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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


ARTICLE: Mission 4 Project : A Long Diatride -by Kamiya Kaoru (October 17, 2000)

B. Archetypes

2. Voy: The Shy Underrated Bassist

I was not that great a fan of Jr. Voy and up to now, I have yet to like this duo even one bit. To my surprise, Voy was included in this Mission 4 Project album. I later found out that he had experience playing instruments. I was not surprised though that he will be assigned the most inconspicuous and less popular instrument, the bass.

Even before at the height of Jr. Voy's popularity, Voy had always played backseat to Jr. The girls would always notice and pay attention to the cute, bedimpled young Jr. while Voy quietly stayed in the shadows. That's why shy had to be one of the descriptions befitting Voy.

Still, I have to say because he is not used to hogging the spotlight, he was able to blend perfectly with the Mission 4 Project band. With his deep and almost deadpan voice, he perfectly suits the band music genre.

Why underrated? Well, if you are grouped with Joni, James and Dome, its difficult to get attention and credit. But being not that attention-grabbing, he can focus then on improving on his craft and do his best in the songs he is assigned. I have to admit that his solo song was sung quite well, though with minor voice editing. I am looking forward to hear him live.

If you are looking for a nice guy who is not that much wild and does not play such a cool instrument, Voy would be the closest representation to that kind of guy. Even though a bass is not that cool or exposed of an instruments, we have to remember that any band music needs a bass as a main foundation. Without it, the music collapses.


Go to next section : The Archetypes: Joni


A. Boys and their Toys

B. The Archetypes

1. James
2. Voy
3. Joni
4. Dome

C. Song by Song Analysis

D. Overall Analysis

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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum © 2000 was created and is being maintained by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. This is an UNOFFICIAL site and we are not related nor affiliated with Dome or his recording company. All rights reserved. All materials or writings used in this site are owned by us, except for images, published articles, interviews, reviews and the like, and no copyright infringement is intended.