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~To the world you might be one person,
but to one person you might be the world~
~Author Unknown~
The pages haven't been updated for quite a while ....
year 2000 has been hectic and BuSy buSy BuSy.......
Jerry moved to West Malaysia sometime in March. Pinkie is in the middle of packing, selling house, and ofcourse going bonkers.....hopefully will be joining him soon.
Dad Verma remarried in July 2000. He just returned to Minnesota, US after honeymooning somewhere in India, for a month....we're really glad for him. He has found ~Happiness~ and a reason to go on living....Congratulations Dad !!!!
Sam Verma
Former Principal Dr. J.B. Chitamber was involed in a car accident sometime last month and has recovered.
Mrs. P.C. Verghese (former Head of H.E.D.), underwent Heart Surgery last week. We wish her a speedy recovery !!! Daughter Mary flew down to India to take care of her. She'll be in India for a month.
Mrs. Verghese
Former Principal Mr. Phillip Jacob aka ~Payya,~ left AAI and is now based in Texas USA.
He writes....
Way back- in Old hostel I was Payya....When Kochu Payya came in I became Payya(Sr.). And when I joined the faculty I became Payyasir. The best years were the ones in ~Heaven~ - Old hostel. For me basketball court was more
intresting than HED.
Phillip Jacab
Apologies to Chris Jude for not being able to meet him when he was in Kuala Lumpur, West M'sia sometime in July 2000.
Heard from Basant Pawar.....guess most of you know him. He's based in Ludhiana, India.
email: Basant Pawar
Another ex-aggie, who contacted us, now based in Down Under, is S.S.Gill (wife Sarita Khurana ~H.E.D.~).
email: Gill
Below are some fill you on what's happenning......
This is from M.P.S.Puri.....remember him ????
What a pleasant surprise to visit your site, by accident. It is fantastic. It is great that you are keeping your mind so active, alert, creative and innovative as it used to be. Keep it up.
I wonder if you remember me. Many decades have past, since we last met. In fact, never met after leaving Alagin.
I did B.Sc ~'73~ & M.Sc. Ag. Engineering ~ '75,~ married Neelu in 1983, have one 9 yr. old son - Nick, doing business consulting.
To keep Halka State alive, we Bhantu, Akhil Jugran, Kohli sometimes do meet at Delhi.
With lots of love,
email: Puri
Sun, 2 July 2000
Cherian Mammen, working for Murugappa group based in Chennai, India.
Cherian Mammen
The biggest surprize of the week was an email from~Ronald Lamech~ aka Ronnie, followed by one from Robert Simon and Ivan Lamech....Jerry's~Best Buddies~
Ronnie writes....
It was real nice to finally locate you. I keep in touch with Robert, Tommy. My brother, you and Deepak were the ones I could not keep in touch with. Finally got you! Yet to get Deepak.
I am currently with a Singapore based commodity trading house called Olam International and am based in Dakar Senegal and look after the region comprising Senegal; Guinea Bissau; The Gambia. We deal in 9 commodities.
I was in Lagos Nigeria and spoke to Rob on the phone just 2 days ago and we were talking about you and Deepak and when we should try to meet etc. Actually that is what prompted me to search for you. It was easier than I thought.
He and I were in Warri, Nigeria in the same town and had a wonderful time together for some years before I moved over to Senegal. I was with AVT the same company my dad was working for for 11 years and did my PGDNRP (Natural Rubber Production) then decided I had to make a nest egg and applied and got selected by Nalin (Premier Nalin Malaysia) yes in JB! I was asked to set up their rubber project in Nigeria and moved over to nigeria after staying for a month in Malaysia.That was 1989 March.
Looked after an Oil palm plantation in Nigeria and set up a Crumb rubber plant for Premier Nalin in Calabar (Nigeria) and then joined Olam International in Nigeria after Premier Nalin closed down.Was without a Job for about 2 or 3
months before joining Olam. Been with them since then in Nigeria and now in Senegal looking after Guinea Bissau and Gambia and also Guinea Conakry, which is yet to start.
