Hello! I hope that you enjoyed my page, please sign in my book.

Your Boyfriend - 06/19/00 22:10:49
My Email:you have it
Age: 20

I would suggest you update it. or take down some parts of it

Peter BeLong - 09/15/99 00:29:21
Age: 20
Interests: Sex
Favorite site: www.Hustler.com
Favorite band: Sex Pistols, Orgy

Your page needs more sex, sex sells. We want more pictures and the one doesn't load the right way I don't see the bottom half of it.

Jason Drew - 07/22/99 04:32:29
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/music/icp_rules95/index.html
My Email:cheezboy99@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Interests: sports, outdoors, net
Favorite site: mine and...I don't know!!
Favorite band: Limp Bizkit and Deftones

I like your page!! It's neat!! Visit mine sometome!!

Matt - 06/30/99 23:42:37
My URL:http://www2.1st.net/boooka
My Email:boooka@geocities.com
Age: 16
Interests: XC, Track, Internet
Favorite band: U2

Nice page!!

Jenn - 06/30/99 22:39:08
My Email:Diane74756@aol.com
Age: 16
Interests: read my page that you are on!

i am just making sure this thing is working

~*Brandi*~ - 06/30/99 21:44:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/zippyzippydoodah
My Email:BRANDI2382@aol.com
Age: 17
Interests: music and anything that's fun!
Favorite site: Mine : )
Favorite band: Changes too much

Hey! Great page! I guess your book finally decided to work for me otherwise I wouldn't be signing it right now. Keep finding those pictures, and keep up the good work. See I stuck to the topic of your page here : )

Mat Haines - 06/11/99 00:16:18
My Email:oowax_ecstaticoo@hotmail.com
Age: 16 soon to be 17
Interests: Girls
Favorite site: Yahoo
Favorite band: Jimi Hendrix


Pete "Shad" Masterson - 05/23/99 19:25:46
My Email:shadowalker@usa.net
Age: 20
Interests: Computers, Music, RPG's
Favorite site: Yours of course.. silly! :)
Favorite band: Conductor/Composer: John Williams

Hey nifty nifty nifty! Yes, i'm finally signing this darn thing, so you can't say i've never been here! Muwhaha, now to actually read some poetry :)

Susie - 05/09/99 01:26:22
My Email:Reddzroses@aol.com
Interests: Many

Thank you for visiting my site. Your poetry is filled with lots of emotions, and many of them I have had when I was younger! Keep up your wonderful work! Susie

Laura - 04/04/99 03:38:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/LauraLee
My Email:Radishfol7@aol.com
Age: 15 and 4 months
Interests: anything and everything
Favorite site: my own
Favorite band: ?????

Hi Jenn, I'm here again! Just wanted to tell you the place looks great!

JR - 03/31/99 21:38:48
My URL:/collegepark/Plaza/9906
My Email:Funky_Bacon@hotmail.com
Age: 21
Interests: Well i do a lot of theatre, i also DJ the odd dance as a hobbie (as opposed to money), i like photography, and lots of other stuff that would make this entry VERY long
Favorite site: Um, i hate to be selfish but mine as it is my own creation and i like it a lot
Favorite band: This is a tough question as i have MANY favorite bands. I like Enigma, Paul Simon, Dave Matthews Band, and too many more to mention...

I really like your page, keep up the work, you are a great poet too!

Laura - 03/15/99 00:22:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/LauraLee
My Email:RadishFOL7@aol.com
Age: 15
Interests: poetry, quotes, swimming, soccer, fun stuff

Hi Jenn! Nice page!

Steven A. Hannum - 02/04/99 14:53:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Sage_Sabine/
My Email:sahannum@usa.net
Age: 20
Interests: images, emotions, music, and words
Favorite site: www.dreamscape.com/~esmith/dansm/
Favorite band: Dream Theater; check them out

You've got a clear apptitude... stick with it. In the years to come your poetry will undergo drastic changes, and you will become a powerful writer. The spirit and potential are there =) Give it time to manifest and you'll be quite surprised.

