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The Aficionado Club of Mount Royal College

The Executive

Who's your daddy?

Your Executive Members Are...
(Click on their photos for more information)

El Presidente - Trevor Prosser
The head honcho, Trevor's your Cuban hookup!
Famous for - his Austin Powers striptease.
"Vice" President of Vices - Jen Pearson
The first lady of smoking and drinking on campus.
Famous for - Showing that not only men can join!
Activities Co-ordinator - (Position Available)
We are an equal opportunity organization! We love everyone!
Famous for - Making more work for Trevor and Sean.
Recording Secretary - (Position Available)
Your name could be here!
Famous for - Absolutely nothing... yet.
Chief Bean Counter - (Position Available)
Sean's currently handling the moolah.. what a trooper!
Famous for - Being the only position Larry Ryckman applied for.

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This website was designed by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor via e-mail at "" with any questions regarding this site or the club itself.