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The Chosen One:Dome Pakorn Lum



The reviews section contains a variety of reviews related to Dome; whether original or transcribed, on Dome's concerts, performances, albums, songs, etc. What we have right now are original reviews by the The Chosen One team. Happy reading and don't forget to tell us what you think!

NEW!! As of October 31, 2000

ALBUM: Mission 4 Project: A Long Diatride by Kamiya Kaoru with Ice Angel
GUEST ALBUM REVIEWS: Dome Fans Speak Up on Mission 4 Project compiled by Ice Angel


CONCERT: DOME Jedsee concert with Tannatorn-by Kamiya Kaoru

MUSIC VIDEO:  DOME takes on Romeo-by Kamiya Kaoru

ALBUMS: DOME Question- by Kamiya Kaoru


More to come on our next update, so please visit the site every now and then.

Would you like to submit or contribute your own review here at The Chosen One? We'd love to hear from you! Click here for contributing info.

Do you have any questions or comments on our originally-written articles or reviews but don't feel like e-mailing the author personally? Post them at our Discussion Forum!

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Copyright © 2000. The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum is maintaned by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. All original written works are the copyrights of the authors and cannot be used, reused, nor reproduced in any way, format, etc. without express permission from the owners. All questions, comments, etc. on certain articles should be addressed to the respective authors.