The Mad Mage

        The Queen knocks on the door. You don't hear anything from inside, but the Queen nods to herself and opens the door, as if answering some unheard call.

        It is dark inside. There are no candles lit, and the one window you see has black velvet curtains over it, shutting out any light that might come through. You sense movement in the far right corner, and before you can react Queen Adeline has lit a candle and you see the source. It is a woman with pale, almost white skin, raven black hair, and eyes so ashen you think they must be colorless, but they are actually silver. Her lips are ruby red, the obvious result of berry juice. She wears black, and her skin is a stark comparison. As you take all of this in, she speaks.

        "Good dai, mother," she rasps, out of an unused throat. You realize in her artificial night that she rarely has visitors, and so her voice is rarely needed. "A visitor?" she inquires.

        "Yes, my child." You wonder how the two women could be related. They seem so different in looks.

        The falcon on the Queen's shoulder lifts itself into the air and settles on Natalie's outstretched arm. "Hello, Xere," she yawned. "I trust I find you well?"

        The bird squaked.

        "That's good, lovely," she smiles. Then she looks directly at you.

        You can see the madness in her eyes. You wonder how she could have turned out so insane with such a kind woman for a mother. Must have always been mad, you assume. In her eyes is the strange depth that you'd never before experienced. Her gaze is uncomfortable, because in it you can see just how insane she really is. What a story she must have, being confined to her room all her life, to darkness, to night. Or is it that she chose that?

        Not to mention, she has a MagicBond, and is a CraftMage, trained by Head Mage Marie herself.

        What power to give to the insane. You wonder how it is safe, but then you think that the Queen would never allow anything unsafe to her subjects.

        Natalie uncannily senses that you are uncomfortable, and an eerie grin stretches across her face. It makes you nervous.

        She looks at the bird on her arm, who in turn stares back, then wings back to his master's shoulder. Partner's shoulder, you correct yourself. The Queen smiles slightly. She seems to completely understand.

        "I will visit you tomorrow evening, Natalie," she says. "But now we must be going. Much to see, you know."

        Natalie nods, the grin still on her face. "Until tomorrow night."

        You bow your head a little in respect, if nothing else for the power to inspire fear that she holds. The Queen leads you out of the room.