Last sorta edited 5/5/99
First off, I would like to acknowledge that this is a HORRIBLE background to type on, and everyone is going to kill me for it, but it is NEAT, so deal with it : )
Secondly, a lot of the pages that I have visited tell pointless little stories about people that I don't know and places that I haven't been, or they tell about little things that happen in these strange people's lives that I really shouldn't care about, but it is human nature to be nosey and to read these odd little articles. Well, I thought about these little intriguing stories for awhile, and decided that I wanted to make MY boring life public too. After all, there are tons of lifeless people out there who have nothing better to do than to sit and read about ME, so here is my ultra interesting life in summed up little stories. : )
As you may or may not have gathered by now, I live in a little bitty state formally known as "Delaware". It really isn't worse than any other state that I know of and is actually BETTER than some. I have lived here my entire life, and I MIGHT end up living here forever, but I doubt it. I know that I am definitely leaving my town because to be perfectly honest, my town sucks. Yep. Sad but true, it definitely sucks. You think that You have it bad? Try this on for size: My town has NO movie theaters, NO clubs, NO arcades, NO music stores (unless Wal-mart counts), NO ice skating rinks, or any other neat stuff like that. Delaware is totally flat, so we don't have skiing either - not that it snows enough to do that ANYWAY. However, there are a bunch of beaches relatively nearby, so that pacifies my friends and I.
I am a junior in high school right now, and I must say that high school is a rather interesting experience. I spent my freshman year trying to get into the swing of things and feeling stupid that my mom still drove me to school ( heck, she STILL does, it isn't like I was blessed with a car or anything). I didn't do any sports my freshman year, although I did try out for the basketball team. I could make excuses for why I didn't make the team, but why bother? I have been told by lots of people that I am good (and no, I didn't fish for those compliments, I just love to play), but I am apparently not good enough. It probably didn't help any that I was against about 4 other girls who were a few inches taller than me, outweighed me by about 40 pounds or so (in some cases more), and were much stronger than me. We all played center. Anyway, I was pretty upset, but I got over it. I was in the flag corps that year.....not that it was cool or anything, it was just something that I did so that I could be with my friends (many of whom are in the band) on Friday nights at the football games. Another big thing that happened that year is that I was finally allowed to quit taking piano lessons. After nine years of lessons, I still sucked and I STILL hated it, so my parents finally caved in.
Hmm...I spent the majority of my sophomore year on crutches. Well, it SEEMED like the majority of it. It was actually only about 9 weeks or so.......Wondering what I did? Well, during my freshman year I "sprained" my ankle on a ski trip that I took. End of story? I wish. Anyway, the "sprain" didn't heal so hot, so I went to see a couple of doctors about it. After a slew of x-rays and an MRI ( those are SO not fun, stay away from them!!!), I found out that I had osteochondritisdesicans. Try saying that ten times fast. Heck, just try SAYING it. What that huge word means is that I chipped off a piece of cartilage in my ankle. Kinda really hurt. It ground in my joint whenever I moved my ankle. SO, my orthopedic surgeon did a bit of research on how to fix me.......came to the conclusion that surgery was more likely to screw me over even more, so he decided to try to cast me up. I was in a cast for six weeks and had to keep off of my ankle for another three. My ankle didn't heal all of the way, but it healed a little bit, which is more than was really expected. I still have to wear an ankle brace when I run, and I tape my ankle up when I swim, but it isn't that bad.
Back to my year in general: I skipped homecoming that year because my oh-so-beautiful cast rather CLASHED with any dress, and it wasn't like I could dance or anything, even though I briefly considered asking this guy who went to my school who was wheelchair bound. I figured that we would make a great couple - him wheeling, me hopping.....nice image, eh? Around oh.....uhm...April I think it was, I started going out with a guy named Anton who was a foreign exchange student. THAT was interesting, let me tell YOU. First of all, I have a REALLY hard time understanding people with accents. Secondly, he was my first serious boyfriend. We had a lot of fun together, but he went back to Sweden in mid-June. I had a pretty rough time getting over him, but I won't go into details. We did go to prom together though. In my sophomore year I joined KEY club and I ran spring track. Once again, I did the flag corps. That was my last year on the squad. On Christmas Eve of that year, my Great-Uncle died, which was really sad for me and my family. Also, around the beginning of the year we (my family) and I learned that one of my relatives had a brain tumor. That was an awful time, but he is still alive and doing really well. In January, one of my best male friends moved away to Indianapolis, and in June another friend of mine ( not referring to Anton) also moved. So, that year was one of many extremes, but mostly sad ones.
Yes, I realize that I am being quite helter skelter in organizing my thoughts, and maybe someday I'll edit this, but I doubt it. After all, editing is used to get rid of useless information among other things, and what is this entire page made of?
