
~Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm~
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Alagin Meet 2002 held in Bangalore, India took off on a flying start and was a roaring success!!! Aggies in all shapes and sizes came from New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Cambodia, UK, the US and India to make this the event of the centuary. It was just outta this world to be mingling with aggies who graduated from 1951 right down to those who just finished in 2002!!!
A lot of work went into planning and carrying out the meet but without your participation it would have been in vain. We want to THANK EVERYONE for the awesome time we had in Bangalore.... touched base on 24th morning, which is when the bubble burst and we knew that the week long dream was over but hey the memories will last forever....
Mike Watsa... The GREATEST! Without you this meet wouldn't have been possible. Thanks for taking charge and making the reunion a reality. No one was in a hurry to leave your house....thanks to the free flow of booze, delicious food and the singing! ~Santa Lucia~ the one and only song you sang for the one week we were there won't be forgotten. Thanks Vatsala for working behind the scenes and tolerating us....
The Coorgis...C.A. Subhash Muthanna, K.S. 'Patchy' Devaiah, C.B. 'Devi' Devaiah , K.P. Suresh Belliappa,
S.B.'Suntikoppa' Ganesh, A.S. Sunny, N.U. 'Mohan' Aiyappa, K.M. 'Dubu' Cariappa.......super hosts! The dinner at the Resort was a night to remember.... Thank you and your lovely spouses on behalf of All who attended, for your warm & kind hospitality.
Bamby...Thanks for all the work you put in...love your sense of humour...
Joe Lopez...the no nonsense guy! You actually had someone running scared!
Akhil ~Jugo~ Ghosh aka Mick Jagger...the SEXIEST guy with the SEXIEST voice...the number of women who flipped for you is incredible...guess you prefer the beer!!!! It was wonderful meeting you and Sue..... AND who says you can't get ~stonned on wet cement~ :)
Ivan...super singing! Didn't get to say goodbye but that was the best way to have parted! Love ya!!!
Nithi...chinna ma meyeah is still echoing in our heads...why you had everyone on their feet....
Pixie...thanks for updating us on our friends in Allahabad.
Alex Matthews...our very own Malaysian cowboy with the evergreen voice...enjoyed your company very much, Sir!
Sarita & Santa Gill...the most elegant couple, last day shopping spree and time spent together was fun!
Kiran Jeremiah nee Massey...loved playing cupid! We sincerely wish you ALL the best from deep down!
Anita Butt... Just wonderful, catching up with you!
Danny SR...Thanks for being there...you made my day!
Robert Simon....busy, busy, busy as always, but a joy to be with!
Tom & Rom...thanks for helping us out...travelling with you was fun.
Hemlata... heard so much about your dancing and finally got to see you in action!
Ronnie...lovable as always!
Ben Malvea...American cowboy, great MC!
Neena...~kebab meh haddi~ you said it gal!
Tommy & Shirani...fond memories...
Chris Jude...my lips are sealed, I won't squeal!
Muddappa...surprized you remembered so much...
KK Singh & Durgi...The Maharaja & his Princess...royalty personified!
Nirmala (Baby) & Charles...lovable couple, just pure fun to be with.
Jacob Mani...left without a word...
Gautam Ghosh...thanks for filling us up with the latest from AAI.
Mini (MPS)...you look different without a turban but who can ever forget your COBRA dancing :)
Mark Paul...still the same, where was Abel???
Edwinson Toddy Mani...take care of your health. Flying with you was an encounter to remember!
Koshy ~gas~....glad we met!
Pradeep Brave...you have to upgrade from the key of ~C~
Uma....your scandolous tales had us in stitches!
Raj Murch...Pleasure to have met you.
Roosevelt & Liz....strange we live in Malaysia but met in India.
Gomez...missed your family. Hope your leg is better.
Akhil Jugran...kudos for turning up before the last night was over !
Easo Nancy John...glad you made it without your chickens, pregnant goat and cow!
Kurien...one great guy!
PS Dennison...keep up the good work
It was our pleasure meeting Dr. N. Jayasheela, Dr. Ganesh Guru, Karim Bhai, Jamil Sahib, HMP Singh, Gayatri, Eric Chaube, Subhash Dasgupta, I.A. Benjamin and a host others.
The place was flowing with so much love and joy and though we hadn't met for ages it was like we'd never parted.....the wonderful memories of togetherness, wining, dining, dancing, singing, laughter and the constant chattering will linger on.......
Love you ALL !
~The CruiZers~

Aggie Number.....
LE FastCounter
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Copyright © The CruiZers! 2002
Monday, September 09, 2002
Don't forget....Kilroy wuz here....

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