For starters remember this guy....higher n higher....HALKA ???
Keep guessing ....
the oh so SeXy....loved by all C.S Kwang Kay
The college ROMEO himself ......Mr. Johnson Aarons better known as "Mapaly".....
It was just after our final year exams. We were still in the hostel? when we found time to go for an evening out. My partner was Kusum Lata Dutt, Bandy's was Jothy and who was yours???? If you can remember please let me know who was with: Robert Simon? Deepak Erasmas ? Nithi ? and who else ??? ?? oh!!! ... yes !! what about Gopinath Nambiar ? and Francis Peraira ? ?? I think the guy who knows all these riddles is !!!! !! 1 guess who !!! C.S. Kaye (associated with the militant of Assam now under terrorist training in Kalimantan Sabah. Thank you keep in touch !
From the President of the AANA Dr. T.V. Rao Jude.... It makes me proud to be an Aggie. So much happened in that little time in space. Many times I wished the sun would never set and the fragrance of the fresh rain soaked fields would never go away. The Cafeteria, The Introduction dinners, fight flods, mid term exams, Christmas pagentries, Annual Sports, The Farmers Fair, The Kumbh Mela at Sangam, Cultural festivals later turned to AGFEST,Assemblies, S.C.M., Educational tours, Student strikes,Annual sports- Red team the winner, holi hai! The rainbow colured campus on the banks of silver sparkle Yamuna nadhi embraced the multi-cultured National and International student and faculty family. I raised a family of mine own. This was their home. I was fortunate to be an Aggie of AAI. Thanks Jerry for linkng ALAGIN AANA web page with yours.I always knew you excelled in your talents. Keep it up.I still remember your editorial in the ALAGIN magazine on the concrete jungle civilization! Keep up your good work. Our association in North America welcomes your association and shares the Aggie spirit.
Love to all the Aggies and friends who hit this page.
Keep in touch through email or through Alagin.aana webpage suggestion box,help.alagin@technologist.com
See you soon. KILROY WUZ HERE!
This is Iris Singh, now Sheath, from the Home Science class,
Agricultural Instt., of 1968 to 1972. Do you remember me?
It was surprising to come across your message on `Bulletin Board.
I am visiting relatives in Canada at the moment and am here till Sat. Do get in touch. I am living in London UK and do not have access to website there.
I was at the the Girls` Hostel along with Asha Newton, Renu Mcwan,Sarita Khurana, Sister Noella, Aunty Prema, Deepika Mall, Pushmi amongst some others. Haven`t a clue where everyone is!
Who else are you in touch with? Where are Kwan Kay, Lopez, Edwinson, Brave, K.K. Singh? What are you doing with yourselves?
Hope to here from you.
Warm regards.
A Memorable Malaysian reunion with Dr. & Mrs. J.B.Chitamber...Feb,94
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Friday, July 17, 1998
Don't forget....Kilroy wuz here....

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