by the industry to earn record profits and get consumers to take on more debt, Eight Things a Credit Card User Should Know, Interviews, A Credit Card Quiz, Credit Cards and Personal Responsibility, The Rise of the Industry, Your Credit Score, When the Debt Collector Calls, and more.
VISA. Products & Services include ATM Locator, Lost Your Card? Smart VISA card, etc. Consumer Tips include: Protect Your Visa Card, Tips for Safe ATM Usage, About the Euro, Travel Resources, Financial Tips, Safety Tips for Visa Cardholders, and Check Card Shopping Tips.
Your Access to Free Credit Reports. Facts for Consumers from the United States Federal Trade Commission. A recent amendment to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months.
Bankrate.com. Interest rates: Today's Averages, Mortgage rates, CD (Certificate of Deposits) rates, auto loans, credit cards, mortgages and more.
Bloomberg.com - Rates & Bonds. Key interest rates for Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan, U.K. and United States. Data for U.S. includes Prime Rates (Current, 1 month - 1 year prior), Mortgage Rates, U.S. Treasuries, Municipal Bonds.
CANNEX Financial Exchanges Limited gathers, compiles, and distributes interest rate information for Canada and United States.
CIBC Historical Effective Prime Rate - in PDF. Handy 2-page chart of Prime Rates in Canada from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). Effective Date from April 16, 1974 to current.
CNNMoney: Interest Rates. Mortgages and home equity loans - Search for rates from hundreds of lenders in U.S. Deposit rates - Search for rates on CDs, money markets and interest checking. Includes: Auto loans and credit cards.
Federal Reserve Statistical Release - Selected Interest Rates, Daily Update.
Interest Rates: A Primer from CBC News Indepth: Economy. "Interest rates in Canada are broadly determined by the level of interest rates in the United States, the relative inflation rates in both countries, and the relative stances of their monetary policies."
Interest.com. Mortgage rates. Compare current interest loan rates for mortgages across the United States. Includes Mortgage Calculators.
Prime Rate - Today's Rates from TD Canada Trust, Prime and Other Rates - Today's RBC Royal Bank rates: Royal Bank Prime (Canadian Prime Rates), U.S. Prime Rates, U.S. Base Rates. Canadian Current Rates from Scotiabank, Bank of Canada releases 2007 schedule of dates for its policy interest rate announcements. "The Bank Rate is the rate of interest that the Bank of Canada charges on one-day loans to financial institutions. It is also part of a range called the Operating Band for the overnight rate. The overnight rate is the interest rate at which major financial institutions borrow and lend one-day funds among themselves. The Bank Rate is always at the top end of the operating band, which is half a percentage point wide. For example, if the operating band is 4.25 to 4.75 per cent, the Bank rate would be 4.75 per cent. The Overnight Rate Target is always at the middle of the band. Target for the Overnight Rate would be 4.50 per cent."
Prime Lending Rates - U.S. and Prime Rate - What It Means. Rates & Bonds - United States from Bloomberg.com. Prime Rate - Bank of America. Prime Rate from About.com.
Simple Interest Calculator, Compound Interest Calculator from Webmath.com.
Amortization schedule calculator from Bankrate.com. Excellent calculator. Calculates your monthly mortgage payment, calculates the impact of extra mortgage payments (by month, by year, and/or lump sum), and provides you with printout of Amortization table.
apartmentguide.com - Apartments in the U.S.A. Select a housing type, e.g. Apartments or Corporate Housing, select a State, select a Metro Area, or enter a property name to search for an apartment. You can also specify features you want in the apartment and the price range. Site provides photos, maps, addresses, floor plans where applicable, rent cost, contacts, and other details.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Canada's national housing agency. Site Map. CMHC for Consumers. Topics: Buying a Home, Mortgage Insurance, Renting a Home, Maintaining a Home, Renovating a Home, Programs & Financial Assistance.
CanadaMortgage.com. A Quick Mortgage Calculator applicable for Canada and U.S. available at a click away. Comparison rate chart showing current mortgage interest rates, Learning Centre, Glossary, Legal Information, Calculators and Tools: Amortization Calculator, Home Financing Calculator, Mortgage Manager Calculator, Currency Calculator for Currenty Conversion, Buy Down Calculator, Rent vs. Own Calculator, and more.
Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). Provides information on the buying and selling of a home, What is a Realtor, Code of Ethics, Home Buyer’s Plan, and a Glossary of Terms. Also includes statistics on the Canadian resale housing market.
