The Queen's Healer

        "Good dai," says a small, lovely woman with brown hair and alert, hazel eyes. She is clothed in a long green dress the color of the trim on Healer's robes, but you think she is more than just an ordinary Healer.

        "Gwendolyn," the Queen smiles, "our visitor was curious as to who you were."

        The woman grins, showing a healthy line of white teeth. "Ah, is that so?" she laughes. "The position of Queen's Healer is not as glamourous as it may seem." She motions to the table in the public room. "Please sit. My story will not take long.

        "Many years ago I was brought to Stronghold. I was fifteen at the time. The High Queen Patricia--" she stops for a few seconds, then continues, "--her Personal Guards had found me and discovered my incredible Healing powers. They knew that I had to be trained, so they brought me back with them to Stronghold. So they did, and I was trained by the present Queen's Healer himself.

        "Unfortunately, I have no gift of Feeling to help me when I Heal. This presented a difficult problem. But Master Alvin had an idea, and he had me work with another Feeler who had no other gift or Bond to use his gift of Feeling for. He had also been struggling, because his gift had put much pressure on him, even making him sick sometimes, because he had no use for it.

        "And it worked. Colin and I are still partners to this day." She pauses and glances at Adeline, then smiles. "We also discovered later that we were SoulBonded.

        "But then Queen Patricia died tragically," she sighs, obviously remorseful. "We thought her son, Jacob, died with her, but Colin's gift revealed to him that Jacob had survived. That tells you just how strong the gift is. The Lady Herself kept King Gerald, Jacob's father, alive with his grief for the loss of his beloved wife. He was supposed to die with her, because the severing of a HeartBond kills both, but because Jacob was mearly a month old and lost, She kept him alive to rule until Jacob was found. Gerald himself, though, did not know that his son was still alive."

        "And then, twenty years later, I found Jacob in a prison cell and set him free," the Queen smiles. "It was during a tremendous civil war between King Gerald and Lord Ordio when we discovered that we were HeartBonded."

        "Which was a very good thing," Gwendolyn remarks, smiling, "because the two were hopelessly in love anyway."

        Adeline grins.

        "And now," Gwendolyn concludes, "I have my old position back, though I never truly lost it."

        Adeline stands, and you follow her example. "Thank you for your time," you say.

        "It was a pleasure," she replies. "Oh, and visit my friend Marie, if you have time. She's the Head Mage."

        "I'll make sure we do," the Queen says. "Come now, we'd best be going."

        She leads you out of the room.

        Visit Marie

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