Heap high the board and plenteous cheer,and gather to the feast,
And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased.
~Alice W. Brotherton~ The First Thanksgiving Day

The editors of the alagin page share no responsibility whatsoever as to the content and views expressed in the announcement below. The material is reproduced and displayed in the Aggie spirit of free speech and enterprise, but the opinions, views and content belong to the author alone and not to the editors of the Alagin page. The editors neither vouch for nor endorse any of the activities being posted - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!
Alagin International Meet Year 2000
(hereinafter reffered to as AIMY2K)
1. To gather together all the students of the Golden era, cira late 60's to mid-70's to exchange mid-life crisis problems, wife, wives, mistresses ect, ect.
Exchange mistresses, house-maids, actually sky is the limit. Those from H.E.D can offer positive suggestions.
All the students of that era, wives and children are optional but mistresseses and house-maids are encouraged.
Daughters of Mistresses above the age of consent, will be admitted FREE.
1.CHAIRMAN :..........K.S.Deviah a.k.a Patchy Dev
2.Treasurer :............C.B.Deviah a.k.a Fatso Dev
3.Hon.Sex :..............Alex Mathews a.k.a Crazy Alex
Reception :...............Micheal Watsa a.k.a. Madmike Watsa
Far East Rep :..........Thomas Cherian a.k.a (W.C.) Tommy
The Americas :.........Ashok Newton a.k.a. Babyface
It will be the responsibility of Tommy and Ashok to contact and register all persons in their respective areas and keep them informed of all the latest developements issiued from here time to time. Gather suggestions and information from their territories for analysis here.
* It has been suggested that everbody meets in Bangalore, as all flights come there, then proceed to Goa for the Grand Meet.
* It has also been suggested that the meet be scheduled for Feb.2000.
* We will need all the feed back possible to fix the Time of the meet, condusive to eveybody.
* Well, thats for the moment, and I look forward to an effort to make AIMY2K a roaring success.
~Crazy Alex~
Sent By: ~Tommy~ (Thomas Cherian)

AOL : Always Off Line
ISDN : It Still Does Nothing
APPLE : Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
SCSI : System Can't See It
DOS : Defective Operating System
BASIC : Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control
IBM : I Blame Microsoft
DEC : Do Expect Cuts
CD-ROM : Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete Monthly
OS/2 : Obsolete Soon, Too.
WWW : World Wide Wait
MACINTOSH : Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
PENTIUM : Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding of Math
AMIGA : A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction
LISP : Lots of Infuriating Silly Parenthesis
MIPS : Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed
WINDOWS : Will Install Needless Data On Whole System
MICROSOFT : Most Intelligent Customers Realize, Our Software Only Fools Them
Sent by:
~Anurag Agarwal~

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LE FastCounter
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Wednesday, November 10, 1999
Don't forget....Kilroy wuz here....

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