We do about 130000 MT of Rice each year and about 5-6000 Mt of cashew. Sesame is very small. We are starting Timber imports and hope to do about 1000 CMB per month from Dec onwards. It is an excellent group of people and I have yet to see a better one. We have been made shareholders and hope to go public in March or so when I hope to hit paydirt! But somehow, of recent I would prefer to do something else! More service oriented to humanity.
Sylvia and I got engaged today 19 years ago and got married on 7th Oct 81. Sylvia has been asked to teach in an American missionary school here in Dakar and enjoys her work a lot. It is the getting up at 6 and going by 7 that she is not used to! Specially when she has a late night. We got two kids Tawsein and Mercy 15 and 14 years, studying in India in a boarding school. They enjoy school a lot.
I meet Robert/ Mar and Tommy/Shirani about once a year and we need to be more in touch. I also meet Ivan and Pix about once in 4 years! Somehow it has always been difficult to get together. I stayed with Lingam in 1989 and spoke to
Johnson/Selva etc when I was in Malaysia.
I leave it to the others to tell you about what they have been doing after leaving the Ag and about their kids. We should try to meet by next year so please think on these lines. Tom, can we leave it to you to do the planning? I hope we can keep in touch regularly. Hows Pinkie and the kids? How many? More after I hear from you.
Love to you all,
Ronnie Lamech
email: Ronnie
Friday, October 06, 2000
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Ronnie & Slyvia !!!!
from Robert Simon.....
It's been a long time and we have much to catch up on, I guess. Marianne and I live in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. We have a 20 year old daughter, Nisha, who is now studying in a University in Halifax, Canada. My mum is still in Madras. Angi and her husband are in Mathura, near Agra. They have 2 children. I would like to believe I have not changed much as a person; I still keep putting my feet in my mouth and have my sense of homour. Physically I have put on a little weight and guess I look a little like Friar Tuck with my hairless 'halo' showing!
I work for a U.S. based company called Noble Drilling Corporation. We are offshore oilfield drilling contractors. Been in the oilfield for quite a while now. Have been posted in Nigeria since 1991, and am getting the travel itch! My job is transferable, but no one wants to come to Nigeria to relieve me, so I am stuck for a while.
Nigeria is not a very conducive place to live in; too much violence and unrest. Initially I was posted in a small little township which was a perennial nightmare of community violence. I had to constantly have armed escort wherever
I went. Anyway that is all past now. Port Harcourt is a little better.
Ronnie was living in Nigeria (actually about 5 kilometers from my house) for a while and we used to meet very often; but he left for Senegal a couple of years ago. We still keep in touch though. Tommy sends me email occassionally, so does Ivan. I lost touch with Deepak and would like to contact him. He and Wanda were living in Madras for a while but he left and I have not heard from him, since. I met Johnson & Bandi a long time ago in Madras but have lost contact. I also met David Samuel in Delhi many years ago.
The Aggies web page you and Pinkie have started is fantastic and a tremendous achievement. In Nigeria we transmit
at 9600 bauds per second so it is rather difficult accessing the Internet, especially since the telephone system sucks.
Any news of Kaye ? I would like to contact him as well. What about Yip Hin Yuen? Keep in touch, Jerry. It's great to get back in touch with you.
Love & regards
email: Robert
Sunday, October 08, 2000
Ivan Lamech writes.....
Well, we finally have got in touch with each other!! We have been on the net for quite some time now and believe it or not even Pix spends some time on it sending letters here and there. She also has learnt to keep her buisness a/c's
and stock etc on it!! I am sorry I did not write at length to you both the other day , but i had just got back from a trip down to Coimbatore , Madras, Delhi and then back to good old A of bad.
Well we spent 14 wonderful years in the tea gardens down south and then decided one fine day to leave it all and get to Alld. where our children were growing up and comming to an age where they could do with our company. Anyway we have been here for the last ten years and started life all over again.
I am a distributor for pumps for the state of U.P qand part of M.P. Pixie started a little boutique which did very well and then she finally closed it down two years ago. We had by then put up a mineral water plant and that needed more help and so she looks after that now.
