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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


ARTICLE: Mission 4 Project : A Long Diatride -by Kamiya Kaoru (October 17, 2000)

B. Archetypes

This section of this article is an analysis of the archetypes each singer of Mission 4 Project represents. In case you don't know what an archetype is, an archetype, according to the Oxford American Dictionary, is "an original model from which others are copied". The archetypes are divided into four parts, first we tackle the archetype of James Mr. "I Can Play My Instruments But I Don't Belong Here" and so on and so forth. This is simply a presentation of the marketing move in this album: the four archetypes represented by each Mission 4 project represents each teenage girl's ideal man/boy/whatever packaged into a rock band.

The Archetypes:

James Mr. "I Can Play My Instruments But I Don't Belong Here"
Voy The Shy Underrated Bassist
Joni The Flamboyant Rocker
Dome The Experienced Rocker

Go to next section : The Archetypes: James


A. Boys and their Toys

B. The Archetypes

1. James
2. Voy
3. Joni
4. Dome

C. Song by Song Analysis

D. Overall Analysis

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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum © 2000 was created and is being maintained by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. This is an UNOFFICIAL site and we are not related nor affiliated with Dome or his recording company. All rights reserved. All materials or writings used in this site are owned by us, except for images, published articles, interviews, reviews and the like, and no copyright infringement is intended.