
        Here are a few links to some really great sites. Some of them have free graphics, so you might like to check those out if you have a homepage of your own.

        The Lair of the Dragon (Queen Cimorene's Castle)

        A Touch of Magick

        Unicorns and Dragons

        And I guess I should add a link to my other site...
        AeaTr, the Dragoncharmer's World

        [Entrance] * [Email me] * [Links] * [Sign Dreambook] * [View Dreambook]
        [My Awards] * [Webrings] * [Poetry for the World] * [Holiday Adoptions]
        [Why Wolves?] * [My Tribute to my Net Sisters] * [About Me]
        [The Throne Room] * [The Gardens] * [The Gifts Academy] * [Bonds vs. Gifts]
        [The Healers' Guild] * [The Mages' Guild] * [The Telepaths' Guild] * [The Musicians' Guild]
        [The Library] * [The Royal Service Quarters] * [The Queen's Healer] * [The Head Mage]
        [The Royal Quarters] * [The Mad Mage] * [The Third Floor] * [The Guest Quarters]
        [The Lady's Cathedral] * [The Assembly Hall/Ballroom] * [The Arsenal] * [The Stables]
        [The End of the Tour] * [Midis used throughout this site]

        Copyright © 1998 Katie Feetham
        All Rights Reserved