Smrit the eldest (daughter), finished her college at St. Stephen's in Delhi, then a PG at bombay in Mass communication and presently she is a producer or some such thing in a TV channel called CNBC. Surya, our son did his Bachelors
in comp. Tech and is presently a software consultant with a company called Satyam.
Now with both the kids out of our hair and on their own, we are a little bit free, both time wise and money wise to fool around a bit. After many years we managed to take a break and spent two weeks with Pixies cousin in London last
month. We had a wonderful time and being our first trip out of the country it was was literally an eye opener.
Where are Kaye and Sheba and how are they? How big is your family and where do you all stay. What are you both doing? Gosh there are so many things that I wish to ask you. I meet Bantu quite often when in Delhi. That bugger is still the same!!
We do go to the Ag. sometimes when they invite us for some function or the other. The house at 64 Lukergunj is still home to the Aggies and we have kept in touch with each batch that keeps comming in. Pinkie I heard about your dad
getting married. I was telling Pixie that I hope I will be that lucky !!
Now when the hell are folks comming to India and more specifically to Alld?? We must meet - the whole lot of us. I have Deepaks current phone # and I shall try to get his e-mail add. Please give us full details of both yours and Kay's family.
Lots of love,
Ivan and Pix
email: Ivan & Pixie
Monday, October 09, 2000
last but not the least.....Thomas Jacob aka Tommy
Its been a long time since I wrote. I am quite busy at work and so is Shirani. Naveen is in Bombay doing a post graduate course in advertising and marketing. Namitha is studying in the 11 th std at Corpus Christy a residential school in Kottayam. Shirani and I are thinking of making a trip to Malayasia to visit old friends and see the country. We plan to spend a week there. When would be a good time and what are the places of interest. I would like to meet up with all the people I know there. Give me some ideas ok ?
We should also all try and meet up here in India. Cochin would be a good place. We could all shack up at my place and if we need more place, there is the Cochin Yacht Club right next to my house. They have 4 rooms which we can rent out which should be sufficient for all our needs. So lets plan this out shall we? The first thing to do is to decide on suitable dates convenient to all. I have Deepaks add somewhere and I'll send it to you as soon as I can dig it out.
Thats all for now lets keep in touch,
email: Tommy & Shirani
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
This one is of course from who else but yours truly, Jerry the CruiZer ...updating his buddies :)
Well!! Well!! Well!! Well!! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!! I knew that the Alagin homepage would somehow get us in touch!!! Oh my god!!! After so many years I get a line from you. What a shot from the blue! Never thought that I would ever be able to contact any of you. It has been tooooo long a time for me. I have been in the wilderness of information for 25 years!!! Through the wonderful power of the internet I have been able to contact some of my long lost buddies. And now I have made contact with all of you (save Deepak). I am still trying to locate some more, from the different phases of my life!!
What about us?? As you can see from my email address, I am still IN LOVE with that precious time of my life that I spent in AAI with all of you. Reminds me of the song sung by the Four Aces:-
Heart Of My Heart, I love that melody
Heart Of My Heart, brings back a memory
When we were kids on the corner of the street
We were rough 'n ready guys
But oh, how we could harmonize
Heart Of My Heart, meant friends were dearer then
Too bad we had to part I know a tear would glisten
If once more I could listen
To that gang that sang "Heart Of My Heart"
C'mon now, let's everybody sing!
Heart Of My Heart, I love that melody
Heart Of My Heart, brings back a memory
When we were kids on the corner of the street
We were rough 'n ready guys But oh, how we could harmonize
Yes!!!!!! Oh! how we could harmonize!!!
We were good!! except for me -~the mistake~
The ~Bitter,~ ~Sweet,~ ~Low~ and ~The Mistake!!!~
B,S,L & M It was a dream that we would meet some day!! can we make that a reality??? Is it possible that after all these years, we can summon enough energy, courage and resources to make that dream come true?? Can we sing once more in harmony together??? And record our songs tis time for posterity??? Because we were good!!!! damnnnnnnn good!!! What say all of you?? find Deepak pronto!! he is in Calcutta. Wanda is very ill with arthritic rheumatism and can hardly walk at all!!
