~There are no strangers in life, only friends you've not yet met~

Sam Higginbottom was my grandfather. My mother is Elizabeth Higginbottom Clough. She has worked with both my grandparents out on the farm and in the lepor colonies. She met my dad at the Doon School where she was a house mother and he was teaching English and Latin. I went to Allahabad many times during the eight years that I lived in India -- but I have never had the opportunity to go back. My Mom, Dad and sister went back there when my Dad was a cultural attache to Nepal.

My brother and I came to live with my Grandparents after they retired to Florida while I was in college and for a short time when I was in elementary school.

Later I married, had three children -- all of whom are in their 30's now. I was lucky enough to have the kids in Florida where they could visit their Great-Grandparents.

About 14 years ago I met my present husband while traveling in the Soviet Union. I left Raleigh NC to come to Phoenix.

Last October -- we had a family reunion during the week that would have been my Grandfather's birthday. Two of his children, eight of his grand children, eight great grand children, and several great, great, grandchildren came.

I meet many people from India -- but very few of them seem to know about the Institute.

Diana Tomanek
Technical Writer
National Data Corporation
2394 E. Camelback Rd
Phoenix AZ 85016

More information at :  Diana

~The heart is a garden
That always has room
For the flowers of kindness
And friendship that blooms~


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