Jenn's Nook on the 'Net


Hi! This page is no where close to as cool as it was supposed to be when I started out, but I just don't have the time to learn how to do everything! I work on it now and then, but "now" and "then" are times that are rather far apart. Please drop by every few months though, maybe something will have changed!


The links below lead to pages that are dedicated to some of my poetry.

Emotions - this first link will take you to poetry that is based on strong emotions - they are not very happy poems.

Smile - this second link leads to another poetry page, but this one contains poetry that is happier and not only based on emotions.

Poetry - This third, and final link will bring you to a page containing poetry that isn't guaranteed to lighten your spirits, but if I have done my job as an aspiring writer, it will encourage you to think a little more deeply.


* I do ask one thing of you, PLEASE do not copy my work in any form - this is my work, and I'll share it with you, but please don't take credit for it. I am selfish, I want it all to myself. : )*

Well, now that I have my poetry covered, here is my profile (note : I have a few pics that can be accessed from my profile.) :


and some quotes :

Quotes #2

and I even have links to my favorite sites:

Cool sites

and shoot, I have even MORE stuff about me, but this is more lengthy and storylike...I reccomend my profile for the briefest possible overview of me that I have made available to you.


* Dannon


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