Fun & Games Hey hey, kids! You look like you need
a good laugh...
Here at the Aficionado Club, we believe
that relaxation and enjoying your youth isn't just for the weekends. We
believe in making the most of every moment. And since you've been so kind
to waste a part of your precious life looking at this site - time that
you'll never, ever get back - we want to reward you with some lovely leisure
on our page!
You Lonely?
Well, you're not the only one! Pathetically
lonely? Well, you're the only one who would admit to it. But do you want
to do something about it? Sure ya do. You don't like sitting on the couch,
wallowing in your grief (and the crumbs of seven bags of 'tato chips) like
some lonely beached manatee. (That's a sea cow to you uninformed types.)
Hang on, I'm going somewhere with this.
There are lots of lonely people out there,
and here at the Aficionado Club web page, we'd love nothing more than to
set you up with the woman/man/inflatable toy of your dreams.
How do they do it, you ask? Simple. We're
in the process of starting our own dating service for members of the Aficionado
Click below to go to the Aficionado
of Love page, and prepare to meet REAL people!
You Hungry? You're in luck! Not only do we like to
smoke and drink, we like to ... cook? Okay, no we don't. Cooking usually
means dishes, and although I can't speak for everyone in the club, I hate
doing the dishes. I usually order pizza, or eat left-over pizza.
But every once in a blue moon, we all
get the urge to try our hand in the kitchen. For me, it's usually after
watching "Iron Chef" on the Food Network. So here, for your dining pleasure,
we present the Aficionado of Cooking page, filled with tasty (?)
recipes, submitted by members of the Aficionado Club, and any schmuck who
sends us one! By the way, we don't pre-test any recipes before we post
them, so if anything you try is insufferably inedible, or actually poisonous,
don't blame us... we don't cook much.
You Born A Gamblin' Wo/man? We all like to try our hand at a sporting
bet every once in a while, but if you're like me, you can't win. Well,
here's an opportunity to be a big loser, without losing anything at all!
This here slot machine won't swallow your monthly paycheck in it's metallic
gaw, but it will addict you. Hey, you're already addicted to the Internet...
at least it's not pornography!
... ...
Wonder what else is out there?
Take a look at the
Links ...
to know the time? There's no time zones with Swatch Internet Time (above)
This website was designed
by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio
Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor via
e-mail at "" with any questions regarding this
site or the club itself.