)))}i{ Dictations of my}i{(((

Soul #3







Things were simple then,
popcicles and parties were all that we needed
to make us happy, and
everyday was fresh.

Worries didn't follow us,
and fun was our only concern.
Everyone could be friends;
we had not yet divided.

We had only begun to question -
only begun our life journey.
Little boys still dreamt of becoming firemen,
and little girls still idolized their mommies.

We were who we were,
we had only begun to be molded.
We were innocents, unaware of
what the world would soon tear away.

In our rush to "grow up",
the days seemed to snail by.
In reality, they flew.
All too quickly they flew.

Things were simple then,
popcicles and parties were all that we needed.


The Rain



It's raining outside,
the droplets fall with plinks and splats.
Drip drop.
The rain falls steadily,
plummeting on it's downward journey to earth.
The wind sighs, and the rain slants.
The ground is a sponge.
The sky is alight for an instance, but darkness prevails.
Rolling thunder sends children whimpering.
All falls silent, and the world sleeps,
resting for another angry display.



<3 A Place in My Heart <3


Where are you?
When are you coming home?
I know that you have to go,
but the time is not now.
Not now, I'm not ready.
I thought that I was,
but I'm not.
Please, please I know that you left,
but come back - there's still time.
You still hold a place in my heart,
a place in my world.
You still occupy most of my thoughts,
I still think of you before I act,
I still want to consult you,
see you, touch you, love you.
I still need to be yours.
I need you to comfort me,
now that you're gone.
Odd, isn't it?
I can't run to you this time,
or ever again.
I need your love,
you still haven't forgotten me.
Come back, come back!
Where are you?
When are you coming home?


The Corner Girl



The long lashes flutter
as the stained red lips turn upwards,
and long legs invite curious hands.
Large breasts overflow a short, tight dress.

Behind the false eyelashes,
dark pools listlessly peer out at the street's night life.
They are filled with burdens that only she knows.
They are eyes that have witnessed too many nightmares.

The full, red lips curl back,
revealing a half-smile, half-smirk.
The lips have tasted the bitterness of life;
they do not remember any laughter.

The legs are displayed in fishnet stockings,
a futile effort to hide the still painful bruises.
Well-trained in winding around another's leg,
they are equally well-trained in self-defense.

The grotesquely large breasts are advertisements,
Her dress, being the latest of many,
is the standard uniform.
The others have been thrown away - torn and blood-stained.

It is on the corners that this pathetic creature poses,
constantly checking the streets for cops and ducking down dark allies.
Here, she sells both her body and her pride.
Here, she drowns her soul to keep her body alive.


The Master


You opened the door,
and let it slam in my face.
You yelled at me
when I couldn't keep pace.

I pulled and I pushed,
trying to break through your door,
but you remained frozen,
right to the core.

While you turned your head,
I took your path.
Me in your footsteps,
you do the math.

I didn't realize it,
until it was too late.
Now I am the master,
of plotting my fate.



Lazy, like seeds floating down a stream.
Hurtling, like a shooting star.
Fresh as the morning dew,
yet as ugly as a rusted car.
Life brings the chortles of a baby,
yet the wrinkles in the face of an old lady.
Down one valley and over a mountain,
supposedly choosing our paths,
but destiny is our guide.
Foreboding, yet inviting, the future looms ahead.




Look into my eyes and you will see
that my life is not as simple as you think it to be.

While you have struggled just to keep in touch,
I grew out of the little girl we now miss so much.
Neither child nor woman am I,
yet forever a baby in my Daddy's eyes.

My feelings are stronger than I understand,
and I have yet to grow used to the evils of man.
Once a little girl who chased beautiful butterflies;
now when I look up, I see the vastness of the skies.

Look into my eyes and you will see
that my life is not as simple as you think it to be.

I used to think that I'd be "all grown up" by this age,
but now I know that I've only reached another page.
I am not at all who I thought I would be,
yet somehow I don't mind, so long I'm true to God 'n me.

Womanhood lurks just ahead,
along with the day that I'll wake to another in my bed.
Strange to me are these thoughts.
How can I find love with all of my faults?

Look into my eyes and you will see
that my life is not as simple as you think it to be.

I want to stay where I am - I want to hide,
but all of my friends have jumped on life to take a ride.
Is all of life so full of stress?
To me, this world seems just a jumbled mess.


Angel in Hand



To feel your touch
is to feel an angels wings
brush softly against my cheek.
The grains of time
slipping though my fingers
as I cling to your hands.
My mind is awash with questions,
while my heart thumps with acceptance.
Woe tries to slip in while my eyes close,
but together we fend him off.
The doors are closing now -
you on one side,
me on the other.
Time thinks that he has tricked me,
thinks that he can hurt me worse than ever before.
Time is nothing.
Barricades can be overcome.
My heart, mended too many times
seems to have been replaced.
Never missing a beat,
I accept the key
placed into my open palm
just before the doors
softly, sadly creak shut.


Fallen From Grace


This isn't my life to live,
that's why I don't belong.
This isn't my life to live,
that's why we can't get along.
This isn't my life to live,
I have fallen from Grace.
This isn't my life to live,
as told by the look on my face.
This isn't my life to live,
I know by the tone of my thoughts.
This isn't my life to live,
I am aware of all my faults.
This isn't my life to live,
yet I continue to give it my all.
This isn't my life to live,
so don't be surprised when I fall.
This isn't my life to live,
please stop expecting so much.
This isn't my life to live,

I'm becoming immune to your touch.

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