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The Aficionado Club of Mount Royal College

Upcoming Events

We're just keeping you informed of what you outta know.

Meetings were held at the Liberty Lounge on alternating Wednesdays, and usually commenced around 7:00 pm. But that was last year. For the here and now, we still haven't finalized a time for our meetings, but rest assured, that when we do, you'll hear about it! What's in a meeting, you ask? Well, we go out and, after extensive research (consisting of ten minutes in the humidor of a local vendor), we pick out a fine cigar for each of our members who have expressed an interest in lighting up with us that week (Note: This means you have to RSVP.) Also, we'll try to line up a deal at the bar for a certain drink, be it scotch, whiskey, rum... last year, we never got around to it, but we'll see how this year shapes up! So, we light up, sit back, quaff a few drinks, maybe play some chess, and forget the world. Sound like fun? Contact Presidente Trevor Prosser, and he'll hook you up for our next meeting!
Check out what you missed at last year's chili cookoff by clicking here...

And stay tuned for this year's events, such as the possibility of a chess tournament or a club road trip, and the return of the chili cookoff!

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Want to know the time? There's no time zones with Swatch Internet Time (above)
This website was designed by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor via e-mail at "" with any questions regarding this site or the club itself.