)))}i{ Dictations of my }i{(((

Soul #2


Happy poetry:




Rythmatic feet
Pounding wind
Blurred vision
Pumping arms
Echoing voices
Taunting hurdles
Strong determination
Total concentration
Sweet victory


*Melting the Snow*



I press my face to the pane of glass.
My warm breath fogs it up.
The child in me reaches out and
draws smiley faces, snowmen, and butterflies.
I open the window to the outdoors,
and a snowflake drifts in, landing on my nose.
I giggle as I reach out to catch one.
My hands are bare and soon turn a rosey pink.
I hang my head outside and stick my tongue out,
grinning as the soft snow flakes touch my tongue.
In a millisecond they are gone, but
there is no time to miss a single flake
Because the snow falls heavier with each passing moment,
covering every tree, rock, and house in sight
with a fluffy, sparkling white layer.





I breathe in the warm air.
The breath of the wind flows over me.
It captures my soul, and I float away.


A New Day



As surely as the sun has set,
it shall rise again.
For now the moon has risen,
illuminating my path.
The stars, my map
twinkle brightly in an otherwise
dark, dark sky.
As long as the slivery moon hangs low
in the velvet night's sky,
and as long as I wait
for the sphere of flame to rise again,
I keep my eyes on the stars,
waiting for a new day to come.


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