The Aficionado
Club of Mount Royal College
check out our archived photos
Smile, you may be next on Candid Aficionado
And finally, the photos from Feb.
10's first ever chili cookoff are ready! |
to all who came out and either judged, tasted or submitted chili!
Chris Gerritson (L) and Roger Rhodes, pictured as they ripped our poor chili-cookin' hearts out! Harsh critics and big drinkers, we were glad to have 'em!
"Quick! Do Something Witty!"
Whether flipping the bird, doing an impersonation of "The Thinker," or giving each other bunny ears, Aficionado members always have their hands busy! |
| ...And he's running things?
El Presidente, on the left in the trippy shirt, really wanted the judges to "pick" his chili... here, he reveals his secret ingredient. (Just kidding!) We tried to find a more flattering photo of Trevor, but for some strange reason, couldn't find any! Witness to Trevor's depravity is Elske, who was a great help to us! Thanks for pitching in at the cookoff, Elske.
Made Ya Look!
That Chris on Six is one smart fella. Just look at how "bright" he is! Actually, he looks more like a deer in the headlights! Seriously, what could make Chris go pale like that? Maybe it was the thought of (gasp!) having to sample Ray's vegitarian chili. Roger's in the background, too busy pigging out to even look up at the camera!
Colin, The Friendly Ghost
So white, he glows! Sure, he can't jump, but Colin makes a decent bowl of chili! Now, for some reason, he feels that partial nudity was the key to his victory... we beg of you, keep yer shirt on! For all his shenanigans, the judges awarded him bonus point, in exchange for his pledge to leave them alone for a while! (Note: Would the owner of the arm shown in the photo please come forward?)
"I'm bored, can I go home now?"
Poor Jacquie, sitting all by herself... guess you could say it's lonely at the front. Attendance was kinda low, so Jacquie didn't have much to do up there... but we're sure that all the LOSERS who sat around, watching us eat chili and have a blast, will be lined up next year. Unless they enjoy missing out on chili and beer specials!
"Hey Superman, I think you've got some chili in your ear..."
We're not really sure what Colin's problem is... we think he MIGHT be an attention hound. Or seriously disturbed, we haven't decided. Either way, you gotta feel bad for UberDan in this situation. He was just trying to pose for the camera...
The Big Name Playas!
(Left to Right) Dozin' Doug, Roger and Chris may look like they're working hard in this photo, but they were actually laughing at how white Colin is! (Admit it, so are you!) Our judges worked hard, smoked hard, and damn, did they drink hard! Yeah, it's not all fun and games, living the life of a chili judge.
"Up For Grabs"
What's that in the sky? It's a bird... it's a plane... no, it's UBERDAN! Too bad half of his chili got eaten by his co-workers before he got the cookoff! Next time, Dan, put a lock on the lid, and never let it out of your sight! His chili was pretty good... had a nice Kokanee aftertaste!
Some people get the wrong impression when you say "college" and "pot party" in the same sentence...
This is the "after" shot. The chili has been eaten, a victor has risen, and the battle-weary cookery sits idle, waiting for the next culinary challenge. Wow, that makes it sound so... glamourous!
Hot and Spicy
No, we're not being derogatory.. that's what these two ladies called themselves. They're not Aficionado Club members (boo!), but we're glad they came! Next time, though, they'll have to be more vocal, and stick around afterwards for a beer or two! Don't worry, Aficionado members don't bite... hard. Viva la chili, ladies!
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This website was designed
by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio
Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor
via e-mail at "trevorprosser@hotmail.com" with any questions regarding this site or the club itself.