Shalyn (purdyblues) - 10/29/98 23:23:50
My Email:teen poet2@aol.com
Age: 14
Interests: lots of fun stuff
Favorite site: mine
Favorite band: Everclear, Eve6, Our Lady Peace and all kinds of cool stuff like that

hi, you signed my guest book the other day, so I decided to sign yours. I'm not really a big poetry reader, more of just a PO'd writer, but I'll read at least a few of yours before the day is done. have a nice day, love, me

Amy - 10/27/98 23:03:30
My Email:Amyl_00@yahoo.com
Age: 16
Interests: I dunno, stuff.

cool page, was better with the Dannon link: that lifted MY spirits! :)

10/26/98 10:52:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

village idiot strikes again... - 10/25/98 05:13:25
My Email:PsYcHo@DuMbAsS.cOm
Age: can't count that high...
Interests: being a dumbass
Favorite site: idiots' r' us...
Favorite band: rubber...


...luap - 10/14/98 20:38:58
My Email:ledhedpp@hotmail.com
Age: 16...
Interests: bass, anime, sports, GIRLS!!(hehehe...), and umm...stuffs like, what do you call it again...reading?
Favorite site: bass tab archive
Favorite band: led zeppelin/jimi hendrix/the doors/pink floyd...and others...

ummm, i better write soemthing serious, cause your probably already pissed at me...(no big suprise there)anyways, your page was pretty good, better than mine(of course i dont have one yet...duh)but of course, it was a poetry page, no offense, but im not into poetry, dont get me wrong, i dont like it, i just dont understand it...im kinda dense and shallow like that :)...that smiley is gay, im gonna kill it...on the other hand...ummm..damn, lost my train of thought...ok, i guess ill leave now...oh i bet yer real sad...ok..later jenn... (dammit i write too much...)

Will - 10/06/98 01:11:47
My Email:thanatos51@geocities.com
Age: 16
Interests: Writing/Teaching/Helping People
Favorite site: None in particular
Favorite band: BNL for one.

I realy liked your page. Rarely have I seen such expressive poetry from anyone my age. I also liked the quotes. Keep writing, it is good for the soul.

jerri - 10/05/98 07:07:22
My Email:jeri27@hotmail.com
Age: 25 yrs
Favorite band: metallica

hi how're u?

Cindy - 09/25/98 07:41:15
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Stacey C. - 09/20/98 17:48:11
My Email:Sharkie353@aol.com
Age: 15
Interests: tennis and other sports
Favorite site: Pete Sampras' homepage.
Favorite band: Matchbox 20 and some other cool bands

The poems were... deep... Really deep. Mind boggling. I liked it.

Woomin Son - 09/18/98 22:35:05
My Email:Woomin_forever@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Favorite site: WWW.PONTIAC.COM

Bitchboy - 08/24/98 03:46:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/TMProjekt/
My Email:juggalooo@aol.com
Age: 16
Interests: Music, ICP, more music, ICP....uh...icp?
Favorite site: http://members.xoom.com/TMProjekt/
Favorite band: The Manhattan Projekt (oh..and of course ICP)

Yeah..i love icp so what.

Nate - 08/24/98 01:27:33
My Email:Dalamar25@aol.com
Age: 16
Hey Jay, great site, keep adding and improving. It looks great. Don't know what lese to say except, bye!!!

Dannon - 08/23/98 21:44:44
My Email:Gaidal_cain@hotmail.com
Age: 16
Interests: Having fun, learning about people
Favorite site: I dont really have one
Favorite band: WEEZER !!!! They're one of my all-time favorites, but I like a few more recent bands as well.

Great work so far on your site, with some more experience, it'll only get better !

brandi - 08/20/98 23:04:47
My Email:chillywilly_16@hotmail.com
Age: 16
Interests: music
Favorite site: this one
Favorite band: uhhh...don't have one
this page is great but could use more info

Amy - 08/14/98 22:41:43
My Email:AmyDawn00@aol.com
Age: 16
Interests: Do you care?
Favorite site: uh...why?
Favorite band: not important

Justin - 08/10/98 03:49:02
My Email:Menace1081
Age: 16
Interests: girls, and sports =)
Favorite site: don't really have one
Favorite band: Bad Religion

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