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The Aficionado Club of Mount Royal College

Message from 
El Presidente
Now for a few words from our sponsors...

"You know, I'm a little cheesed. A recent "survey" and I use that term lightly, says that over 90% of Calgarians are in favour of having no smoking allowed in restraunts. Oh, give me a break. You can't find over 90% of people in this city who can agree on anything. The world is round? Oh, you'll find a bunch of people to disagree even with that. Pathetic. They say there are three kinds of lies in this world: lies, true lies and statistics. Amen. This "You're a smoker, you must be the reincarnation of the devil" crap is starting to wear thin. I'm not evil. I smoke cigars, and let me remind you - if it wasn't for Winston Churchill smoking cigars every day, you'd be speaking German right now. And the whiny buggers who "manage" these polls and surveys wouldn't be allowed to speak their minds. So put that in your pipes and smoke it!"

-El Presidente, Trevor Prosser

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This website was designed by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor via e-mail at "" with any questions regarding this site or the club itself.
Previous rants from the man they call El Presidente:
"Hello again sports fans. You know, the more I look around, the more I mourn the days gone by.
With gas prices going through the roof, kids taking guns to school, and political correctness running rampant and unchecked, I long for times past where gas was cheap, the most dangerous thing that kids took to school was the flu bug, and nobody told you to 'put out that smelly cigar, I have to breathe too.'
So maybe I'm insensitive, but I still smoke my 'smelly' cigars. I know that on the list of things I could be doing to improve my health, smoking is right above throwing myself in front of a semi. Will it kill me? Maybe. But the way I look at it, every man dies... not every man really smokes. So don't butt in and tell me to butt out. I'm living la vida loca, baby. I'm crazy for my stogies. They have that quiet nostalgia, a calming effect, and dammit, I enjoy 'em. So don't mind me if I leak at the eyes a little bit... part of it is tears for yesterday. The other part? Sorry, smoke gets in my eyes."

"Welcome back. Yes, we're back to school, safely tucked away from the real world for another few months, shielded from the harsh reality that bills suck, you hated your summer job, and although you'd never admit it to anyone, you actually missed the mind-numbing conformaty of school. Mind-numbing? Not if you're a member of this club, baby. The Aficionado Club, for those of you who aren't in the know, won the E-Award for Club of the Year last year, in only our first year of existance! We had a chilli cookoff, got mentioned in the Calgary Sun and on Power 107... all in all, not too shabby. And we have a lot more planned for this year. Now, for those of you who can't quite shake off the political correctness of the day and insist on crossing yourselves every time you pass a smoker, relax. Far from being supporters of the "evils" of tobacco, we will be working towards educating the feeble minded and easily influences among our masses in the hallowed halls of MRC. Now that we have our feet on the ground, and a year under our belts, we're looking into challenging the way people look at the Aficionado Club. Sure, we drink and smoke and laze around like a bunch of smoking, drinking sloths (wouldn't THAT be something to see at the local zoo!), but this year, the Aficionado Club will be making strides to become a tad more political. Don't fret, we won't give up our relaxed atmosphere, or make you wear uniforms. But look for us to host a debate on smoking in the year 2001, and don't be surprised if we throw our limited muscle behind anyone who has the cohones to challenge the ever-tightening restrictions that the college has placed on the campus smoker, looking for a place to light up. Hell, if you watch us closely enough, we may shock and surprise you this year. Chilli cookoffs, smoke-a-thons, debates, a bit of political chest-puffing, and of course, a lot of stogie puffing. Wanna go for a ride?"