Commercial Investment Bulletin Board System (CIBBS) from ICI World.net. Global databases and information services for commercial and residential real estate brokers and salespeople to serve the public. Search Have Want - Properties for Sale and Lease, Purchaser and Tenant Wants, Search FSBO - For Sale By Owner, Latest Listings, Lisings in U.S.A., Ontario Canada, Western Canada, Eastern Canada, Europe, Caribbean and Central America, Asia and Middle East, Pacific Rim and Southeast Asia, South America, Australia, and Africa.
Cost of Living Calculator from CNNMoney.
Credit rating from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "A credit rating assesses the credit worthiness of an individual, corporation, or even a country. It is an evaluation made by credit bureaus of a borrower’s overall credit history." See also:
Credit Rating - Your Life, Your Credit from the Mortgage Professionals, Kingston, ON. Credit Reporting Agencies: How the system works. Credit Score: How is your score calculated, How to achieve a higher Credit Score, Credit Rumors / Misconceptions, Credit Warning Signs, Identity Theft.
Current Mortgage Rates from MortgagesInCanada.com. Includes Canadian Mortgage Calculator, First time buyers, Poor credit, New to Canada, Free discussion group dealing with mortgages in Canada, and more.
Domania.com. Database of over 21 million home sale prices from 26 States in the U.S. (Non-disclosure States excluded). Links for the Home Buyer: Check home sales (go back 5-7 years) - search by location or price range, Calculate mortgage payments, Research tax rates, Buyer's Checklist. For the Seller: Determine home values, Estimate home equity, Check neighborhood sales, Seller's checklist.
FratalNet Real Estate Server for United States, San Francisco Bay Area, California, as well as Outside the U.S.
Garth Turner's Weekly Column published in newspapers across Canada. Topics covered: Mortgages, Income Trusts, Rental Real Estate, Money, Mortgage Rates, etc. Bank of Montreal Mortgage Centre, CIBC Mortgage Rates, RBC Royal Bank Mortgage Rates, Scotiabank Mortgage Centre, TD - Canada Trust Mortgages, Mortgages in Canada and others; Work Sheets (Checklists, Worksheet, Home Purchase Costs Estimate, Monthly Expenses, Selling Checklist), Government / Information (CMHC, Real Estate Glossary, Canadian Real Estate Association, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP), RRSP, Ontario New Home Warranty Program (ONHWP), GST New Housing Rebate, Land Transfer Tax, Universal Currency Converter, Canadian Tax Tip from Certified General Accountants of Ontario via CNW (Canada NewsWire).
GST/HST New Housing Rebate from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Includes Forms GST190, GST190-WS, and GST515. All about rules and regulations governing application of Goods and Services Tax / Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) New Housing Rebate.
Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Homes & Communities - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Homes for Sale by the U.S. Government. Site provides current information about single family homes for sale by the U.S. Federal Government. Anyone can buy one of these homes, but you must work with a real estate agent, broker or servicing representative to submit an offer or bid. See How to Buy U. S. Government-owned Homes. Click on a state from the map then choose a city, or use text version to search for homes for sale.
ICI World - World of Industrial Commercial and Investment Real Estate. 3000 out of 8000 listings are placed in the free viewing area, mostly from U.S. and Canada. Site includes listings from Africa, Asia & Middle East, Australia, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Pacific Rim, Southeast Asia, and South America. View free listings of FSBO (For Sale by Owner) around the world, but only paying subscribers can respond to listings.
International Real Estate Digest (IRED) - ired). Lists Real Estate Web Sites from USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Mid-East, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Australia, plus related Resources.
Land Transfer Tax Calculator. Ontario Land Transfer Tax Calculator provided by MacNaughtonLaw.Com.
MLS - Canadian MLS Online. Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for Canada. Database of commercial and residential properties available for sale throughout Canada.
Mortgage Information from INVIS, Independent Mortgage Broker. Contents include: First-Time Home Buyers, Compare Current Mortgage Rates, Calculators: Maximum Mortgage Calculator, Mortgage Analyzer, Full Amortization Mortgage Strategizer, Rent or Buy Analyzer, Glossary.
Mortgage Life Insurance from Essential Benefits Group. Includes Top 3 Reasons to Avoid Bank, Credit Union, or Trust Company Mortgage Life Insurance.
TheMoveChannel.com. Worldwide property resource with a directory of over 20,000 property and real estate websites. Includes Guides on How to Buy, How to Sell, How to Rent, How to Move, Property Guides: Jargon Buster - meaning of terms A-Z, and more.
