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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


ARTICLE: Mission 4 Project : A Long Diatride -by Kamiya Kaoru (October 17, 2000)

B. Archetypes

4. Dome the Experienced Rocker

I'd alyways expect that from DOME? , he would veer to more rockier types of music, possibly even to a full band type of music. I was expecting an even greater leap in experimentation, more creative freedom and an incredible music outing.

I got one of my wishes. He indeed delved into band music although not in the way I'd expected him to do.

Dome seemed to me like some eccentric and wild artist both in the way his charts his musical direction, the way performs and the way he projects himself in music videos. I see a passioned involvement in music and I guess this the reason I think he is indeed experienced and Mission 4 Project won't be as credible without his presence.

He chooses to take a back seat to Joni since I think he is very much concentrated in playing his instrument. Well done. He makes a good foil for Joni and both of them exhange the leads with ease and respect for each other's talents.

So there, DOME would be the mellowed Joni. He brings with him the maturity developed in his involvement in music and seeks less attention.

I can't say the same for him in the music videos, though.


Go to next section : Song by Song Analysis


A. Boys and their Toys

B. The Archetypes

1. James
2. Voy
3. Joni
4. Dome

C. Song by Song Analysis

D. Overall Analysis

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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum © 2000 was created and is being maintained by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. This is an UNOFFICIAL site and we are not related nor affiliated with Dome or his recording company. All rights reserved. All materials or writings used in this site are owned by us, except for images, published articles, interviews, reviews and the like, and no copyright infringement is intended.