The Royal Gardens

        The Queen takes you out of the Throne Room, and you find yourself in a vast garden. Flowers are blooming everywhere. You've never seen so many flowers in your life.

        "These are the Royal Gardens," Queen Adeline says. "Queen Evelina wanted them specifically where many could admire them. So she put them at the exit to the Throne Room. That way, anyone who visits the Inner Castle, such as lords and ladies who live in the Inner City, or ambassadors who recieve rooms in the Guest Quarters, can see them. You see, gardens were where Queen Evelina spent most of her time when she was the Silent Princess."

        The Silent Princess?

        "Yes, when she was younger, the Queen was a Princess of Tr before it joined with Aea. Her older brother, who was at first heir to the throne, died in a war. When she was a baby he had often advised her not to speak, because it was a waste of energy and nobody listened anyway. He was her only friend, and the only one who knew she could speak. So she took his advice, and remained silent over the years, gaining her name. Then she ran away from the castle, into Aea, where she met the Prince James of Aea. At the time he was on a quest to find help from Tr because his kingdom had been usurped by a terrorist. Telling him her name was Eve, Evelina decided to help him. James found out after a while that she was the Silent Princess, and when they got to Trevalin, the capital city of Tr at the time, it was revealed that she could speak after all."

        "What a story," you comment.

        She smiled. "Yes, I agree. Quite epic. Because a few years later, long after Prince James had regained his kingdom and taken the throne, King Myles Tybolt of Tr was dying, and he gave the king of Aea permission to marry his daughter and join the countries. Then the HeartBond was discovered between James and Evelina, so in any case the countries would have been joined sooner or later because the Lady Herself willed it so."

        Quite epic indeed.

        "And now," she said, "unless you have any objections, I will show you the Gifts Academy."

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        All Rights Reserved