I expect to pass through this world but once.
Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show
for any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
HaPPeNiNGs around the WoRLd of AgGiEs......

The Year of the Tiger is out and Feburary 1999 ushers in the Year of the Rabbit with a BiG BaNg.......everybody is waiting for the next mellinium and striving hard to turn their lives around...its not too late, if you haven't done so... AGGIES make a difference...
Don't worry if your job is small, and your rewards are few.
Remember that the mighty oak, was once a nut like you!
~Authour Unknown~
Lot has happened since we last updated these pages....
For starters we want to Thank all You Aggies for the wonderful response and it's been a real joy to get in touch ....wonders of the 'puter !
1999 ended on a sad note for us.....
Pinkie lost her mom Mrs. Katherine Verma, in November, in the United States. Mr. S.S. Verma, the former Asst. Registrar, known to all the Aggies, resides in Minnesota, USA. His email is Sam Verma
MS. Rani Thomas, the older sister of MS. Thomas, (former Librarian), passed away in December and Dr. T.V. Rao also lost his brother around the same period.
Another Aggie who went home to the Lord was Mrs. Gideon.....
On the street I saw a naked child, hungry and shivering in the cold.
I became angry and said to God, "Why do you permit this?
Why don't you do something?"
For a while God said nothing. That night he replied.
He said, "I certainly did something. I made you."
Mrs. P.C. Verghese, former Head of the Home Economic Dept. (the most loved and visited place in the Institute), was in the United States visiting her daughters, Susan, Mary and Martha who are all married with children and settled in the US. It was great getting in touch with them :)
Mr. & Mrs. Verghese are online at: verghese@md3.vsnl.net.in
For those of you wanting to confess and repent for your sins Mapaly Johnson now a Pastor, is availabe online....
Christopher Jude is shuttling back and forth betwen motherland India and the US of A... still undecided????
Great news for the students of Dr. J.C. Edward, the former Head of the Biology Dept, he is showing signs of recovery and able to move about...thanks to his son Dr. Deepak Edward, also settled in the US.
Mrs. Sagar and son Feroze Sagar are down under in Auzzie Land and so are Sonu and Sanjay David. Sanjay can be contacted at : JDavid@jmifa.com.au
MC Pereira has changed his email: chouncaa@camnet.com.kh
Raviraj & Sheila have a web page at Ravirajs check it out !
Sukanya Rao Jude is expected to deliver her 3rd baby sometime in March.....
All the best !!!
Ivan and Pixie Lamech have set up shop in Civil Lines, Allahabad. Ivan is dealing with water pumps/filters and Pixie is selling clothes....doing very well !
The lastest was a surprize letter from John Chitamber....the edited version goes like....
It seems like such a long time since we last saw each other in Malaysia. Much has happened at this end. I am now a happily married man with a beautiful wife, Deana, two wonderful boys, David and Jonathan, and a third child due in October!
Wish we had opportunity for meeting so that I could introduce my family to yours.
Everyone else is fine here. Shalita and Bill had another baby boy, Daniel who's now 2 years old. Take care, Please keep in touch.
CONGRATULATIONS on behalf of all the Aggies to you 'Johnny'........keep it up !!!

The Message for 1999
My child, I've often heard you question:
This message is my answer.
You're concerned about the hungry in the world,
Millions who are starving ... and you ask,
"What can I do? " FEED ONE!
You're haunted by the homeless poor who
wander city streets ... and you ask:
"What can I do? " SHELTER ONE!
You feel compassion for those who suffer pain,
sorrow and despair ... and you ask:
"What can I do? " COMFORT ONE!
Your heart goes out to the lonely, the abused,
and the imprisoned ... and you ask:
"What can I do? " LOVE ONE!
Remember this, my child ... two thousand years
ago the world was filled with those in need,
just as it is today, and when the
helpless and the hopeless
called out to me for mercy,
I sent a saviour ...
So turn your lives around and make the difference.......
Do keep all the spicy news rollin' in.....till next time.....
Love & God Bless !!

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Copyright © The CruiZers! 1998
Thursday, February 18, 1999
Don't forget....Kilroy wuz here....
