Meetings were held at the Liberty
Lounge on alternating Wednesdays, and usually commenced around 7:00
pm. But that was last year. For the here and now, we still haven't finalized a time for our meetings, but rest assured, that when we do, you'll hear about it! What's in a meeting, you ask? Well, we go out and, after extensive research (consisting of ten minutes in the humidor of a local vendor), we pick out a fine cigar for each of our members who have expressed an interest in lighting up with us that week (Note: This means you have to RSVP.) Also, we'll try to line up a deal at the bar for a certain drink, be it scotch, whiskey, rum... last year, we never got around to it, but we'll see how this year shapes up! So, we light up, sit back, quaff a few drinks, maybe play some chess, and forget the world. Sound like fun? Contact Presidente Trevor Prosser, and he'll hook you up for our next meeting! |
Check out what you missed at last year's chili cookoff by clicking here...
And stay tuned for this year's events,
such as the possibility of a chess tournament or a club road trip, and the return of the chili cookoff!