New in Homes. View hundreds of brand new homes and condominiums from home builders in Ontario, Canada. Categories: Start New Search, The Builders, What's New (watch for grand openings), Legal Info, Mortgage Info, New Home Alert, and Community Info.
Ontario Commercial Real Estate. Search Industrial Properties, Commercial Properties, Investment Properties, or Vacant Land in all parts of Ontario. Search by City or Town, Search by Property Type, or combined search. Free database.
Ontario New Home Warranty Program (ONHWP) - Name changed to "Tarion". Program aims to protect Ontario's new home buyers. Statutory Warranty Coverage: New home buyers benefit from deposit protection, and are protected against defects in work and materials, as well as major structural defects.
Real Estate ABC - The ABC's of Real Estate. Real Estate & Mortgage Resources. Housing Trends: Interest Rate Forecast, Existing Home Sales, Recent Appreciation. Articles & Tips: Home Buying, Home Selling, Hints & Insights, Income Taxes, Mortgage, Credit Articles, Glossary, Questions & Answers. Real Estate Agents: in USA, Canada & US Territories. 16 Calculators including Mortgage Payment Calculator, Rent vs. Own Calculator, Cost of Living Calculator, Principal Prepayment Calculator, Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator, and more.
RealProperty Transaction Centres - Ontario Real Estate Legal Specialists. Site provides useful information including Title Insurance and Real Property related Glossary of Terms from Amortization Period to Vendor Take Back Mortgage.
Rent Canada - Canada's Internet Apartment Guide. Select a province and a city to view locations of rental apartments, search by furnished apartments, by company (property management firms), by area, Residential Rental Property Search, classifieds, vacation properties, and more.
RE/MAX.com. Search for properties by location, by price range, find agent or office in over 50 regions around the world. Tips for selling your home. Financial calculators. Check today's mortgage rates or calculate monthly mortgage payments in U.S. and Canada.
Toronto Real Estate Board. Includes links to:
Canadian Real Estate Association
Ontario Real Estate Association
Brampton Real Estate Board
Durham Region Real Estate Board
Mississauga Real Estate Board.
Vancouver - Greater Vancourver Real Estate Board.
Zillow.com - Your Edge in Real Estate. Find out the worth of any home in the U.S. Free, instant valuations and data for over 67,000,000 homes in the United States.
2008 Personal Income Tax Return Checklist. Canadian tax tips from George Caners Charter Accountant on: Disability Tax Credit (DTC) Transfer, Education Tax Credit - University Outside Canada, Medical Expenses, Transportation and Travel Expenses, Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), Employment Income (departing employee has a legal obligation to their former employer), Employee Training, Scholarships, Employee vs. Independent Contractor, Business / Rental Property Income, Marriage Breakdown, and other tax tips.
AARP Tax-Aide. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Tax Aide was established in 1968 to help older persons complete their tax returns. Trained volunteers help persons with low- and middle-income maximize their legal deductions and credits, resulting in tangible economic benefits to them. Use Online Tax Counseling - Get Answers to Your Tax Questions Online (U.S. only), a public service from the AARP Foundation.
The Alternative Minimum Tax. Revenue and Tax Policy Brief from United States Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
BankRate.com. Tax News and Advice for taxpayers in the United States. Finding free tax help by Kay Bell.
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). On Nov. 1, 1999, the name Revenue Canada was changed to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). On December 12, 2003, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) was changed to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Canadian Income Tax Courses:
Canada Revenue Agency: Learning About Taxes. Free Online Course - To understand the fundamentals of the Canadian tax system and to teach you how to file a basic income tax return.
H&R Block Canada: Tax School
Liberty Tax Service.
Daily Tax Highlights - Canada from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.
Essential Links to Taxes (U.S.). Contents include: Major Tax Sites: IRS, H&R Block, FedWorld; Tax Forms: IRS Forms, 1040.com, UncleFed; Publications: IRS Pubs; Tax related news: IRS Newsroom, Tax Analysts; Tax Law: Legalbitstream, Thomas, Nolo.com; Tax Code: U.S. Code, Code Search; Commercial Tax Sites: CPA Advantage, H&R Block, Quicken; Associations; Link Lists: Tax and Accounting Sites; Tax Tools and Utilities: MSNBC Personal Finance Calculators, Tax Term Glossary; and more.
Free Tax Calculators & Tax Tips from TurboTax.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) from United States Department of the Treasury. Office of Tax Policy
Internal Revenue Service IRS.gov, U.S. Department of the Treasury. Tax Statistics, IRS e-file, Free Online Filing where you can e-file your individual tax return for free, Taxpayer Help and Education, Tax Regulations, Where to File Addresses, IRS Forms and Publications, Extension of Time to File Your Tax Return, Frequently Asked Tax Questions and Answers, .
