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SLAPPERSMan yo' momma so stupit the last
time she used a vibrator her two front teeth broke. Yer moms so stank the bitch used
secret and it told on her. Yo mommas so short she couldn't even get a job at KEEBLERS. Yo mamma so fat when she tries to roll out of bed in the morning she rocks herself back to sleep. Yo mama so bald when she wears a turtle-neck she looks like a busted condom!... |
Yo mamma so fat when she tries to roll out of bed in the morning she rocks herself back to sleep. Yo mama so bald when she wears a turtle-neck she looks like a busted condom!... Your momma so poor she eats cereal with a fork to save milk.. Your mamma is so fat when she steped on the scale it said her phone number.. Yo sister's so skinny she makes kate moss look like rosanne barr. Your mama is so old she farts dust. Your mama is like a pirates treasure....
Sunken Chest. Your mama's so fat that when she took a bath she left a ring around the world.. Your mamma is so ugly she go in a haunted house and come out wit a job application.. Yo mamma so stupid, she thought
MCI was a rapper. Are your teeth cold? Then why do they got two yellow jakets on?.. Yo momma is so hairy, she got cornrolls on her back. Yo momma is so horny she can fuck
the crack of dawn. Yo momma so poor she goes to Kentucky Fried Chicken to lick other peoples fingers! Yo momma's so old she knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro! Your mother is so horny, her vibrator
comes with dual airbags. Yo Mamaz teeth are so yellow when
she smiles traffic stops. Yo mama is so fat, when she cross the street, she got a ticket for obstructing traffic! Your mama's so old the bitch smells
like two-hundred year old wolf pussy. You so poor I went to your house
and asked "where's the bathroom" yo mom said "upstairs second bucket
to the right". Ya, Ya ma, Ya mama so dumb . . . . She delivered one kid and called it singlets! Yo momma's so fat the back of her neck look like a pack of hot dogs. Yo mamma so fat chap stick had
to invent a spray. Yo moms is so good at swallowing she made the phrase 'Melts in your mouth, not in your hands'. Yo mama's like a goalie she changes
pads every three periods. Yo peeps are so po, they be make'n
the roaches up in da crib pay rent. Yo mom's is so nasty, she has to put ice in her panties to keep the crabs fresh!. Yo momma sucks dick so good, I
had to pull the sheets out my ass. Ya mama's so dumb, she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phon company.. Yo momma is so fat, she has to get out of the car to shift gears.. Yo mama so fat, she needs a travel agent to find her asshole. Your Mom's so fat she was standing on a street corner and a cop walked over to her and said "Alright, alright, everybody break it up.".. Yo mama breath so bad that she goes to the dentist and gets her teeth cleened and her breath pulled. Your mom is so fat that whens she
wears a Malcolm X shirt, helicopters think SHE'S the landing pad! You better shut up before I change
the combination on my zipper and make you starve to death. Yo moma glasses so thick she see
into the future. I coulda been yo momma, bu tha person infront of me had exact change. Yo mommas so stupid she tripped on a cordless phone. Yo mamma so fat her clit has a
knee. Your mamma's so poor ...she can't
even PAY attention. Yo' mama so old, she was a waitress at the last supper. Yo momma so fat, dat when she goes
to the beach all da kids be yellin' "FREE WILLY!!".. Yo mommaz so fat its easier to go over the bitch than around. Yo mamma so fat, she got more chins than a Hong Kong phonebook! Yo' mama got no legs talkin' bout' her favorite is stand up comedy.. Yo mammy glasses are so thick, when she looks into a map she sees people waving at her.. Yo momma so fat the bitch would of been on e. t. but when she rode the bike across the moon she caused an eclipse.. Yo mama's so loose when she sits on a bar stool she falls on da floor...Smokedawg Yo mommaz got no legs, she's talkin
about "let's kick it". Yo moma stink so bad she smells like potpouri piss.. Yo mom's so short she does backflips under the bed. Yo momz don't have any legs and her underarms are always kicking... Yo momma so ugly, my lunn fell
off. Your mama's such a slut she calls her husband "Daddy!".. Yo momma's so big she flosses her
teeth with a rope. Yo mamma eats so much food her lunchbox has wheels on it. Yo' mama so fat when she got on
a bus it turned in to a LOW-RIDER! Yo mama so stupid, she thought an AK47 was a math problem.. Yo momma ain't got no eyez talk'n bout hand me a flash light. Yo momma has a glass eye with a fish in it. Yo momma so fat she uses two greyhounds for rollerblades!.. Ya momma so fat, she gets skin
wedgies. Yo mamaz so fat her belt size is
equater. Yo mammas so stupid she got fired from the m&m fatory for throwing away the w's. Yo momma so hairy, her breasts feel like coconuts. Yo mamma's so short, you can see her feet on her driver's liscense.. Yo moms is so dark, when she gets out of the car the oil light goes on.. Your momma is so short she smoke marijuana to get high.. You so ugly, when you were born
the doctor took one look and smacked yo' mamma! Yo momma iz so dirty, last time she had a bath she found the t-shirt that she used for P.E at school. Yo momma is so fat that when she wears a yellow raincoat people scream TAXI!!! TAXI!!!.. . Yo momma is so old the bitch dreams in black and white.. Your moms is so fat a little kid
