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merry xmas

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were terrified. But the angel said to them "Do not be afraid. I bring you good
news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior
has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you:
You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger".
~Luke 2: 9-12~


Top 10 Reasons for Keeping Christmas Alive

10. Without Christmas, the candied fruit market would collapse !
9. Without Christmas, our slow, dull & uneventful lives would have no stress !
8. Without Christmas, barking dogs wouldn't have a music career!
7. Without Christmas, Santa would only be a really weird fat guy with poor fashion sense !
6. Without Christmas, there would be no Christmas bonuses !
5. Without Christmas, you'd have to waste money buying all your own underwear and socks !
4. Without Christmas, your cat would never know the joy of coughing up tinsel !
3. Without Christmas, December would feel a lot like February !
2. Without Christmas, Eggnog becomes just a disgusting beverage !
And the # ONE reason for keeping Christmas alive is:
1. Without Christmas, there would BE no Easter!
--That means there would also be: No Hope, No Forgiveness & No Victory over the Grave.
If that's the case, then the TRUE meaning of Christmas is certainly something worth celebrating !


I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Do you Know the true MEANING of CHRISTMAS ?

1. Do you Know............That CHRISTMAS comes from old English, " Cristes maesse" (Christ's Mass), older still, Yule, from the Germanic root "geol". The traditional Christmas is not a single day but a prolonged period, normally from 24th December to 6th January including the New Year.
Christmas is the name of the mass or worship service held to celebrate Christ's birth. The word 'CHRIST'mas tells us that the central figure is JESUS CHRIST Himself. Christmas is remembering the birth of Jesus, but has become a commercialized time of fairy tales, reindeers, santas, snowmen and parties !
Click here for the King James Bible version of the Christmas Story.
Click here for an easy to read version of the Christmas Story.

2. Do you Know............That the Advent calendar originated in Germany and Scandinavia ?
It is a picture of a house with windows that can be opened to reveal the tiny pictures behind them. There is one window or flap for each day of Advent, the season before Christmas. Each day, the children are allowed to reveal one picture. The last picture is revealed on December 25th. It is the nativity scene, which gives meaning to all the joy and fun that the other pictures represent.

wreath 3. Do you Know............That the Advent wreath is of Lutheran origin ?
It is an evergreen wreath with four candles set in holders attached to it. Beginning four Sundays before Christmas, on the first Sunday of Advent, one candle is lighted each week as a symbol of light that will come into the world with the birth of Jesus. On the last Sunday before Christmas, all four are lighted to give a radiance to the church altar or the home.

4. Do you Know............That the ringing of bells at Christmastime is taken from pagan mid-winter celebrations ?
bellsA lot of noise was used to drive out evil spirits in the olden days...bells were useful for this purpose. Today the church bells ring throughout the world on Christmas Eve, not to drive evil spirits away, but to welcome in the spirit of Christmas with a joyful noise. In Scandinavia, bells signal the end of work and the beginning of festivity. In England, the tolling of devil's knell welcomes the birth of Christ. In Italy and Spain, it signals the Midnight Mass.

5. Do you Know............That blowing in the yule, also originated in pagan times to ward off evil spirits ?
Today found in areas of Germany and the Scandinavian countries. A group of musicians take their instruments to the belfry of the local church and lustily play four Christmas carols, one in each direction of the compass. They finish with a joyful peal of the bells, which announces that Christmas has arrived.

6. Do you Know............That the practice of sending Christmas greeting cards to friends was initiated by Sir Henry Cole in England ?
In 1843 the first card was designed by J.C.Horsley. It was commercial, 1000 copies were sold in London. An English artist, William Egley, produced a popular card in 1849. Louis Prang, a German-born printer, working from his shop in Roxbury, Massachusetts, printed his first American cards in 1875 and he did more than anyone else to popularize the cards by instituting nationwide contests for the best Christmas designs, which were awarded cash prizes.

7. Do you Know............That the Catholic Church valued music greatly and the early Christmas songs date from 4th century (the earliest known is Jesus refulsit omnium by St.Hilary of Poitiers) ? musicThe Mediaeval Christmas music followed the Gregorian tradition. In Renaissance Italy there emerged more joyous Christmas songs, like the true carols (from the French word caroler, meaning to dance in a ring). These songs continued to be religious and in Latin, though. The most famous of all, Silent Night (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht) was written by the Austrian parish priest Joseph Mohr and composed by Franz Gruber, church organist, in 1818. In 19th century and later many popular songs were written by composers. The themes of songs surpassed religion and the totality of Christmas paraphernalia found its way to carol music.