Ah, and so we arrive at my present year. Hmm...I shouldn't have skipped my summers, but oh well, deal with it. Here is a little summary:
summer prior to freshman year : swim team and summer camp
" " " " to sophomore year: swim team and young life summer camp
" " " " to junior year: swim team and work at my Dad's office
I went on family vacations too, and of course there was the usual emotional traumas and what not, but we won't get into that.
So, back to this year. Well, the school year started out a bit oddly since my school switched over to block scheduling recently. I also began the year after spending much of my summer corresponding with a male friend of my cousins. To make matters short about that, we had met once when I was in GA my sophomore year, visiting my cousin, and we hadn't really talked, but we did exchange e-mail addresses. I wrote a few times, but he didn't really answer me, so I stopped writing. In June, after Anton left, my cousin was up here visiting with me and he found out that he needed to talk to Dannon (the friend). So, we set up an ICQ account formy cousin on my computer, and he wrote to Dannon on there. I was instructed to notify Nathan (my cousin) when he wrote back. The gist of it is that I recognized Dannon's screen name as the guy that I had tried to write to earlier in the year. I was still a bit ticked off at him for ignoring me, so I wrote him a rather chilling letter on ICQ. I had FULL intentions of hating him, but ...uhm....well, we all know how that goes. We hit it off pretty well, and basically fell in love over the summer. He came up to visit with my cousin for Thanksgiving, and we had a great time together. On December first, a few days after he got back home, he FINALLY asked me out, and of COURSE I said "yes". So.....I still go out with him, and he just came up again to visit me over Spring vacation, which I MUST say was the very best week of my entire life thus far. I could keep droning on about how wonderful he is, etc. ( he really is! : ) ), but I ought to move on....
I swam on my school's swim team for the first year last winter. I am a backstroker and a free styler. I have been on swim teams for the past 5 or 6 years. Right now, I am on the track and field team. I run the 300 and the 100 M hurdles. I just made states on 5/4/99, and I am SO happy because I really wanted to make it this year and I tried very hard to get to this point. Wish me luck at the state competitions, I am not expecting to win or anything, but it would be nice not to come in dead last. = )
My life is SO full of stress. I just took the SATs on May 1st, and I am pretty sure that I bombed the mathematical section of it. I could barely remember ANY of my geometry. On that same day I had my junior prom. I had a lot of fun at that : ) I wish that I could have gone with Dannon, but it was impractical. We both decided to go with friends to prom. I would have to say that I am not a big enough person to not harbor a deep inner hatred for the girl that he went with, but I understand. I'm okay with it....really.....I just want to scratch her eyes out, that's all. : ) J/k, I'll be okay. 'Sides, I had a date myself- a guy that I have been friends with for forever and a day.
Another source of worry to me would have to be college. My parents are really putting the pressure on me to find a school that I want to go to. They want me to know what I am going to major in, etc.. I thought that I knew, but the more that I look at schools, the more confused I get. I have a rather unbalanced list of colleges to consider. I don't know how big of a school I want, which is my main problem right now. I don't think that I could learn in an environment where I didn't have any direct contact with my teacher, so I would think that a smaller school would be the place for me. But, I want to have fun in college, along with mad studying. I want a school that is close enough to home that I don't have to fly to get there, or drive more than 8 hours to. I want smaller classes, but not smaller than about 28 people per class. I want to be near to a city, but probably not right inside of the city. I prefer to go slightly west, or a little south, but not north. Heh, if you know of any schools that fit that criteria, let me know. Oh yeah, I want to major in pre-med or psychology and maybe English, so they have to have great departments in those subjects. Also, it would be neat if I could continue with track up through college. Most of the schools that I have seen don't have a spring track and field team.
I am trying to decide what to do with this summer. I was going to apply to a writing school In Massachusetts, but I decided that it would be best for me to keep my summer flexible and to find a job. I want to work down at the beach, but my parents won't let me. I don't want to stay in town and work fast food, so I am not sure what is going to happen. I dunno what I am going to do, but I am running out of time to make up my mind.
I am taking two rather hard courses in school this semester. Chemistry and pre-calculus are pretty tough for me. It seems that I grasp the concept of what we learn the day that the homework is checked, and then we learn something else and I get lost again. It is horrible to get caught up in the malicious cycle, but I appear to be stuck in it. I am an honor roll student, but I think that I just might have a D in pre-calc at the moment, which is very scary and I am trying hard to get it up to at least a high C.
Perhaps you are laughing at me and saying that I could never make it as an English major, but I really can write a lot better than I bothered to do on this particular page. I spell checked this, and that is about it. Totally unorganized.......probably a lot of run ons....oh well, live with it : ) I have too much else to worry about to let this bother me, even though I bet that it WILL anyway.
Drop me a line, I love to hear from people. But if you write, please label the subject "Hey, Jenn!", or else I'll probably delete it, thinking that it is more porn mail . Yeah, all of you AOLers out there know how bad that porn junk is : P
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