Hey Jenn, how's it going ?

I was just thinking about you, and how much I wish I could be up there with you. Well, I guess this is as close as we'll get, for now (only 40 more days :) Anyways, I was just thinking how you always seem to be the creative one to come up with new things, you write poems and things like that, so I decided to do something semi-artistic for once :) The image didnt really turn out how I wanted it... I decided to go with the bold look for the page, contrasting colors from image/background, and stand out text.


I really dont have much to say at the time, and I hope that nobody else clicks on this link, because it's open to millions if they wanted to see it, even though it's really just for you, and this seemed to be a convenient way to get you a message with my creation. Good Luck on your PSAT, not that you'll need it or anything :) I look dumb in that picture... I tried to darken yours, remembering that you said you looked too pale, but then you just looked black so i decided to leave it unchanged. Well, i've been working on this thing on and off for the past few hours now, and it's 11:30, so I'll go to bed. I WILL be on tomorrow at 1, my parents are going to a football game, so I've got the day free to myself. I may end up going to my dad's on sunday sometime, so I'll get to see him this weekend, but I dont know yet. I turned this from a creative project into a letter somehow.. I guess I'll go now, and dream of when we can be as close to each other as we are in my picture :)


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