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The Chosen One:Dome Pakorn Lum


REVIEWS: Dome Fans Speak Up On Mission 4 Project-compiled by Ice Angel

In this website's discussion board, a topic was posted asking for fan's comments on Mission 4 Project. This review is a collection of replies by different Dome fans. I only have two comments on the album for now, but if any of you would like to share your comments, click here to read the thread. All comments will immediately be added here. Please be aware that this IS a review and calls for intelligent and mature comments. I will not choose comments that are merely insults or praise to the album. In other words, I am asking for in-depth commentaries, not just one-liners without evidence and research whatsoever. Also, please don't forget to leave your names when you post. All comments, regardless of its content, will not be added here if it fails to pass the requirements.

"I've downloaded the mp3s of some of their songs and so far I'm disappointed. They sound really bad singing together and I wish they would just stick to solo songs! But I do like Dome's song, I just wish I knew what the title is. :)" -Megan

"I bought the album and so far I am not happy with it. You all know how in-love I am with the edgy and creative mixing of sounds from Dome's "Question" album and I assumed that Dome delving in band music while finally release him from all the barriers preventing him from fully expressing himself with no qualms in "Question", but no, in this case, Mission 4 Project is even more contrived than "Question". As usual his voice is sweetened. The creative mixing is still there but some of the songs are just either unarranged well or are just bad. I agree with you that they have better solo songs. Joni has a good solo song but he sang the song too awkwardly. The same goes for Voy, although he handled his song with more ease, since his voice suits band music. James had the most horrible songs of all, simply because his voice sounds terrible with band music! His tenor voice has too much dynamics and doesn't match the edginess of band music. Dome can probably sing band music without a problem since he already did that in "Wud Sood Tai" and his other songs in "Question" but if they keep on sweetening his voice like this they will further repress the heights his voice can reach.

Overall, Mission 4 Project is a 5 out of 10 for me, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Their group songs are bad and most of their singing sound forced and the arrangement and progression is way too static. Their solo songs are ok but here's a message to RS: Just because they can play band music doesn't mean they can sing it. When you write songs for a singer, make sure the song suits their voice!

Recommendations: All their solo songs except James'. Dome has the best song in my opinion, if only they didn't sweeten his voice. Voy has an ok song if he can just sing the "sai lom" part in his first verse right. Joni's song is ok if you can ignore his voice and bad attempts at vocal acrobatics." -Sou Chan

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