A Second Dose of Quotes :



" Silence is a text easy to misread. "

- A.A. AHansasio, The Eagle and the Sword


"A mind, like a home is furnished by it's owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. "

- Louis L'Amour, Bedigo Shafter

" Tell me now how pleasure can be a sin "

- Semisonic, great divide "temptation"


"I like you just the way you are. "

- Mister Rogers

" Heroes and winners aren't the same thing."

- Michael Kevin Farrell in Cleveland Plain Dealer Magazine


" The past is not a package that one can lay away. "

- Emily Dickinson

"Two things are infinite:  the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not so sure about the universe."

-Albert Einstein


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