yelled "HEY KOOL-AID!" and the bitch jumped through a brick wall! Yo momma so dark that when she goes to night classes she gets counted absent.. Yo mama so old, she was at the first day of slavery. Yo momma so stank, she cut the
string off the tampon to keep the crabs from bungee jumpin' Yo mama is so dirty, she gave me an ear infection thru the telephone!. Yo mama's so old, she went to antique shop, and they kept her... Yo momma so dumb, she stuck a phone
up her ass to get the booty call.. When I see a Christmas card that says ho ho ho....I know to address it to your sister. Yo mama is so fat that when she sat on a quarter she gave George Washington a nose bleed.. Yo momma like rocky road ice cream...she gots nuts and cream!... Yo moms is so strong she can blow bubbles with Now & Laters!. Yo mamma is so slutty she can suck start a harley.. Ya mama so skinny her nipples touch. Yo moma so nasty her parents had
to feed her with a sling shot. Your moma is so fat when I make love to her, her arse got burnt on the lightbulb.. Yo momma so stupid she got fired
from a blow job. Yo mama's so fat, when she runs
she makes the CD player skip... at the radio station. Yo moms so ugly, she had to trick-or-treat
over the phone. Yo mama got an afro wit a chin strap.. Your moma's so fat she's got to wear a tent, brought to you by BrownBear.. Yo mommas so dyslexic I told her to get me me some head and shoulders and the bitch got on my shoulders and gave me head!. Your mama is so black, she could
show up at a funeral naked. Yo mama ain't got no back... the bitch alwayz frontin'.. Yo moms is so fat I had her hold up her belly while I screwed her... Yo momma so fat her shadow weigh 50 pounds!.. Yo Mama is so old she farts dust... Yo mama's so old she was George Washington's campaign manager... Yo momma is so fat everytime the bitch turns around it's her birthday.. You're so stupid, they had to burn down the school to get you out of the third grade.. Yo momma got three legs and waks in circles.. Yo Mama so stupid da bitch thought
"Taco Bell" was a Mexican telephone company. Yo mamma is so fat, we're inside her right now!.. Yo momma so fat she has to iron her pants on a three car drive way. Yo mama´s so blue cuz she can't get rid of you.. Yo momma is so stank, she gave sourdough bread a yeast infection.. How do you know your mother is on the rag? Your brother's dick tastes funny.. Ya moms nose is so big, her boogers look like green apples. Yo mama so dum she asked Andre the Giant on a date.. Yo mama's so stupid, she chipped her tooth on a vibrator.. Yo mama's ears are so big, she looks like a car coming down the road wit both doors open... Your momma so fat, when she fell down and broke her leg, gravy poured out.. Ya mom's gap so big it look like Moses was on her gums and parted her teeth.. Yo moma so stank, her sure deodorant
is now confused. Yo Papa'z so horny, he goes to KFC for breasts!. You momma so cross-eyed you looked at a dime and saw two nickles.. Yo mama so stupid I saw her holding
a sign that said "Will eat for food." Your mama is so fat, we she stepped on the scale it said, "One at a time, please.. Yo mama's lips so big, when she smiles she gets lpstick on her cheeks.. Yo' Moms ain't got no fingers talkin' 'bout let's go bombin'.. Yo momma so fat she jumped in the grand canyonn and got stuck.. Yo Mama's so fat not even Tupac can "Get Around" her.. Your Momma's like a bowling ball, picked up, fingered, dropped, rolled over, thrown in the gutter, and coming back for more... Yo Moma dislocated her jaw suckin'
my dick. Yo moma so fat, the dog had to
cover her face with a pillow while he was doing her. Yo daddy is so short, he got a job posing for trophy figures.. Yo moma so fat when she put on
her Malcom X jacket a helicopter landed on her. Yo Mamma so fat when she sits around the house she really sits around the house. Yo Mamma so fat, she went to KFC to get a bucket and they gave her the one on the roof!.. Yo mama so dumb, she thought a
quarterback was a refund! Your sister is so horny her vibrator runs on a die hard.. Your mama is so tall she did a cartwheheel and kicked God in the chest.. Yo' momma is so ugly, you follow her everywhere she goes so you never have to kiss her goodbye.. Yo momma is so fat she can sit
on a dollar and get four Quarters back. Yo mama so fat she doesn't have to take a car to the drive-in!.. Yo mamma is so slow as shit through a silkscreen on the north pole... Your house is so small that your address is in fractions 1/2 road.. Yo mamma is so fat she wakes up on both sides of the bed... Yo mommas so studid, syke I love the bitch, ask her if she can come over and suck my dick.. Ya moms is so old....she got jesus
beeper number. Your moms is so stupid the bitch
was pissed and got a happy meal. Yo moms is so small she can hang
glide on dorito chip. Yo mama so old.......She has a
start jacket with Jerusalem on it! Yo moms is like a chicken McNugget, she got no breast.. Your moms smell so damn bad the trick used Secret and it told on her.. Yo mommas teeth are so yellow, she invented I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!.. Yo house is so small that they put yo adress next door... Yo family so poor they had scratch
and sniff turkey for thanksgiving. |