Awards I Have Won

        I received my very first awards on August 29th, 1998. Thank you, Sarina!

        This award was bestowed upon me by the very gracious and kind Mink Silvertree
        on September 11, 1998. I cannot thank her enough.

        This I also recieved on September 11, 1998. I thank you, Land of the Faery.

        This award was given to me on September 21, 1998, from Mystic Lord Dragonace Vangor. I am truly touched.

        These two awards were supposedly a little late in coming, but I recieved them nonetheless on September 26, 1998 from Ises. Thank you so much!

        On September 27, 1998, I found this in my inbox. Thank you so much, Morganlafey.

        This wonder full award was given to me from Jewel4U on September 27, 1998. Thank you, Jewel4U!

        This award was a little delayed in coming, but I received it on September 28, 1998 even so, and I am very proud of it. Thank you so much, Phantasia!

        This beautiful award was given to me from Mauve on October 10, 1998. Thank you, Mauve, I am touched!

        This award was given to me from Sir Lancelot on October 11, 1998. Thank you, Sir!

        On October 17, 1998 I found this in my inbox. Thank you very much, Rosebudd.

        The Faery Hill Award
        Kathy from Faery Hill presented me with this on October 18, 1998. Thank you Kathy, and to everyone at Faery Hill.

        Candace from Nebula of Fantasy gave this to me on November 6, 1998. Thank you, Candace.

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        Copyright © 1998 Katie Feetham
        All Rights Reserved