Follow these links to my favorite spots on the web:


My friend's pages:

Laura's page - this page has a bunch of really cool quotes and stuff like that

Brandi's page - this page bears a striking resemblence to Laura's page....

Nathan's page - uhm, I don't totally understand this page, but it has games and stuff, if you are into that....

Anil's page - this page had a pretty nice layout and some neat stuff

DP's page - this page would have to be my favorite, it is full of poetry, some of which I can NOT praise enough : )

Wayne's page - Hmm, this is a rather "interesting" place. If you are Goth, this is the place for you.....


Sage's page - Lots of really good poetry.


Here are some other pages that belong to people that I don't know, but the pages still rock:

You HAVE to see these hampsters, TRUST me.

Want to send a card to someone free of charge? Try this place.

Bored? This should occupy you for a couple of minutes ; )

Have a few minutes on your hands? Take this quiz to find out more about your character. I wouldn't steer you wrong, this is a very NONcheesy quiz.

You poor soul, are you lost? If you need to get directions to a specific street in your town, or even in a state miles and miles away, try this page.

I'm stressed, are you stressed? Go here and play with the fishies . I think that you'll feel a bit better. }: )

I am not sure if you need AOL to visit these pages, but they have AOL keywords. Here are links to their internet addresses though:

Okay, you screwed up and you didn't read the novel that you were supposed to have read for your English exam tomorrow. You don't have the time or the money to run out and buy the Cliffs, so what do you do? Visit THIS site, and I am guessing that you ought to find notes on the novel that you need, providing that it is a classic. These notes are terrific, and I would reccomend skimming over them, even if you did read the book.

Bored from the notes now? Try this site, it is a collection of urban legends, some hysterical, and some bone chilling : ) If you saw the movie "Urban Legends", then you may have heard some of these. Dig around their archives, they have hundreds of articles.

Jenn's Homepage