

Mr.Mike Watsa at the Atria

Mr.Raj Murch, Mr.I.A.Benjamin, Mr.Mike Watsa & Mr.Koshy George
Atria 20.08.02

Mrs.Shirani Jacob, Mrs.Slyvia Lamech, Mr.R.Lamech & Mr.R.Simon
Morning at the Atria 20.08.02
Mr.A.S. Sunny, Mrs.Shirani Jacob, Mr.M.P.S.Puri, Mr.R.Bamboat
Lunch at the Atria 20.08.02

Mr.C.A. Subhash Muthanna, Mr.K.S.Devaiah, Mrs.Nirmala (Baby) Lall, Mrs.Shirani Jacob & Mr.N.U. Aiyappa
Lunch at the Atria 20.08.02

Ivan Lamech, Jerry D & Tommy jamming after lunch at the Atria 20.08.02

Mr.Ivan Lamech, Mr.Thomas Jacob, Mr.C.B.Devaiah, Mr.S.B.Ganesh & Mr.Nithi
Dinner at the Resort 20.08.02
Pictures emailed by Tommy & Shirani Jacob

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Wednesday, September 11, 2002
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