My Profile:

Name: Jennifer Diane (are you nuts!?!you can't have my last name!)

Birthday: August 25, 1982

State of Residence: Delaware

Present education level: High School Senior

Self-Description: Almost 5'9", 140 lbs., long brown hair, and brown eyes.


Interests/hobbies: Sports, writing poetry and short stories, reading, music, meeting new people, church, school clubs, acting, dream interpretation, and psychiatry. Also, I work as a tutor in the after the bell program at my school.

Clubs that I am in: KEY club, YELL, and Young Life.


colors: Blue, green, purple, and red (in that order)

music categories: Mostly alternative, but I like just about anything except really twangy country ( you know what I'm talkin' 'bout, that boot stamping stuff about broken down trucks and whatnot) , screaming - like in heavy metal, and a lot profanity - like in rap and hard rock ( Korn is evil : P).

bands: Semisonic, The Wallflowers, Ben Folds Five, Smashing Pumpkins, The Doors, The Goo-Goo Dolls, Greenday, Jewel and stuff like that....

songs: Delicious, Brown-eyed Girl, Time of Your Life, Bullet With Butterfly Wings, The Difference, Black Eyes, Blue Tears,and Slide.

Song Lyrics

sports: Swimming, track and field, basketball, roller blading, and I enjoy most others with the exception of softball and field hockey.

subjects: Can't you guess? Writing is my favorite, but I also enjoy math and theater arts.


Occupational interests:

I am not sure what I want to do with my life, but this is a list of what most interests me:

- Psychiatry

-Dream interpretation


-Missionary for children ( help in foreign orphanages and such)

-Profiler for the FBI

Accomplishments: I could be in all of the top classes available in my school,except that I dropped my AP calculus class. I had 9 years of piano lessons ( I hated it and finally quit) , 3 years of marching band in the flag corps, 6 years on a summer swim team and 1 year on the highschool team, I made the "Who's Who in High school" four years (is that really an accomplishment? I am not very sure....), and other stuff that is pretty common, or I haven't done long enough to consider it an "accomplishment". I won an honorable mention in a poetry contest held by the Illiad. Oh yeah, I made and got you to look at this page : )

Miscellaneous: I live in a family of four which consists of my sister who is 14, my mom, and my dad. I have two pets: Shelly (a schipperkey who is about 6 or 7, I can't 'member), and Chloe ( a cat who is about 4, I guess. She was a stray that I found). I used to have another pet named Lady, but she died this year :'( She was a black lab and was almost 14 when she died. I live in a small town that is uneventful in a state that is best known for it's produce, Rehoboth Beach, and our tax-free shopping. Yippee. I have traveled from Maine to Florida, gone a little bit west of the eastern shore states, and have flown out to Arizona where I toured the four corners area with my family. I have been out of the country ONCE, but it was only Canada, so who cares? I've never been to the mid-west, or around California, although I have friends all around the world.

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