8. Do you Know............That the idea of giving gifts on Christmas day comes from old pagan customs ?
Giving of Christmas gifts has many roots. There is St. Nicholas the anonymous benefactor, there is the tradition of Magi giving precious gifts to Jesus, and the Roman custom of giving gifts of good luck to children during Saturnalia.
gifts The day of gift giving varies greatly in different Christian cultures and times:
6th December - in memory of St. Nicholas
24th December - Christmas Eve
25th December - Birthday of Jesus
1st of January - the New year
6th of January - The Epiphany, day of the Three Wise men, the Magi
The giver of the presents are many: Jesus himself, Old Father Christmas, Santa Claus, a Goat, Befana (the female Santa in Italy), the three Magi, Christmas gnomes, various Saints, the Kolyada (in Russia), the Joulupukki (in Finland). The oldest Finnish tradition did not necessarily involve a giver of the presents at all: an unseen person threw the gifts in from the door and quickly disappeared.

friends 9. Do you Know............That the Christmas symbols are:
Candles: Fires, Summer, Warmth, Paradise, End of Darkness, Jewish Hanukkah
Tree: Eternal life, Paradise Tree, Pagan Symbol
Apples: Apple of Paradise
Reindeer: A prop
Santa Claus: St Nicholas, Pagan Deity
Gifts: Customary (Romans, Pagans Everywhere), Magi
Mistletoe: Peace, Kisses
Holly: Christ's Crown of Thorns
Gnomes: Pagan
Straw: Stable & Crib, Pagan
Stocking: A prop (as chimney etc.) to hold gifts

10. Do you Know............That Christmas Trees have their roots in pagan tree worship for fertility ?
The custom of a Christmas tree, began in Germany, in the first half of the 700's. The earliest story relates how a British monk and missionary St. Boniface was preaching a sermon on the Nativity to a tribe of Germanic Druids outside the town of Geismar. To convince the idolaters that the oak tree was not sacred and inviolable, he felled one on the spot. It crushed every shrub as it fell, except for a small fir sapling.
Legend has it that Boniface, attempting to win converts, interpreted the fir's survival as a miracle, concluding, "Let this be called the tree of the Christ Child." Subsequent Christmases in Germany were celebrated by planting fir saplings.
tree The history of the modern Christmas tree goes back to 16th century Germany. The decorations hung on a tree in that time, were "roses cut of many-colored paper, apples, wafers, sugar."
The modern custom is also connected with the Paradise tree hung with apples, present in the medieval religious plays. In 17th century the Christmas tree spread through Germany and Scandinavia. Eventually the tree was extensively decorated, first with candles and candies, then with apples and confections, later with anything glittering.
In Protestant countries according to legend, it is widely believed that Martin Luther first added lighted candles to a tree. Walking home one winter evening, composing a sermon, he was awed by the brilliance of stars twinkling amidst evergreens. To recapture the scene for his family, he erected a tree in the main room and wired its branches with lighted candles. In England the tradition was made popular by the German Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. The German immigrants brought the Christmas tree to America in 17th century. Public outdoors Christmas trees with electric candles were introduced in Finland in 1906, and in USA (New York) in 1912. The claim of the Pennsylvania Germans to have initiated the Christmas tree custom in America is undisputed today. And it's in the diary of Matthew Zahm of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, under the date December 20, 1821, that the Christmas tree and its myriad decorations received their first mention in the New World.
To the New England Puritans, Christmas was sacred. The Pilgrims' second governor, William bradford, wrote that he tried hard to stamp out "pagan mockery" of the observance, penalizing any frivolity. The influential Oliver Cromwell preached against "the heathen traditions" of Christmas carols, decorated trees and any joyful expression that desecrated "that sacred event."

11. Do you Know............That Santa Claus comes from a legend about Saint Nicholas ?
As time progressed the Santa (these letters spell SATAN) legend added on many pagan forms of worship.
The modern image we have of Santa was created for Coca Cola ads from 1931 to 1964.
Santa has many, different names...... In England he's called Father Christmas, in France 'Pere Noel', 'Jizo' in Japan, 'Shengdan Laoren' in China. For more namesClick here

12. Do you Know............That Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was created in 1939 as a commercial gimmick for the Montgomery Ward group of department stores ?
Actually, in the original story Rudolph was not Santa's deer at all! For more Click here.

