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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


ARTICLE: Mission 4 Project : A Long Diatride -by Kamiya Kaoru (October 17, 2000)

B. Archetypes

3. Joni the Flamboyant Rocker

Being the youngest and the most energetic (according to my observation), he draws the most fans among the four. Always hogging the camera, this attention-craving boy of 19 seems to be the perfect choice to front the band. Camera shy and sulky people don't make appealing lead vocalists. Joni seems to fit the bill. He is the most daringly dressed, wearing sleeveless body-hugging shirts most of the time. Besides, which teenage girl doesn't find guitarists like him sexy?

Vocally, I still see him not straying away from his voice from the "Waab Boys" era. Quite contrived, I might say for rock music but who pays attention anyway?


Go to next section : The Archetypes: Dome


A. Boys and their Toys

B. The Archetypes

1. James
2. Voy
3. Joni
4. Dome

C. Song by Song Analysis

D. Overall Analysis

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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum © 2000 was created and is being maintained by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. This is an UNOFFICIAL site and we are not related nor affiliated with Dome or his recording company. All rights reserved. All materials or writings used in this site are owned by us, except for images, published articles, interviews, reviews and the like, and no copyright infringement is intended.