I get some news from Megalaya through Sheba. Her parents have been over here a couple of times. Asophie Roy is still unmarried. Marphrang is a cripple (confirmed by you Ivan). I know that Shaitan's brother, Zortang passed away, but is Shaitan gone too??? I shed tears on reading that!! Met Selva some time last year. First time since he left college.
I'm so glad to hear about you Ronnie. Filled in a lot of flesh on the bare bones that I had about you. I knew you were in KL at that time but I could not make it to see you. I did meet Johnny Chitamber when he came down to Malaysia
sometime in 1993. Also met Dr.& Mrs. Chitamber in 1996. In contact with Francis Pereira, Aloysius D'Cruz, Thomas Cherian/Romila Brave and Ignatius Gomez (our seniors), Ram Sing (Lingam's ward who got bombed by Bordah!!), A.Johnson/ Nina,and Martin Victor/Reena Johnson, C.Matthews. Many other juniors who all of you do not know.
Where is Bordah?? (H.K.Mittra) Last saw him in Siliguri in 1980!! Is he married? What is he doing? What about N.P.Das (Bantu or Keench)? Does he have an email??
Ivan, good to hear that you are doing well. I am very happpy for you.
Kay and I have been together for many years in East M'sia but not with the same company. We have been working in Oil palm plantations with some cocoa thrown in!! He is notorious for being quite tardy in sending emails!! But on the other hand he is brilliant in presenting reports, strategies, statistics, etc. on the computer. He is still the same!!! Full of humour and sidecracks!! Pinkie and the boys are still staying in East M'sia while I am in West M'sia. They will be shifting soon. We have to sell the house and most of the artifacts (or parafenalia) that are in the house. The rest will have to be sent by container. It is a fact that the airtickets and freight between East and West M'sia are more expensive than between West M'sia and Madras!!!!
Now that we will all be in West M'sia, going to India is a distinct possibility. Need to show my boys ~INDIA.~ We have two boys, Christopher Edwin and Charles Edward and they are 16 and 13 years respectively. Pinkie and I have
been planning to go to India, ~basically to give our 2 boys a baptism of fire!!.~
Lots of love,
~no more tanglefoot but fatman!!~
to read more about us visit our websites:
Jerry's JunkYard
Jerry's Heraldry
Pinkie's Parlour
Christopher's Exotic Cars
Charles 4D-Driving
Those of you who haven't signed up with your details please do so on the index page or
Click here to Sign Up
Please make use of the board to post your messages/questions whatever.....great way to stay connected and exchange notes/gossip.
~Aggie Message Board~
Guess most of you know the Professor, Anurag Agarawal is talking about.....
Dear friends,
We had a Professor in our class. Here are some of his quotes...
Inside the Class:
* Open the doors of the window. Let the atmosphere come in.
* Open the doors of the window. Let the Air Force come in.
*Open the window and let the climate come in!!
*Stop revolving the classroom. Meet me behind the class!
* Cut an apple into two halves - take the bigger half.
* Shhh... Quiet, boys... the principal just passed away in the corridor.
* You, meet me behind the class. ( meaning AFTER the class ...)
* Both of u three, get out of the class.
* Close the doors of the windows please... I have winter in my nose.
* Take Copper Wire of any metal especially of Silver..
* Take 5 cm wire of any length...
* Boys! boys! bring me the staircase!
* We must thank the boys who were plating at midnoclock!!
* For good conerstructions we must use first class semen and first class pricks!!
About his family:
* I have two daughters. Both of them are girls...(?)
At the ground:
* All of you, stand in a straight circle.
* There is no wind in the ball.
To a boy, angrily:
* I talk, he talk, why you middle middle talk ?
* You, rotate the ground four times...
* You, go and under-stand the tree...
* You three of you, stand together separately.
* Why are you late - say YES or NO...(?)
Sir at his best:
Sir had once gone to a film with his wife. By chance, he happened to see one of
our boys at the theatre, though the boy did not see them. So the next day ...
(to that boy) - "Yesterday I saw you WITH MY WIFE at the Cinema Theatre"

Signing off till next time :)
~Cheers ! ~
~The CruiZers ! ~
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Copyright © The CruiZers! 2000
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Don't forget....Kilroy wuz here....