13. Do you Know............That Jesus Was Not Born on the 25th December ?
Read THIS ARTICLE which tells us that Jesus was born during the Feast Of Tabernacles in Israel (September/October). The early church actually substituted Christmas for the many Pagan celebrations of Winter Solstice in December. Jesus was actually born during harvest time - the Shepherds would not be grazing their flocks in winter !

14. Do you Know............That Jesus Was Not Born In A Barn and Mary and Joseph Did Not Try to Stay in an Inn ? Read THIS and be convinced !
Some scholars believe that Jesus may have been born in a 'booth' used for the Feast of Tabernacles as the greek word for 'manger' can be translated 'booth'. The 'inn' Mary and Joseph were turned away from may have been Joseph's extended family dwelling in Bethlehem ! (The word used is 'Kataluna' which was used of such dwellings).

15. Do you Know............That Baby Jesus Was Wrapped Up Like A Mummy ?
The Swaddling clothes Jesus was wrapped in was actually like a mummy's bandages. Babies in those days were wrapped tight in bandages so their arms were bound to their side. This was in order that their limbs would grow straight !
Find this fact and other fascinating insights about Christ's birth HERE or HERE.

16. Do you Know............That Less People Find Christ at Christmas Than at any Other Time of the Year ?
This is according to the US stats.

17. Do you Know............That Christmas Is The Lonliest Time of The Year For Some People?

18. Do you Know............That the Song 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' Is A Christian Code?
From 1558 until 1929 Roman Catholics in England were unable to express their faith openly. So to celebrate Christmas in public they devised a coded song, 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' ! The partridge in a peartree is Jesus Christ. Get the factsHere.http://members.carol.net/~asmsmsks/12days.htm#The 12 Days of

19. Do you Know............That the Christmas Candy Cane is Symbolic of Christ's Work and Nature ?
cane A Candymaker, in Indiana, U.S.A., wanted to make a candy that would be a witness, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. He began with stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus, and hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the Church and firmness of the promises of God. The candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the precious name of Jesus. The candymaker stained it with red stripes. He used three small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed. The large red stripe was for the blood shed by Christ on the cross so that we could have the promise of eternal life.

20. Do you Know............That Through The Ages Many Christians Have Opposed Christmas ?
If you didn't then Read this.

21. Do you Know............That the 'X' In Xmas means Christ ?
The early Christians used the Greek letter 'Chi' which looked like an 'X' to be an abbreviation for Christ. They substituted it in front of 'mas' sometimes.

22. Do you Know............That the Mince Pies Were Considered To Be In The Shape of Christ's Cradle ?
During Roman times mince pies (without the pastry lid) were used in the Pagan feasts. But when Christmas was substituted for that celebration the pies continued to be used. The Christians believed it represented the crib of Christ! Actually Jesus was put in an animal feeding trough (the meaning of manger). They also believed that eating one pie a day for the twelve days of Christmas would bring them luck!

23. Do you Know............That 'Boxing Day' Was Named After The Practice Of Opening The Christmas Money Box on That Day?
Boxing Day, December 26, is a legal holiday in England. The custom of boxing derives from the opening of alms boxes in church on December 26, the Feast of St. Stephen, to distribute the collected money to the poor who have not enjoyed as nice a Christmas as those who are better off. The idea was picked up by apprentices and assistants, who would tale a Christmas box around to their employer's customers, asking for tips in return for their service during the year. Eventually children picked up the practice, making it a sort of : trick or treat."

candle 24. Do you Know............That Light was an important part of the pagan midwinter festivities, since this was the time when the sun ceased to wane and began to grow stronger and brighter. In imitation candles and bonfires helped to drive away the forces of cold and darkness. Wax tapers were given as gifts at the Roman festival of Saturnalia. To the Christian community, the lighting of candles took on the additional symbolic significance of Jesus as the Light of the World. Christmas candles are made in all shapes, colors and sizes and are often scented. The idea of Christmas candles shining from windowsis a custom still practiced in Europe. In Sweden, St. Lucy appears wearing a crown of candles. In Victorian England, tradesmen made annual gifts of candles to their loyal customers. In many parts of the world , the Advent candles reflect the dawning season and remind us of the coming Light Jesus Christ.

25. Do you Know............That C.M.B. are the initials of the three Wise Men, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar ?
They are written over front doors of homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden by the Star Boys on their Epiphany visits. Along with the initials, three crosses are drawn. According to tradition, the homes marked with these holy symbols will experience only good fortune throughout the year.

holly 26. Do you Know............That the bright colors of the Holly is a natural symbol of rebirth and life in northern Europe ?
In late December, the Teutonic peoples traditionally placed holly and other evergreens around the interior of dwellings to ward off winter bad weather and unwanted spirits. Traditionally in England, the prickly holly is called "he" and the non-prickly "she". Which type of holly first brought into the house at Christmas determines who will rule the household for the coming year.

