"If anytime in your stay you become ill or are hurt in some way," the Queen says, "this is where you will come to be Healed. We have at least one Healer in here at all sunmarks of the dai, which actually is a pathetically low number. The Healing gift is hard to come by in AeaTr."
She leads you past the patients into an office in the back. It is one of three, but she obviously knows exactly where she's going. Inside is a woman sitting at a desk, filling out paperwork. She has auburn hair and blue eyes, you see as she looks up to your arrival.
"Hello, your Majesty," she smiles. "What can I do for you today?" She seems a little surprised to see the Queen in her office.
"I just wanted to introduce you to our visitor," she says. "This is Master Gina, who teaches students with the gift of Healing. She also happens to be an excellent Healer herself."
Gina beamed. "Thank you."
"Gina," the Queen asked, "would you mind summarizing Healing for our visitor?"
She laughed. "Summarize it? Well, I'll do my best. There are three main kinds of Healing: physical, mental, and reverse. Physical Healing is simply closing up wounds, whether they are internal or external. When they are internal, your gift of Feeling helps you find it. Mental Healing is when a Healer looks into the mind of a patient who has been tortured, raped, etceteras, and Heals the mind. It is really taking all of the years it would take to eventually become stronger and overcome the experience and combining the years into a few minutes. It is very difficult; only the best Healers can accomplish it, and the inexperienced only make the situation worse. Master Gwendolyn is very good at mind-Healing.
"Reverse Healing is something only the Queen's Healer is taught, and in this case, her partner as well. But Gwendolyn has told me a little about it. With the Feeling gift, the Healer finds some sort of wound. It does not have to be a great tear in the skin; it can simply be around the fingernail where the skin gets a little torn, or even a muscle spasm. Whatever it is, the Healer reverses the regular Healing that she would do and makes the wound worse. It can get to the point of extreme pain, and death. I've seen the effects of reverse Healing, only twice. Once right after Gwendolyn was raped, just after she had become Queen's Healer, when she practiced reverse Healing on the rapist. The other time was the end of the Civil War a few years ago, when she destroyed the entire opposing army, or what was left of it, that is, with spare energy resources from the High Prince and Princess at the time themselves. It is very devestating. Needless to say, we won the war."
High Prince and Princess, while Gwendolyn was still the Queen's Healer. Did that mean...?
"Yes, that was me and my husband," the Queen confirmes at your inquiry. "Actually, we weren't married yet, only engaged. But because of the HeartBond I pretty much had no choice anyway, even if I didn't want to be married to Jacob."
"But she did," Gina smiled.
"How could I not?" the Queen asked. "Well, we'd better be going. Lots of things to do, people to see."
After saying goodbye to Gina, the Queen leads you out of the Healers' Guild.
Copyright © 1998 Katie Feetham
All Rights Reserved