For quicker loading time, each ring has been given it's own page.
The Magick Castle Webring
[Entrance] * [Email me] * [Links] * [Sign Dreambook] * [View Dreambook]
Copyright © 1998 Katie Feetham
Class Act Realms Webring
Legends of Fantasy Webring
The Kingdom Webring
The Rainbow Dragon Webring
The Web Guard Webring
Nebula of Fantasy Webring
Excalibur Webring
Net Sisters Webring
Seasons Change Webring
Adopt a Dragon Webring
Dragon Lovers Webring
Romantic Heart Webring
Fiction Seekers Webring
Wizard's Apprentices Webring
DragonFlys Poetry and Prose Webring
Beauty and Magic Webring
I Believe in Magic Webring
[My Awards] * [Webrings] * [Poetry for the World] * [Holiday Adoptions]
[Why Wolves?] * [My Tribute to my Net Sisters] * [About Me]
[The Throne Room] * [The Gardens] * [The Gifts Academy] * [Bonds vs. Gifts]
[The Healers' Guild] * [The Mages' Guild] * [The Telepaths' Guild] * [The Musicians' Guild]
[The Library] * [The Royal Service Quarters] * [The Queen's Healer] * [The Head Mage]
[The Royal Quarters] * [The Mad Mage] * [The Third Floor] * [The Guest Quarters]
[The Lady's Cathedral] * [The Assembly Hall/Ballroom] * [The Arsenal] * [The Stables]
[The End of the Tour] * [Midis used throughout this site]
All Rights Reserved