27. Do you Know............That the the Kissing Bough was the primary piece of decorative greenery in English Christmas, in the middle of the nineteenth century ?
It was in the shape of a double hoop with streamers going up to a central point, like a Maypole with two circle garlands. It was made up of evergreen boughs, holly and ivy and hung with apples and pears and ribbons and ornaments, with lighted candles and a bunch of mistletoe hanging from the center. As its name implies, the woman who accidentally wandered under the kissing bough had to pay the ancient penalty and allow herself to be kissed.

28. Do you Know............That the Mistletoe was sacred to ancient druids and a symbol of eternal life the same way as Christmas tree?
The Romans valued it as a symbol of peace and this lead eventually its acceptance among Christmas props. Kissing under mistletoe was a Roman custom.

29. Do you Know............That the Moravian LoveFeast is a Moravian tradition ?
It is a Christmas Eve church service at which sweet coffee and a roll with an "M" stamped on it are served, and at which people have beeswax candles with red paper frills around the bottom on tin candle-holders.

plum 30. Do you Know............That the first plum puddings were made around 1670 ?
They were a stiffened form of the earlier plum porridge. Plum puddings to not contain any plums. To the early mild porridge were added lumps of meat, dried fruits such as raisins and currants, rum and brandy, butter, sugar, eggs and many spices. They were made in large copper kettles and prepared several weeks before Christmas. The making of the pudding was attended by the entire household & each family member took turns at stirring the thick steaming stew and each made a wish. A coin, a thimble, a button and a ring were mixed into the pudding. Later when it was eaten, each object would have significance for the finder. The coin would mean wealth in the new year, the button meant bachelorhood, the thimble spinsterhood and the ring was marriage.

flower 31. Do you Know............That the in Mexican legend, a small boy knelt at the altar of his village church on Christmas Eve. He had nothing to offer the Christ Child on his birthday because he had no money, but his prayers were sincere and a miracle gave him the present, the first Flower of the Holy Night sprang up at his feet in brilliant red and green homage to the holy birth. Thus was born the flower we know as the Poinsettia. Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett was the American ambassador to Mexico from 1825 to 1829. His keen interest in botany made him very interested in the Flower of the Holy Night and he brought it back to his home in South Carolina. It became very popular as a Christmas plant and was named after him.

32. Do you Know............That the Star was the astrological/astronomical phenomenon which triggered the travel of the Magi to give presents to child Jesus ?
Variously described as a supernova or a conjunction of planets it supposedly happened around the year 7 BC - the most probable true birth year of Christ.

33. Do you Know............That on Christmas Eve an enormous log of freshly cut wood called the Yule log is carried to the house with great ceremony ? The master of the house would sprinkle it with oil, salt, mulled wine and say suitable prayers. They lit the log with splinters from the preceding year which they had kept. It was said that the cinders of this log could protect the house from lightning and the devil. It was supposed to burn continuously for the twelve days of Christmas.
This custom, dates back to the XIIth century, and was known in most Europeans countries, notably in France and in Italy where the Yule log was called a "ceppo". Its disappearance coincides with that of great hearths which were gradually replaced by cast-iron stoves. The great log was thus replaced by a smaller one, often embellished with candles and greenery, placed in the centre of the table as a Christmas decoration.
Today, the Yule log has become a traditional pastry, a delicious cake roll, chocolate-flavoured icing and decorated with sugared holly leaves and roses.

Whatever tradition or belief you follow remember that

Merry Christmas to friends!
Merry Christmas to foes!
The world's bright with joy, so
Forget all your woes.
The earth's full of beauty,
of Love and good cheer.
Merry Christmas to all and
A Happy New Year!

~May your troubles be less And your blessings be more.
And nothing but happiness Come through your door.~
With Warm Wishes,
The CruZers !




QUESTION: Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?
ANSWER: Because it soots him.

QUESTION: What does Santa Claus like to do in his garden?
ANSWER: He likes to hoe, hoe, hoe.

QUESTION: What can Santa give away and still keep?
ANSWER: A cold.

QUESTION: Why do giraffes get Christmas gifts every year?
ANSWER: They are so good that they'll stick their necks out for anyone.

QUESTION:What is the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?
ANSWER: The Christmas alphabet has NO EL.


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Wednesday, November 24, 1999

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