Johnston, David Cay. Q&A: David Cay Johnston. Transcript of online chat on the Forbes.com CEO Network with New York Times reporter David Cay Johnston, author of Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else. Chat moderated by Mark Lewis of Forbes.com.
Personal Income Taxes in Canada from About.com. Information on electronic filing, the income tax package, forms and schedules, supplementary guides and tax tips.
SmartMoney.com: Tax Guide (U.S.)
Tax Administration from the Ontario Ministry of Finance.
Tax Court of Canada (TCC) is a superior court of law and has jurisdiction to hear and determine appeals and references on matters arising under the following Acts: Income Tax Act, Employment Insurance Act (formerly the Unemployment Insurance Act), Part IX of the Excise Tax Act (GST), Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security Act, Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Act, Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Customs Act (Part V.1), Air Travellers Security Charge Act, Excise Act (2001), War Veterans Allowance Act, and Civilian War-related Benefits Act.
Tax Information, Tax Advice, Tax Tools, Tax Software, Taxes from Kiplinger.com.
Tax Loss Carryback. See also Net Operating Loss Carryback or Carryover in United States.
Tax Loss Selling from CIBC Wood Gundy. See also: Tax loss selling might reduce the bill for 2007, Superficial Loss Rules in Canada.
Tax News for Home and Business from CNNMoney.
Tax News Network Canada from PricewaterhouseCoopers. Includes Tax Facts and Figures for Individuals and Corporations.
Taxes for United States taxpayers, from Yahoo! Finance.
TaxTips.ca - Canadian Tax and Financial Information. Very useful site with practical tips and advice. Contents include:
Top 10 Tax Tidbits. Updated weekly. Site provides current Canadian Income Tax Law information, plus tax saving Canadian income tax legal tips, and weekly income tax minimization strategies for Canadians.
Uncle Fed's Tax*Board. IRS Tax Forms, IRS Tax News, IRS Bulletins, State Tax Forms, How to Protect Yourself and Survive the IRS, Fun Stuff (includes games and education material, e.g. American Historical Documents), Tax Preparation Help, Helpful Links for Tax Professionals, U.S. Tax Court Rules, Taxpayer Bill of Rights, Audit-Proofing Strategies, and more.
Yahoo! Finance: Tax Center. How-to Guides: Taxes - Include: Common Tax Credits, Capital Gains, Audits and Penalties, Tax Brackets, Tax Changes: What They Mean to You, Alternative Minimum Tax -- Not Just for the Wealthy.
Yahoo! Canada Tax Planning Tips.
Australia's Future December 1996 by Philip Atkinson - Quote: "The national debt has now passed the $16 billion mark and shows no sign of reducing." See also: About Fraser Island by David Kidd circa 2002 - Quote: "Have you heard of any more likely government plans for finding the $200 billion plus needed to get Australia out of debt?"
Canadian Debt and Tax Clock from Stingy Investor.
The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It from Bureau of the Public Debt, United States Department of the Treasury. Facts and Figures - The Debt of the United States - Archives of Historical Debt Outstanding. Annual 1791 - 1849, 1850 - 1899, 1900 - 1949, 1950 - 1999, 2000-2006.
Government Debt, Public Debt. Information from Answers.com.
How to Fix Our Juvenile Debate About the Federal Deficit from The Skeptical Optimist. Includes Best Debt Clock in the USA: Debt = $ 8,672,663,318,753.87, GDP = $13,296,787,694,743.92, Debt-to-GDP Ratio: 65.22374816% (as of 8 p.m. EST 25 January 2007).
U.S. National Debt Clock. Site shows the current Outstanding Public Debt in U.S. dollars as it ticks away as of today, this very hour, minute, and second (Greenwich Mean Time). The Outstanding Public Debt as of 19 Mar 2007 at 04:04:31 AM GMT is: $8,832.282,318,961.81. The estimated population of the United States is 301,217,910 so each citizen's share of this debt is $29,321.91. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.91 billion per day since September 29, 2006! See also: Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2008, 1950 - 1999, 1900 - 1949, 1850 - 1899, 1791 - 1849, from Bureau of the Public Debt, United States Department of the Treasury.
U.S. Public Debt. Explanation and information from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "The U.S. public debt, commonly called the national debt or the gross federal debt, is the amount of money owed by the United States federal government." See also: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Debt from Bureau of the Public Debt, United States Department of the Treasury.