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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


REVIEW:DOME's take on Romeo -by Kamiya Kaoru

Title: "Dome's Take on Romeo"
Desc: music video review of "Wad Sood Tai"

My limited knowledge of the Thai language enables me to only grasp like 10% of the lyrical content of any Thai song. So, the videos really are very important for me in order to do so. Of course, as long as the artist' doesn't spend the entire video singing before a solid colored background.

DOME's videos, usually the balladic ones, has to have a female lead in it. Here, the director decided that instead of the usual lack of distance between the female and the male (DOME), they would not have physical contact whatsoever! How they accomplish that, I will explain later.

The start was pretty interesting for it seems like DOME and his boys are just warming up or rehearsing for a gig but lo and behold, they are all dressed formally. Even the lead guitarist (who always likes to keep to himself and away from the fussy camera) had his hair ironed or was it flattened. Oh well, tsk tsk.

Of course, DOME himself, being the undisputed rebel was dressed formally but with his spiked hair and big transparent blue shades, strutting and waving his butt to the mike stand; will probably not convince Juliet's parents to let him inside their house.

But being DOME, he twists this common perception of a sweet, nice and respectable Romeo, instead trying to win his Juliet via his sexiness and his disregard for orthodox wooing methods. The prospective Juliet tries to dispose of the television (where his face prominently asks for her hand) and can't seem to do it. He just seems to resurface in the most unlikely of places.

Would it be more fun if the actual DOME were doing the chasing? Nah. This sort of virtual wooing via a dressed up band can woo any girl (no matter how much they frown and look for the nearest swimming pool or canal to throw that unwanted television).

RS pulls another creative and imaginative video. Not that much on storyboards, but relying on how DOME and the female lead interpret Romeo and Juliet in the cyber-age. Plus points go to the idea of using the television and the hilariously dressed up band, who amidst not being sold for dressing up, made this mating dance between DOME and the extraordinarily talented lady a hilarious romp.

On a last note, it is difficult to find a female lead that will spend the entire video being pissed at DOME and avoiding him at all means. Really, which insane woman would reject this unorthodox Romeo?

Well, if anyone says yes to the question could volunteer to be the Juliet. This video seriously asks for a remake (If you want to know our suggestions on how the remade version of "Wad Sood Tai" would be like, go to our discussion forums w/c can be accessed through the community page).


*Kamiya Kaoru is a 19 year old residing in Manila, Philippines. "Wad Sood Tai" is one of her favorite DOME videos because it makes her laugh a lot.

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