Welcome to the Aficionado Guestbook! Please remember to make an entry yourself!

Patrick Prosser - 11/05/00 17:57:31
My URL:Mass Communication
My Email:prosserp@bellsouth.net
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Glenmorangie Single Malt/Arturo Fuente Hemmingway Classic
Glad to see another Prosser that enjoys some of the finer things in life; fine cigars, cold beer and hot chilie!

Lizardo - 10/05/00 17:47:22
My URL:Philosophy
My Email:lisa.prosser@uleth.ca
Favorite Smoke/Drink: whatever my big brother puts in front of me is okay by me
Hey Trev, nice website, just thought I'd pay it a visit. Looks like you are having way more fun than I am! Oh well, take care. Hey give me a call if you ever need a get away to the windy city.

murray c - 07/15/00 22:27:21
My URL:goofing off
My Email:muzzley@home.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: meat/goatmilk
You pisstanks are going to die of lung cancer.

Karen - 05/29/00 19:28:57
My URL:Reception
My Email:karen@replicon.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: I love chocolate milk
I don't drink or smoke, but I work with Dan, the superman guy. I think your site is very funny and has provided me hours of laugher. You guys do a great job.

Sean - 05/02/00 09:53:55
My Email:s_rooney@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Second hand/not through a straw
Oh the horror... one spelling mistake amid so many cigars and bottles of alcohol. Really, can you blame us for it? Methinks not. But can you blame the SA for spelling our club "Aficianado Club?" Yes... yes you can ;-)

Steph Rea - 04/27/00 17:41:43
My URL:Ruling the World
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Red Drinks all the way
Hey guys. Great site, you spelled paradise wrong though. Just the editor in me coming out.

El Presidente - 04/10/00 04:35:22
My URL:Journalism
My Email:trevorprosser@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Cohiba Lancero and scotch
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved with the Aficionado Club over the past year. With you help, support and stogies, we won the coveted "Club of the Year" award at the 1999-2000 E-Awards! And next year, we'll be back, bigger and stronger than ever! Thank you one and all! See you at the last meeting of the year, April 14!

Trevor Prosser - 03/01/00 06:40:59
My Area of Study:Drinking
My Email:cigarman@unforgettable.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: all/all
Aww, Steph, of course you can have my autograph! Where do you want me to sign? (wink wink)

Steph Rea - 03/01/00 04:37:47
My Area of Study:The Red Shoe Diaries
My Email:xxx@pornstar.cum
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Lit ones/cold ones
You guys are rad. I can't think of anything cool. Can I have your autographs? You're so dreamy

Susan R. Morry - 02/06/00 01:31:42
My Email:susanmorry@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Player's/Canadian
Hey Sean, your site is pretty cool! Not sure if you remember me or not but we met while I was in Calgary. Hey, you never told the story about puking up a straw...lol

Big Dumb Jerk - 02/05/00 08:42:18
My Area of Study:Anal Exploration
My Email:calgarysbdj@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: The Price is good you know where it's going

Trevor's Dad - 02/02/00 13:42:20
Favorite Smoke/Drink: All cubans
Quite the site guys. At least someone appears to having a good time.

Scott Sean DeRocks - 01/31/00 14:38:38
My Area of Study:General Studies
My Email:scottseanderocks@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: White Owl and a Moosehead
Hi there! I like your site! Ill try to be at the next meeting. I love cigars and I love drinking

Trevor Prosser - 01/31/00 14:35:53
My Area of Study:Journalism
My Email:cigarman@unforgettable.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: all/all
The re-design is complete (maybe?).. Sean, yer buttons kick some serious ass, and I think the colour scheme is nifty, don't you?... Hey! Yeah, you! I'm talkin' to YOU!

El Presidente - 01/05/00 16:51:04
My Area of Study:I'm a major pain in the ass.
My Email:you outta know...
Favorite Smoke/Drink: all and all
Thank you for visiting, Charity! It's so nice to know that all of my hard work on this site wasn't simply wasted on the likes of Sean Rooney. I shall take you up on that offer of a round of drinks (and you too, Sean... whoo hoo! Lots of wobbly pops for me )

Rooney - 12/27/99 18:25:54
My Area of Study:Slacking off during Christmas break
My Email:s_rooney@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: The usual.
You mean that someone OTHER than Trevor and I found the website! Holy wacked-out web, batman! This is truly a momentous occassion! I say Charity also gets a round of drinks (which should be plenty ;-) from the 'entire' executive... unless Armageddon spoil our plans.

Charity - 12/27/99 04:21:57
My Area of Study:Journalism (1st year)
My Email:brutal_defeat@yahoo.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Beer, or whatever drink someone puts in front of me...
Sorry I couldn't make it to the JAWS wine and cheese (I was Ralph Kleining due to the flu and decided that drinking could wait a bit more.) ... I would use your dating service if I wasn't dating that guy in the straw hat. I will try your recipes sometime... except for pig fat soup... that's something that only the king would eat. Food... hmm... every once in a while I get in a cooking mood and 'll make something for the Aficionadio Club (I really like my lasagne and people tell me that I'm good at it... Italian always goes good with smokes and drink...) Anyhow... I'll buy the entire executive a drink the next time we meet up...

Rooney - 12/13/99 19:09:15
My Email:s_rooney@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Purple haze/purple drink
Mmmm... kool aid. If you haven't heard, there's a big bash at Trevor's place Dec. 18. The fun starts at 9 p.m. E-mail either of us if you're interested. Ciao!

Rooney Tunes - 12/07/99 06:09:06
My Email:s_rooney@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: 2nd hand/both hands
wow! What an amazing site! Now if only Trevor and Sean weren't the only ones who knew about it!

Sean Rooney - 11/07/99 11:02:40
My Area of Study:Journalism/3rd
My Email:s_rooney@hotmail.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Rum
As acting head bean-counter, I'd like to also ask one and all to sign on and sign up. It makes for more beans to be counted, no?

Trevor Prosser - 11/07/99 09:25:32
My Area of Study:Journalism
My Email:cigarman@unforgettable.com
Favorite Smoke/Drink: Cohiba / Cuba Libre
Welcome, one and all, to the Aficionado Web site! Feel free to leave your comments here about the club, the website, or anything! Just make sure that if you looked at the site, that you left us a note to tell us you were here!

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